Only Lover

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Only Lover Page 5

by Carole Mortimer

  ‘Unsociable tonight, weren’t you, Joel?’ remarked a tall blond man.

  Joel grinned at him. ‘Farrah’s worth being unsociable for,’ he said smoothly.

  There was a knowing gleam in the other man’s eyes. ‘Trust you to come up with someone new and beautiful. Where are you going now?’

  ‘Farrah has a headache,’ he explained. He turned to look at her pale face, bending suddenly to kiss her parted lips. Farrah was taken completely by surprise and responded without thinking. She registered firm caressing lips on her own before they were slowly removed. Joel’s blue eyes shone down at her in challenge, and to her shame she was the first to look away. He turned back to his friends. ‘I’m taking her home now. We’ll join you another time.’ And with a casual goodbye they left the nightclub.

  Farrah was literally shaking. That kiss had got her completely off guard, and she wondered at the need for such a display. Unless Joel was just claiming the kiss she had said she could give him. Whatever his reason had been it had just confirmed his attraction to her and made her all the more wary.

  ‘Calm down, honey,’ Joel drawled once they were back in the car. ‘You’ll worry yourself into an early grave. It wasn’t anything important.’

  ‘No,’ she said dully. ‘I just wish you’d warned me. I could have done something stupid.’

  ‘Instead of which you kissed me back. Simon said you look beautiful, I guess I forgot to tell you that. The dress is perfect, and you have a good figure.’

  ‘You don’t need to tell me this. I’ve been kissed before.’

  ‘I know. That’s why I’m not sure why this one shook you so much. It did, didn’t it?’ he looked sideways at her.

  ‘It was unexpected,’ she insisted.

  ‘Why? You surely didn’t expect to get away with a bit of hand-holding and a few smiles?’

  ‘You mean there’ll be more—kissing?’ She hoped her dismay wasn’t too evident.

  ‘Quite a lot more, I should say. That was only for starters. My Italian blood calls for something a little more potent than that.’

  Farrah moved uncomfortably, wishing to channel the conversation into something less personal to herself. ‘Has your family lived in America long?’

  ‘My great-grandfather left Italy as a young child—and was later excommunicated from his religion for a misdeed I won’t go into,’ he said grimly.

  ‘Your great-grandfather was excommunicated! But why?’

  ‘I said I wouldn’t go into it.’

  ‘I know, but—’

  ‘Farrah! Stop being so damned inquisitive! If you really must know, he was what was commonly known as a gangster in those days.’

  ‘He belonged to the Mafia!’ she cried excitedly. ‘I told Daddy—’

  ‘Yes?’ he said tautly. ‘What did you tell your father?’

  Farrah hung her head guiltily. ‘I said you looked as if you belonged to the Mafia.’

  With a screech of brakes the car came to an abrupt halt. ‘You said what?’ Joel demanded between clenched teeth.

  ‘That you looked as if you belonged to the Mafia,’ she repeated miserably.

  His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel. ‘Don’t ever say that again,’ he ground out. ‘Not even in jest.’ He was too angry to be bothered or care about the drivers who were now overtaking them, tooting angrily at his sudden braking.

  ‘That’s what Daddy said.’

  ‘Then you should have listened to him. My great-grandfather is dead now, he has been for years, but it ruined my grandfather’s life having him for a father. He was frightened of every little shadow, and he trusted no one. That’s no way to live.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Farrah said quietly.

  ‘So you damn well should be. Not every Italian-American is involved in the Mafia, Farrah.’ He gave a grim smile, restarting the car. ‘You’ve been watching too much television.’

  ‘I also told Daddy that you couldn’t be involved in such a thing because you aren’t the violent type, powerful but not violent for violence’ sake.’

  ‘Just keep remembering that,’ his face was grim.

  ‘Are you very angry?’ she asked tentatively.

  ‘Very,’ came his uncompromising reply. ‘But no doubt I’ll get over it.’

  ‘I didn’t mean it, you know,’ she said nervously.

  ‘Okay, let’s forget it,’ Joel replied impatiently. ‘What does it matter?’

  ‘It obviously matters to you. I didn’t realise when I said it that there would be the remotest connection—’

  ‘There isn’t! For God’s sake, Farrah, just drop the subject. Let’s talk about something more pleasant. When will you tell your father about his job? I’ll be informing the department of his return tomorrow. Will he be well enough to return on Monday?’

  ‘I should think so. This news is all that he needs to cheer him up.’

  ‘Make sure he knows about us before he returns,’ Joel warned. ‘The company will be rife with gossip about us by then, and he could hear it from anyone.’

  ‘Yes,’ Farrah said dully. For a moment there she had forgotten their evening out had been all a pretence. He had a way of making her forget everything but him and the sexual magnetism he exuded.

  Joel brought the car to a halt outside her block of flats. ‘We’ll meet for lunch tomorrow. I’ll call for you at twelve-thirty. Will you be free to leave town tomorrow evening? I thought we might go to my country house for the weekend. Can you manage that?’

  The whole weekend in his company! ‘Is that really necessary? I thought you said we would leave it a couple of weeks before—before spending the night together.’

  He turned in his seat, his arm resting along the back of her seat. ‘I’ve changed my mind.’

  ‘What about Miss Bennett? You said she visited your home unannounced.’

  ‘Not any more she doesn’t. I insisted on it after that incident with her coming in on me like that. I wouldn’t deliberately take you anywhere I knew Laura was going to be.’ He shrugged. ‘If we meet by chance then that can’t be helped, anything else would be suspect.’

  Farrah looked at him with huge green eyes. ‘She’s very beautiful, isn’t she?’

  ‘Laura? I guess so, if you find that sort of beauty appealing.’

  ‘But you did once,’ she said daringly.

  ‘I still do, it’s her nature that’s hard to live with.’ He was watching her closely. ‘You have green eyes too, but they aren’t at all like Laura’s. Hers are slanted like a cat’s, yours are soft like a kitten. Perhaps that’s the difference between you, you haven’t found your claws yet.’ His mouth twisted. ‘But it shouldn’t be long now. Once you realise your power over men, I should say.’

  ‘I don’t want power over men. I just want someone to love and have them love me.’

  ‘Don’t we all?’ he said dryly.

  ‘I don’t believe it! You said you didn’t believe in love.’

  His hand moved to the nape of her neck, gently caressing. ‘I could just change my mind.’

  Farrah withstood his touch with remarkable calm, considering she was trembling inside. ‘I doubt it. You’re a hardened cynic.’

  Joel removed his arm, straightening in his seat. ‘You could be right. Will you be okay for the weekend?’

  ‘I should think so,’ she admitted reluctantly. ‘Although I’ll have to tell my father I’m staying with a girl friend. About lunch tomorrow, could I meet you in reception? It’s going to be bad enough in the office from now on as it is, without you turning up all the time.’

  ‘Never mind. They’ll have the weekend to get over their shock. Some of them might even have forgotten it by Monday.’

  Farrah grimaced. ‘I doubt it. It isn’t the sort of thing you forget easily. I’ll go in now.’

  His eyes glinted at her in the darkness. ‘No goodnight kiss?’ he taunted.

  ‘Certainly not! There’s no audience now, Mr Falcone.’

  ‘No, I guess not. Oh well, sweet
dreams, Farrah Halliday.’

  ‘I doubt it.’

  She heard his throaty chuckle as she ran up the stairs to the flat. This might only be pretence, but her first assumption was correct, like the tiger Joel Falcone was dangerous. And he had described her as a mere kitten! She didn’t stand a chance against him, she doubted if anyone did.

  ‘Farrah?’ her father called when she had let herself into the flat. ‘Is that you?’

  ‘Yes, Daddy. Are you in bed?’

  ‘Mmm, I feel extraordinarily tired today, I don’t know why,’ he lowered his voice as she came to the open door of his bedroom. ‘Your new dress is lovely, Farrah. Was all this for Nigel?’

  Farrah looked at him with love in her eyes. Her father did look very tired, it was probably all this worry so soon after her mother’s death. ‘No, it wasn’t for Nigel. I—I have something to tell you, Daddy.’ She saw him try to repress a yawn and frowned worriedly at his drawn face. ‘It doesn’t matter, Daddy. It isn’t that important, I can tell you tomorrow.’


  She nodded hurriedly, almost eagerly. ‘I’m sure. You have a good night’s rest and I’ll see you in the morning.’

  ‘O.K., love. Goodnight.’

  ‘Goodnight.’ She made her way quietly to her own room, undressing slowly in the darkness, her thoughts in a turmoil. She should have told him of her evening out with Joel Falcone and got it over with. This way she was just prolonging the agony. But her father had looked tired, much too tired to be worried with any more problems. She only hoped that after hearing of her relationship with Joel he accepted the offer of his job back for what it was, and not as part payment for his daughter. That was the last thing it was!


  ‘ARE you completely mad, Farrah?’ Fiona demanded for the second time. ‘Joel Falcone of all people!’ she said in disgust.

  The two girls were sharing their coffee break, or rather Fiona had decided to join Farrah by pulling up a chair next to Farrah’s desk and sitting down determinedly. Farrah shrugged. ‘Why not Joel Falcone?’ she asked casually. She was well aware of the notorious reputation she now had. Everywhere she went in the building people were looking at her and gossiping when they thought she wasn’t looking. And probably wondering what her attraction was, she shouldn’t wonder.

  ‘Because of Laura Bennett!’

  ‘You said it yourself, Fiona, they aren’t faithful to each other. They aren’t married, you know.’

  ‘Yes, but—’

  ‘Their affair is over, Fiona, it was over long before I came on the scene.’

  ‘Is that what he told you?’ Fiona asked knowingly. ‘You surely haven’t fallen for that old “she doesn’t understand me” line?’ she said scathingly.

  Farrah had to laugh. ‘No,’ she chuckled, ‘he didn’t regale me with that one.’

  Fiona shook her head. ‘Then I don’t understand. I didn’t think you were the sort of girl to go out with someone of his kind.’

  ‘Forgive my asking, Fiona, and I’m not being nasty, but what does that sort of girl look like?’

  Fiona flushed. ‘All right, I get your meaning. But he is pretty lethal, and you are going out with him. I wasn’t mistaken about Wednesday, was I? You did go up to Mr Falcone’s office, didn’t you?’

  ‘I did, yes. He’s rather handsome, though, isn’t he?’ Farrah had known exactly how she was going to act if anyone began questioning her. It would be no good declaring her innocence, so she would just have to act deliberately blasé. It seemed to be working very well, Fiona was very shocked by her behaviour, and she wasn’t a girl who was easily shocked.

  ‘Fantastic,’ she agreed. ‘But that isn’t the point, is it?’

  ‘I realise your concern, Fiona, I can even feel grateful for it, but it isn’t necessary. Joel’s finished with Miss Bennett,’ she deliberately used their employer’s first name.

  ‘Maybe, but does she feel the same way? She isn’t someone to tangle with lightly,’ Fiona warned.

  Farrah finished her coffee and threw her empty plastic cup in the waste bin. ‘I’ve never met her,’ she said slowly. ‘Although I gather she’s a rather formidable lady.’

  ‘I’m not so sure about the lady. But you can’t steal someone else’s man and not get an adverse reaction.’

  She gave a slight smile. ‘I haven’t stolen Joel, Fiona, he wasn’t hers to steal.’ He would never belong to anyone! ‘And Joel does what he wants to do,’ she added truthfully.

  ‘I can imagine,’ Fiona said dryly. ‘But how did you meet him?’

  Farrah shrugged. ‘By accident, in the corridor about a week ago.’

  ‘Only a week ago!’ squeaked Fiona. ‘You certainly became close in a short time.’

  ‘He’s that sort of man, you either love him or you hate him.’

  ‘And you love him?’

  No, she hated him! ‘I guess so,’ she lied.

  Fiona stood up. ‘In that case there’s no point in my saying any more. You’ve obviously made up your mind what you want to do. What will you do if Miss Bennett decides to turn nasty and try and get you the sack?’

  Farrah paled. It was something she hadn’t thought of. ‘Joel wouldn’t allow that. Anyway, it shouldn’t come to that,’ she evaded.

  ‘But it may do. He may just be using you to make her jealous.’

  ‘I don’t think so, Fiona. He really is finished with her.’

  ‘Oh, well, you know best,’ she shrugged. ‘Are you joining us for lunch?’

  Usually on a Friday all the girls in the office went out to the local restaurant for lunch. Farrah had forgotten all about it. She shook her head regretfully. ‘Not today. I have to go out.’

  ‘Meeting Mr Falcone?’

  Farrah blushed. ‘Yes, I am, as a matter of fact.’

  ‘Well, I suppose you know your own mind.’

  As Farrah waited in the reception for Joel Falcone at twelve-thirty she wondered if what Fiona had said was true. How could she know her own mind when she had allowed herself to be browbeaten into this situation? She wasn’t usually this weak-minded, and yet Joel Falcone had walked right over her from the start.

  She had rung Nigel this morning and cancelled their date for this evening, which he hadn’t taken very kindly to. He had liked it even less that she was unable to see him at all over the weekend, finally hanging up the telephone in bad humour.

  Joel Falcone stepped unhurriedly out of his private lift, walking over to where she sat with long easy strides. ‘Hello, honey,’ he pulled her to her feet by holding her hands. ‘I didn’t keep you waiting, did I?’

  ‘No.’ Farrah had to force herself to realise that deep warm smile wasn’t really for her, but part of their act.

  ‘Good.’ He took her hand, uncaring of the receptionist’s gaping face. ‘Let’s go, then. I’ve booked a table for twelve forty-five.’

  As yesterday the car was waiting for them and it didn’t take long for them to drive the short distance to the Italian restaurant Joel had selected. Farrah allowed Joel to choose her meal for her, and relaxed only slightly when the waitress had brought their drinks. They had a corner table and as it was relatively dark in the restaurant Farrah felt very secluded with Joel, and that made her feel nervous. He on the other hand was his usual confident self.

  ‘Had any trouble this morning?’ he enquired.

  How handsome he looked in his chocolate brown suit and cream shirt! Farrah sipped her drink to steady her nerves. It was quite an experience to enter a restaurant with a man like Joel Falcone, his bearing and harsh good looks instantly commanded attention and the manager of the restaurant himself had seen them to their table.

  ‘Not really. Fiona offered me some advice I can do without.’

  ‘Fiona is the girl you were talking to yesterday, right?’ He acknowledged her nod. ‘And she told you not to get mixed up with me, especially as I’m your boss.’

  ‘Something like that. I’m glad you find it amusing,’ she snapped. ‘I had to sit ther
e and take that sort of advice. She thinks I’m a man-stealer.’

  Joel laughed. ‘I doubt it. Most people know I won’t be owned by any woman, and Laura has pushed me just a little too far.’

  ‘I suppose so. But she seemed to think Miss Bennett might get nasty.’

  ‘Undoubtedly she will,’ he drew on his cheroot. ‘Like I told you, she’s a cat when roused.’

  ‘And I’m a kitten.’

  ‘Don’t worry, Farrah, I wouldn’t let Laura hurt you.’

  ‘You may not be able to stop her. I—er—I have something to ask you,’ she said nervously.

  She instantly had all his attention. ‘That sounds ominous. Has your father been up to something else I ought to know about?’

  ‘No, he has not! But it is about Father,’ she admitted. ‘Could you—I mean, would you tell him about his job?’

  His blue eyes narrowed. ‘Why?’

  Farrah allowed the waitress to place her meal before her before answering. A delicious aroma invaded her nostrils and she began to feel hungry. Joel had ordered them both chicken, and the sauce covering it smelt absolutely lovely. The rice and peas also looked perfectly cooked, and although she hadn’t been looking forward to this lunch out with him she could feel her mouth watering in anticipation of her meal.

  ‘I shall have to tell Daddy this evening about us, but if I also tell him he can come back to work on Monday at the same time he could become suspicious. His pride would never stand it, you know.’

  ‘I guess not.’ As she had begun to eat her meal he did likewise. ‘Okay,’ he nodded, ‘I’ll see to it this afternoon. Security suspended him, so they can reinstate him. He won’t even know I had anything to do with it.’

  ‘Oh, thank you!’ her eyes glowed.

  ‘You’re easily pleased,’ he said softly. ‘No kiss offered this time?’

  Farrah blushed. ‘No! You know I didn’t mean it the last time. It’s just a figure of speech.’ So far today Joel had been the reserved business man of their first meeting, and she wasn’t sure if she preferred him like that or in the more provoking mood he was beginning to adopt with her.


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