The Maybe Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 6)

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The Maybe Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 6) Page 8

by Christina Benjamin

  A lover of all things vintage, Megan had always been a bargain shopper. Thrift stores were her haven. Shopping at second-hand stores had started as necessity for Megan and her mom, but it became somewhat of a magical thing. Even now, when money wasn’t so tight, Megan still preferred to shop there. She’d always found something indescribably wonderful about taking home an article of clothing that had its own stories to tell. Plus, she was all for the up-cycle movement of breathing new life into old things. She liked preserving the past and referred to her closet as a fashion time capsule.

  So after kindly declining help from the posh staff at Brown Thomas, Megan made her way to a few adorable vintage boutiques she found in Dublin that were much more her style. Her favorite had been Lucy’s Lounge. The pink building had called to her like a beacon in the night, and it didn’t disappoint. Megan found the most amazing pair of white oxford shoes there. They weren’t at all practical, but they were her size and had tiny flowers stamped into the leather covering the front half of the shoe. They screamed Elton John, so of course she had to have them.

  She’d also found her dress for the gala at Lucy’s Lounge. She couldn’t wait to wear it. It made her feel like a fairy princess. Megan loved any excuse to get dolled up, and the fact that she’d be on Zander’s arm made her giddy. She’d pinched herself so often that she worried she might actually end up with a bruise.

  Megan looked at the sea of thrift store bags littering the back seat of the town car. She’d been in the process of tallying her damages when Sam called. Going back through the receipts, Megan began to sweat. She’d managed to spend almost three-hundred Euros! She’d gotten a lot for the money, but still, it was more than she’d ever spent in one outing.

  She’d told herself she’d bought things she needed, like sweaters and scarves and a fabulous yellow umbrella covered in pink roses. Okay, so maybe the umbrella had been an impulse buy. But Megan would be getting a stipend for the film project she was working on for Cor-Tec so she told herself she would pay Zander back to alleviate her guilt.

  The gates to the James’ Estate came into view and again Megan was swept away by the magnificence of it. “Hogwarts, eat your heart out,” she whispered.

  “Ma’am?” the driver asked overhearing her.

  “Oh, nothing,” she said hiding her flush. “Just happy to be home.”


  Sam flounced back into the library, her sea-glass eyes a bit less stormy. “Megan’s heading back now.”

  “Grand!” Devon exclaimed. “We can have a proper game of Scrabble with the four of us.”

  “I can’t wait to see her dress for the gala,” Zander said, his lips looser than they should be thanks to the second glass of whiskey he was enjoying.

  Sam’s eyes flickered to Zander’s. “Why would you care about Megan’s dress for the gala?”

  “Because she’s my date.”

  Sam frowned. “You asked her to be your date?”

  “That’s right,” Zander replied, meeting Sam’s disapproving glare.

  “Do you really think dating someone you’re employing is wise, Zander?”

  “It’s certainly not the most foolish thing I’ve done,” he shot back.

  Sam threw her hands up. “Well that’s encouraging.”

  “Sam,” Devon warned, catching her hand when she neared his chair.

  “Do ye have a problem with me, Sam?” Zander asked.

  “I will if you hurt my best friend,” she replied.

  “I don’t plan on hurting anyone,” Zander argued.

  “Yeah, well the road to hell is paved with good intentions, isn’t it?” Sam said storming out of the library.

  “Sorry about that,” Devon apologized sheepishly when Sam was out of the room. “She’s under a lot of stress with Uni. I’m sure she didn’t mean it.”

  “I’m sure she did,” Zander replied. “She still hates me because of Sophie, doesn’t she?”

  “Hate’s a strong word.”

  “I’m not that guy anymore, Dev. And I think, maybe . . .” Zander sighed.

  “What, mate?”

  “I think maybe Megan’s good for me.”

  “Meg’s a great girl.”

  “She truly is. Today she helped me avoid a major crisis.”

  “Did she?” Devon asked.

  “Oh, right. I meant to tell ye. The gala’s been changed. We’re hosting it here.”

  Devon’s eyes widened. “We are?”

  “It was Megan’s idea and I think it’s brilliant.”

  Devon laughed. “I’m not sure Cara will think it’s so brilliant.”

  “Cara’d have to live here to weigh in on that,” Zander grumbled taking a large gulp of his whiskey.

  Devon laughed, but when Zander didn’t correct him, Devon’s expression changed to confusion. “Yer serious?” he questioned. “Cara doesn’t live here?”

  “Not since June.”

  “But I thought she was managing Cor-Tec’s customer relations.”

  “She is. And she liked managing one of our customers so much she moved in with him.”

  “What?” Devon’s dark eyebrows had practically knitted themselves together with worry. “But she . . . she wouldn’t do that to my Da.”

  Zander couldn’t take the hurt swimming in Devon’s eyes. He stood up and paced in front of the fireplace. He hadn’t wanted to be the one to break this news to Devon. But leave it to Cara to put Zander in an awkward spot.

  When Cara married Devon’s father it had nearly ruined Devon and Zander’s friendship. Zander had said and done a lot of things he wasn’t proud of. His jealousy and competitive nature had gotten the better of him. But karma had certainly been returned.

  He’d been a prick to everyone back then. Zander’s behavior caused him to become estranged from his sister Cara and lose his friendship with Devon. Zander had stupidly thought dating Devon’s ex was a way to get back at him, but dating Sophie only made things worse.

  Zander found out Sophie was only dating him as a way to try to get Devon back.

  Her scheme backfired, but not before ripping Zander’s heart out and almost ruining Devon’s relationship with Sam—something Sam had obviously not entirely forgiven him for.

  But Zander had learned the error of his ways. He’d grown up a lot since high school. Sophie’s cruelty had woken him up. And when all was said and done, Zander realized he needed to patch things up with the few people he could trust in his life—Devon, Cara and Sam.

  When Devon’s father passed away, Zander vowed to turn over a new leaf. Cara and Devon needed him, and for the first time Zander was realizing it was important to hold onto the little family he had left, no matter how dysfunctional it was.

  Zander thought he was doing a good job of being the improved version of himself, but from the look of anguish on Devon’s face, he realized he’d easily fallen back into his routine of secrets and lies. Zander knew he should’ve told Devon about Cara’s new romance right away, but he hadn’t wanted to hurt his friend. How could he tell Devon that while he was still mourning his father, Cara had already moved on? It was too cruel.

  “I’m sorry,” Zander muttered, at a loss for anything else to say.

  “Who is it?” Devon asked, color creeping up his neck. “Who’s the bloke who thinks he can replace my Da?”

  “No one ye know.”

  “Well he must be someone bloody important for Cara to move in with him.” Devon was standing now. “Is it serious?”

  Zander exhaled. “They’re engaged.”


  “I don’t know what to tell ye, Devon. Ye should talk to Cara.”

  “Ye can bet yer arse I’ll be having words with her!” Devon shouted.

  “What’s going on?” Sam asked.

  Zander turned to see Sam and Megan staring at them from the doorway. Bloody perfect.

  Devon’s face was nearly the color of the red library drapery when he responded. “Zander’s just told me that Cara has moved out and she’
s engaged!”

  Sam’s mouth fell open. “What? When did this happen?”

  “June!” Devon exclaimed.

  Sam turned her gaze on Megan. “Did you know about this?”

  Megan shook her head quickly. “No.”

  “And you’re just telling us now?” Sam asked Zander.

  He didn’t have a good answer for her. Instead he poured himself another drink from the bar cart next to the fireplace.

  “The children?” Devon asked, shock washing the color from his face. “They’ve moved with her?”

  “Of course they have,” Zander replied. “She’s their mother.” Cara might be a lot of things, but Zander knew his sister would never abandon her children the way their own parents had abandoned them.

  “They’re my father’s children too,” Devon hissed. “And they’re the only real family I have left.”

  Zander didn’t miss Devon’s dig. His sister’s children with Henry James were Devon’s blood relatives—something Zander would never be. And apparently being a relative by marriage didn’t grant Zander protection from Devon’s simmering disappointment.

  “Ye should’ve told me,” Devon muttered before storming from the library, Sam and Eggsy following in his wake.



  Megan watched Zander finish his drink and pour himself another before he slumped into the wing-backed chair in front of the fireplace. She silently poured herself a drink and joined him, pulling her own chair close enough so their knees touched.

  “Hey,” she said smiling softly at him.

  “Hey,” he replied without looking up.

  “Wanna tell me what I just walked in on?”

  “Not really.”

  “Let me rephrase that,” Megan said. “I want you tell me what I need to know so I don’t make things worse.”

  Zander sighed. “I don’t know how that’s possible. I’ve mucked it up quite well all on my own.”

  Megan put her hand on Zander’s knee. “Did Cara really move out?”

  He nodded.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “What are ye sorry for?”


  He looked up for the first time, his green eyes full of hurt.

  “I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this burden alone. And I’m sorry you didn’t feel you could tell me.”

  “That’s not it, Megan. I wanted to tell ye, but I needed to tell Devon first and I couldn’t. I just couldn’t bring myself to hurt him like that. I know he’s still broken up about his Da. I didn’t want to make it worse.”

  Megan smiled sadly. “I’m guessing you didn’t express things so eloquently to Devon?”

  Zander took another drink. “Not exactly.”

  Megan gently took the glass from his hand and set it down next to hers. Then she settled onto his lap. Zander was warm and his delicious scent held a hint of whiskey and sorrow. “Listen, Devon’s just in shock. Once he wraps his head around the idea, he’ll know you didn’t keep it from him to hurt him.”

  “I was trying to protect him,” Zander argued.

  “I know. And tomorrow you can tell him that. Just give him some space.”

  Zander let his head fall heavy into Megan’s shoulder. “I’ve made a mess of things.”

  She kissed his head, letting her fingers stroke his thick brown hair. “Repeat after me: my current situation isn’t my final destination.”

  Zander looked up at her, his deep green eyes searching hers. “How are ye always so positive?”

  She grinned. “It’s a choice.” Then she added coyly. “Being here with you kinda helps too.”

  Zander flashed her a crooked smile that made her heart melt. It was the one she’d grown accustom to greeting her on her video screen, and the fact that she was here, face-to-face with Zander instead of staring at him through a phone, made her want to grab onto his grin with both hands and kiss him until she was breathless.

  Somehow, she managed to refrain from her urges since Zander was still teetering on the edge of despair over what had just transpired between him and Devon. Instead she placed her hands confidently on either side of his shoulders. “Tomorrow’s a new day. Get some sleep and talk to Devon in the morning. And when you do, tell him what you told me. He can’t fault you for wanting to spare his feelings.”

  “Ye think so?”

  “I know so,” she said giving his shoulders a squeeze. “I also know you’re even more tense than when I left you this morning,” she added massaging the boulder-sized knots in Zander’s shoulders. “What have you been doing? Carrying the world on your back?”

  He laughed softly, but his eyes slid closed as she kneaded the taut muscles near his thickly coiled neck. Zander let out a grateful groan and Megan had the sudden urge to kiss him again.

  Zander’s eyes opened. “Ye know . . . I seem to remember a pint-sized Yank promising me a massage.”

  “And I seem to remember an ornery Irishman promising me a tour.”

  Zander squeezed Megan’s sides, pulling her closer. “Aye, it’s gonna be like that, is it?”

  Megan smiled. Unable to resist Zander’s wolfish grin, she stuck her tongue out in confirmation.

  “Well then, this is the library,” he murmured.

  “You’re gonna have to show me a lot more than some dusty old books if you want a massage from these magic fingers,” she said wiggling her fingers in front of his face.

  “Is that so?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Well, that’s a shame, because I happen to know ye love dusty old books.”

  “Who told you that?”

  “Some nerdy film student I used to call.”

  “Nerdy film student, huh?” Megan’s voice was full of well-practiced sarcasm. “Well, it just so happens I know that’s exactly your type.”

  Zander arched a mischievous eyebrow. “And do ye happen to know where I might find such a lass?”

  She feigned disinterest and began climbing off his lap, but his arms encircled her waist and pulled her back. She didn’t even have a chance to catch her breath before Zander’s lips were parting hers. His kiss made her dizzy and she clung to him, her hands sliding over the rippling muscles beneath his shirt.

  The kiss stopped as quickly as it started and Zander was setting her back onto her wobbly feet. He climbed to his and pulled her after him deeper into the dimly lit library.

  “Where are we going?” she asked trying to get her mind to catch up with her feet as she stumbled behind him.

  “I thought ye wanted a tour?”

  “I didn’t mean right this second.”

  “Ye sure?” he asked, a twinkle of mischief in his brilliant green eyes. “This is my favorite part.”

  “Really?” she asked, looking around.

  Zander had stopped in a secluded alcove of shelves lined with colorful spins that reach all the way to the ceiling. A tall worktable was situated in the center of the stacks with leather-topped stools neatly tucked beneath them. This section of the library was just as stunning as the others she’d glimpsed traipsing after Zander. But Megan couldn’t pick out what made it so special to him.

  “Why?” she finally asked.

  He took a step closer to her, bending to press his mouth to her neck. “Because no one ever comes back here,” he whispered.

  His voice was warm against her skin and it sent shivers down to her toes. Zander hoisted her onto the table, moving to stand between her knees.

  “That’s better,” he murmured, noting they were eye level now. “I had no idea how much of an obstacle yer height would present, doll face.”

  “I could say the same thing about you,” she teased back.

  “I’m average height, pipsqueak.”

  “There’s nothing average about you,” Megan said running her hands up Zander’s hard chest. Her mind was already racing to what the rest of his above average body parts might feel like.

  Zander grinned as though he knew what she was thinking. He kissed her, slo
wly at first. He still tasted of fine whiskey and Megan lost herself in the hungry passion of his mouth. She moaned as he moved to kiss her throat and in one quick move Zander had her back pushed flat against the table. Megan wrapped her legs around his waist as Zander’s hands roamed her body. She was an explosion of nerves as his hands slipped under her sweater. Megan gripped Zander’s shirt, untucking it from his pants as he practically crawled atop the table with her.

  She shrieked when they sent a lamp crashing to the floor, but Zander only laughed, still bent over her hungrily.

  “Shhh . . .” Megan warned. “We’re gonna get in trouble.”

  “By who? I’m the man of the house.”

  “And when do I get to see that room?” she teased.

  “My bedroom?” He smirked crookedly. “I’m sorry but that’s strictly off limits.”

  “Really? You prefer splinters in your fine arse?” she teased patting the hard wooden surface of the table.

  “I prefer kissing ye to arguing with ye,” he said, brushing a thumb across her lips before pulling her in for another Olympic kiss. God damn, Zander could bed her anywhere he damn well pleased if he kept kissing her like that.

  She was putty in his hands and he seemed to know it. Zander hoisted her off the table and over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  “Where are we going?” she squealed as he made quick strides toward the library doors.

  “To my bedroom, woman. Now keep it down before ye wake the dead,” he joked giving her ass a playful slap.

  Megan bit her lip to keep from yelping. Then she realized she had her own private view of Zander’s perfect backside from her position. She reached down and gave him a swat of her own.

  He barked a laugh. “Yer knickers are mine, doll face.”



  Zander couldn’t get to his room fast enough as Megan’s curvaceous body wreaked havoc on his normally controlled demeanor. She wriggled and squirmed in his arms, her fine arse rubbing against his cheek in the most arousing way. He couldn’t help but slide a hand up her thigh and squeeze, making her shriek with laughter. It was like carrying a gorgeous ray of sunshine in his arms and Zander wanted to get her back to his room and make her his before whatever spell she’d cast over him broke. For the first time he could remember, Zander wasn’t thinking, he was just reacting. He was letting himself enjoy the moment and it made him want to hold onto Megan even tighter and soak up the infectious joy she seemed to radiate.


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