Empyrean: Return of the Fire Faery

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Empyrean: Return of the Fire Faery Page 12

by Twyla Turner

  “They’re where?” Imogen asked squinting into the faint pre-dawn light.

  “The mountains.”

  “What? They’re hiding behind the mountains?” She asked as she strained to see them.

  “No. They are the mountains.” Rafe explained.

  “What?!” Imogen burst out.

  “Shh!!!” They all hushed her in unison.

  “Sorry,” she cringed.

  Imogen looked back at the mountains. A look of confusion furrowed her brow. It was apparent that she still didn’t see what in the world they were talking about.

  “Do you remember passing through or going over mountains when we came this way from Unicris and past Dwarfinburg?” Daegan asked.

  “Well…no.” Imogen frowned thinking back. “I remember grassy hills. Some craggy foothills at most. But no, I don’t recall mountains.”

  “They’re blocking the way towards Myrkur,” Wakeley observed.

  “They’re blocking the way to Unicris and Mermaid Cove. God only knows what’s happening on the other side of the Alpanians.” Daegan commented with worry.

  It was obvious that Daegan was thinking of his family, his kind. I understood that though family can be troublesome and you may not get along, blood is blood. Nothing would change the fact that they were his family.

  “You both stay here,” Rafe instructed Imogen and Daegan. “We’re going to fly out of the forest and distract them. Hopefully, at least one will give chase. Once they do, there will be an opening to pass them. So Daegan run as fast as you can. As if your life depends on it.”

  “It will,” Daegan said honestly.

  “And if they don’t move?” Imogen asked.

  “Then we’ll come back here and regroup and come up with another plan,” Rafe answered.

  Imogen nodded and then turned to Daegan. As was their routine, he lowered himself down, and she threw her leg over his back before he stood again. Imogen patted his neck gently and entwined her hands in his mane.

  We can do this. She spoke with determination as I heard her thoughts to the black unicorn.

  Just stay low on my back and I’ll do the rest. He responded.

  Will do. And Daegan?


  Thank you for sticking with me through all of this.

  Of course, Immy. We’re in this together.


  Imogen breathed in deeply as if she was trying to calm the jitters running through her soul. I knew something told her that this plan of Rafe’s wasn’t going to work, just like I recognized it wouldn’t. But Imogen had no idea what they were dealing with, so she had to go along with his plan.

  The four faeries released their wings, and Imogen held her breath as they took off. Her palms were slick with sweat as she gripped Daegan’s mane. The faeries flew in a straight line towards to the mountains. Their trajectory was to pass right over the top of one of them. They all held their breaths, just as I did as they moved to pass over the peak. The breath that Imogen had been holding exploded through her lips in a gasp.

  Oh. My. GOD!

  The mountain peak the faeries were about to pass over, moved and rocks the shape of a giant arm shot out to stop them. Rafe and the other three faeries dodged the outstretched hand, careening in every direction to avoid slamming into the rock. Slowly, a whole section of the mountain ridge began to move. And Imogen’s eyes widened as the rock monster, camouflaged as a mountain, stood up.

  One mountain peak had been the elbow of the giant and a second peak was its bent knee, as it had lain in wait for someone to try to pass. It now stood to its full height. Imogen could hardly breathe as she looked up through the trees at the enormous giant. Under her, Daegan flexed his muscles, ready to sprint when he had an opening.

  The four faeries flew around the giant in dizzying circles. They looked like colorful little flies, buzzing around his face and down through his legs and up his back. The Alpanian swatted at them furiously. He stumbled as he tried to grab at them as they flew between his legs. He began to get frustrated and let out an earthshaking roar as the faeries glided away and the giant gave chase.

  He moved away from the other mountains and started to stomp after them. Rafe, Saffi, Wakeley, and Rae led him on a merry chase. The giant tried to grab at them, but they flew in an erratic pattern, weaving in and out of line. The ground shook with his every step as the giant lurched after them and Daegan side-stepped on the unsteady earth.

  A huge opening was left where the giant had been, and Daegan took off like a bullet. Imogen stayed low against his back and neck and tightened her hold on his black mane as his legs ate up the distance between them and the mountains. Both of them focused on the gap ahead, between the mountain ridges.

  As they got within a quarter of a mile to the opening, the mountains on either side began to move. Daegan pushed his muscles to the limit, and he nearly flew, his hooves barely touching the ground. They were almost there when a giant rock fist slammed down in front of them. I flinched and cringed just as Imogen closed her eyes and grimaced, ready to crash into the rock wall the Alpanian’s arm suddenly made.

  Daegan’s muscles bunched as he skidded and changed directions, running alongside the now moving mountains. Imogen’s eyes flew open when she realized they hadn’t crashed into the rock fist. She looked back and saw a giant hand reach out to grab them.

  “Faster, Daegan! Faster!” Imogen screamed over the wind whistling past them.

  Daegan pushed harder and zigzagged to the left, just out of reach of the giant. At this point, the other Alpanians began to rise. It was obvious they didn’t have a shot in Hades of getting past any of them.

  “Fall back!” Rafe shouted as the faeries flew down closer to the other two. “Back to the forest!”

  Imogen and Daegan were already headed in that direction as a rock whizzed past her head. A few feet in front of them a boulder exploded into a thousand pieces when it hit the ground. She glanced back, and the giants were picking up huge rocks from the ground and throwing them at their group.

  Rafe spun out of the way of a particularly jagged rock. The other three faeries shot up high into the sky to avoid the barrage of boulders coming at them.

  Oh my God! We’re not gonna make it! Imogen thought.

  We’ll make-

  “Noooo!!!” I gasped from the safety of my bed.

  Daegan was cut short as one of the boulders hit them with the force of a bullet. Imogen went flying through the air and then her world went black. Before darkness enveloped her, Imogen heard her name being screamed.

  Chapter 17


  I flew low to the ground in a zigzag pattern as rocks and boulders whizzed past my body. I looked over at Imogen and Daegan, and he also dodged the rocks that were thrown. But as he shifted to the left to avoid one rock that passed him on the right, another rock sailed through the air at the same time. It hit his hindquarters and bounced up to crack Immy on the back. I watched in horror as the impact, ripped her from her seat on the unicorn’s back and sent her flying through the air.

  “IMMY!” I screamed her name as her body hit a tree.

  I flew down and scooped her up into my arms and carried her through the air deeper into the protection of the forest. Saffi, Wakeley, and Rae followed, with Daegan limping along behind them. Knowing that they were okay, I focused my attention on the unconscious girl in my arms.

  “Immy? Can you hear me?” I asked frantically.

  I pulled off her helmet to help give her more air. I felt for her pulse at the same time I lowered my ear to her mouth to hear if she was breathing. A sudden gasp for breath burst through her lips, and I flinched back to look down at her. Her amber eyes fluttered open, and she looked around fearfully. Like she was about to jump up and run for it.

  “It’s okay. We’re safe for now.” I soothed her, seeing her panic rise to the surface. “Are you alright? Is anything broken?”

  She took a breath and moved a little, testing her limbs. “No. I don’t think so
. I think I just got the wind knocked out of me.”

  I sighed heavily with relief. My heart finally dislodged from my throat, where it had been the minute I saw the rock hit them.

  “Daegan is hurt, but Imogen is fine,” Rae spoke up, her ability to feel pain helped to analyze the situation.

  She positioned her hands over Daegan’s body and her healing pulses passed over him. Imogen slowly sat up and felt around her armor. There wasn’t even a dent in it from the rock striking her or her body hitting the tree.

  “No dents. Not even a scratch.” Immy said in amazement. “I’m never taking this armor off.”

  We all chuckled shakily. It was way too close of a call.

  “Are you alright, Daegan?” She looked up at him in concern.

  “I’m okay, Immy. Well, I am now. Thanks to Rae.” He nodded to the purple faery.

  “You’re welcome, Daegan,” Rae smiled humbly.

  “We need a new plan.” Immy sighed and held out her hand for me to help her up. Once she was up and steady on her feet, I took longer than was probably necessary to release her hand.

  “What could we possibly come up with to get around them?” Saffi asked the group in general.

  I was all out of ideas as I looked around at everyone else. Wakeley looked slightly deflated. He’d been so ready for battle. My eyes landed on Immy. Her forehead was furrowed as her mind tried to figure out our dilemma. I watched as her face lit up with an idea.

  “We’re not going to get around them. We’re going to destroy them.” Imogen said confidently.

  “And how do you suppose we do that?” Wakeley asked skeptically.

  “Science,” Immy smiled, and it lit up her whole face. Everyone frowned at her, and she continued. “What is the one thing in nature that can destroy rock?” She looked at all of us expectantly.

  Everyone shrugged, drawing blanks.

  “Water!” She answered her own question. “Water is the one thing that can get into all the cracks and crevices of a rock. It can either wear it down over time, or when winter comes and freezes the water inside the rock, it expands making the rock crack.” She said with excitement.

  We all just gave her doubtful looks.

  “Don’t you see?! Rafe, you’re a water faery. You can find a way to pour water over them. And Saffi, you’re an air faery. I felt how cold the air was that you blasted the camp with other night. You could freeze the water that Rafe pours over them.”

  “Doesn’t it take months or even years for ice to break through rock?” Rae asked.

  “Well, maybe that part won’t work, but if Saffi freezes the water, it’ll freeze them. Which will give us some time. Then, Rafe, you have the power to move water, even when it’s inside of something, right?” She looked at me hopefully.


  “Well then, once Saffi freezes them, you’ll then have time to use the water to basically rip them in two. Get it?!” Immy smiled brightly, waiting for everyone to get on board.

  “I think it just might work,” Rae grinned.

  “Good job, Immy.” Daegan nudged her with his muzzle.

  “Thanks.” Immy flushed at the compliment. “Hey, what about you Wakeley?”

  “What about me?” Wakeley looked confused.

  “Aren’t you an earth faery? Can’t you stop them or at least trip them up if it’s too hard to hold them frozen?” Immy asked. She was obviously making sure he was a pivotal part in the battle.

  Wakeley shrugged and nodded his head. “Yeah, I could do that.”

  I could tell that he was trying to hide his excitement at the prospect of being able to help destroy the Giants, but it was obvious he was ready to burst.

  “Okay, so here’s what we’re gonna do…” Immy began, and we all leaned in closely.

  Chapter 18

  Together, they stood at the edge of the forest once more. I was nervous but felt a bit more confident about Imogen’s new plan as I clutched at my blankets, my eyes still seeing the conflict miles away.

  Imogen looked over at the faeries to her left and Rafe glanced over at her. He gave her a smirk and a wink, and she smiled back. Imogen’s cheeks flushed at the flirtatious gesture. She then turned to Daegan on her right, and he nodded his head. The two didn’t have much to do this time around. It would be all up to the faeries.

  They looked out across the open pasture to the Alpanians. The rock giants were no longer lying down to camouflage themselves as mountains. Now they sat cross-legged, awaiting their return.

  Rafe unfurled his wings. They fluttered quickly before he shot up into the air. He hovered in mid-air and the Giants watched him curiously. Rafe stretched out his arms and concentrated. His arms began to shake with his effort. A rumbling noise began, and Imogen glanced to her left and then right. On either side of the Alpanians were two massive tidal waves that rose up hundreds of feet in the air. This part of Empyrean was bisected by two large lakes, and it looked as if Rafe had lifted all of the water from both of them. The two waves continued to move quickly towards the giants as Rafe guided them with his hands.

  Once the waves were above the rock giants, he let the water crash down on top of them. The Alpanians looked at each other and laughed. Their laughter was a deep thunderous sound. Its bass stretched out for miles, scaring every woodland creature in a ten-mile radius.

  Now, it was Saffi’s turn. She glided up in the air to hover next to Rafe. She looked over at him, and he nodded. She pushed her hands out in front of her and a blast of wind whipped through the forest, past the others watching from the tree line, and towards the rock monsters. The air was subzero in temperature and Imogen huddled close to Daegan as it passed by.

  The laughing giants realized too late that they’d underestimated the ragtag group of warriors. Their laughter was cut short as they froze in a matter of seconds. Their mouths stuck open, mid-laugh. The group cheered their excitement, as I lifted my frail arm and punched the air. Our celebration was short-lived, though. The Alpanians’ strength proved to be more powerful than the frozen water. The sounds of cracks in the ice echoed across the field. One of the Giants’ arms move and everyone’s smiles of triumph quickly faded. Rafe saw the movement and quickly went into action.

  He focused on the giant that had moved. Rafe strained as he brought his hands together in front of him as if he was crushing an invisible object together. The giant looked as if he was being compressed, his body curling inside itself and the sounds of crunching and cracking reverberated loudly. Then Rafe flung his hands apart, and the rock monster exploded into a million little pieces.

  In my excitement, I squeezed my hands into fists as I heard Imogen shout in her head, YES!

  It’s not over yet. Look! Daegan pointed with his silver horn.


  The other giants were starting to move more. Fighting against the frozen water. Imogen looked over to the green faery.

  “Wakeley! NOW!” She shouted out.

  Wakeley kneeled down to the ground and pressed his hands into the earth. Two green trails shot out from his hands. As they got closer to the Giants, they splintered off like lightning spreads across the sky in an evening storm. From the ground, thorny vines snaked out and began wrapping themselves around the Giants, holding them down to the ground. Sweat broke out across Wakeley’s forehead as he concentrated on trapping the powerful Alpanians.

  Once all of the Giants were held down by Wakeley’s earthly restraints, one by one, Rafe used his power over water to obliterate each one. Their rock bodies exploded and crumbled under the force. The last Alpanian roared in protest before his body burst apart. Imogen flinched back and covered her face with her arm, as the shattering rock nearly reached the edge of the forest.

  As the realization hit that they had just destroyed the Alpanians, a loud cheer went up from their group. Imogen hugged Daegan’s neck, and he stomped his hoof in excitement. Wakeley collapsed on the ground, and Rafe and Saffi landed beside him. They too, crumpled to the earth next to him. They smiled happil
y in their exhaustion.

  “You guys did it!” Imogen exclaimed.

  “You did it.” Rafe panted as he tried to catch his breath.

  “Me? I just stood here watching with my heart in my throat.”

  “It was your idea. An amazing idea, I might add.” Rafe complimented her. “Way better than mine.”

  “Thanks.” Imogen flushed and turned away. “Uh… You three look like you need some rest before we head to the next trial. Let’s go back and tell the dwarves the good news.” She suggested.

  Rae helped Wakeley up, and Imogen reached out both hands to help Saffi and Rafe. When they stood, Rafe held onto her hand a little longer than was necessary, and a shiver ran through her body. His imprints had lightened to sky blue, and he stared at Imogen until she could no longer hold his gaze.

  “Come on, let’s head back,” Imogen said to break the tension.

  They all started to make their way back to the dwarf camp. Daegan walked up beside Imogen and nudged her with his large body.

  You’re brilliant and beautiful, and he sees that.

  And you’re crazy and blind. She responded, playing dumb. Denial was so much easier than possible rejection.

  Don’t play like you’re dumb. It’s not becoming of an intelligent young woman. Just be yourself, he seems to like the real you. Daegan reprimanded her.

  We’re just friends and allies. Nothing more.

  I wasn’t sure if she was trying to convince the persistent unicorn of that or herself.

  You just keep telling yourself that. Daegan retorted.

  I smiled and breathed deeply. I released my death grip on my blankets now that the first battle had been won. Imogen was beginning to accept her role as leader and she and Rafe’s attraction for one another was building with each passing moment they were together. Everything was going just as my visions had shown me hundreds of years ago.

  My vision cleared, and I was finally able to see my actual surroundings. My body was weary. As if I’d been the one in battle. I flopped back onto my pillows in exhaustion, unable to imagine how I was going to make it through another three gauntlets. The excitement alone was too much for my old heart.


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