Only Lover

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Only Lover Page 8

by Carole Mortimer

  The kitchen was deserted and placing the flowers on a worktop she looked about for a vase. There must be one somewhere in the house. She finally routed one out at the back of the larder and it was almost one-thirty by the time she had arranged the flowers decoratively in its long length, and still no one had returned. It was all very puzzling.

  As Farrah entered the hallway, the vase of flowers firmly held between her hands, Joel stormed through the open front door. Stormed was the operative word, his eyes were blazing and he looked positively furious.

  ‘Where the hell have you been?’ he demanded savagely, grasping her forearms and knocking the vase out of her hands. It hit the floor with a thud, not breaking on the thick carpet, but spilling its contents everywhere.

  ‘Oh, Joel!’ Farrah gasped her dismay, bending down to begin picking up the scattered flowers. She looked up at him reproachfully. ‘What did you do that for?’

  Joel wrenched her back on to her feet, shaking her ruthlessly. ‘I asked you where you’d been!’

  ‘But the flowers—’

  ‘Damn the flowers! Answer me, Farrah, where have you been?’

  His mouth was tight with anger and his blue eyes had that icy chill to them that she hadn’t seen since their first meeting. She shook her head, dazed by his behaviour. ‘I’ve been out in the garden. I told you I was going there.’

  ‘I know what you told me,’ he said between gritted teeth. ‘But you weren’t there at twelve-thirty when I went to look for you. You’ve had George and me out looking for you for over an hour now and I walk in and find you calmly arranging flowers!’

  ‘You— You’ve been looking for me?’ Her eyes were huge and apprehensive, his anger with her a tangible thing.

  ‘Of course we damn well have! George is still out there searching the grounds,’ he ran his hand through his already tousled hair. ‘Where were you? I called you and when you didn’t answer I came to the house. George said he saw you about ten-thirty, but not since then.’

  Farrah looked slightly abashed. ‘I was in the garden, Joel, really I was. I didn’t hear you because I—I fell asleep,’ she admitted reluctantly.

  ‘You what!’ Joel looked positively astounded. ‘You what!’ he repeated loudly. ‘No, don’t bother to answer that. You fell asleep!’ He smote his fist on his forehead.

  She was back down on her knees attempting to pick up the flowers. At least down here she didn’t have to look at his angry face. ‘It was so nice out there,’ she mumbled. ‘Peaceful, and quite warm in the shelter of the shrubs, and I just—I just fell asleep.’

  She finally had to stand up, the flowers all safely gathered back into her arms. There was still the growing wet patch on the floor to deal with, but she would see to that in a moment. For now she had to face Joel, and that was enough to cope with. She looked at him through the multicoloured blooms. ‘I’m sorry,’ she whispered huskily. ‘I didn’t realise you would be worried about me.’

  ‘You didn’t—! No, I don’t suppose you did,’ he answered his own exclamation. ‘Well, I was. Damn worried!’ He pulled her roughly against him, crushing her and the flowers hard against his chest. His arms were like steel bands and his chin felt rough against her forehead. ‘Don’t ever do that again, Farrah. Not ever!’

  ‘But I—’

  She was silenced by the firm pressure of his mouth on hers, and all thoughts of anything but the barricade of feelings she felt at his touch were erased. One of his hands held her head immovable and his lips ravaged hers with anger. Her eyes were closed with emotion and she responded to this kiss that was an attack on the senses. This time there was no thought of denial and her lips opened willingly beneath the brutality of his, allowing him free licence with the moist sweetness of her mouth.

  What would have happened next she would never know, a discreet cough behind Joel breaking them apart, and he turned to face George. Farrah was blushing profusely and the flowers were now a sorry sight, crushed beyond recognition. And the front of her blouse was now stained beyond repair.

  George entered the house. ‘I see you found Miss Halliday, sir.’

  Joel still maintained a detaining hand on her arm. ‘As you can see, George. Miss Halliday had inadvertently fallen asleep.’

  The manservant looked pointedly at the crushed limp flowers. ‘In the garden I presume, sir.’

  Joel grinned. ‘You presume aright. Miss Halliday—accidentally spilt the flowers,’ he explained erroneously.

  ‘I did not! You—’

  ‘I helped, I’m afraid,’ Joel’s grin widened. ‘Still, no harm done. I’ll get a cloth from the kitchen and mop up this mess.’

  George looked affronted. ‘You most certainly will not, sir. That is my job.’

  Joel looked at the still indignant Farrah. ‘You’ve upset him, you know, bringing down that tray this morning.’

  ‘And making her bed,’ added George.

  ‘Ah yes, don’t forget the bed,’ drawled his employer, obviously enjoying Farrah’s discomfiture.

  ‘I’m sorry. It’s just that I’m not used to people doing things for me.’ She looked down ruefully at her blouse. ‘I think I’d better go and change, I’m slightly wet.’

  ‘Mmm,’ Joel blatantly admired the firm outline of her pointed breasts now clearly visible under the clinging material. ‘Slightly.’ His mouth twisted.

  ‘If you will give me the flowers, Miss Halliday,’ George said pointedly, ‘I will endeavour to get you some fresh blooms after lunch.’

  Farrah couldn’t look at either of them, she was so embarrassed. ‘Thank you,’ she murmured before running up the stairs, her face aflame with emotion.

  Once in her bedroom she leant back on the closed door, her breathing ragged. Joel had kissed her. And there had been no witnesses! At least, no intentional ones. George’s entrance had been unexpected by both of them. And yet Joel had kissed her, kissed her as no one else had ever done. And she had liked it! She had enjoyed the mastery of his touch and the way his mouth had parted hers. She had been able to smell his aftershave and the not unpleasant smell of perspiration where he had been riding. It was a completely masculine smell and stirred the senses.

  She changed into a pink and black flower print skirt and a black vest top tucked in neatly at the waist. Denims were all very well for some occasions, but sometimes she liked to feel feminine, and the fashions were such at the moment that all the skirts were pretty, flowered, and most of all, feminine. She put on wedge sandals that gave her extra height and confidence, feeling she needed plenty of the latter to face Joel again.

  Joel had changed too and was now wearing denims and a matching denim shirt. He quirked an eyebrow at her appearance but said nothing. ‘Lunch in five minutes,’ he said coolly. ‘Care for a drink?’

  ‘No, thanks.’

  They ate their meal in silence and Farrah was left to wonder what they would do for the rest of the day. Once again they retired to the lounge after their meal and Farrah watched Joel nervously. He seemed different now, more detached—and more like the Joel Falcone she had first known.

  ‘I suppose you’re annoyed about that kiss we shared earlier,’ he said finally, breaking the silence that was becoming unbearable.

  Annoyed! Annoyance was the last emotion she felt! Pleasure, yes, and bewilderment, but never annoyance. She cleared her throat. ‘I—’

  ‘It was necessary, you know,’ he interrupted.

  Her look sharpened. ‘Necessary?’

  ‘Mm. I could hear George returning and our conversation wasn’t exactly loverlike,’ he mocked, his eyes shuttered and unreadable.

  Farrah licked her suddenly dry lips. ‘I see. So you did it because you heard George.’

  ‘What else?’ He quirked an enquiring eyebrow.

  ‘Quite,’ she managed a tight smile. ‘I did wonder. It was rather sudden and you took me by surprise.’

  ‘Is that your excuse for responding?’ he asked cruelly.

  Farrah’s eyes flared. ‘I—’

Don’t deny it, Farrah, I know response when I feel it. And you were definitely responding!’

  ‘Okay, I admit you know how to kiss. But then you’ve had plenty of experience,’ she added bitchily.

  Joel laughed throatily. ‘If you’re trying to annoy me, Farrah, you’re going about it the wrong way. Now pull another stunt like your disappearing act this morning and I might lose my temper.’

  ‘It was not a stunt! I genuinely fell asleep.’

  ‘Oh, I believe you. Your eyes were all drowsy as if from lovemaking, and as I’m sure it wasn’t that it had to have been from sleep.’ He stood up. ‘I’m going into town. Do you want to come?’

  ‘I—no—no, I don’t think so,’ she said stubbornly.

  Joel shrugged. ‘Please yourself.’

  ‘I intend to.’

  ‘That’s what I thought.’

  Farrah regretted her stubbornness later in the afternoon. She really didn’t know what to do with herself. She could have offered to help George, but she had probably offended him enough for one day. The garden bore another hour’s perusal, and she went into the stable and spoke to Naomi for a while but in the end felt slightly ridiculous talking to a horse. All this beauty was very enjoyable, but not alone. It was the sort of atmosphere that needed to be shared with someone.

  Joel finally arrived home about an hour before dinner, handing her a gaily wrapped parcel before pouring himself out a whisky at her refusal. ‘Aren’t you going to open it?’ He indicated the parcel in her lap.

  She picked it up, staring at it fixedly. ‘I— You didn’t have to buy me a present.’

  ‘I know that. I thought you’d like it.’

  ‘What is it?’

  He took a gulp of whisky. ‘Open it and see.’

  Farrah slowly stripped off the paper, revealing an expensive-looking flat jewellery case. Her fingers trembled as she slipped the catch to open the box, almost dropping it as she saw what it contained. Nestling among a black velvet lining was a platinum bracelet, emeralds set between the links and diamonds surrounding the emeralds. Farrah had never seen anything so beautiful.

  She looked up to encounter blue eyes studying her intently. ‘Is it real?’ she whispered, shaking her head at her stupidity. ‘Forget that question,’ she smiled shakily. ‘Of course it’s real.’ She took it out of the box, loving the shine and glitter of the jewels.

  ‘There’s a ring that goes with it, but I’m having it made smaller.’

  ‘A ring?’ Her eyes searched his face avidly. ‘What sort of ring?’ Suddenly she felt breathless, and she waited anxiously for his answer.

  Joel shrugged. ‘Just a ring. It will match your eyes,’ he gave a half smile. ‘Maybe it won’t flash quite as much, but it is the right colour.’

  ‘But—but why?’

  ‘You said you wouldn’t accept any money from me. The jewellery I give you can be sold when all this is over. This way your pride doesn’t get hurt.’

  Farrah snapped the lid of the jewellery case shut. ‘I see,’ she said tightly. ‘Thank you for thinking of my pride.’ Her smile was bitter. She had every intention of returning anything he gave her, anything at all. ‘I’m not really hungry. I think I’ll go to bed now, if you don’t mind. Thank you for—for the bracelet.’

  He nodded his head in dismissal. ‘Goodnight, Farrah. If you change your mind about dinner just ask George for a tray. By the way, we’ll be returning to town in the morning.’

  Farrah rushed out of the room, once in her bedroom dropping the jewellery box on the dressing table. What a hateful, hateful man he was! How dared he insult her by offering her jewellery in this way! How could he be so cruel? Tears coursed down her cheeks and she sobbed uncontrollably. She hated him!

  No sooner did it seem she had fallen asleep than she was woken up again. Something was wrong, very wrong; it only took her a couple of seconds to realise what. She could hear raised voices from somewhere in the house.

  She sat up in bed as Joel quietly entered her bedroom. ‘What’s going on?’ she demanded.

  He seemed quite unperturbed by the noisy shouting, putting his hand over her mouth to silence her. ‘Now listen to me, Farrah, this isn’t the time for hysterics.’

  Farrah removed his hand. ‘What’s happening?’

  His teeth gleamed whitely in the darkness. ‘Laura is downstairs, obviously hoping to catch us here together, and believe me, she’s going to make quite a scene.’


  ‘SHE’S what!’ squeaked Farrah, her eyes going worriedly to the closed door.

  ‘You heard me.’ His body came nearer to the side of the bed and she realised he was dressed only in pyjama trousers, his brown torso bare in the glow of the moon. Her first instinct was to move away, but Joel stilled her nervous movements.

  ‘H-How do you know she’s here?’

  Joel chuckled. ‘Luckily enough I heard her arrive a few minutes ago. Poor old George is downstairs at the moment trying to stop her coming up here and discovering us. That will only make her all the more determined.’

  ‘Do you have to sound so pleased about it?’ Really! The man was impossible. He invaded her bedroom, his mistress was downstairs, and he found it all amusing!

  ‘Why not?’ His eyes gleamed devilishly in the darkness. ‘This is what we wanted, isn’t it? The sooner it starts the quicker it will be over. Now,’ he said more seriously, ‘I’m going downstairs, I want you to stay up here out of the way—you aren’t the best actress in the world where I’m concerned. And the less Laura knows about you the better. I should think she’ll be a real bitch, but don’t worry, I can handle it.’

  ‘Now that makes me feel a whole lot better,’ she said sarcastically.

  ‘It should. Laura can be quite formidable when she chooses, it’s all that acting experience. Now,’ he turned, ‘just stay here like I’ve told you to,’ he gently touched her cheek. ‘This shouldn’t take too long. I didn’t want it this way, honey, I would have preferred to end things amicably, but she wouldn’t accept that. You have no need to feel guilty about anything.’

  ‘I know that,’ she snapped. ‘You forced me into this charade. And I’ve hated every minute of it!’

  ‘Every minute?’ he taunted.

  ‘Every single one!’ she said vehemently.

  With a mocking smile in her direction he quietly left the room. Farrah stared up at the ceiling sightlessly. What a situation to have found herself in, involved with a man like Joel Falcone.

  God, why should she lie here like a zombie! Joel Falcone could be saying anything down there, be involving her in all sorts of intrigues. She had a right to know what was going on, a right to know what was being said. It didn’t take her long to put on her wrap and let herself quietly out of the room. She crept stealthily down the stairs, fearing Joel’s anger if he should see her.

  Only having seen her on the screen before, Farrah had to admit that Laura Bennett was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Long black hair cascaded over her shoulders and far down her back, and she had green slanting eyes, a small nose, and perfectly painted lips. She was very petite, and Farrah felt sure that if she stood next to her she would feel monstrously large. As it was, all she could do was stand behind a perfectly composed Joel, held immobile by their conversation.

  ‘Laura,’ he said smoothly, as if he were quite used to these scenes in the early hours of the morning. ‘This is a surprise.’

  Farrah instantly revised her opinion of Laura Bennett being a beautiful woman as her top lip sneered back and her eyes hardened to green pebbles. ‘Not a pleasant one, I’m sure,’ she mocked, moving further into the light.

  Joel regarded her mockingly. ‘May I ask why you’ve honoured me with this visit?’

  Laura Bennett spotted Farrah as she stood dazed by Joel’s calm attitude. If she had come here and found her boy-friend apparently spending the weekend with another woman she would have wanted to scratch her eyes out. Laura Bennett looked as if she felt the same way. ‘Candy was full of
some new girl you had in tow, and as I’d tried yesterday and today to reach you at your apartment I guessed you must be here. As you have this silly idea of not installing a telephone to protect your privacy I had to drive down here. I didn’t expect you to actually have her here.’ Her eyes glittered her dislike at Farrah.

  Joel looked at her darkly as he realised her presence. ‘Her name’s Farrah.’

  ‘So I gathered from Candy.’ She looked at Farrah critically. ‘Surely she isn’t woman enough for you, Joel. I always thought your tastes ran to something more—sophisticated.’

  ‘So did I.’ He gave that chilling smile that Farrah knew meant trouble. ‘But Farrah’s something different.’

  Green eyes narrowed to slits. ‘How different?’

  ‘Just different. Now would you mind leaving?’

  ‘But, Joel, I came here to—’

  ‘I’m well aware of what you came here to do, Laura, and this time it won’t work. Farrah is staying here with me, you are not.’

  ‘Do you mean this, Joel? Does she mean more to you than I do?’

  ‘A straight answer?’ His eyes were as chilly as hers were stormy. ‘Then the answer is, yes.’ He shrugged. ‘I tried to tell you, but you didn’t want to listen.’

  Laura Bennett suddenly didn’t look so sure of herself. ‘You don’t mean this, Joel. You’re not actually serious about her?’

  He shrugged. ‘Why not? She’s beautiful and I want her, it’s as simple as that.’

  If only he meant that! Farrah’s heart had skipped a beat at these words, and she realised just how much she was attracted to him. She was falling in love with the man! Oh, God, no!

  ‘You’ll never get him, you know,’ Laura spat the words at Farrah.

  Joel interceded before she could make any reply. ‘I shouldn’t be too sure of that. I love her,’ he announced calmly.

  Farrah recoiled from the open venom in those slanting green eyes, and the anger in that tightened red mouth. ‘Do you mean to tell me you’re seriously considering marrying this girl?’


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