Jingle My Balls

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Jingle My Balls Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  “What are you doing to me?” I ask, my voice shaking, husky and full of need. I’d like to say I was asking about the spanking, but I’m not. Instead I’m wondering how Nick has this way of turning me into this sexual being who lives for his next touch—however it’s delivered .

  “Punishing you for thinking I’d fuck you—or anyone—for money. You just earned a one-way ticket to the naughty list, Holly .”

  “What was he talking about? And then Mr. Moak… None of this makes sense, Nick,” I whisper softly, because by this time his hand is moving up under my dress. He wraps his fingers tight around my thigh, and it feels so hot—almost as if he is branding me. I can feel the tips of his fingers push under the lace of my panties. I try to look over my shoulder to see who is watching us, but Nick doesn’t allow me that freedom .

  “I own NJ Industries. Are you familiar with my company, sweet Holly ?”

  “I… I’ve worked some with that account. You own…a lot of businesses.” I gasp as his finger strokes softly against the lips of my pussy. “Nick, you can’t, people are watching,” I protest as a full body shudder moves through me. I may be asking him to stop—but I don’t want him to .

  “I can do anything I want to, Holly. You’re mine. I’ll stop, though,” he says, his voice deep and his hot breath fanning against my skin as he whispers into my ear .

  “ You will ?”

  “All you have to do is tell me you haven’t missed me since we’ve been apart .”

  “I have missed you, Nick,” I answer, unwilling to lie to him. “I’ve missed you so much I ache with it .”

  “Then I’m taking you home and I’m going to fuck you and once I’ve come enough so that I’m in a better mood, I’ll let you choke on my cock and apologize for leaving me alone in the hotel that day .”

  “Nick, maybe we should — ”

  “Or I could fuck you here, Holly. You’re so damn wet, my cock would slide into you smooth and easy right now. I could sink into you up to my balls .”

  “Oh God,” I whimper, closing my eyes and literally seeing everything he’s describing. I feel so empty without him and my pussy is hungrily trying to hold on to his fingertips to ride them .

  “Choose quick, Holly .”

  I close my eyes and hold my head down against the wall. My body is warring with what I need to do and what I want. I want him to fuck me right here, right now, and as much as I want to tell him to do that, I find the willpower not to. When I give myself to Nick again, I want it just to be the two of us .

  “Take me home, Nick. I want to go home with you,” I tell him and this time when he picks me up in his arms and holds me to his body I don’t protest at all. I curl into him, resting my head against his chest, and listen to the steady beat of his heart .

  God, I have missed him .

  Chapter 15


  O nce I have Holly back at my place I don’t waste any time. There is no point; both of us are too worked up. Hell, we barely made it through the door before I had her dress up around her hips and my face buried between her legs .

  “Come for me,” I murmur against her soaked, hot flesh, her pussy so damn sweet. I’m addicted to her already .

  “God, Nick ,” she whispers, her pleasure my own. She lifts her ass up a little more, and a tremor works over her entire body as she comes for me. Yeah, this is exactly what I want from her. I want her to always be at the precipice of pleasure when she’s with me .

  When her orgasm fades, I take hold of the root of my cock and stroke the fucker for long seconds. I don’t have to keep up with the Santa roleplaying, but I get a kick out of it, and truth is it turns me on playing with her like this .

  “You want Santa’s big candy cane ?”

  “Have I been naughty or nice?” She smirks, playing along. That’s my girl .

  “You’ve been really fucking naughty, but that’s what Santa likes.” I groan as the ecstasy slams into me. I don’t hesitate now that I’m finally between her splayed thighs. I position my cock at her pussy and stare into her eyes. Without thinking or talking, I push into her, just shove my thick, big dick deep in her body .

  “Yes,” she hisses out and closes her eyes .

  I am buried in her wet heat, unable to go slow. I need her like I need to fucking breathe .

  “Christ .” I pound into her, pulling my cock out before slamming it back in. Her tits shake from the fierce motion, and I am riveted to the sight. “Look at me,” I demand, realizing she has closed her eyes .

  She obeys instantly. When she’s looking at me, I groan .

  “I don’t think I can hold out, Nick,” she moans .

  I grunt. “Good, because I can’t hold off either, baby.” She arches her back, her tits thrust out. I lean down and run my tongue along the underside of her throat. She’s so fucking sweet. I feel her pussy clench around my dick, and can’t stop from going over the edge. Thank fuck she’s already getting off .

  And then I feel my orgasm approach. It’s a tightening in my back, a tingling in my balls. It moves quickly through me, and I fucking let it. I fucking love it. I’m wearing a condom, but fucking hell, one of these days I’m going to go bare in her, just really fill her up with my seed, make her take it all .

  “Fuck, yes.” I rest my face in the crook of her neck and let myself go over the edge. I feel her pussy milking me, drawing the cum from my balls .

  Holly is mine .

  When my orgasm has waned and I can’t hold myself up anymore, I roll off of her, not wanting to crush her. Before she can move away, I put my hand right between her thighs, rise up on my elbow, and look down at her .

  “This is mine,” I say and add a little bit of pressure between her legs .

  She makes the sweetest noise for me. “I’m all yours .”

  I growl like a fucking animal .

  She closes her eyes and hums, the content pleasure clear in the way she’s acting .

  She rolls onto her side and curls against me. I know there is a lot of shit we have to talk about, but we have time. We have so much of it and I’m not going to waste a second .

  “Will you hold me , Nick ?”

  “I thought you wanted to talk, about all that shit…” I respond, kissing the top of her head and holding her close .

  “Not now. Later. I just want you close .”

  As much as I love the dirty fucking we’ve done, I want to be gentle and sweet with her too .

  I squeeze her gently, giving her exactly what we both need. I sure as fuck don’t deserve her, but I have her, and I am not going to fuck this up. I want Holly in my life too damn badly .



  One year later

  I t’s been one year since I unceremoniously made Holly mine. There wasn’t ever a chance in hell of her ever getting away from me, not when I finally found her. I knew she was the one and I haven’t doubted it since— not once .

  Today I finally make her mine, forever .

  I feel her fingers flex against mine and I bring my gaze slowly back to her. She’s beautiful every day, but today in her white wedding gown, with her bronze hair around her face in waves, she nearly takes my breath away .

  “It was a beautiful wedding,” she whispers as she sways to the music .

  I look around the reception and I feel peace fill me completely. I married Holly today. Finally, she has my ring on her finger and she has my name .

  “This damn reception is lasting too long,” I grumble .

  “You don’t like dancing with your wife?” she whispers .

  The room is transformed into a winter wonderland, complete with fake snow, sparkling Christmas lights, and red, festive ribbons. It’s truly beautiful, but it pales when compared to my woman .

  “I love dancing with my wife , but …”

  “But ?”

  “I’d rather be fucking her,” I groan, leaning down to kiss her lips. I had her this morning, but I want inside her again. Even a year later, I can’t hel
p but feel this possessiveness with Holly—this need to be a part of her .

  I am the luckiest bastard in the world, that’s for damn sure. I might have thought it was a bad idea filling in for one of my employees a year ago, but it’s been the best fucking thing to ever happen to me .

  “We could leave. I doubt anyone would miss us,” she replies. “I do have a surprise waiting for you in the penthouse suite of this hotel…” She grins wickedly .

  “What kind of surprise ?”

  “Let’s just say I think it will get you in the Christmas spirit,” she laughs. Her laugh reminds me of the sound of bells ringing softly in the night. It fills me with joy .

  Without further thought, I pick her up and carry her out of the ballroom, toward the elevators. She laughs harder, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my neck .

  Yeah I’m the luckiest bastard in the world. I have everything right here in my arms and I’m never letting her go .

  * * *


  I married Nick. I can still hardly believe it. He’s unlike any man I’ve ever known before. He screams bad boy, with his big, muscular frame and ink that covers almost every inch of him. I never thought I’d ever be with a man like Nick, but the ring on my finger says otherwise .

  My heart says otherwise .

  Nick holds me tenderly to his body as he carries me from the elevator to the penthouse suite we reserved for the night. We’ll be honeymooning in Greece, but our first night as man and wife will be here…in the same room where it all began. I feel so small in his hold, and can’t help but lean against him and close my eyes. He goes all caveman on me more times than not, but I love that about him .

  I pull back, not sure what I am about to say, but before any words can leave me he leans down and kisses me .

  “I love you, Holly .”

  His words bring even more joy. I feel tears stinging my eyes .

  “I love you too,” I whisper .

  I feel Nick move his hand down the length of my spine, over the small of my back, and finally along the curve of my ass .

  “What’s that doing here?” he asks and gives my ass a squeeze. My body goes liquid for him instantly .

  I follow his line of sight and smile when I look at the red velvet Santa suit neatly folded and pressed on the sofa. My surprise for him . I grin .

  “I was hoping I’d get to sit on Santa’s lap,” I answer, biting on my lip and wondering if my man is going to play along .

  He gives my ass a smack, shaking his head—but he’s smiling and it might be my imagination, but I think I see a Christmas twinkle in those eyes of his .

  “Has little Holly been nice or naughty this year?” he asks, and joy fills me as he slips into the role that brought us together in the first place .

  I probably would hate this game with anyone else, but Nick isn’t just anyone. He’s everything and I love anything we do together. I think that’s just another sign he’s the one. Even if others think we are jumping into this, I know this is the right move .

  We belong together .

  Nick pulls me impossibly closer and makes this low growling sound. “I fucking love you, baby. You’re perfection, Holly baby .”

  I feel my cheeks heat, because even after being with Nick for a year, the butterflies never leave, and I know they never will. There will never be a Christmas that goes by where I don’t try to make my way onto Santa’s very, very naughty list .

  The nice list is overrated anyway .

  The End


  “W hen’s Virginia’s plane due in?” Mavis asks .

  I don’t turn around to look at her. I’m standing at the large picture window in my study, looking out across the land that has been in my family for generations. Land that has seeped into my bones and oozes out when I bleed. Land that is a part of me. Land I would die without .

  Living in Blayton, Wyoming might not be for everyone, but it’s all I’ve ever known—and all I’ve ever wanted. Except for one thing .

  Virginia Madison .

  I’ve wanted Jenny for as long as I can remember. She’s been my biggest blessing and my biggest curse. Her father, Luke, was older than me, but he was my best friend and someone I trusted and leaned on. Being a farmer in the heart of ranch country isn’t fucking easy. Being a farmer anywhere these days is hell. Luke was a sounding board when I needed it. I depended on him every damn day and I think he did the same with me .

  When cancer took him out six years ago it felt like I lost a piece of myself. I had already lost both of my parents and except for Luke and this land I didn’t really have anyone. I’d do anything for Luke, and when he asked me to take care of his daughter, I agreed—against my better judgment. What the hell does a thirty-year-old hardened bachelor know about sixteen-year-old girls—other than they’re trouble ?

  And Jenny is definitely that .

  She was angry at the world after losing her father. She had no one left either and if anyone knew that feeling, it was me. We settled into a routine. I was never her father, would never try to be. I became her guardian and her friend and that was fine. My housekeeper Mavis was more of a parental role for Jenny .

  For the first year, it worked out great. I began to look forward to spending time in the evenings listening to Jenny talk about school and her plans for the future. Hell, I didn’t even mind listening to hours and hours of talk about her friends. Slowly that changed. At seventeen, Jenny began dating. Fuck, I might have been thirty-one at the time, but I still remembered what seventeen-year-old boys did and what stayed on their minds. I had to watch Jenny like a hawk. I owed it to Luke to make sure no one took advantage of his little girl. That’s all it was .

  Until it wasn’t .

  One night, on the eve of her eighteenth birthday, we were on the front porch watching the stars, reminiscing about her father and the past and that’s when it happened .

  We kissed .

  It wasn’t planned or premeditated. It happened from bonding over common grief. I had no business touching her. I’m fourteen years older than her, she was placed in my care by her father, and I am supposed to look out for her. Hell, I’m supposed to protect her from perverts trying to get in her pants—not become one of them .

  I’ve fought it. I’ve fought it for four years. I found excuses to stay away from her until I could get my libido under control. Then, I made sure she went all the way to Florida for college. That almost killed me, because with just one touch of her lips I became a marked man. There was only one woman I wanted, and one woman I had to have from that moment on .

  Over the years I’ve become an expert at keeping my body’s reactions hidden from Jenny. Every time she came home for the holidays or during breaks, I was both in heaven and in hell. Having her close to me, hugging her and just spending time with her was an exercise…in torture. Jenny, for her part, was and is clueless. She has no idea how much I want her or how much I need her. She has no idea about all of the dirty little things I want to do to her body .

  I pull my gaze from the window and the landscape outside, to the well-worn photo in my hand. It’s a picture of Jenny from last Christmas. Her long brown hair is pulled back on the top of her head in a ponytail, and stops at her lower back. Her sparkling green eyes shine like they have the answers to life’s greatest mysteries. She’s tall and slim. She’s too slim if I’m being honest .

  Some damn boyfriend she had convinced her she was too heavy and she ended up going to the gym religiously. That little asshole didn’t last long. I had to work to get rid of him. Jenny deserved better than him. Hell, she deserves better than me. But tonight she’s coming home. She’s done with school, having earned her bachelor’s in education .

  In three days she turns twenty-two. I’m done waiting and holding back. I’ve fought with my guilt. I’ve warred with my conscience, but in the end I don’t have a choice. Jenny will be mine .

  “She’ll be home in a few hours,” I tell Mavis. “Make sure everything is r
eady for her .”

  “Pfft… Like I wouldn’t have the place ready for our girl. Everything is ready, don’t you worry. Ole’ Mavis is going to make sure everything is perfect for her .”

  I nod, but I don’t answer. I want everything to be perfect. It needs to be. Because I’m claiming her. Jenny doesn’t know it yet, but she’s my future. She always has been. I was just too blind to see it, to accept it. I’m going to marry her and I’m not even going to let her catch her breath before I claim her body, plant my seed deep inside of her and make sure it takes root. I’ll tie her to me in the most elemental way a man can. She’ll give me a son to guide this land into the next generation and a beautiful daughter with her mother’s glowing green eyes for me to protect. Jenny will give me everything .

  I won’t stop until she does …


  I grab two beers and set them on my tray, turn, and walk toward the table, moving around horny, drunken guys as they try to grab my ass. But this is the norm at the bar where I work .

  The Bottom of the Barrel , which name is pretty accurate for the customers who show up here, is busy as usual. If I didn't need the money, and wasn’t always guaranteed a handful of tips at the end of the night—mainly because the guys think I’m sleazy and roll that way—I'd walk away from this place and never look back .

  But as it is, the shitty town I live in doesn’t have very many options of employment, especially for an eighteen-year-old with a family that has made sure everyone views her as trailer-park trash .

  A mother who has a steady number of random men rolling between her sheets and a father who only sees me as a one-night-stand mistake. This is the life that has always been my constant .


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