Human Surrender: Five Dark Sci-Fi Alien Romance Novellas

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Human Surrender: Five Dark Sci-Fi Alien Romance Novellas Page 13

by Renee Rose

  “We’ll gobble them all up and let them sparkle in our stomachs,” she would say.

  Such dreamers and so full of hope. A whimsical magic we shared until the years of battle destroyed it all. If only Trinity could be here to see the stars with me. If only for a moment.

  “Where are you taking me?” My voice cracked, and I suddenly realized how thirsty I was. If I was asked when was the last time I drank water, I truly wouldn’t know the answer to that question.

  “The planet of Canary,” Cross answered as he reached down between my legs and unsnapped my safety harness. I looked at his hand between the juncture of my thighs, prepared to rip it from his limb if he even dared tried to touch me there. He must have sensed my intention, because he paused, looked into my eyes, and removed his hand slowly. Looking back at the large seat that still concealed Pike, he added, “It’s roughly 720 hours away, so we have quite the journey.”

  I quickly figured out the math in my head. A month? It was a month away?

  “Why so far? And why only me?” I asked.

  “Canary pays a lot for delivery and isn’t in need of large numbers of Pallid Slaves. They only need a couple a year unless their slaves die and they need to replenish.”

  Cross walked toward his seat, pulled out a metal container, and handed it to me to drink. When I placed my lips to the edge and felt the wet coolness of water, it took all my might not to moan. Drinking the liquid was pure heaven.

  “What will I be doing there?”

  “Get her out of here,” Pike barked. “Her fucking questions are annoying the hell out of me.”

  Cross quickly responded by grabbing me by the arm, and helping me stand. “It’s this way,” he said, clearly not wanting to upset Pike any more than he already was.

  Deciding it best to be compliant, I allowed Cross to walk me down a narrow corridor dimly lit in fluorescent lights.

  Cross pointed to a closed metal door to my right. “That door leads to the head. It is the only one on the ship, so you will be sharing with Pike and me.” He pointed to the metal door across from the head. “That door is where Pike and I bunk.”

  He continued to lead me a few feet further until we entered a circular compartment that clearly was the ship’s galley. A small table that sat four was the only furniture in the room. Cross didn’t say anything as he turned us to the right down another small corridor that led to another metal door. He pushed a large silver button as the door slid open, revealing a small room with a double-sized bed, a dresser with a mirror over it, and a metal high-back chair. There were no windows, no frills, and the room didn’t have much more to offer than a prison cell.

  “There are clothes in the drawers that should fit you.” He sized me up, and then added, “The pants have drawstrings. They may be a little big.”

  I walked in the room, with him following right behind, and stood there staring at him. He waited as if expecting me to say something or do something. What more was there to be said?

  Clearing his throat, his eyes darted around the room. “It isn’t much, I know.”

  I walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it. I hadn’t actually slept on a real bed in over six months…maybe even longer. Cots and whatever makeshift beds had become a part of my norm. It would be a luxury crawling in beneath the covers and falling asleep, not worrying about a battle raging all around me. I hadn’t slept without a gun by my side, or ready to defend myself on a moment’s notice in years. Glancing at the pillows, picturing my head melting into the fluffy white, I looked up at him to see why he was still remaining.

  He stood there in silence, like he was on guard or something. He cleared his throat and said, “So the rules…”

  It seemed like he was completely uncomfortable having to be in an authoritative position. So uncomfortable, in fact, that I actually felt bad for him. Whereas maybe if it were anyone else, I may have given a snarky retort, or even act combative. But with Cross, I could see he didn’t want to be in my room any more than I did. So, without saying a single word, I simply looked up at him to listen.

  “You will have to be locked in your room unless escorted by either my brother or me.” He pointed to a button by the door. “Press this, and it will intercom us. So if you have to go to the head at night, or…”

  I sat and stared in silence which seemed to surprise him. I think Cross expected me to act out in some way. Maybe he was used to the other Pallid Slaves melting down and throwing a fit about becoming a prisoner to the brothers. I, on the other hand, had accepted that as my fate the moment I boarded the vessel.

  “If you try to resist us, we have chain hooks under the bed, as well as other restraints on the ship. I don’t want to put them on you, but my brother may feel otherwise. Just be good, and don’t give Pike any reason to punish you.”

  I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head, studying how he said the word “punish.” It seemed to cause him distress. Even more so when the threat seemed to have little effect on me.

  “Truth,” Cross swallowed hard before continuing, “I would suggest not challenging Pike. He has a severe temper and doesn’t have patience for any poor behavior. He expects things run a certain way—his way. I want to warn you that you need to obey his every command.” Cross paused and when I didn’t say anything in response, he added, “That’s not to say I’m not here to…to…” He ran his fingers through his dark hair with just the slightest undertones of gold. “Just don’t question him.”

  “Or?” I didn’t ask because I cared what the answer was, but simply to show Cross that I wasn’t scared even the tiniest bit. There was nothing Cross or his brother could do to me that I hadn’t already experienced. Torture, mind games, starvation, sleep deprivation—I had gone through it all. Nothing intimidated me. Nothing at all. I had one fear in life, and that was losing my sister. Now that she was gone, Cross and Pike had no power over me at all.

  “Or you won’t like the outcome. I can only protect you so much. So before you decide to do anything to test what I’ve said, I suggest you give it some serious thought.”

  I was going to continue down this road of taunting, but decided I wanted my unanswered question from earlier met more than I wanted to see his discomfort. “So what is the planet of Canary, and what will I be doing there?” I asked.

  He cleared his throat and paused for several moments. I simply stared and waited patiently. There was a part of me that enjoyed this little bit of control I had. Although minor, I felt like he knew he couldn’t frighten me.

  “It’s a small planet that solely survives from the export of ilium. The precious metal is in high demand.”

  “So, they bought me to become a miner?” It seemed like a long journey to just be a miner, and why was the planet only in need of a few Pallid Slaves? Wouldn’t a mining planet need a large workforce?

  “No. Well, not exactly,” he said. “They buy Pallid Slaves to become their canaries.”

  “Canaries? What are canaries?”

  Cross shifted his weight from one foot to the other, avoiding eye contact. “Centuries ago there was a type of bird called a canary. Long extinct, but plentiful at one time. Anyway, canaries were once used to go into mining shafts to test the level of methane and carbon dioxide before they would send in human miners. If the canaries died, then the miners knew it wasn’t safe.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I leaned forward and placed my hands on my knees. “So they bought me to go into mines to see if I die from deadly gases?” I concluded from his statement.

  Shaking his head, he said, “No, not exactly. At least not the same gases. They buy canaries,” he pointed at me, “to go deep within the mine to see if the air is toxic. Ilium can put off a highly toxic gas that—”

  “Kills miners,” I interrupted.

  Cross shook his head. “No. The gas will mutate the body. If a person comes in contact with the gas, a mutation happens that is far worse than death.”

  “What type of mutation?”

  “It’s hard to explain
. The body mutates to a decomposed state. Walking dead of sorts. Cannibalistic, vicious, rotting creatures.”

  “So if I mutate, I will have a rotting body for the rest of my life and want to eat you?”

  “You won’t live to find out. Mutated slaves become deadly. They attack and kill anything and everything on sight. So if you do mutate, you will be shot immediately.”

  Shaking my head and smiling, I said, “So basically what you are saying is that I am going to the planet of Canary to die.” I actually felt laughter bubbling up inside of me at the absurdity of my new situation. I went from being a soldier of war, to a slave, to now being a suicidal bird.

  Cross took a deep breath, but did not answer the question. “It’s late, and you seem tired.” He turned to leave, but then stopped and looked over his shoulder at me. “Are you hungry? I’m not sure the last time you ate. Or do you need to use the head?”

  “I’m fine,” I replied. I actually was starving, but exhaustion overruled my decision.

  He nodded. “Goodnight then.”

  I didn’t say another word as he exited my chamber.

  When the sliding door closed shut, I realized that for the first time in my entire life I was truly alone. I had never spent a night without my sister until she died, and then after that, I remained locked up with large numbers of Pallid Slaves. I had never sat in a room with the only noise being my own breathing. Looking around, a sense of terror washed over me. The walls seemed to be closing in. I was alone. I was alone! My breathing turned ragged, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t regain a normal staccato. Panic attacked my body. I was alone! Nothing but metal around me. Nothing but the thick white of my skin to remind me that this was my new life. 720 hours of being alone in a small metal box. 720 hours until I became a canary. 720 hours until I mutated. 720 hours until I died.

  The memories returned. Memories of fear. Memories of death. Memories of being attacked.

  I could still smell the stench of my attacker’s breath as he pressed his weight on top of me. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe. His weight stole all the air from my body. Seven years later, the dark, small confines of a commander’s sleeping unit continued to haunt my nightmares. The feeling of panic, and horror of knowing that the man was not only going to take me sexually, but most likely kill me afterwards. I closed my eyes and recalled Trinity’s rage as she appeared from the shadows, throwing the man off me. Trinity’s strength and fury were terrifying, but I had never felt safer. This mysterious power and strength were saving my life. My sister had saved me. When she reached down and extended her hand for me to take...I knew I would always be safe with Trinity in my life. But what now? Where was Trinity now? Who would help me now?

  Snap out of it, Truth!

  I had to find composure. I was a trained soldier and could take anything thrown my way. I needed to find strength. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. I could do this. I could do this. Just go to sleep, I chanted internally to myself as I took long, gasping breaths. Crawling up the bed to put my head on the pillow, I closed my eyes and focused on blocking all the negative thoughts that ran unshackled in my mind. I needed sleep. I needed my sister.

  Sleep I could have.

  Chapter Three

  Sweat coated my body as I woke up in a panic. I had no idea what time it was, what day, and for a few terrifying moments, I had no idea where I was. Hell? I might as well be in eternal damnation. Same difference.

  I sat up and noticed that I hadn’t removed my clothes, my shoes, nor turned off the lighting in the room before going to sleep. Not that any of it mattered. I slept and I considered that a good thing. The door to my room remained closed, and I wondered if one of the brothers had come in to check on me. Would they? Or would they only come in if I used the intercom like Cross had instructed? The idea of calling one of them to assist me to the head made me cringe, but my protesting bladder didn’t give me much of a choice. Taking a quick glance around the room, I quickly realized there wasn’t even a bucket to use if I wanted to. I could certainly urinate in the corner somewhere. I had done so in many a cell. But I did have to remain in the close confines of the room for 700 plus hours, and I would much prefer not to have to smell my own waste if I didn’t have to. I needed the twins whether I liked it or not.

  Getting out of bed, I stretched the kinks out of my body and walked over to the intercom. Pushing the button, I said, “Excuse me? I would like to use the head, please.”

  As much as I didn’t want to, I decided that there really was no reason to be rude, and I was at their mercy. Giving an attitude or demanding they come immediately would not work in my favor, and right now, my bladder screamed for me to behave.

  There was silence on the other end.

  Pushing the button again, I said, “Hello? I could use some assistance.”


  Feeling the tightness in my bladder increase, I crossed my legs attempting not to wet myself while waiting.

  Just as I was about to push the button again and throw some curse words their way, the door to my room opened. Taking a few steps back to allow Cross enough room to enter, I quickly realized it wasn’t Cross who came to my call for help.

  Red. A dark red.

  Pike took two large steps into the room and stood before me. He looked exactly like Cross except his lifeblood was not gold but a crimson deeper than any lifeblood I had ever seen. Dark hair, dark eyes, and red. Pike didn’t have to say a single word to make me understand that he was not a man to be messed with. Power, mystery, and dominance pulsated from his body at the same rhythm as my heartbeat. His firm jaw that clenched while he examined me from head to toe pulled my attention away from his hypnotizing glare. Twin brother with Cross, yet this man before me looked completely different in so many ways.

  “Why aren’t you chained?” he asked.

  “I…uh…Cross said if I was good, I didn’t have to be chained.”

  He remained silent, stony, and cold.

  Swallowing back the large lump in the back of my throat, I said, “I need to use the head.”

  He silently nodded and spun on his heels and walked out the door. Once past the threshold, he looked over his shoulder at where I still stood frozen. “Follow me.” His deep voice was firm, direct and sounded so opposite of the way Cross spoke.

  I willed my body to follow the man, even though warning bells were going off that this man was not to be trusted. But again, my bladder didn’t give me much of a choice.

  Leading me to the head, he opened the door and stepped inside. I followed him into the small space and then turned expecting him to exit and wait outside the door. When he remained in place, I asked, “Can you leave?”

  “No,” was his simple reply.

  The idea of relieving myself in front of this man infuriated me. “I don’t need you to watch over me.” I glanced at the small room that had a shower against one wall, a sink with a mirror, and a toilet. It too had no window. It wasn’t like I could do anything other than use the toilet in this room even if I wanted to.


  “No,” I declared. “I’m not going to go piss in front of you.”

  His expression hadn’t changed since the moment he came for me, but I could see his eyes darken at my refusal.

  “Go now.” This time his voice stabbed into my soul. I was not going to win this battle, but I still was not going to go pee in front of him.

  “All I ask is that you leave the room. I would like a little privacy. Please.”

  “Either go now, or I’ll take you back to your room. You can sit in your own filth for all I care. I don’t care where you go.”

  He was lucky we weren’t on the battlefield. I would have killed him right then and there.

  “Fine,” I said as I lowered my pants. “If you don’t care where I go,” I added as I squatted right in front of him. “I’ll piss right here, thank you very much.” I emptied my bladder in the middle of the room, staring directly into his eyes as I allowed every ounce of
liquid to release from my body.

  Pike remained emotionless. He didn’t say a single word or do a thing. His lack of anger was far worse than any wrath he could inflict. My knees wobbled as I remained in my squat, and I just hoped I wouldn’t fall. He scared me. There was no doubt about that, and yet here I was. The fool pissing on the floor mere inches from my captor’s boots.

  He didn’t move. He didn’t speak. If I didn’t know better, I would say he wasn’t even breathing. My actions had no effect on him, and I instantly regretted it. My childish act gave him the power. I was now the woman squatting in front of a man with piss dripping out of me. Humiliation for me, honor for him. Without doing a single thing, Pike won this battle. Damn him.

  As I stood and pulled up my pants, Pike raised one eyebrow and asked nonchalantly, “Are you done?”

  “I am a fucking soldier. Not a fucking slave. Remember that.” Clenching my teeth, I straightened my shoulders and tried to muster as much pride as I could and glided past him, leading myself back to my room. I could hear his footsteps behind me, and could almost feel his smugness burning against the back of my head.

  I didn’t know why I was afraid of the man. He wouldn’t kill me or risk losing the bounty for my delivery. 720 hours was quite the investment, and no doubt, I was worth a high price. But there was something that terrified me about him. Was it the red? Was it how bright it shone?

  Red like the devil. Yes, that was it. Pike had the devil sitting inside of him, exuding all the scarlet around. The devil resided within, just waiting to cast me off to hell.

  When I pushed the button, waiting for the door to open, Pike reached for my upper arm and took hold. It didn’t hurt, but his grasp was tight. He led me into the room and forced me to sit on the edge of the bed by pushing me down. He knelt down and reached under the bed, pulling a long chain and metal choker from underneath.

  “You don’t need to chain me,” I said as panic began to set in. “I have no intention of trying to escape.”


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