The New Year Resolution

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The New Year Resolution Page 6

by Louise Rose-Innes

“Fair enough.” Vincent nodded.

  “Would you like a drink?” Ryan passed Nicole a cocktail menu.

  She nodded. “Sure. I think I’ll try something colourful tonight. What’s good?”

  “Sex on the beach, apparently,” suggested Dominic lightly.

  Nicole laughed and read the menu. “Actually that does sound rather good,” she said, looking at Ryan. “I’ll have that.”

  Ryan nodded and signalled for the bar tender. Could the guy be any less subtle?

  “How do you know Melanie?” Ryan asked, returning with Nicole’s Sex on the Beach and a beer for himself. Nicole smiled her thanks. The band was playing another song, quieter this time, but with an equally rhythmic tempo.

  “We’re partners in the same firm,” Dominic explained.

  So the guy was a lawyer. Yeah, that fit. He was too smooth to be an ex-boyfriend of Melanie’s. She didn’t go for pretty-boys. Nicole, however, seemed quite taken with him. Ryan shifted his weight and glanced at Vincent. The elderly man was talking to his wife, but his eyes were ever watchful.

  Ryan slipped an arm around Nicole’s waist, startling her. “Why don’t we go diving tomorrow? The visibility is excellent on the reef.”

  After a beat, Nicole responded. “Sure, that sounds like fun.” She smiled up at him. Ryan exhaled quietly. He couldn’t have Vincent thinking Nicole was flirting with another man. She was meant to be in love with him.

  Dominic took a small step backwards, although he kept the smile firmly planted on his face. “We’re here to dive, too,” he said casually. “Maybe we’ll see you out there tomorrow?”

  “That would be fun,” agreed Nicole, her eyes sparkling. Ryan frowned. Not if he could help it. Unfortunately it wasn’t a very big reef. Dominic and his mates would be hard to avoid.

  “How long are you staying on Medjumbe?” Ryan asked. This guy could put a serious spanner in the works.

  “A few days,” Dominic replied vaguely. “We’re not on a schedule. We don’t have to be back in Johannesburg until Friday next week.”

  “How nice,” murmured Nicole, taking a sip of her cocktail. “I live in Pretoria. We’re from the same neck of the woods.”

  “Just down the street,” smiled Dominic, showing her his even, white teeth.

  Ryan felt her body move under her silky dress. Dominic was getting to her.

  “It’s a pretty long street,” retorted Ryan. Calmly, he increased the pressure of his fingers on her waist and began massaging gently.

  Nicole froze, and then he felt her relax. Ryan knew he’d taken her by surprise but he had to do something to regain her attention. Vincent was watching them like a hawk and Dominic was clearly not put off by his presence. He knew guys like that. They were ambitious and predatory, seldom taking no for an answer. Nothing was unobtainable if they desired it enough. Hell, he was a prime example.

  He leant forward and whispered in her ear. “Vincent’s watching you.”

  He hoped it looked like a whispered endearment, to Dominic anyway. Nicole gave a slight nod and leant back into him. His arm snaked around her, coming to rest on her stomach.

  Dominic smiled knowingly at Ryan’s blatant display of possessiveness and turned to talk to Sylvia. He knew when he’d lost the advantage.

  “How’s the Sex on the Beach?” asked Ryan softly. Nicole turned to face him, forcing him to release her. Probably a good thing because feeling her curvy butt snuggled into his groin was doing strange things to his... brain.

  “Overrated,” she said with a grin.

  “Mm... he is rather,” agreed Ryan.

  Nicole chuckled. “Don’t be jealous. He’s a nice guy.”

  “I’m sure he is,” said Ryan, unconvinced. “And for your information I’m not jealous, I’m concerned about what Vincent is thinking as he watches Dominic flirt with you.”

  “He wasn’t flirting,” corrected Nicole. “He was just being friendly.”

  “He was flirting.” Ryan looked into her eyes and saw them glinting playfully back at him.

  “Okay, maybe he was, but he’s cute.” She was barely holding back her laughter.

  Ryan knew he was being teased. “Well, you’re going to have to up your game a bit, I’m afraid. Cute Dominic could ruin my plans. Now if you wouldn’t mind, could you possibly find it in yourself to act like you’re in love with me?”

  “Buy me a decent glass of wine and I’m all yours,” she said, putting her cocktail glass on the bar.

  So Ryan did just that.

  “Did I hear you two are going scuba diving tomorrow?” Vincent asked, coming over to join them.

  Nicole took Ryan’s hand. “Yes, we are. I’ve only been once before, so Ryan’s going to have to look after me.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll hold your hand every step of the way.” He squeezed her hand.

  Nicole smiled up at him. “I know you will, baby.” She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. His stubble tickled her lips.

  Ryan looked pleased.

  “It’s a shallow reef,” Vincent told her. “You won’t have to dive very deep. In fact, you can snorkel if you’d prefer.”

  “Perhaps I’ll do that,” said Nicole, adjusting her hand so her fingers were interlocking loosely with Ryan’s. He responded as if it was the most natural thing in the world to be holding her hand.

  “You can take the catamaran,” offered Vincent. “I’ll get my skipper and one or two of the other guys to sail it for you.”

  “You’re more than welcome to join us on my boat,” offered Dominic, re-entering the conversation. “We’ve got more than enough space for two more.” He smiled at Nicole.

  Vincent spread his hands. “Another offer.... Well, it’s your choice, my boy.” He patted Ryan on the shoulder.

  Nicole almost sensed Ryan’s pride at being called, “my boy”. Unconsciously she gave his hand a little squeeze.

  “Thank you, Dominic, but I think the catamaran will be much more romantic. No offence.”

  Dominic shrugged. “None taken.” Although he did look a little put out.

  Nicole looked from one to the other. Both handsome, rich and alpha. Dominic had classic movie-star looks while Ryan was more rugged, but both exuded the same self-styled confidence. She couldn’t quite believe she was here talking to both of them.

  Vincent winked at Nicole. “Good choice. I’ll see it’s stocked with some champagne for when you’re finished diving.”

  “Thank you, Vincent. That would be lovely.” And it was getting better and better.

  “I’m so glad I agreed to come on this trip,” she whispered to Ryan, as they made their way to the dinner table.

  Ryan placed his hand on her back. “So am I. Tomorrow should be fun. We’ll have the entire boat to ourselves.”

  “Except for the crew,” mentioned Nicole. “So we won’t be able to relax completely.”

  “They won’t care what we get up to,” said Ryan, cheerfully. “You could dance naked on the deck and they’d politely look the other way.”

  “I’ll remember that.” Nicole laughed. “In case I feel the urge.”

  Dinner was fun and the band continued to entertain, only stopping briefly for a break during their main course. Nicole enjoyed herself immensely, sitting between Ryan and Dominic. Both men were doing their best to engage her in conversation and Nicole had to keep pinching herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

  Dominic was a player, that was for sure, and he seemed to enjoy flirting, despite the fact Ryan was sitting right next to her. Nicole would have expected Ryan to be annoyed, but instead he casually rested his hand on her thigh and left it there throughout dessert, occasionally moving it up and down suggestively.

  The message was clear. She’s mine. I’m the only one allowed to put my hands on her.

  The waiter cleared their plates and Ryan finally removed his hand from her leg. Nicole breathed a sigh of relief. His constant stroking was turning her insides to mush. It was all she could do not to imagine those han
ds running all over her body. In fact, she was so unsettled she’d barely touched her chocolate mousse.

  The band was singing a rhythmic African folk song, and the beating of their drums seemed to resonate throughout the room. Everyone turned to watch, enjoying the show. Vincent ordered yet another bottle of wine.

  As the musicians’ hands flew over the drums, Ryan rested his arm along the back of Nicole’s chair, and threaded his fingers into her hair. Nicole saw Dominic’s eyes flicker as he noticed, but he didn’t react. Nicole, on the other hand, was having a hard time not reacting. Ryan was playing with the tendrils at the base of her neck, idly twisting them around his fingers as he listened to the music. Nicole felt her heart beat louder, almost in tune with the djembe drums. Shivers flew down her spine. Did he even know what he was doing to her? She was only human, for goodness sake. His thigh rub and now neck massage were sending her over the edge.

  When he spread his fingers out into her hair at the base of her head, Nicole couldn’t stand it anymore and let out a soft moan. She nuzzled her head backwards into his hand. It felt so good.

  Ryan seemed to realise what he was doing and almost stopped, but then obviously decided against it. Nicole dared not look at him in case he saw the longing in her eyes. Instead, she reached for her glass of wine and downed almost half of it. Perhaps it would quench her desire.

  Ryan resumed his ministrations, but Nicole could feel something had changed. There was a tension, a gentle pressure to his fingers which hadn’t been there before. He’d sensed her arousal. Damn. That was the last thing she wanted. Now he would think she fancied him, which would make things awkward between them.

  She moved her head forward and he dropped his hand with a questioning look. Luckily the band chose that moment to launch into their climax and the crowd got to their feet, clapping along with the frenetic pace. Nicole was grateful for the distraction. She didn’t meet Ryan’s gaze, preferring to focus on the band and clap along with everyone else.

  The sand was soft between her toes. Nicole had removed her heels and they were strolling back to their chalet along the beach.

  “I definitely had too much wine tonight,” Nicole said, hoping Ryan might attribute her brief display of desire to overindulgence.

  “It was a good evening.”

  They walked in silence for a short while, with the sea lapping at their feet. A warm breeze rustled the palm trees and shrubbery along the beach.

  “I think we were convincing enough,” murmured Nicole as they slowed down. They had reached their chalet.

  Ryan turned to face her. “I was worried Dominic might kill the show,” he admitted, his eyes searching hers in the moonlight. “Sorry if I ruined your chances.”

  “Don’t be silly,” shushed Nicole.

  “Honestly. I think he was keen on you. I was doing my best to make it obvious you were unavailable, and even then he tried hard to wrestle you away from me.”

  “He’s such a player.” Nicole laughed. “I can’t believe he wouldn’t give up despite you being all over me.”

  “I was rather, wasn’t I?” He was smiling at her, but there was a glint of something else in his eye.

  She flushed at the memory of his hand stroking her leg, his fingers in her hair. Oh boy! Now she was getting all flustered again.

  “Yes, you did well – for someone who confessed he’s never been in love before.”

  “I didn’t say I didn’t know how to flirt. That’s entirely different to being in love.”

  “So it is,” murmured Nicole. Flirt, seduce... whatever. Ryan had done a masterful job. Her insides were still quivering from his touch.

  “So you’re not disappointed? About Dominic, I mean.”

  “Disappointed that I’m not spending the night on his forty-nine foot yacht?” Nicole smiled softly. “No thanks. I’d rather be here.”

  With you.

  The unspoken words hung in the air between them. Nicole’s heart leapt into her throat. By the heated look in his eye, he’d heard her thoughts as clearly as if she’d spoken them out loud.

  Ryan took a step closer to her. “Nicole, I—”

  “I think it went well,” Nicole cut in, embarrassed. He was going to tell her it was just pretend and not to read anything into it. She knew that, yet she still couldn’t help the way her body reacted to him. “You even had me going there.”

  Ryan gazed at her intently. “Not all of it was fake, you know,” he said quietly. “I... enjoyed tonight... being with you... like that.”

  Nicole felt faint. She gazed at him, almost too scared to reply in case she ruined the moment. “Really?”

  “Was tonight just an act for you?” He took her hand and drew her closer. His eyes were almost black in the dim light but there was no mistaking their intensity. “Because at one point I thought maybe...”

  His face was only inches from hers. Nicole glanced down at his mouth, so tantalisingly close. It would be so easy to lean forward and kiss him right now.

  Ryan obviously had the same thought because he closed the gap between them in no time at all and captured her mouth with his own. Nicole closed her eyes and relished the feel of his lips on hers.

  This was so wrong. He was a millionaire playboy, using her to ruthlessly secure a contract from an unsuspecting benefactor. He’d dated princesses and supermodels, and then walked away when things turned bad. He was constantly in the press. He was way out of her league. So why, then, was she kissing him back with an abandon she hadn’t felt since before her daughter was born?

  The kiss intensified. Ryan’s hand snaked into her hair and grasped a handful, firmly pinning her head against his, allowing him to drive into her with his tongue. She accepted it willingly, sucking and tasting him with equal fervour.

  His other arm wound around her waist, locking her against him. His hard chest crushed against her breasts. It spurred her on. Images of his hard, tanned body and perfect six-pack flashed through her brain. Her hands roamed frenetically over his shoulders and down over his biceps. Shivers of excitement shot through her body. It had been so long since she’d done this, and never with a man built like Ryan. Stephen had been tall and wiry, while Olivia’s dad was stockier, more like a rugby player. Neither of them had Ryan’s perfectly toned physique. Having to watch but not touch for two days had almost driven her mad, and now she had an opportunity to cash in on that desire.

  She heard him moan, a low guttural sound from deep in his throat. It excited her. It meant he was feeling things, too. She inhaled his manly scent. He smelled of expensive aftershave with a touch of sea salt. It was intoxicating. With her eyes shut, her other senses took over. Touching him, smelling him, tasting him – it was all too much. Nicole felt like she was drowning, whirling around in an intoxicating mix of emotions.

  His tongue was deep in her mouth and Nicole was sucking and delving like her life depended on it. Suddenly it was all too much and she couldn’t breathe. With a desperate heave against his chest, she broke the bond that had consumed them. They both stumbled backwards, gasping for air.

  Ryan gazed at her with a stunned expression.

  What the hell had just happened?

  Nicole looked as surprised as he was. For a moment neither of them could speak. The overriding sound, apart from their panting, was the lapping waves, wetly smacking against the shore. It broke the surreal atmosphere and provided a sense of normality to the situation.

  “I...I think I’ll go inside now,” Nicole stammered, pointing towards the house. Housekeeping had obviously been in to turn the beds down as the lights were on inside the chalet, twinkling invitingly.

  Ryan nodded, unable to find words to explain what had happened between them. He watched her walk away, a little unsteadily. But that was nothing compared to how he was feeling. With shaky legs he sank down onto the sand.

  The urge to kiss her perfect lips had persuaded him to cross the line and break their most important ground rule. The pretence stops when they’re alone, isn’t that what they s
aid? Except after tonight, holding her hand and stroking her thigh, and basically acting like they were a couple, it had seemed so natural to kiss her.

  What he hadn’t expected was to enjoy it so much. Her response had knocked his socks off. She’d tasted so sweet and smelled so good, he’d craved more and more of her until she’d completely overwhelmed him.

  Even now, sitting in a shaky heap on the beach, he still wanted to go into the house and do it again. And more....

  Christ. What was happening to him? He couldn’t remember when last a woman had had this kind of effect on him.

  The breeze cooled his overheated skin but not his desire. Right now Nicole was probably undressing, getting ready for bed. Ryan pictured her peeling off her slinky black dress....

  He got to his feet.

  “Can I come in?” he called awkwardly from outside the sliding doors. They were open about half a metre, but the heavy hotel curtains were closed.

  “Sure, I’m decent,” came the reply.

  Ryan stepped into the room.

  “Hi....” he said, unnecessarily.

  “Hi....” she replied.

  Nicole was sitting on the bed, still in her dress. Her face was flushed and her eyes searched his uncertainly.

  He gestured behind him, back to the beach. “About what happened out there....”

  Nicole shook her head. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say it.”

  “Say what?” Ryan blinked, thrown by her interjection.

  “That it was a mistake. That we should never have... you know, kissed....” Her voice faded off and she looked down at the bed.

  “How did you know I was going to say that?”

  Nicole glanced up. “Weren’t you?”

  Ryan hesitated. Actually he wasn’t going to say that at all. Quite the opposite, but then his body was still tingling from the taste of her.

  Perhaps he should rethink this. God knows, he wanted to carry on where they’d left off on the beach. He still had a massive hard-on and the memory of the passion that had consumed them was addictive. His body was crying out for more.

  Nicole waited for his reply, her tilting blue eyes wide with anticipation.


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