An Eligible Stranger

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An Eligible Stranger Page 3

by Tracy Sinclair

  Philippe's own irritation vanished, as well. It was impossible to stay angry when her body was pressed against his, and her cheek was within kissing distance of his lips.

  "I should have put you next to the window," he murmured.

  "I can see all right."

  She put a hand on his shoulder and half turned her body for a last look at the arch through the rear window. Nicole didn't realize their bodies were now in contact from the waist up, but Philippe was acutely aware of the fact. Unconsciously, his arm slipped around her waist.

  She gave him a startled look, then drew back hastily. "I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I guess I got kind of carried away."

  "Paris will do that to you," he remarked pleasantly.

  "Yes, well, it certainly is a beautiful city," she said uncomfortably.

  The brief moment of intimacy was embarrassing. She hoped Philippe knew it wasn't planned. He certainly took advantage of it, though, she thought cynically. It was something to keep in mind. Philippe had said he'd do anything to get what he wanted—including making love to her?

  The car stopped in front of a handsome town house. In spite of the red and white geraniums blooming in window boxes and the welcoming light over the front door, the house was rather imposing.

  The inside was even more impressive. A huge crystal chandelier hung from a high ceiling over a marble-floored entry hall as big as Nicole's living room. In the center was an intricately carved table with a large crystal bowl holding a fragrant floral arrangement.

  Nicole caught only a glimpse of a dauntingly formal living room opening off the hall before Robbie distracted her.

  "I wanna go to bed," he said.

  "I know you do, honey. It's been a long trip."

  "I'll show you to your rooms," Philippe said.

  As he started towards the staircase, Robbie held up his arms to Nicole. "Carry me."

  "I'll take him," Philippe said.

  "No! I want Aunt Nicky to do it." As he had on the plane, Robbie again rejected his uncle.

  Philippe's face darkened as he watched her struggling up the stairs with the child in her arms, but he didn't comment as he led them down the hallway.

  The room he'd chosen for Robbie was tremendous. Everything in it was large—the king-size bed, an imposing armoire, the floor-to-ceiling windows that led onto a balcony. It was so different from his small bedroom in San Francisco that Nicole was afraid he'd find it overpowering. She held her breath, waiting for complaints, but the little boy was too sleepy to notice his surroundings.

  "Your room is right next door. I assumed you'd want to be close to Robaire," Philippe added sardonically.

  Nicole's room was as spacious as Robbie's, but more feminine. Her large bed was covered with a rose-print coverlet, and the dust ruffle beneath it was made of embroidered white eyelet.

  "The bathroom is through that door and a dressing room opens off of it. I hope you'll be comfortable here," Philippe said formally.

  "I'm sure I will be." She hesitated for a moment, thinking of how to make amends for Robbie's behavior. Philippe kept trying; she had to give him that. "Robbie was tired, and this is all strange to him. Don't take what he said personally. He's really a very outgoing child."

  "I'll have to take your word for it," Philippe answered dryly. "If I'm not here in the morning when you get up, the servants will give you breakfast and take care of anything else you need. Paul runs the house, and his wife, Heloise, is the cook."

  After he left, Nicole realized how tired she was. She opened her suitcase and took out only a nightgown, not even a robe or slippers. Ordinarily, she would have wandered around inspecting every corner of her luxurious accommodations and then unpacked. But not that night. She couldn't wait to get into bed.

  She fell asleep almost the instant her eyes closed. The bed was wonderfully comfortable and the down-filled duvet was warm, yet light as a feather.

  Nicole woke with a start when a loud wail pierced the quiet night. Something was wrong with Robbie! She raced to the door and into his room. It was very dark. Only a few rays of moonlight managed to peep through a tiny opening where one pair of drapes wasn't closed tightly.

  "I'm here, Robbie!" She raced over to the bed and took the sobbing child in her arms. "What's wrong, darling?"

  "There's a great big monster over there!" He clung to her tightly. "He's inside that thing."

  "The armoire?" Nicole switched on the bedside lamp. "That's just a big piece of furniture. You put your clothes in there."

  "No, it's his cave," the little boy insisted. "He's going to jump out and get me!"

  Philippe appeared, looking sleepy. His hair was tousled and he wore only a pair of black silk pajama bottoms that rode low on his lean hips.

  "What's going on?" After Nicole explained, he went over to the armoire and opened the double doors. "See? There's nothing inside," he told the child reassuringly. "You just had a bad dream."

  Robbie looked up at Nicole without releasing his grip on her. "I don't care. I don't like it in here all by myself. I want you to sleep with me."

  Philippe spoke up first. "I showed you there's nothing to be afraid of. Your aunt will be right next door."

  "I want her here!" Robbie began to cry again.

  Nicole gave Philippe an indignant look, but her voice was soothing when she spoke to the little boy. "Don't cry, honey. I'll stay with you. Lie down and go back to sleep. I want to talk to your uncle for a few minutes. I'll be right outside the door," she added when more tears threatened.

  As soon as she and Philippe were in the hall, Nicole turned on him furiously. "How can you be so unfeeling? Couldn't you see how scared the poor child was?"

  "I tried to reassure him that he was perfectly safe."

  "How? By making him sleep in there all alone?"

  "He has to get accustomed to it. You can't let a four-year-old set the rules."

  "I'm certainly not going to let him lie in that room alone and terrified," Nicole stated.

  "That's no problem. Tomorrow we'll move him to another room."

  "One as big and forbidding as this one, I'm sure," she said scornfully.

  Philippe looked at her austerely. "I'm sorry you don't care for my home, but Robaire will get used to it in time."

  "I very much doubt it. You just won't admit that uprooting the child and dragging him over here was a gigantic mistake!" she exclaimed in frustration.

  "You've decided that after just a few hours?"

  "I knew it all along, but I couldn't convince you."

  "You still can't. My nephew is here to stay," Philippe said flatly.

  "Even if he's unhappy?"

  "That's up to you. If you persist in making me the villain, Robaire and I will never form a bond." He stared at her speculatively. "Is that your game plan?"

  "You might do anything to get your own way, but I would never stoop that low," she said scornfully.

  "That makes it a rather uneven fight, doesn't it?" he asked mockingly.

  She couldn't let him know how powerless he made her feel. Lifting her chin, she said defiantly, "I have some secret weapons of my own."

  "So I've noticed," he drawled, looking her over appreciatively. "Perhaps I spoke too hastily."

  Philippe's insolent manner was a defense mechanism to cover the sudden rush of desire that tingled in his loins once he was aware of her scanty attire. While they were arguing, he hadn't noticed how provocative she looked in the filmy chiffon gown that veiled, yet didn't conceal her charms. He could see that her nipples were the rosy pink he'd imagined they'd be.

  Nicole crossed her arms over her breasts hastily, feeling her cheeks bloom with color. She was also aware for the first time of Philippe's near nakedness. His bronze skin was stretched tightly over his taut torso, with no bulges or "love handles" on the lean hips above his low-riding pajama bottoms.

  She dragged her eyes back to his face. "You flatter yourself if you think I'd use sex to try to influence you. There are some things that are just too distast

  "You think making love with me would be a hardship?" he asked in a deceptively soft voice as he sauntered toward her.

  "It isn't the first thing on my list of things to do." Nicole forced herself not to back away although he was so close she could feel the warmth from his body.

  "It would be a pleasure to revise your list," he murmured, gazing at her soft lips.

  "You'd be wasting your time," she said, but not as forcefully as she meant to sound. Her mouth felt dry as she imagined the infinite ways this man could please her. He would be dominant, yet gentle, arousing her with sensuous caresses until she was twisting with desire in his arms.

  Tiny points of light glittered in Philippe's eyes as he gazed at her dreamy face. He put out a hand to touch her cheek, then dropped his arm abruptly. "This discussion is pointless. It's the middle of the night, and we both need some sleep. Go to bed," he ordered.

  Nicole felt as if someone had doused her with a pail of cold water. Philippe changed moods faster than a chameleon changed color! One minute he was looking at her with spine-tingling desire, then the next he was issuing orders like a drill sergeant! Not that she wanted him to be amorous. But she wasn't going to let him push her around, either!

  "I'll go to bed when and where I please," she flared.

  Philippe knew where he'd like that to be. Holding himself rigidly in check, he said, "Fine. Have it your way—why should tonight be any different?" He turned and strode down the hall.

  Nicole went into Robbie's room, her body rigid with annoyance. As though she ever got her own way with him! It was impossible to have a reasonable discussion with the man. If he wasn't gritting his teeth in anger, he was trying to seduce her. Did he really think she'd fall for such an obvious tactic?

  Nicole was willing to admit that Philippe was a very sexy man, especially with that bare chest and those pajama bottoms that didn't leave much to the imagination. Even she—who didn't even like him!— had responded to his animal magnetism.

  That was what was so exasperating! How could she forget, even for an instant, that Philippe Galantoire was the enemy? It was crucial for her to remember that. He wouldn't hesitate to use every advantage against her—and he already had too many.

  Nicole walked over to the bed and gazed down at the sleeping child. Robbie's future depended on her. She mustn't let him down.

  Philippe was having his own emotional crisis. How had he allowed that woman to slip under his guard? The powerful surge of desire he'd felt had taken him by surprise.

  It was just the erotic situation they'd stumbled into, he assured himself. What normal man wouldn't be affected by the tantalizing glimpse of that exquisite body? For one insane moment he'd wanted to slide those lacy straps off her shoulders and watch her nightgown slither down inch by inch, revealing the nude perfection of her body.

  What a colossal mistake that would have been! Fortunately, he'd come to his senses in time. He mustn't allow himself to get sidetracked by a beautiful, yet devious, woman who was determined to take Robaire away from him.

  Philippe's eyes were somber as he paced the floor, remembering the fateful afternoon five years ago that had led to this impasse. How had the argument with Raymond escalated so tragically? They both had hot tempers, but he was older; he should have made his brother realize he had nothing against Sandra. All he was asking them to do was go slowly, get to know each other better before they took such a big step.

  From everything he was finding out, Sandra was a wonderful girl. They could all have had a rich, happy life together if Raymond hadn't cut himself off from his family. Lord knows he'd tried to find him, Philippe thought desolately.

  Well, that was all in the past. Philippe squared his shoulders. He'd failed his brother; he didn't intend to make the same mistake with Raymond's son. Robaire was going to live the life he was entitled to—whether Nicole liked it or not.

  Chapter Three

  Nicole and Robbie slept late the next morning. He was hungry as soon as he awoke, so she got him dressed and took a quick shower before going downstairs for breakfast.

  There was no time to enjoy her luxurious pink marble bathroom or even to unpack. She just rummaged through her suitcase for a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

  Philippe's house seemed huge after her small apartment. It was filled with exquisite furniture and priceless knickknacks on every table and shelf. She shuddered to think of the damage a four-year-old boy could do!

  Nicole held Robbie's hand as they went looking for the kitchen. Before they found it, a dignified man in a dark suit appeared and introduced himself as Paul, the butler.

  When she rather diffidently requested breakfast, he led them to a formal dining room where a long mahogany table was set with linen place mats and delicate china. Heavy damask draped the tall windows, and there was an elaborate floral centerpiece in the middle of the table.

  After they were seated, Nicole looked apprehensively at the costly Oriental rug under the table. What a disaster waiting to happen if Robbie spilled his milk as he frequently did. Wasn't there a breakfast room in this vast place?

  Philippe came in while they were eating. He had gotten up early and gone shopping. "I bought all new furniture for your room," he told Robbie. "I think you'll like it. There's a chest of drawers for your clothes instead of that big armoire, and I got you bunk beds. The saleswoman said boys like those." He smiled ingratiatingly at his nephew.

  Robbie didn't glance up from his plate. "I like my bed at home," he said.

  "That's not very polite," Nicole said reprovingly. She couldn't help feeling sorry for Philippe. He'd gone to a lot of trouble to make Robbie happy. It didn't change her personal opinion of him, but he was trying. "Your uncle wants to make you comfortable here. It hurts his feelings when you act like this."

  Philippe gave her a surprised, yet grateful look. "I would have let you and Robaire select everything, but I didn't know what time you'd get up. I wanted to be sure the furniture would be delivered this afternoon."

  "I'm sure whatever you picked out will be fine."

  "The new chest has to be better than that armoire anyway. Maybe tonight we'll get an uninterrupted night's rest."

  When Nicole avoided his eyes, Philippe knew she was reminded of last night's erotic incident. He was sorry he'd mentioned it since she was still embarrassed by it. Although why, he couldn't imagine. She had the body of a goddess.

  "My mother is very anxious to meet Robaire," he said to change the subject. "We're invited there for tea this afternoon."

  Nicole had no desire to meet Madame Galantoire although she was reluctant to fracture her fragile peace accord with Philippe by saying so. The older woman had been even more adamantly opposed to Raymond's marriage than Philippe had been, according to Sandra.

  "I hope Robbie's clothes aren't all wrinkled," she said tepidly. "I haven't had a chance to unpack."

  "You have plenty of time. We aren't expected there until three o'clock."

  "I have to unpack my own clothes, too. I've been pulling things out at random."

  "If you need anything pressed, just give it to Paul." Philippe rose when she did. "I'll arrange to have the furniture removed from Robaire's room. It should be ready for him when we return this afternoon."

  After Nicole had unpacked Robbie's suitcases, she started on her own, which didn't take long. The clothes she'd brought didn't begin to fill the large dressing room opening off the bathroom, but she didn't need an extensive wardrobe.

  When her suitcase was empty, she dumped the considerable contents of her tote bag onto the bed. A handsome moroccan-leather folder looked out of place among the packets of tissues, the comic books for Robbie and all the other travel paraphernalia.

  Nicole smiled, recalling how furious Philippe had been with her when she demanded her passport back. She really should stop trying to irritate him and just accept the fact that they would never agree on what was right for Robbie. She wouldn't change his mind by constantly challenging him—especially over uni
mportant things.

  When she opened the folder to take out her passport so she could return the expensive leather case to him, Nicole discovered that Philippe had given her Robbie's passport by mistake. She skimmed idly over the vital statistics in the little booklet: Galantoire, Robaire Alain. Male. American Citizen.

  Nicole's mouth dropped open as she reread those two words. American Citizen! Philippe had tricked her! He couldn't have taken Robbie without her permission. That was his reason for rushing them out of the country in less than twenty-four hours. So she wouldn't have time to explore her options.

  Nicole's eyes flashed blue fire. If Philippe thought he could get away with this, he was badly mistaken! She was going to demand that he put them on the first plane back to the United States.

  Leaving Robbie to play with a deck of cards, Nicole stalked out of the bedroom.

  She found Philippe in his study. He glanced up with a pleased smile until he saw the storm warnings evidenced by her pink cheeks and set jaw.

  "Is something wrong?" he asked warily.

  "Not by your standards. Any underhanded behavior is acceptable as long as you can get away with it. Forget about how it affects the lives of other people! How can you live with yourself?" she asked scornfully.

  "Would you mind telling me what I'm supposed to have done?"

  She threw the passport on his desk. "You gave me this by mistake. Did you think I wouldn't find out you lied to me?"

  Philippe gazed at her calmly. "I'd hoped you wouldn't discover it this soon."

  She stared at him in outrage. "Is that all you have to say? No excuses? No apology?"

  "I acted in Robaire's best interest. I can provide him with better care and a more secure future than you can."

  "You're wrong, but I won't bother to argue about it because I'm taking him home. If you try to stop me, I'll go to the American Consulate and tell them how you got us here under false pretenses."


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