Generation Gap

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Generation Gap Page 4

by Carl Hamlin

  Ouch! Lillian shot out of her chair and began pacing. “I can’t believe you can accept our daughter being struck by her husband. Would the thought of spanking me ever have crossed you mind? I think not.” I hope not!

  She spun around to look at her husband, who seemed to be lost in thought. “Well?”

  Walter remained silence. He simply leaned back in his chair and waived away the question.

  “Walter Perry, I would like an answer if it’s not too much trouble.” Shut up, Lillian.

  Walter began to snicker. “Thank you for that qualifier. It would indeed be too much trouble. After all, Lillie, I know you too well.”

  She balled her hands into fists, straightened her arms downward and stomped a foot. “I can’t believe this.” Yes, I can.

  Walter could not contain himself, and continued to laugh. “Lillie, you have a bad habit of asking questions when you may not be prepared to hear every possible answer.”

  Her voice turned shrill. “You would actually spank me if you felt it was justified?”

  Walter shook his head. “That was not your question. You asked if I had ever thought of giving you a spanking.”

  Lillian glared. “And you still have not answered.” Actually, he already has.

  Walter went silent, bit his lower lip, then looked up and nodded. “Yes, there have been times when I thought about giving you a good spanking.”

  Versus a bad spanking? Lillian’s face went pale, and she walked back to her chair and sat down slowly. “For instance?”

  Walter chuckled. “In addition to right now?”

  Uh, oh. Lillian responded with a scathing glare.

  “Well, whenever you start pestering Patty about starting a family. That’s a pretty long list right there.” He cleared his throat. “And whenever you lapse into your control freak role….” He didn’t continue.

  Finally, it was Lillian’s turn to begin laughing, and she got up and sat down in her husband’s lap. “Well, if you spanked me every time I did one of those things I would never be able to sit down.” Humor, she realized. Always diffuse a dangerous situation with humor.

  Walter stroked her arm. “Control freak. You’re just lucky you’re so cute and sexy.”

  Lillian kissed him on the forehead. “Brute. You’re just lucky you’re so good in bed, you stud.”

  “Just leave them alone, Lillie.”

  “I just love her so much. I want to protect her.”

  Walter began to speak, and then hesitated.

  “Walt, go ahead and say what’s on your mind.” Not really.

  “Lillie, we share equal responsibility for how we raised Patty. We were overly permissive parents. But think about this. Did your protecting her from being spanked ever really help her? Be honest, now.”

  “But she’s a grown woman.”

  “She’s a grown woman who still has some maturing to do. If Brandon spanks her, and she’s okay with having that as part of their marriage, then you just have to accept it. Look at it as she’s recovering what we might say is…oh, maybe some remedial discipline.”

  Lillian heaved a deep sigh and shook her head. She took Walter by the chin and put her nose against his. “And if you spanked me, what would you call it?”

  “Aside from a lot of fun?”


  “I guess I would call it justice delivered better late than never.”

  Yikes! Lillian gasped in exaggerated indignation, then stood, stuck out her tongue and walked out of the room, wiggling her bottom all the while. Just regular sex tonight, please, she fervently hoped.

  Patty and Brandon rested intertwined after a long session of lovemaking that had turned into a two-act play. Brandon stoked her back and she snuggled against him in appreciation.

  She looked into his face and winked. “I hope you can still do that when you’re old.”

  Brandon chuckled. “That’s one of the unfair things in life. All the pressure will be on me.”

  “Yep. That’s the trade-off for me getting the uterus in the marriage.” Patty sighed loudly. “I can’t believe I said that to Mom tonight. What a slip-up.”

  Brandon began to laugh. “I just have to get past seeing her for the first time since the bombshell. It could be awkward.”

  Patty joined him in finding the humor in the situation. “Well, I’m sure she won’t tell Dad about it.”

  “Maybe it wouldn’t bother him. He probably thinks you just got what you’ve had coming for a long time. I mean, being that you were such a brat and all that.”

  Patty nodded. “I sure was. And I know that if I had been raised by some of my classmates’ parents, I would have gotten it real good.”

  Brandon patted her on the bottom. “Maybe I have to make up for all that lost time.”

  This time, Patty reached over and whacked him. “Down, boy. I have to deserve it. The for-real spankings, I mean.”

  Brandon laughed. “I know that you can tell the difference now.”

  Patty reached back to rub her bottom. “You can say that. But even when we’re just playing around, the sound of your hand smacking me and that immediate sting and warmth, it’s kind of a surreal experience. Sort of like it’s such an intense sensation! But almost like a dream at the same time. I think that’s part of why I like it. It can just seem so unreal.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “It has that forbidden quality to it. I love that.”

  She squirmed to try to get comfortable. “In spite of all this good fun, I can tell this is going to be one of those nights I can’t get to sleep. I wish we had a television in here. I could watch a movie until I fall asleep.”

  Brandon gave her a hug. “One of these days, we can buy one. But not right now.”

  He felt Patty giggling. “Now what, Babe?”

  “I was just wondering what I would get if I went out and bought one tomorrow.”

  Brandon looked down to see that she had an impish grin. “Simple. You would get a ride to the drug store to buy a large hairbrush. One that was on sale, of course.”

  “Of course! Goodnight, Honey. I’m going right to sleep now.”

  “Goodnight, Babe.”

  Walter gazed into the brown eyes that had helped to capture his heart twenty-seven years before. He stroked Lillian’s bare back and reached down and caressed the shapely bottom that had always captured his attention, no many how many thousands of times he had seen and touched it.

  She giggled as he stroked her flesh while she rested on her stomach. They had countless sessions of sensational lovemaking through the years. This was one of the more enjoyable. In all those years together, they had at times wondered aloud why some sexual romps had a certain magic, although they were all enchanting.

  “My wonderful Lillie, I was afraid you were too worked up and emotional to do this. Maybe I should upset you more often.”

  No, thank you. Lillie began to laugh heartily. “I suppose this was just the type of stress relief I needed. I really got lost in the moment.”

  “I love to share your climaxes.”

  She looked up and smiled. Let’s share another. Lillian held him closer. “Was that one long one or two back to back? I couldn’t tell. I seemed to be out in space or something.” I want another!

  Walter kissed her. “Too bad we have to get up and go to work in the morning.”

  Lillian caressed his cheek. “I think I could get by with one short night of sleep.”

  Walter responded with a sinister sounding growl of a laugh that Lillian knew meant that some special bedtime mischief was afoot. She could see the silhouette of Walter’s hand reaching back to a small drawer in the headboard.

  The toy box! She heard the drawer slide shut, and her abdomen began to flutter with anticipation as she heard the quiet buzzing sound, and felt the sensations on her upper thigh where it joined her bottom. She giggled and turned over, and allowed her husband to go to work on her.


  Another month of evening classes was coming to an end and Patty and Br
andon had seen little leisure time for three solid weeks. Patty had taken a fill-in position at a daycare center while Brandon was helping a friend with his landscaping business, often beginning at dawn and working until it was time to go to class. They were able to get four months ahead on their down payment savings.

  With two days of classes to go, they would be able to look forward to two weeks of summer break after they had ended. They decided that they would allow themselves to taper off their summer jobs and have some days of vacation, even if they would restrict themselves to some modest day-trips to preserve their money. They were also going to reward themselves to a dinner at the best restaurant in town on Friday evening, two days after their last class.

  Lillian had called Patty to ask if she would like to go to the mall that Thursday evening. They enjoyed browsing and talking, inevitably encountering some friends along the way.

  They came to a stop in front of a dress store. As Patty gazed at the chic fashions on mannequins, Lillian put her arm around her daughter, two beautiful women reflected in the window glass.

  “You know how proud your father and I are of you. And you work so hard! I’ve heard reports about how good a teacher you are. And under no circumstances, will you refuse to allow me to buy you a new dress… just because.”

  Patty placed a kiss on her mother’s cheek. “I’d love that. Thanks, Mom.”

  They walked inside and Patty made a straight line to a silky blue pleated little wisp of a dress. It had one shoulder and was held up by one fluted strap. It had a daring neckline but the brevity of length was as daring as the neck.

  Patty stood back and gazed at it. “Oh,” she breathed as she stared at it. “I could never wear that to school, but how beautiful!”

  Lillian chimed in. “Unless it was show and tell day in sex-ed class.” It will look great in a heap on the bedroom floor while you conceive my first grandchild. Lillian laughed. “And Brandon would be all over you the first time he saw you in that.”

  Patty held up the hem, then glanced at her mother and winked. “Yeah, my legs just own his helpless little male mind. Is it too expensive?”

  Lillian beamed and shook her head. She turned to the approaching clerk. “She wants to try one of these on.” It should help her get pregnant.

  Lillian browsed while Patty disappeared into a changing room.

  Finally she emerged, looking radiant in the short garment. She walked to the mirror, and slowly nodded. “This will just do him in. He will melt when he sees me in this. I know him.” She whispered to Lillian. “It will definitely get me laid.”

  Gee, that never crossed my mind, Lillian thought sarcastically.

  Patty told the clerk she would take the dress. She went back in the booth to change, and handed the dress to her mother, who paid for it while Patty finished dressing.

  Back out in the mall, Patty put her arm around her mother. “I have lots of plans for that dress. I mean in addition to dinner with Brandon tomorrow night and the parties I’ll wear it to. I promise, the minute I go off the pill, I will put on that dress again and see if you and Dad can be bouncing a baby on your knees before you know it.”

  Lillian smiled as they continued walking. “Speaking of knees, have you found yourself across Brandon’s recently?”

  Patty cleared her throat with dramatic flair. “Mom!”

  Lillian shook her head. “Sorry, I know. Pretend I didn’t say that.”

  The evening progressed without incident. They finished by having coffee and chatted energetically all the way back to Patty and Brandon’s house. Before she got out of the car, Patty leaned over and pecked her mother on the cheek. “I love these times together.”

  Lillian felt tears forming. “So do I. More than I can put into words.” She watched to see that Patty was safely in the house before driving away.

  Inside the house, Patty decided to hide the dress. Brandon would likely not be home for another thirty minutes, so she took the dress to their closet and hung it in the back where her husband would not see it.

  Just as she had finished hanging the dress, Brandon called to say that he would be home much later than expected. Patty decided to have some wine to help her relax and try to get some extra sleep.

  She sipped the burgundy while taking in the end of an old movie and made her way to bed. In spite of the wine, she felt too wide-awake to sleep.

  Her mind had been racing all day, even though the time with Lillian had been very enjoyable. However, her mind was a frenetic jumble as she looked ahead to the following evening. She was looking forward to a romantic dinner with Brandon. She would surprise him with the new dress and she hoped that the rest of the evening at home would be a sensual one.

  Chapter 5

  For the past few days she had been feeling the yearning again. That dreamy spanking desire was there, like an energy wave churning through the middle of her body. Until yesterday, it was subtle. On this day and on this night, it was driving her.

  Eventually, the wine won out, and Patty drifted off the sleep. She did so just before Brandon arrived home and crawled into bed in exhaustion, but no so tired that he did not simply rest for a while looking at the lovely vision next to him.

  Brandon left early in the morning for his landscaping work. Patty rose to find a note taped to the bathroom mirror, promising that he would not work late so that they could be on time for their dinner reservation.

  Patty pulled on some old jeans and a tee shirt. She was just going through some of the teaching materials she had stored in the garage at the end of the school year. After a quick breakfast, she went into the garage and turned on the radio they kept there. The only car was gone with Brandon, so she had plenty of sorting space. She set up two card tables for a work space and got busy.

  She looked at the chaos of boxes that contained everything from college books to extra towels and sheets received as wedding presents. Some boxes were recognizable as her materials but she knew that some were hidden beneath some construction debris that had still not been removed after the kitchen cabinets had been remodeled.

  If memory served her right, she knew that some of her things were in a box covered by some specific remnants of the old cabinets and scraps of materials used to build the new ones. She made a mental note to remind the landlord that the debris was still there.

  Instead of searching, she began with the ones that were visible and easily accessible. She sorted and categorized, setting a box aside for those items she would discard. Just three boxes consumed nearly all of her morning.

  Her efficiency was not enhanced by being distracted over her thoughts of the evening to come. She had been horny before but this day was something else! She craved the thought of Brandon’s body against hers. She was also yearning for a spanking.

  She ate a light lunch, and then returned to the garage. She spent two hours getting her stuff into a logical order to make the first week with her new fourth graders a little more orderly.

  She worked into the late afternoon and had done all that she could without digging out the hidden box. She found her gardening gloves and began uncovering the box, wood scrap by wood scrap, setting aside old cabinet doors and pieces of a broken silverware drawer.

  Finally she was able to drag the box out into the center of the garage floor and began taking the teaching guides and curriculum books out. After a short time, she had placed the priority materials in one of the other boxes, tossed some into the discard pile, and set others aside for possible future use.

  All of the materials she would take to school were in a neat stack of boxes in a corner of the garage. She glanced at her watch and saw that she was doing well on time. She began calculating the evening. It was time to take her shower. She would put on her robe and stay in that until it was time to appear to Brandon in that special new dress.

  She still had three hours until their dinner reservation, but the restaurant was only ten minutes from their house. She moaned to herself as she hoped that a toe-curling mattress romp was
perhaps just five or six hours away! She felt the butterflies as she hoped that sometime between the dinner and the hoped-for climax, would be some special sounds echoing in their bedroom. She whispered to herself, “Whack… whack…whack.”

  All that remained to do before her shower was to finish straightening up the cabinet scraps. She decided to put them in a trash barrel so that they would not again be in their way.

  She tossed several jagged and broken pieces of wood into the barrel, followed by the two cabinet doors and the remains of the drawer. The last pieces to be disposed of were an old cabinet shelf and a small plywood board that had been part of the shipping materials attached to the new cabinet sections. Those were tossed in, and Patty took off her gloves and set them on a shelf.

  She stood motionless for a moment, then peered back into the trash barrel. That small plywood board had caught her gaze at it fell in. She reached in and picked it up, and she felt the flutters begin in full force, throughout her entire midsection.

  She felt her face turn flush, but she could not help but stand there holding the board. It was fifteen inches long, and three and a half inches wide. At most, it was a half-inch thick.

  To no one present, she said quietly, “No, no, too painful.” However, she was feeling an overwhelming combination of fear and yearning anticipation. She could not explain the excitement, but she could not deny it, either.

  She sat the board on a small workbench that had been installed by a previous occupant. The board had two small nails sticking out at each end. She looked around and finally found Brandon’s toolbox. Inside was a hammer, so she set one end of the board over the edge of the bench with the pointed ends of the nails upward. She tapped the points down until she could turn the board over and pull the nails out by the heads using the hammer’s claw.

  The board was very clean, and there were no splinters. The only blemishes were where the nail holes remained.

  Patty took a deep breath, and then walked back into the house. She walked into the bedroom with what she hoped would serve as a paddle that evening and with trembling hands, she pulled back the bed cover and slid the board beneath her pillow.


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