An Eligible Stranger

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An Eligible Stranger Page 10

by Tracy Sinclair

  "If you'd let me call you back, you wouldn't have had to wait on the line."

  "I'm sorry if it's too much trouble to talk to your mother."

  A muscle in his jaw bunched, but he kept his voice level. "What was so urgent that you had to speak to me immediately?"

  "Does it have to be a matter of urgency? What were you doing that was so much more important?"

  Philippe gave up the struggle with his temper. "I am an adult, a married man. I don't appreciate it when my mother summons me like a little boy, interrupting a conversation I was having with my wife."

  "I might have known you were with that woman! She tried to prevent you from coming to the phone, didn't she?"

  "Contrary to what you think, Nicole was happy that you called," Philippe answered sardonically.

  "Do you expect me to believe that?"

  "Frankly, Mother, I simply don't care. Would you like to tell me why you called? Nicole and I are going to a party and I have to get dressed."

  "I knew this would happen! She's turning you against me, just as her sister did with Raymond."

  "Nobody is turning against you," Philippe said wearily. "Nicole is a lovely, generous lady. She's made a lot of sacrifices for Robaire. I'm grateful to her, and you should be, too."

  "How is my dear little grandson?"

  "He's thriving here in the country. It's a pleasure to watch him grow more self-reliant every day."

  "Then you won't be bringing him back to Paris?" Catherine asked with a catch in her voice. "When will I get to see him?"

  Philippe's irritation lessened. He knew she was feeling lonely and threatened. "We'll be staying at the town house periodically. But you can come here for a visit whenever you like." He looked at his watch. "I'm really running late. I'll call you tomorrow, Mother," he said before hanging up the receiver.

  Nicole would have given anything to be able to skip the party that night, but she knew it wasn't possible. For one thing, it was being given in their honor.

  If she didn't show up, Philippe's friends would think they'd had an argument. And if he said she didn't feel well, they'd think she was pregnant—as they already suspected due to the hasty wedding. That was really funny! So why didn't she feel like laughing? Nicole asked herself.

  By the time Philippe tapped at her door—the one to the hall, not the connecting door—Nicole had touched up her makeup and brushed her hair. She'd also managed to correct the problem with her zipper so it slid up smoothly.

  Philippe looked her over approvingly, without a trace of his recent passion. No one could have guessed what had gone on between them just a short time earlier. Philippe would have enjoyed making love to her, but it obviously wasn't that important to him.

  "You look lovely. Are you ready to leave?" he asked. "I'm afraid we're rather late."

  Nicole was glad that it was only a short drive to the party. Philippe didn't refer to the earlier incident between them, but she felt more comfortable when there were other people around.

  Most of the guests had already arrived, including Claudine, who had come with a date this time. They made a stunning couple. He was as handsome as she was beautiful, a tall blond man with a deep tan and a confident manner.

  Claudine brought him over and introduced him as Justin Marchand. "And this is Philippe's charming bride," she said.

  "So you're the one who trapped Paris's wiliest bachelor," he said to Nicole with a smile.

  "It wasn't an easy job, but somebody had to do it," she answered lightly.

  "You've thrown a scare into the entire bachelor population," Justin said. "Philippe was our leader. If he couldn't escape, what chance is there for the rest of us?"

  Philippe had joined them in time to hear the other man's lament. He put his arms around Nicole's waist from behind and said, "You have it all wrong. I had to practically blackmail Nicole into marrying me."

  She looked up at him over her shoulder. "Not practically. You did blackmail me."

  "I would have done whatever it took, my love." His arms tightened and he kissed the soft skin behind her ear.

  "I never doubted that," she murmured, fighting the treacherous weakness that made her body relax in his embrace in spite of herself.

  Nicole glanced away to find Claudine staring at her with an expression very much like envy. Had she lied about her feelings for Philippe? Nicole decided she was imagining things. It had been only a fleeting impression, and it was gone now.

  "I guess I'll just have to look on the bright side," Justin was saying. "Now that you're a newlywed you won't have as much time for business. Maybe our wine sales will go up."

  "Justin's family winery is a competitor of Philippe's," Claudine explained to Nicole.

  "Is your winery near here, too?" Nicole asked him politely.

  "It's not far away," he answered. "I'd invite you to come for a visit, but after you've seen the Galantoire facilities, ours would look primitive."

  "Not to me. I've never been to a winery," she said.

  "I'll give you a tour of ours tomorrow, if you like," Philippe offered. "I've been wanting to show it to you, but I didn't know if you were really interested."

  "It must be nice to be married to a vintner," Claudine commented. "You don't have to send your husband to the store at the last minute if you're having company for dinner. He can just bring a bottle of wine home from the office."

  Justin groaned. "Why does everything have to be about marriage?"

  "Don't take it personally," Claudine said with an edge to her voice. "It was just an observation. I'm going to get a drink," she announced abruptly before stalking off.

  Justin followed her with a weak smile at the other two.

  "There's a date that's going to end early," Nicole remarked to Philippe. "When I first saw them together, I thought they made a beautiful couple, but they don't seem to get along very well."

  His mouth tightened. "I wish Claudine would stop seeing him."

  "Isn't he just a casual date? She's never brought him to any of the other parties we've been to."

  "They have an on-again, off-again relationship. Claudine has some wild idea that she'd like to marry Justin."

  "She'll have some convincing to do," Nicole said skeptically. "I could tell from our short conversation that marriage isn't at the top of his wish list."

  "She doesn't need to convince anyone to marry her. Claudine is a vibrant, desirable woman."

  They were joined by some of the other guests. One of the women looked enviously at Nicole's slender figure. "I love your gown. Don't tell me you made this one, too!"

  Philippe drifted off as the women started to talk about clothes.

  Nicole smiled and answered their questions mechanically. Her mind was on Philippe. Wasn't his concern over Claudine excessive? Was he jealous of her feeling for Justin? Nicole had a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach, remembering the expression she'd surprised on Claudine's face. It was difficult to believe they were just friends, but one thing was certain—whatever emotions they felt were mutual.

  Philippe returned and took her hand. "If you'll excuse us, I want to show my wife the rose gardens," he told the others.

  It was a beautiful night. Moonlight made the white gravel paths sparkle, and the air was scented with the fragrance of roses. As they strolled along a winding path, Philippe said, "You had a beleaguered look on your face. Aren't you enjoying the party?"

  "Yes, very much," she answered.

  "I was hoping you were starting to enjoy your life here."

  "I am—most of the time."

  "Then what's wrong? Are you still bothered by what happened earlier?"

  "It does make our situation somewhat awkward," she said. Which was quite an understatement!

  "I'm not a teenage boy with raging hormones, chérie. I can accept no for an answer."

  "That's the trouble. I can't pretend that I'm indifferent to you," she said honestly.

  "Then I don't see what the problem is. We're married, and the attraction is

  "That's male reasoning for you," she said disgustedly. "I didn't hear the word 'love' mentioned."

  His expression was unreadable. "Well, as you Americans say, two out of three isn't bad."

  "You might be willing to settle for that. I'm not."

  "Then I guess we'll both have to take a lot of cold showers." When she didn't return his smile, Philippe put his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him. "I want very much to make love to you, but not if you're going to have regrets afterward. I don't want to hurt you, Nicole. You're a lovely, generous lady and I owe you a lot."

  Why did he always have to spoil it by reminding her of the reason he married her? Nicole thought hopelessly. That was the insurmountable obstacle between them, not whether he and Claudine were lovers. She could try to win him away from another woman, but she couldn't change sexual attraction to love.

  "Well, a party is no place to settle our differences," she sighed. "We'd better go back inside."

  Nicole decided to enjoy the party, including Philippe's attention. It gave her an opportunity to demonstrate her own affection—the only prudent way open to her.

  He was puzzled, yet pleased when she didn't stiffen in his arms or turn her head away when he kissed her cheek. Eventually, one of the male guests made a comment.

  "You've been married for weeks, Philippe, not days. When is the honeymoon going to be over?"

  "Never, if I can help it," Philippe replied, gazing soulfully at Nicole.

  Finally, she murmured in his ear, "I think we're overdoing it."

  "Actually, I've been practicing restraint." He grinned.

  Nicole met Claudine in the powder room a short time later when she went to freshen her makeup. After they'd chatted for a few moments, Claudine said casually, "What do you think of Justin?"

  "He's very handsome," Nicole answered without elaborating.

  "Yes, but did you like him?"

  "He's quite nice as far as I could tell. We only talked for a couple of minutes."

  Claudine gazed discontentedly in the mirror. "Philippe doesn't think Justin is right for me."

  "It seems to me that's something you should decide for yourself. Does Philippe have to put his stamp of approval on every man you date?"

  "No, of course not, but I do respect his opinion."

  "Maybe Philippe is lukewarm about Justin because they're business rivals."

  "That doesn't have anything to do with it. The Galantoire name is recognized worldwide. Justin's company is more of a boutique winery. They're scarcely competitors. It's a personal thing with Philippe."

  "How serious are you about Justin?" Nicole asked in a casual tone.

  "I've been thinking about marriage."

  Nicole glanced at the other woman out of the corner of her eye. "Did Philippe disapprove of Justin when you two were just dating?"

  "No, probably because he didn't think the relationship would last long." Claudine smiled wryly. "I have a short attention span when it comes to men."

  Would Philippe approve of her marrying any man? Nicole wondered somberly. She managed to hide her pain at this indication of his unwavering devotion to another woman. "If you're not sure of your feelings for Justin, maybe he isn't right for you."

  Claudine shrugged. "I have to marry somebody. I'm not getting any younger. I want to have a family before my hair turns gray and people mistake me for my children's grandmother."

  "I'm sure you have a few good years left," Nicole joked.

  "That's what Philippe says, but he doesn't have to worry. Men get handsomer as they get older."

  Nicole thought about Philippe's strong face and virile body. He would look distinguished with silver temples contrasting with his dark hair, and tiny laugh lines at the corners of his gray eyes. They would give his face even more character. Would he still be a part of her life? she wondered wistfully.

  The powder room became crowded when two more women came in. Nicole and Claudine went back to the party.

  Philippe had been looking for Nicole. "Where have you been all this time?" he asked.

  "I met Claudine in the powder room and we got to talking," she said.

  "You were together for hours at lunch today. What could you still have to talk about?"

  He was smiling, but was that a guarded look in his eyes? Was he afraid Claudine had been indiscreet? "Women never run out of things to say," she answered lightly.

  "I'm glad you've found a friend, but I missed you. Are you hungry? There's a buffet in the next room."

  "That's why you missed me. You want to get something to eat."

  "Now I know we're truly married." Philippe grinned. "You're starting to read my mind."

  As they strolled toward the next room, Nicole decided to confront her problem rather than let it make her miserable for the rest of the night. "You certainly have a lot of influence over Claudine," she remarked artlessly. "She's very involved with Justin, but she doesn't want to marry him without your approval."

  "If she really knew what she wanted, my opinion wouldn't matter."

  "That wasn't the impression she gave me."

  "You don't know her very well yet. Claudine always talks things over with me, but ultimately she makes up her own mind—which is as it should be." His attention had shifted to the lavish display of food set out on a gleaming mahogany dining table. "Be sure to try some of the salmon mousse and also the trout in aspic. They're both specialties of the chef."

  Philippe didn't seem to have anything on his mind but the buffet supper. If he was worried about losing Claudine to another man, could he hide his concern this completely?

  Nicole didn't know where she stood in the complicated situation, but she decided to put the whole thing out of her mind and just enjoy herself. She certainly couldn't fault Philippe's behavior. Her happiness appeared to be his sole concern.

  It was late when they returned home. Nicole went to check on Robbie as she always did, and Philippe went with her.

  With his usual thoughtfulness, he'd had the room completely redecorated before they moved to the country. The furniture was child-size, and there were colorful pictures on the walls. Every kind of toy a little boy could want was scattered around the room and spilling out of a toy chest.

  Robbie was sleeping like an angel, a stuffed pink elephant in his arms. He stirred and murmured, "I wanna drink of water," when Nicole straightened his covers.

  "I'll get it," Philippe offered.

  "He isn't awake," Nicole whispered, smiling. "He just says that automatically."

  After a few moments, they tiptoed out of the room.

  As they walked down the hall, Philippe said, "I never knew little ones could be such a joy."

  "I didn't, either," she admitted. "Robbie certainly changed my life."

  "For the better, I hope," Philippe said softly, taking her hand.

  "Oh, definitely," she answered brightly, easing her hand out of his. The subtle mood change between them was unmistakable. "I can't imagine a life without him."

  "Even if it means living here with me?"

  "How could anyone complain about these living conditions?" she said in a joking tone.

  "It's nice to know there is one way I can make you happy—even if it isn't the one I would choose," Philippe added sardonically.

  The tension between them was always just under the surface, Nicole thought hopelessly. They were always either on the verge of an argument or of making love.

  As they reached her door, she hastily changed the subject. "What time are we leaving for the winery tomorrow?"

  "Any time you like. No, wait!" Philippe corrected himself. "I have a meeting tomorrow morning with a man from the county council concerning a zoning change, but I've forgotten when it's scheduled for. Come in my room and I'll check my day planner."

  The bedside lamps were on in Philippe's room, casting a soft glow over the turned-down bed. Nicole hurriedly looked away.

  For once, Philippe seemed unaware of the provocative atmosphere. He
was scanning his schedule. "My appointment is at nine o'clock. It shouldn't take long, so we'll have the rest of the day."

  "That's good," she murmured, edging toward the door. "Well, I'll see you in the morning."

  "Are you really tired? Stay and have a nightcap with me," he coaxed.

  "It's the middle of the night. We should both get to bed."

  "That was going to be my next suggestion." He grinned.

  "That's what I'm afraid of," she answered lightly.

  Philippe stroked her cheek. It was just an affectionate gesture, she told herself, but every inch of her body responded instantly.

  "You don't ever have to be afraid of me," he said in a voice like velvet. "I would never hurt you."

  Philippe didn't know he already had, Nicole thought somberly. Although it wasn't his fault. You can't make yourself love someone if all you feel is desire.

  "Let me bring you the completion we almost shared earlier." He moved closer and cupped his hand around the nape of her neck, under the long spill of shining hair. "Stay with me tonight, chérie."

  His husky voice made her vibrate like a tuning fork. She could imagine him removing her dress as he had earlier and carrying her to his bed—only this time there would be no interruptions. He would lie beside her, his eyes lighting up the darkness as his fingertips trailed paths of fire the entire length of her nude body.

  Philippe urged one strap off her shoulder so he could slide his lips across the swelling curve of her breast. "Let me make love to you, little angel." His mouth dipped lower, tantalizing her with its promise of ecstasy. "I want to possess you completely."

  It was a terrible temptation. A wave of yearning swept over her. But Nicole was afraid Philippe would possess more than her body after they'd made love. She couldn't let him own her completely. Not when he didn't love her.

  Summoning every ounce of willpower, Nicole stepped back and replaced her shoulder strap with shaking fingers. "It wasn't meant to be earlier, and nothing has changed."

  Philippe stared into her eyes for a long moment while she barely allowed herself to breathe. If he kissed her, she'd be lost.


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