Lycan Unleashed

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Lycan Unleashed Page 25

by Shannon Curtis

  “Catch me if you can,” she challenged him, then shifted in midstride as she took off running. She heard him running on two feet, then the pounding paws on the pine needles behind her. She lengthened her stride, enjoying the soft caress of the wind through her fur, her ears back, the crunch of twigs and pine needles beneath her paws, and his scent, curling inside her, teasing her, enthralling her. She could feel him running alongside her, just outside of her peripheral vision. She could feel his breath dancing across the tops of her ears, and she altered direction, grinning as she heard the thud and his frustrated growl as he jumped—and missed. She ran between the trees, letting the exhilaration lend speed to her feet, dodging rays of sunlight, dipping into the shadows of the trees, so that she emerged into a small clearing of twisted oaks.

  A heavy body caught her from the side, and she rolled, shifting, laughing as he did the same, until she lay on her back, and he covered her naked body with his, his hands holding hers above her head.

  “I’ve got you,” she told him, chuckling.

  He cut her laughter off with a hot kiss. Her mouth opened beneath his, and she sighed as his tongue slid in to duel with hers. His fingers entwined with hers. He ravished her mouth, angling his head for better access. She loved the weight of him pressing against her, dominating her. His strength was something her own beast relished.

  She sighed, arching her back, their hearts pounding against each other. He freed her hands, sliding down her arms, and goose bumps rose at the sensation. He lifted his chest, his hips pressing into hers, and her core flooded with liquid heat. She could clearly feel his erection throbbing against her lower stomach. He pressed his palm against her sternum and looked her in the eye, those beautiful green eyes so captivating.

  “You hold my heart, Trinity.” He lowered his head and kissed her again, this time with a tenderness that made her heart melt. He lifted his head, trailing his lips across her jaw to nibble at her ear. She trembled, that liquid heat building between her legs. “I love you. I love the way you smell,” he whispered, kissing a scorching trail down her neck. Her breasts swelled, nipples tightening, as her pulse raced.

  “I love your smile,” he said as his kissed his way down her chest, his hands cupping her breasts. “I love the way you fill my hands.” She closed her eyes, head tipping backward as his lips sucked a nipple into his mouth, tugging at the flesh. Her breath escaped in a husky moan, and his hips flexed against hers.

  “I love it when you make that sound,” he murmured, transferring his kiss from one breast to the other. She made the sound again, seeing as he liked it so much and she didn’t have that much control over it when he was driving her mad with delight. He laved her nipple with his tongue, and she shuddered, heat spiraling from her core to the place between her thighs that wept for his touch. “You have such a big heart, Trin,” he said, and she could feel the rumble of his voice right down to her core. Her heart thumped in her chest, her desire building with each heartbeat. “I love that you love your family so fiercely, so fervently.”

  He kissed his way down over her navel, and her nipples tightened in the cool air. She rolled her hips as he worked his way down her body. She wanted him, needed him, inside her, and he was determined to take his time, to shred her control. Her legs shifted as he nestled his broad chest between her thighs. Oh, goodness, he was driving her crazy. He paused, his golden-green gaze meeting hers.

  “But most of all,” he said, his voice low, deep, his expression determined, “I love that you’re mine.” He kissed her. Thoroughly, possessively, and she came apart, splintering with pleasure, only to be put back together as a quivering, wanton mess.

  He rose up over her, and she caught their scent. Not his, not hers. Theirs. Something fired inside her; something that was full of desire, full of love for the man in her arms. She pushed him gently, rolling them over until she straddled his hips. She cradled his face in her hands, meeting his gaze. She loved that even though he possessed great strength, he could be playful, and he could let her take control—just the way her beast liked it.

  “Mine,” she said simply, bending down to kiss him, tasting her, tasting him. She drew her hands down his chest, gently scoring her nails down his pecs and drawing around and around in ever narrowing circles until her nail flicked his nipple. He sighed, arching his back at her caress. Sunlight embraced his skin, turning it golden and bronze in the dappled shadows from the branches above them.

  A fierce possessiveness, a desire to bind him to her, swept over her. “Mine,” she whispered, then kissed and licked, nibbled and bit her way down that gorgeous chest, exploring the rise and dip of muscle, the taut silken skin, until she reached his erection. She grasped him, enjoying the tactile strength, the rigid heat of him. Her gaze met his, and she could see the strain on his face, the anticipation.

  “Mine,” she breathed against him, then took him inside her mouth, kissing him thoroughly until he made that husky moan that she loved to hear. His hands delved into her hair, massaging her scalp, then pulling her up toward his face. She let him, climbing up over his body to settle herself over his hips. He made that husky moan sound again as she took him inside her, his eyes meeting hers as she moved over him.

  He reached for her, drawing her down for a kiss as he thrust, and she gasped as she ran her hands up into his short hair. She could feel her body tightening, grasping at him. She kissed the corner of his mouth, then his jaw, her heart racing as she felt the delicious spiraling of tension. Matthias’s heart beneath hers, like a sexy rhythm tailored for them. Pulse hammering, her body clenched. Matthias stiffened beneath her, and she clamped her teeth on the stretch of golden skin between neck and shoulder.

  Matthias roared, almost unseating her and glorious pleasure unlike she’d ever experienced coursed through her. Her toes curled, her fingers clenched, even her hair follicles spasmed.

  She had a brief impression of swirling colors, hazy, sparkling, glimmering, as bliss, hot and ethereal, swept her away on a tide of sensation. She wasn’t alone. She could sense Matthias with her, greens and golds rippling around her, melding with blues and silvers, and an awareness, something so pure, so perfect, it was achingly beautiful. She could feel her, and she could feel Matthias, sense his emotions through the bond that warmed between them.

  She collapsed on top of him, heart thudding, and his arms wrapped around her. She smiled. She felt complete. Home.


  * * *

  Matthias stroked Trinity’s shoulder, gazing up at the canopy of branches above them. His heart rate was slowing to normal, but he didn’t think he’d ever be normal again. He took a deep breath. That was—intense. Even now, he could feel arousal coursing through his body, his need for the woman in his arms so compelling. He’d never get enough of her, no matter how many lifetimes they shared.

  His beast stretched within him, a sense of homecoming, of satisfaction, of possession, thrumming through him.

  “Is—is it like that all the time?” Trinity asked, and he smiled at the awe in her voice.

  “I sure hope so.”

  She lifted her head. “Haven’t you done this before?”

  He chuckled. “I can assure you, I’ve never done that before.”

  Trinity beamed, and his heart caught. He loved her so much. He’d loved Cara, but that had faded, like the snows melting, receding. The emotion he felt for Trinity, well, it was like the first bloom of spring, the scorching heat of summer and the chaotic blizzards of winter, all rolled up in a love so strong, they were each willing to give up a part of themselves for the other.

  She rolled off him, then grimaced as she stretched. “You know, I hear beds are really good for this,” she said, rolling her hand between them. He caught her hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing her curled fingers.

  “Marry me,” he said roughly. It wasn’t a question. He wanted to belong to her, and for her t
o belong to him, every way imaginable. As mates, their connection would be recognized and respected by other shifters. A marriage would be recognized by all.

  She smiled. “Definitely.”

  Four weeks later, with repairs completed on the Woodland den, Matthias stood on the dais, Dion by his side and Gilbert in the center. Matthias eyed the Woodland Guardian Prime. He may have wanted to tear him apart at their first meeting, but he’d discovered Dion had a deep well of integrity, of fairness and honor that was in accordance with his own views. The guardian prime was in full support of Matthias’s strategy to protect his new pack, and had some good ideas on strengthening the security of their territory, as well as training the guardians.

  Matthias knew he and Dion would make a good team. He glanced down at his clasped hands. He and Trinity would make a better one.

  The great hall was packed, filled with Woodland, a considerable number of Alpine Pack members, including a very pregnant Samantha Alpine. He just hoped Nate managed to get her back to the den before Jared’s pup decided to make an appearance. The female alpha prime had insisted on coming, as a mark of the new alliance that had been formed between Woodland and Alpine.

  Other packs had sent their representatives to witness and celebrate the wedding of the new Woodland Alpha Prime and his mate. Matthias saw it as an opportunity to bridge the rifts created by the previous alpha prime, starting with the River pack.

  A violin at the back of the hall struck a chord. There was the sound of chairs scraping as the guests stood, and then the music started. Matthias heard Dion’s swift intake of breath, and he turned. His mouth dropped.

  Trinity walked down the hall, her dark hair pulled back into an intricate knot at the nape of her neck, a few tendrils escaping to frame her face.

  He swallowed. She was—stunning. His mate wore a simple dress, but the effect was anything but. With an ankle-length skirt that flowed around her legs with each step she took, and a lace bodice that managed to look demure and sexy as hell at the same time, she was an enchanting combination of innocence and seduction, with a regal elegance that entranced all within the hall. She was so womanly and feminine, yet the dress also revealed her strength.

  She carried no flowers, but instead had one hand on Dalton’s arm, and the other clasped within Jax’s grip. Matthias winked at the pup, who blinked repeatedly in his effort to wink back.

  Gilbert stepped forward, beaming, as Dalton led Trinity up onto the prime dais, and placed her hand on Matthias’s before stepping down to join the gathered crowd. She turned briefly to settle Jax, and Matthias gulped when he saw the back of her dress. The smooth skin of her back was exposed, framed by the scalloped edge of her dress as it lined her sides. She was even sexier from behind. Matthias stared at her, taking in her hair, the face he so loved and the body he wanted next to his for all time.

  “You’re wearing a dress,” he said, not bothering to hide his awe.

  Her cheeks colored prettily, and Trinity tilted her head. “And you’re wearing a shirt,” she commented. He grimaced.

  The snows had come, but the caves in Woodland were much warmer than what he was used to up in Alpine. The white-collared shirt was a necessary evil for the occasion. He’d flat out refused the dark jacket.

  “You’re beautiful,” he told his bride solemnly, as he covered her hand with his.

  “So are you,” she said sincerely, and he smiled as they turned to face Gilbert.

  Before the gathered guests, Gilbert married them. They spoke their vows, but Matthias would have to admit later, he hadn’t paid that much attention, he was so captivated by his beautiful bride.

  “Now the rings,” Gilbert stated, but hesitated as both Matthias and Trinity shook their heads.

  “No rings,” Matthias stated emphatically. Gilbert’s eyebrows rose.

  “No rings?”

  “No rings,” Trinity said with a clear certainty, and Matthias winked at his bride. Both of them were very much in agreement on that particular subject.

  Gilbert nodded. “All right, then. No rings.”

  He continued with the ceremony.

  “You may now kiss the bride,” he finally stated, and Matthias grinned. This was the part he liked.

  Trinity stepped closer to him and he leaned down to press his lips against her own. She gasped when she realized he wasn’t satisfied with a chaste kiss, and he took advantage, widening her lips with his own as he kissed her thoroughly, enfolding her body in his arms and turning into a dip so that she clung to him. The crowd cheered, and there were several wolf whistles. When it got to the point where he either had to stop or find a private place, he pulled back, and stared down at his she-wolf.

  Her blue eyes sparkled with an alluring combination of humor and desire, her cheeks rosy and her lips curling into a happy smile, and he knew. He would protect her with his life. Her happiness was his happiness.

  They straightened and turned back to Gilbert, whose eyes widened when he remembered the rest.

  “Ah, yes, and one more thing,” he said, and the crowd in the hall quieted. Matthias and Trinity drew apart, and she drew Jax closer. Matthias reached out to clasp the boy’s other hand, and they stood there, bride, groom, with a child between them. They’d had a talk with Jax, and he now stood, chin up, shoulders back, when Gilbert leaned down to address the boy.

  “And you, Jax, do you take Matthias and Trinity as your father and mother?”

  “Yes,” Jax said, then jumped up and down in excitement. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  Matthias laughed at his son’s exuberance, and just that thought had him blinking back a tear. His son.

  “And you, Matthias and Trinity, do you take Jax as your son, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, for all of time?”

  Matthias looked at his wife, and she smiled as they turned back to their elder prime. “We do,” they chorused.

  Gilbert flung his arms wide. “I pronounce you Family Prime of Woodland Pack.”

  The crowd erupted into cheers and wild applause. Trinity laughed, her eyes glimmering with tears as all three turned to face the guests. Jax jumped up and down until Matthias lifted him up and rested him on his hip. Trinity’s arm stole around to enfold the both of them, and for a moment they stood there in a happy family embrace.

  Matthias turned to look at his new family. He had once lost everything, his family, his pack, his ability to lead and a part of himself. Now he had more than he’d ever dreamed possible, and all because of a certain tracker who had shown him that family mattered, above everything.

  A short time later, as everyone danced, he held Trinity to his chest. “You make me very happy, Mrs. Woodland,” he whispered in her ear, and nipped her in that spot that always made her tremble. He smiled as her body shook delicately against his. She lifted her head to meet his gaze.

  “I love you, Mr. Woodland,” she told him simply. Her words soothed his beast, who stretched in contentment inside him. She traced the button of his shirt lazily, her gaze darkening with the same desire that was always present in him.

  “You can take this off now. If you want...?” she said, and his heart thudded at the suggestive tone, the seductive arch of her eyebrow.

  He gazed briefly around the hall. It was one hell of a party. Agatha had already taken Jax and the other pups for a very special sleepover, and the rest of the pack were celebrating as though it had been ages since they’d had something to celebrate. He realized that was probably true, and made a mental vow to give them more reasons for celebration.

  He trailed his hand down her back, enjoying the feel of her smooth skin against his fingertips. She inhaled, and he smiled in wicked satisfaction as the swell of her breasts pressed against his chest.

  “I’ll take off mine if you take off yours,” he suggested silkily, and pulled her hips against his, so that she could feel his erection. He w
as hard already. Had been from the moment she’d walked into the hall. Her eyes widened, then her lips curved in that sexy smile that always promised him pleasure.

  She glanced around the hall. “Hmm, it’s tempting, but what about our guests? Wouldn’t it seem rude if we ditched our own party?”

  He smiled at her. He knew he could tempt her. “Well, we do have a bed, now...”

  She took hold of his hand, and led him into one of the nearby tunnels. “Follow me.”

  He eyed her, the swing of her hips, the silky smoothness of her back and the sexy curve of her neck, and grinned. “Always.”

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from ENCHANTED GUARDIAN by Sharon Ashwood

  Enchanted Guardian

  by Sharon Ashwood


  In case you’re wondering, heroes and villains are real. So is magic, and so are monsters. They’re not just children’s tales or relics of a long-ago past.

  Take Camelot, for example. It belongs to the present just as much as it did to once upon a time, and its story goes like this:

  Long ago, King Arthur won a mighty battle against the demons, but what should have been victory quickly turned to Camelot’s doom. Some say it was evil luck and others say it was the enchanter Merlin’s arrogance for, in his desperation to defeat the enemy, Merlin tried magic no one had seen before. The result was disaster. The final spell of the war ripped out the souls of Camelot’s fae allies and reduced them to emotionless shells.

  The Queen of Faery swore vengeance against Merlin, the king and all the mortal realms. In defiance, the warriors of Camelot sacrificed everything they had, or loved, or ever hoped to be in order to keep us safe. Merlin cast an enchantment, turning the mighty Knights of the Round Table to stone statues upon their empty tombs. There they lie ageless and undying, ready to rise when humanity’s hour of need is greatest.


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