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Independence (The Significance Series)

Page 19

by Crane, Shelly

  I wondered if we should leave. Pack up and head home, but if we did that he'd follow us and we'd be putting the whole clan in jeopardy, not just us.

  So I was basically choosing the clan over Maggie, my sister and cousin. I gulped at the ache in my chest at that thought. But what was I supposed to do? I was the Champion.

  "You're right," Maggie invaded my thoughts. "We need to deal with this here, once and for all, and be done with that bastard."

  I opened my arms for her to come into and she reeled toward me. Everyone's thoughts that I could hear through Maggie were solemn and thoughtful. We all wanted to come up with a plan, but we didn't even know what game we were playing. Was Marcus here alone? When did he plan to attack? Was he just going to watch us for days and then kill us in our sleep? We knew nothing at this point.

  Bish's sigh drew all out attention. We watched as Jen's cut on her hand began to heal slowly. So slowly that I wondered if my eyes were playing tricks on me. But eventually, it sealed itself. I shut my mind to them all. I needed to think and be in my own head for a minute. So I didn't hear their internal conversation, I just heard Jen's whisper.


  His thumb rubbed over her cheek. "I pushed you. You told me this would happen and I made you feel guilty about not touching me. You'd be safe. The vision Maggie had wouldn't be about to come true."

  "It won't," Jen begged, breaths shuddering. "Bish, don't say that."

  "It's true," he said a bit harshly, getting more worked up by the second, and shook his head. "This is all my fault. I just wanted you."

  Maggie turned, tears on her eyelashes as she remembered us having a similar conversation. And Bish was being an idiot, just like I had been. I wrapped my hand around Maggie's wrist to calm her and was so happy when it worked. But Bish was a part of my clan now whether he wanted to be or not, and I wasn't about to stand here and let him say something he'd regret. And Jen was my sister.

  "Bish, come on, man," I told him. He looked over at me. "Why don't we take a walk?"

  He laughed without humor. "So now that I'm in your clan, Champion, you're my boss?"

  "I am your Champion," I made sure to say, "but you're married to my sister." I looked at her and she pleaded with me not to say anything, but I had to. "And you're making her cry."

  His face fell. I saw his throat work through a gulp as he turned back to her. She was trying so hard to hold it together for him. He sighed. "How can you even forgive me for doing this to you? To Maria?"

  "It won't come true. It won't. We'll make sure of it."

  "We're on the beach," he told her. "This was where it happened."

  "No. Stop it!" she shrieked and he yanked her to him. She cried into his shoulder as he shook from his own emotion.

  "God, help me," he whispered, "please."

  Don’t let this happen. She's mine to protect. Mine. Please don't take her from that little girl because I was selfish. Please.

  Maggie had graduated to full-on sobs in my arms as we listened to Bish's plea. Kyle and Lynne stood stupefied on the steps. Kyle's anger at me was long gone. It was sinking into everyone what our honeymoon had become.

  A trap.

  Maggie was solemn as she made calls to the other clan members later that afternoon. I was on the phone with Dad behind her. We sat on the bed against the headboard and she sat between my legs on her cell. I could hear their enthusiasm when they realized it was Maggie calling them, but soon sobered when she started asking about them seeing or hearing from Marcus or the other Watsons. No one knew anything, but a couple more clans had members that had imprinted. They were waiting for us to get back from our honeymoon before telling us.

  Maggie's emotions were all over the place. She was so happy for them and glad. She felt like we had to be doing something right and were on the right track or things wouldn't be moving so smoothly for our people. But even though Maggie had seen the vision of her and me when we were older, it was hard to put all your faith into a vision when we'd seen with our own eyes how they could change.

  In fact, we were hoping the one with Marcus would change. So we were hoping for one and damning the other. It made no logical sense, but it was all we had.

  And we were clinging to it.

  Chapter 19


  We went to Bish and Jen's room that night for dinner. We had no luck with the other clans as to any plans they'd heard of. We alerted the staff and concierge of the villas to the presence of a stalker. He apologized, after being shown a picture, that he had seen the man, but he had pretended to be our friend. They set up extra night guards, but we knew it didn't matter. If Marcus was here, he wasn't going to be stopped by a guy with a taser.

  So we ate our divine clam chowder, and I didn't even taste it. Bish was just…sick with the knowledge that a madman was out to hurt them. We debated once more about going home, but upon calling Peter, Caleb learned that the alarms had been going off on the outskirts of the property.

  It didn't make any sense. We were just sitting here. What was he waiting for? And we were all starting to feel the withdrawals from our significant. Caleb and I sat with our hands linked and we'd finally start to feel a little seep in, but it couldn't replace what was lost before it was already draining us back down. Still, I clung to that hand because he was all I had.

  And then Caleb started to prowl and I knew things really were bad.

  He paced back and forth, his face angry and set as he tried to think of a trap or a set-up for Marcus. A way to lure him to us so that we could end this on our terms instead of waiting for him to catch us off guard.

  "Wait!" I shouted as I had an idea. "What about Gran? Why can't she heal us?"

  Kyle deflated and answered. "She can only heal supernatural things, injuries caused by someone's ability. This…this is alchemy."

  "Oh…" I deflated, too.

  "Let's just go to bed here. All of you," Bish suggested. "I'd feel better if we were all together."

  "Ah, you do care for me, you big lug," Kyle said in a girly voice.

  "Not you, hair-brain. Maggie."

  I saw Caleb stiffen with his back to me. "Not that you think Caleb can't take care of me or anything, it's just safer for us all to be together."

  "Right," he agreed distractedly as he looked around. "There's blankets around here somewhere, I'm sure."

  "I'm not staying here," Lynne said, her lip trembling. "I'm on my honeymoon! Don't I deserve to have a few days to just-"

  "Lynne," Kyle said and scoffed. "Our abilities don't work anyway. No mutualizing tonight, babe."

  "That's not what I meant!" she shrieked.

  He scowled with chagrin. "I'm sorry. That wasn't funny." He swiped at his hair with his fingers. "I get weird when I'm freaking out."

  I used that as my chance to maybe get everyone to calm down. "Like the time you caused a mini-riot at school and all the teacher's cars got egged at the pep rally?"

  He laughed in surprise. "You remember that?"

  "Are you kidding?" I grabbed Caleb's arm to make him sit on the sofa in Bish's den with me. He would never stop pacing and worrying if I didn't. "You're an infamous troublemaker, Kyle. Everyone remembers that."

  He grinned in amusement. "That was a good prank. Those teachers needed to learn to lighten up."

  "What was the prank?" Lynne asked. I leaned my head on Caleb's shoulder and felt him sigh. It wasn't because my calm was hitting him, it was just because. My back began to ache, but I tried not to notice as Caleb stuck a hand between my thighs and listened.

  "Well," Kyle said and rubbed his chin, "they were taking the candy machines out of the school."

  "You guys had candy machines?" she asked.

  "Focus, babe," he said grinning. "So, they had this assembly saying they were taking them all out, so we retaliated, saying that if they were going to do that, then they should take them out of the teacher's lounge, too. They were so mad!"

  "So what did they do?"

  "They cancelled our pep ral
ly stating it was academic probation for misconduct. So we said we were having one anyway, and when the teachers showed up to close it down, because we knew they would, we egged their cars."

  "Wow. So you were like some kinda…rock star in high school or something?"

  Kyle laughed so hard.

  "Don't feed that ego, Lynne! Come on!" I played along.

  I felt Caleb shake with a little chuckle beside me. Bish and Jen were shaking their heads as they lay on the bed.

  And then it hit me.

  "Ah! Dad!" I whipped out my cell, even as Bish tried to find out what I was talking about. He answered groggily. "Yeah?"

  "Sorry. I know you were sleeping, but…how are you?"

  "I'm fine, Maggie. Is something wrong?"

  "You're not in withdrawals?"

  A long pause. "Noooooo." A few whispers. "What's this about?"

  "But…" that didn't make sense, "didn't you eat the breakfast that room service brought you the other day?"

  "No, we had already ordered something earlier. We sent it back. What's this about, Maggie?"

  I sighed. "Nothing. We're fine. I just wanted to make sure you got there all right."

  "We did. We're just tired. It was a long flight. You're sure you're OK?"

  "Yeah. I'm fine," I lied. I looked at Bish. "Everyone's fine."

  "All right…well, I'm going back to bed then." He laughed a little. "Good night. Love ya."

  "Love you, Dad."

  He hung up and I was relieved. At least Dad was safe.

  The last thing I remembered before dozing off was Caleb laying me down and getting a blanket from Bish before coming and scooting in beside me on the small sofa. Then morning broke through the window and I remembered with perfect clarity what being in serious withdrawal felt like. I shook and pressed my face into his neck, begging my body to accept his touch.

  It didn't.

  His fingers gripped my shirt and pulled me closer before he opened his eyes and realized what was going on. His breath rushed out and he groaned. "Hell…holy hell."

  He sat up and helped me sit up, too. He pressed me to him out of desperation and whispered. "Maybe I should have mutualized with you last night. Now it looks like I may never get the chance and that's a travesty."

  "Don't," I scolded softly. "We're going to do everything together," I promised. "Everything." A little boy in my arms named Rodney came to mind and I closed my eyes to keep the memory safe in my mind. Caleb joined me and we just sat, thinking about all the things we wanted one day, all the things that visions had promised us. Kyle had once told me that Destiny was a meddlesome wench. In this case, I prayed he was wrong.

  We sat like that pretty much all day. We couldn't eat, we couldn't sleep, we could barely walk. Bish and Jen hadn't moved from their spot on the bed and Kyle and Lynne's pallet on the floor had been occupied since then, too. We all tried not to be annoying with the moaning and groaning, but it was kinda hard to concentrate on anything but that.

  And the worst part was there was no end in sight. And there was no Marcus either. We still had no idea what he was doing or waiting for. Later that afternoon, almost at dusk, it began to all be too much. Bish and Jen got into an argument about this being his fault again. There was no calming touch to make her feel better so she got up on shaky legs and basically waddled out the back door. He followed after her slowly and feeling sorry for himself.

  I tried not to think about any of that. I had to focus. I had to figure out the game Marcus was playing.

  Caleb went out to check on Jen when they didn't come back after about twenty minutes. I heard Caleb's thought of panic right before I heard nothing. It was like his brain just turned off. I stood and held onto the chair arm to keep me steady before making my way out the back door to find him.

  The sun was beautiful as it sank into the water and left the sand in an orange glow. "Caleb?" I called and heard nothing. The wind whipped. My back hurt so badly, I debated just hunching down right where I was, but Caleb wasn't answering my call or my heartbeat, which was going crazy. Something was wrong.

  "Caleb!" I called more frantically and heard the dark laugh as I turned. I gasped in utter horror as I saw Marcus up the beach, standing over Caleb with a baseball bat. Even from this far away, I could see his evil smile. He waved for me to come.

  What could I do but go? So, that's what I did.

  Caleb was alive, I knew, but seeing him like that on the sand hurt my heart. I wanted him to stand up and break all of Marcus' teeth. That's what he would have done if he was conscious. And I hated the fact that whatever was about to happen, Caleb would blame himself.

  I got closer and Marcus practically danced with anticipation. Once I got close enough to see the color of his eyes, he started his rant. "Hey there, human. Oh, wait. That's me."

  I gulped and stared at Caleb on the sand. I wanted to run to him so badly, but I held off, hoping for my one shot to end this.

  "What do you want, Marcus?"

  Before he answered, I made myself get angry. I got white hot angry and tried to use my ability to lift the bat and beat him senseless with it. But it barely lifted itself in his hand. I felt drained and a failure.

  He tsked me. "Your abilities not up to par? That's what happens when you can't get your significant's touch. Sucks, doesn’t it?"

  "What do you want?" I yelled.

  He leaned his head down and looked at me right in the eye. "I want him," he kicked Caleb's shoe, "to watch you die. Slowly."

  "I know," I said, "we saw the vision."

  He stepped toward me. "Then you must know that I was going to do this."

  The bat swung hard and even though I put my arm up to shield myself, it was like using a feather to stop a bullet. I felt my arm crack before I was out cold.

  When I came to, I was off to the side behind some bushes in the sand and I could hear Marcus' voice. He was talking to another man. I looked around and barely suppressed my gasp at seeing Caleb at the new man's feet. I recognized him as one of the ones who had helped them at the compound when they kidnapped me.

  My hands were tied as I lay in the sand, and I spit out dirt and sand, but it was hopeless. They turned to find me awake and Marcus grinned. "Showtime, little Maggie." He bent down on his haunches. "We…took care of the concierge and the guard that was outside your room. And this nice, private beach is completely empty of anyone to hear you scream."

  He picked me up by my arm and didn't grunt or hiss. My body didn't burn him anymore because he was human. I could barely hold myself up as he pushed me hard and hissed for me to stand on my own. I saw Caleb jerk, too. His eyes opened and he looked around. When he saw Marcus behind me, his face contorted with pure rage. "You are a dead man."

  "The Jacobson prince awakens!" Marcus taunted. "Glad you decided to join our party. It's just getting started. If I'm right…" He looked across the beach and smiled. "There they are! The lovebirds have returned. I knew they'd be heading back soon."

  I looked over, dreading, but knowing what I'd see. There Bish and Jen were. They were making up on the beach…just like the vision, holding each other and completely oblivious. I closed my eyes to stop the tears, though I deserved every ounce of pain I felt. I had failed them. I had failed us all.

  "No," he barked and glared at me. "You look. You watch them as they die all because you had to have your precious Caleb."

  He gripped my shirt front and turned me toward them. The one helping Marcus stomped his boot on Caleb's chest to hold him down. I whimpered and tried to shake free of his grasp, but he was just stronger than me when I was this weak.

  Marcus grinned and got right in my face. "It's your fault ya know. Not just this whole thing, 'cause that is, too, but this. The way your bodies have turned against you and you can't figure out how I did it. Well, I'll tell you." He got as close to my ear as he could without touching it. "It's your blood." He laughed. "And mine. It's amazing, isn't it? Something that seems so small and insignificant is what keeps us alive, is what feed
s our bodies and makes up our very core. And it's powerful and can be used in ways people never imagine. And now your blood is the very thing that will be your demise. It’s the very thing I used against you to make it so very easy to kill you."

  Even in my weak state, I managed to spit in his face. "Just kill me and get it over with."

  He wiped his face with his palm and sneered, "No, this way is much more fun." He looked over at Caleb. "Later after we've killed your brother, Caleb will get to watch as you're tortured and he won't be able to do anything about it."

  I shivered at the thought and couldn't look at Caleb. I'd lose it if I saw his face right now. I tried to keep it together and think. It started to sprinkle. I shivered for more than one reason as I tried to keep my sanity.

  "And on with the show!" he bellowed gleefully and bowed dramatically to his friend. The man smiled as he pointed his gun. I yanked at Marcus' grip, but it was hopeless. Caleb bucked and punched at the man's leg just as he aimed for his first shot, but he couldn't aim right with Caleb's movements. He reached back to kick Caleb's head and it was as if time stood still as my mind took over. I swung around, roundhouse kicking Marcus in the neck and then circling once more to do the same to his friend. But Caleb was already ahead of the game and punched the guy in the only place guaranteed to make a man fall to his knees.

  Marcus stood and just as he barreled toward me, out of nowhere it seemed, from the shadows of the bushes and darkness…was Haddock. He ran and swung Marcus around, landing a solid blow to his jaw. He went down.

  The first thought I had was his accomplice and when I looked, he was gone. I knew right where he was going and swung around. I saw him make a swift ascent to Bish and Jen. He was determined to finish the job. I heard Caleb's argumentative, "No, Maggie," a split second before I took off. This was it. This was Caleb's vision that he'd had the nightmare about. I was going to get shot and I was going to die on this beach. Because I was going to stop him from taking out two people who just wanted to be happy, who just wanted to live their life and had been caught in the crossfire because of my collateral damage. Bish and Jen deserved every happiness. I just hoped that Caleb could forgive me and understand that I had to save his sister and my brother. They couldn't die just because Marcus hated me. I would never be able to live with myself.


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