Generation Gap

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Generation Gap Page 7

by Carl Hamlin

  “Damned right I did.”

  “Is that what you intend to do.?” Why did you ask that, she wondered in disbelief.

  Walter’s face grew somber. “Yes,” he said firmly. “This overbearing, controlling behavior of yours has to stop. And I intend to stop it now. If you want to go ahead and get your bath first, okay. But this is going to happen.”

  Oh boy! Lillian’s eyes flashed in anger. She stalked out of the room, slamming the bathroom door behind her. Hands trembling in anger and emotion, she sat on the side of the tub to run water for her bath. She went to the cupboard for the bottle of her favorite bubble bath, and poured in a bit more than usual.

  She paced the floor of the small bathroom as the tub filled and the bubbles rose up to and over the edge. She tossed her robe on top of the clothes hamper and sat down in the tub. She began to feel a sense of calm as soon as the scented suds rose around her.

  Stall for time.

  Lillian sat quietly in the tub as the bubbles popped and tickled her neck and chin. She closed her eyes and began to concentrate on her breathing, a soothing trick she had learned in college to whenever she was feeling a heightened state of anxiety.

  He’s waiting for me. He’s going to spank me! She still couldn’t believe it.

  Against her will, her mind kept replaying her call to Patty. In each replay, her words sounded more unreasonable, her tone more shrill. She had allowed her voice to climb, and in spite of their deep love for her, Walter and Patty had learned through the years that when Lillian’s voice achieved a certain octave, it was hopeless to try to reason with her.

  Her mind was spinning, and she soon felt like a spectator to her own flashes of memory. She recalled the last time, several days earlier, that she had seen Patty and Brandon together. There was no question they were deeply in love. They unquestionably had a solid marriage

  In spite of me.

  Suddenly, tears burst forth from Lillian’s eyes, and she began a wracking, heaving sob. Did it really good this time.

  She cried for several minutes, occasionally washing the foamy water over her face to wash away the tears. She finally settled down and leaned back in the bubbles. That was when her husband’s final comment began to race through her mind, and she thought of him waiting for her in the bedroom.

  Is he really going to tan my butt? Yes. Yes, he is.

  She tapped the lever to allow the water to drain, then stood and grabbed her towel. She did not wish to prolong the wait for what she was assuming… perhaps even hoping… was to happen next. Without really drying off, she pulled the bathrobe on. She felt her fingertips involuntarily reach back to her bottom, and she felt the mid-section of her body begin to tremble and palpitate.

  What does that mean?

  She glided silently into the bedroom, so quietly that Walter did not at first see her walk in. He looked up, and motioned for her.

  Run. Run, now!

  She slowly approached the bed and stood next to it. Walter laid his book on the nightstand and gazed into the blurred eyes of his wife of twenty-seven years. She reached her right hand out and rubbed it over his cheek. He took the hand and kissed it.

  You’re going to spank me. And I’m going to cooperate!

  She reached for the tie on the robe, undid it and allowed the robe to fall off her curvy body. She tossed it onto the floor and took a deep breath as she began to slowly lean forward until Walter took her by the upper arm.

  She rose up to kneel, and Walter slowly guided Lillian across his lap. This was a position she had not been in for decades.

  Have this coming. Have this coming. Have this coming.

  Walter placed his hand in the middle of the still backside. As he raised his hand, Lillian clenched her teeth. Then a burning sting took her breath away.

  Oh my…gosh!

  The sound of her husband’s hand landing on her bare flesh shocked her nearly as much as the intense pain.

  Ouch! Zing, zing, zing.

  Lillian was so rattled by the first smack that she was totally caught off guard when she received the second. The third was much harder, and Lillian felt tears forming as she struggled to accept the fact that her husband would actually spank her so hard.

  Should have locked myself in there!

  She let out a yelp when the next was just as painful as the preceding one, and her mind began to race. Suddenly, her remorse over her comments to Patty was deepening. As the next smack made contact, she came to the conclusion that she simply did not understand the degree to which her words affected those around her. Otherwise, she knew, her loving Walter would not be expending so much punishing energy upon her bottom.

  Whole lot of energy.

  The next three swats brought the extent of the searing pain to another level, and tears began rolling down her cheeks.

  In big trouble now!

  Walter brought his hand down with another smack that seemed to echo in the room. “Lillie, I just don’t know what….”

  What? WHAT?

  He ceased talking, shook his head, and brought about yet another set of three meetings between his hand and Lillie’s red bottom that felt as though it were covered by stinging nettles.


  Lillian suddenly felt a sense of calm and acceptance that confused her. Even in the midst of the confusion and surreal experience of being soundly spanked by a husband of nearly three decades, she had not once begged Walter to ease up, let alone stop the spanking. By spanking her, and that he was spanking her so hard, she knew that Walter was driving home just how serious her behavior had been.

  Bad, bad behavior.

  Two more landed, and Lillian felt like her bottom had been the object of attention from a branding iron. Walter placed his hand on the center of the red area, and she jumped in pain even from that light touch.

  He’s too damned good at this! Way too good!

  Lillian though that it was over, but she heard Walter sigh and mutter, “Just to be sure you never forget.” Then three more smacks brought her to sobs. Her husband again took her by the upper arm and helped her to sit up.

  I should have gotten more.

  Walter felt his own heart breaking as Lillian knelt next to him, crying and rubbing her bottom rapidly. He reached for the bedside stand, took a tissue from a box, and began to dab at her tears.

  Quite a few more!

  Her sobbing intensified, and rather that storming out of the room in anger as Walter feared she might, Lillian lay down and rested her head on his stomach. He softly caressed her back, and pressed her head to him, not knowing what portion of her crying was a result of the physical pain, and how much was from the emotional upset of the moment. He did not know that she was wondering the same thing.

  It’s the physical pain!

  Minutes passed in silence, and Lillian would occasionally reached back to rub her bottom, but would always return her hand to rest on Walter’s chest. The crying finally subsided, and her hand began to not only rest on his chest, but also lightly stroke it. He reached his hand to meet hers, and they intertwined their fingers.

  I still love this guy.

  When he sensed the timing was right, Walter broke the silence. “I love you so much.”

  He held his breath until the quiet voice responded. “I love you too.”

  Reading each other’s minds, their fingers clasped more tightly, and Walter heard Lillian sigh as she snuggled her head against him once again.

  Bully! Brute, part of her still protested.

  Walter leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “I was afraid you might hate me.”

  She silenced the protesting part of her and shook her head. “I could never hate you. You really let me have it, but I could never hate you. In fact, as I recall, I went over your knees willingly.”

  It’s called Masochism.

  Walter went silent for a moment. “You had that coming.”

  Yep! Lillian nodded her head. “I think that might be an understatement.” Admit it, Lillian.
  Walter chuckled.

  Lillian stared at him as she rubbed her bottom and asked, “Walter Perry, what can be so damned funny at a moment like this?”

  Walter cleared his throat. Anything and everything, he thought. “Oh, I was just thinking. Justice would have been better served if Brandon had spanked you.”

  What! Lillian shook her head. “Now that was a creepy thing to say.”

  Still, Walter could tell that she was laughing in spite of herself. She looked over at him. “It’s true, but creepy to say.” She pressed her face into the bed, unwilling to even imagine the idea. “I still can’t believe I just got a paddling.”

  Walter gently patted her bottom. “You’re lucky it never happened before.”

  Lillian arched her brows. She was silent for a moment. “Walter, is your phone over there on the stand?”

  He did not say anything, but just reached for the phone and handed it to Lillian. She punched a few buttons then moved to lie on her stomach next to Walter. He saw that her bottom was still nearly crimson.

  “Sweetheart, I called to say I’m sorry.”

  Walter watched as she listened to the response.

  “Yes, but how you and Brandon, uh, resolve issues in your marriage… it’s none of my business. And you’ll have children when it’s right for the two of you. Let’s face it… I’m way too young a chick to be a grandmother, anyway.” Despite her words to the contrary, her mind was still screaming, Have a baby…right now!

  Walter felt another wave of relief as he saw a smile on Lillian’s face and heard her laugh as she listened to Patty.

  “But I mean it. I had no right to say those things. You know I love you and Brandon, with no conditions.” Lillian went silent again. “Well, when you’re together as many years as your Dad and I, you just seem to come up with a way to get a point across you might say.”

  She reached back and rubbed her bottom and smiled at Walter.

  “Your Dad seemed to find just the right way to explain to me just how wrong I had been. It took a while, but I’ll give him credit. He expressed his opinion in a way that left absolutely no doubt about how he felt.” He smacked my ass, many, many times. But she wasn’t about to admit as much to her daughter. “No sweetheart. We had a nice long talk about everything, one I’ll never forget. Dad reasoned with me, and he just had this convincing way about himself this evening.”

  Many, many times. “No, we’re just kind of lying around right now,” she explained. Preparing ready to get laid.

  Walter was his fingers over her bottom. “No Patty, we just… oh!” she couldn’t stop the groan before it escaped. Again! Please! Lillian looked over at her husband with a scolding grin. “No, we’re not having sex.”

  Walter mouthed, “Yet.”

  Lillian strained to not laugh as Walter’s fingertips began to roam once again. Lower… lower. “No, we’re not….” Please do that again. Please do it right now! She cleared her throat loudly. “I guess I’d better get off the phone… ooh…uh… now!”

  Lillian buried her face in her face in the mattress. Humiliation! But it was fun. She held her breath as her daughter was speaking but barely heard what was said. “Okay, sweetheart, once again, I’m… ah… sorry. And I love you.” As she ended the conversation, she heard the delightful giggling of their daughter that had always warmed her heart.

  “Okay, I’ll tell him you said that.”

  And he’ll love it.

  Lillian shut the phone off and placed it on the stand. She looked at her husband with a wry smile and began stroking his thigh.

  Walter ran his fingers through her hair. “What did she want you to tell me?”

  Lillian blew out a deep breath. “Well, she is certainly your daughter. She said to tell you that she didn’t know what you did to convince me to mind my own business, but whatever it was, I need to show you a good time as a reward. I wasn’t about to tell her you just paddled me.” Walter began to chuckle. “She is wise, and so very right.”

  Lillian sighed. “You are hopeless. You just set my fanny on fire, and you expect me to have sex with you?” But if you don’t start it, I will!

  Walter pulled her on top of him. “What sounds so unreasonable about that?”

  Lillian leaned down and nibbled his ear. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” Nothing at all.

  The End.

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  Carl Hamlin

  What others are saying about Carl Hamlin!

  The Inheritance:

  A Sexy, Romantic DD Story! This is an absolutely adorable little book. The writing and plot were wonderful, the characters were brilliant and believable, and the discipline scenes were very hot. The two main characters, Jed and Bridget, had great chemistry, and the romance between them was very sweet. The plot and discipline scenes were realistic, and the setting was cute. Overall, a great read, and definitely worth the buy! – Taylor Shores

  Sweet and Sexy DD! As a lover of Domestic Discipline books, I found this story to be realistic although short. The love between the couple is very sweet and the wife seems to learn a lesson or two along the way after receiving her spankings. I hope to read more from this author soon. – Firefly


  This story was precious! I loved it! I don't know why identical twins fascinate us so much, but any story involving twins usually hits a home run. This one - it's a grand slam. I loved the characters, the story development, and even the ending. A sweet read - nothing really out there. This is family love, married sex, and great friends. I will definitely read this one again. – Kzoo

  Very good story about twin sisters who find each other late in life
and get into all kinds of trouble together. Hopefully we will see more of this family because they are just some great characters.- Alicia

  Don’t miss these other exciting titles by Carl Hamlin and Blushing Books:

  The Inheritance

  Capital Punishment

  The Promise

  Hannah’s Novel Idea


  Red Sun Resort

  Return to Wilder

  Kara’s View of Autumn

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5


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