Human Surrender: Five Dark Sci-Fi Alien Romance Novellas

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Human Surrender: Five Dark Sci-Fi Alien Romance Novellas Page 42

by Renee Rose

  Having them both so close, so open to her, intensified her insane need for them. After all they’d done to her, she had to be crazy to want these arrogant brutes. Cass channeled the fever growing inside her into fury.

  “So now what? You think coming in here, announcing you were stubborn and pigheaded, and saying you’re sorry fixes everything? I’m supposed to say ‘Sure, I forgive you’ and suck your dicks willingly from now on?”

  Rom shook his head. “We have used you selfishly. Zara would be ashamed of us. My brother and I…” He locked eyes with Ryn again before going on. “Although we know it is no excuse for what we did, we feel an intense attraction to you. We’ve both tried to deny it but there’s something about your female scent that affects us strongly. We can’t help getting aroused when we’re near you. If you will allow us, we seek to make amends by giving you pleasure together.”

  “Give me pleasure?”

  “Yes.” This time it was Ryn who answered. “We have both demanded that you service us with no thought to your needs. We seek to right the wrong we have done by seeing to your gratification. All you need do is enjoy.”

  Her mouth dropped open. She took a step back, bumped into the bed behind her.

  “You mean both of you? At the same time?”

  “It is the Cephaian way. What we have done with you in this room goes against our nature. Because we share one essence, feel what the other is feeling, in the past, my brother and I have always acted as one in giving pleasure to our Mate. Now, with the Bond, we will both share your excitement as intensely as if it were our own.”

  Her pussy clenched at the erotic images flooding her mind, and she felt a gush of dampness between her legs. Rom’s eyes flashed, and she knew he’d picked up the scent of her heightened arousal.

  “We hunger to taste your juices.”

  Blunt. Raw. His words rocked her to her core. She understood this time she was the one in control. If she as much as inclined her head a fraction, she’d be taken in ways she never dreamed.

  Heart pounding, Cass let go of her fears and inhibitions and took a deep breath. Inhaled the seductive pheromones of the twin warriors before her. Welcomed the savage thrill they sent coursing through her body.


  Rom moved almost before the word had left her mouth. Still on one knee, he lifted her up and laid her with her bottom right at the edge of the bed. He ran his hands along the insides of her thighs and lifted them to rest on his shoulders. His upper body was so broad that her legs were now spread wide apart. The chain around her ankle rattled against the floor. Hearing the sound, knowing she was still restrained, that ultimately she was still their captive, gave her a shocking thrill. She was at their mercy.

  Ryn got on the mattress and bent over her, his face right above her pussy. He inhaled and then made a primal sound low in his throat, a deep rumbling that sent a wild shudder through her.

  “Your scent bewitches us. It is like nothing we’ve ever experienced.” He slid his hands over her breasts and down her stomach, stopping just above the nest of curls surrounding her pussy. Her nipples hardened into tiny peaks. Everywhere he touched, her skin came alive.

  “And this patch of hair. So soft.” He ran his fingers through it, grazing her clit with a fingertip.

  She gasped and jerked. Rom locked his hands around her thighs, holding her in place. “We will not harm you. But to bring you to the height of ecstasy, we will take control.”

  His words became a hot bolt of lust, rocketing straight to her core. She let out a whimper when Ryn began playing with the curls around the lips of her pussy.

  “You see, Brother, how her juices glisten here. This hair traps the scent of her arousal, draws us to the treasure hiding beneath.”

  Ryn’s fingers parted the curls, and Rom dipped his head. He drew in a long breath. She felt him exhale, sending a wave of his male hormones over the damp folds of her pussy. They danced along the sensitive nerve endings there, creating bursts of heat everywhere they touched.

  Ryn’s fingers roamed higher, honing in on the hood of her clitoris. He stroked and teased her there, until the little bud swelled and grew. Using both hands, he spread her apart for his brother. Rom touched the tip of his tongue to her throbbing clit. Cass moaned.

  He licked her slowly, back and forth. Ryn followed his brother’s tongue with a fingertip. Cass bucked and Rom’s hands tightened around her thighs, holding her there, legs spread wide apart. The demonstration of their mastery over her body made her pussy clench, setting off another gush of slick fluid.

  Rom growled and buried his tongue in her slit. She screamed. He started plunging it in and out, using his hot tongue like a cock. She reached down and grabbed his head. Ryn seized both of her wrists in one hand and pulled them above her head. With his other, he trapped the bud of her clit between his fingers and stroked it.

  Cass moaned, struggling to move. Four hands tightened their grip. Confirmation of her powerlessness stoked the fire inside her to a raging inferno. The world around her contracted then disappeared. All that existed were that tongue and those fingers and her pussy and her clit.

  The orgasm ripped through her. It went on and on, pouring over her in giant waves. Faintly, from far away, she heard screaming then realized it was her own.

  Rom backed away, and she sagged against the mattress, still trembling. That’s when Ryn fastened his mouth over her clit and started sucking on the swollen, throbbing nub. Cass whipped her head from side to side. “No, please, no more. I can’t take any… any more… more. Oh yes, more, yes.”

  She came again. A vicious climax, mindless and frantic. While she was still gasping for breath, he rammed two fingers deep into her dripping pussy. She convulsed, squeezing around them. He drew her clit into his mouth again and started pumping his fingers in and out of her tight sheath. Timing his thrusts to mirror the pulsing of her clit.

  Her third orgasm welled up from deep inside. Taking her higher and higher still, until she was swept off the peak, whirling into the void.

  When it was over, Ryn unlocked the chain around her ankle. He lifted her off the bed, carrying her in his arms like a child, and followed his brother down the corridor to a door next to their sleeping chamber. Still trembling from the intensity of the experience, Cass closed her eyes and rested her cheek on his chest. She was drenched in their pheromones. Satiated, yet still craving the closeness.

  Rom laid his palm on a sensor pad, and the door slid open. Another sleeping chamber. Ryn laid her gently on a thick mattress.

  “When you wake, we will have the android see to your needs. Bring your clothes and your books and any items you select from around the ship to adorn your surroundings.”

  She tried to take in the room, but the intensity of the experience had drained her. “Adorn my surroundings,” she repeated drowsily. “I’ve never thought about adorning my surroundings.”

  “You are beautiful, Cassidy Randall. You should be surrounded with beauty.” He sat down on the bed and laid his palm against the side of her face. “Thank you. You allowed yourself to trust us tonight, despite all that we’ve done to you. We treasure the gift of your trust. Bringing you to gratification gave us as much pleasure as it did to you.”

  She felt languid. Almost drunk, like she’d been once her first year at the Academy. His comment struck her as comically absurd. “Really? As much pleasure as you gave me? Well you boys must be feeling pretty damn good right now.”

  She giggled then slapped a hand over her mouth. “I can’t believe I said that. I can’t believe how slutty I acted tonight, either. Letting two huge aliens do all those naughty things to me, begging you both not to stop. This isn’t like me.” She gave him a suspicious frown. “Did you slip me some kind of drug?”

  “It is our attar.” Rom sat down on her other side. “Cephaian males naturally give off a chemical that becomes more and more potent when we are aroused. It has an intoxicating effect on our females when we Mate. Increases their desire as well as their
satisfaction. Apparently it has a similar effect on Earther females.”

  Cass sighed in relief. She wasn’t going crazy, after all. Her body had been reacting to the substance from the beginning. It was comforting to know she wasn’t the only one affected this way.

  Ryn smiled, the first one she’d ever seen on his face. “I should warn you—once they’ve experienced it, our females do their best to arouse us even more in the future.”

  She giggled again. “Can’t blame them for that!”

  They stayed by her side. Bringing her down gently. Calming her, caressing her until she drifted off to sleep.

  Cass sat at the console, her mind drifting as she listened to random snatches of transmissions from the ship they’d begun tracking. The Tellex chip streamed the seamless translation to her brain and she tuned in and out, like she’d done at the Academy when boring Admiral Tessen delivered a lecture.

  When she woke up this morning, whatever spell they’d bewitched her with had been broken. She was racked with guilt and shame. Cass always prided herself on being in control. She’d always been calm and rational, never allowing her needs or emotions to overrule her analytical brain. At the Academy, those qualities allowed her to rise through the ranks and become one of the youngest commanders ever of an Interstellar Federation cruiser.

  But, last night, she’d tossed aside every tenet on which her life had been based. Ignored her good sense and surrendered. To her captors. To her frantic hunger. To raw lust.

  These aliens are dangerous, her mind warned. They turned you into a shameless slut. Sucked away your will,

  Oh yeah, they sucked me so good. I hope they’ll do it again tonight.

  Her pussy clenched at the thought, sending a surprising aftershock coursing through her body. Across the room, Ryn lifted his head, looked over at her, and smiled wickedly.

  Chapter Eight


  “It’s the Luna.”

  Cass spoke so calmly that for a moment her words didn’t register. They’d been tracking the pirates for weeks, ever since they left Euxcelon. Going from planet to planet, always one step behind. It was only when Ryn dashed to her side and enlarged her screen to overlay the huge window on the front of the ship that he realized they’d finally found their quarry.

  “You’re certain.” It wasn’t really a question. More of a flat statement. Rom studied the star chart while waiting for her response.

  “I know my ship.”

  “How long will it take to reach her?”

  “At the current velocity of the Luna, if you take this ship to its maximum speed, two days.”

  He gave her a sharp glance. His vessel, the Gemini, was already near its limit, and she was aware of that. He knew her well enough by now to sense there was something more she wasn’t saying.

  “Go on.”

  Cass took a deep breath. “If we maintain our present course heading, we’ll be within range of the Luna’s tracking program in seventeen hours. Magnus is no fool. No doubt by now he’s heard rumors of Cephaians asking questions about him and his crew at every port in this galaxy. The Luna has highly advanced identification protocols. My ship can monitor all your internal transmissions, even eavesdrop on this conversation when we’re within range. If the pirates suspect the ship heading toward them is yours, they’ll probably engage the Luna’s hyper-space drive rather than do battle with a vessel this size. The Gemini is built for long distance travel, not high bursts of speed. You can’t come anywhere near the Luna’s velocity. By the time we reach their current position, they’ll be halfway to the next galaxy.”

  “You’ve known this all along.” Rom tamped down a flash of rage, struggled to keep his tone even. Ever since the Bonding, he and Ryn had trusted Cass implicitly. Could they have been deceived by her, after all?

  “Yes. And I’ve come up with a plan. I didn’t want to tell you until I had all the details worked out.”

  “What is this plan?” This time he didn’t hide the anger.

  “You maintain your current heading and speed. I go after the Luna—in one of the rapid transit cargo haulers you carry in the hold. When I get within range, I can transmit my access code to override the ship’s controls. I’ll bring the Luna to a dead stop and seal off the bridge. When you get there, you’ll be able to walk right on board.”

  “Impossible.” Ryn was shaking his head. “Those cargo haulers are built for droid crews. They have minimal life support capability, only enough to keep the temperature far enough above absolute zero so the droids can still function. If you didn’t run out of oxygen, you’d freeze to death within a few hours.”

  “Even if we could find some way to modify one of them, the Luna would pick you up as a life form on its routine scan of the craft,” Rom added. “They’d blast you out of the sky before you got near enough to take control of the ship.”

  Cass shook her head. “Not if I didn’t register as a life form. Everything about the Luna is high tech, including its crew. All six of us underwent climatic bio-modification before we embarked. We volunteered to go on a voyage of exploration, knowing in advance there’d be no way to predict what kind of conditions we might face. My crew members and I can survive whether we’re forced to land on an ice planet or one covered with active volcanoes.

  “We’ve also learned to control our bodily functions. If I’m exposed to frigid temperatures for a prolonged period,” she went on, “I can put myself into a state of semi-hibernation. My core temperature drops, my heart rate and respiration slow to nearly unreadable levels. In a routine life form scan, I’ll be undetectable.”

  Ryn looked skeptical. “How do you come out of this hibernation once you’re near the ship?”

  “I use the same technique ancient Buddhist monks did back on Earth. A thousand years ago, they learned how to bring their heartbeats nearly to a stop. I’ll be in a meditative state, controlling my alpha brain waves all the while. I program my brain in advance to end the meditation and resume normal bodily functions at a set time.”

  “Absolutely not!” Rom exploded. “We will not allow it! We are the warriors. Cephaian males do not put their Mates in harm’s way.” He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her.

  “My brother is right.” Ryn, usually the more reasonable twin, crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her, too. “We will find another way.”

  “I’m not your Mate, and you don’t have the right to tell me what to do,” she yelled. “I’m Commander C. B. Randall of the InterStellar Federation. That’s my ship out there, my crew. And I intend to get them back!”

  Ryn shot his brother a dark look. “You see? I told you we should have Mated with her.”

  “Unlike you, I prefer to make decisions with my big head,” Rom countered.

  “As for you, Starship Commander…” He used the title mockingly as he turned to Cass. “Surely you are familiar with the chain of command. You are no longer aboard the Luna. My twin and I are the officers in charge on this ship. I suggest you keep in mind your freedom is completely in our control. We still have the vela and the harness. Any more insubordination and we will put them to use again.”


  Males were the same everywhere in the Universe. Pigheaded and stubborn.

  “It’s apparent you have no more need of me here,” she shot back. “I’ll be in my quarters. Let me know when—or should I say if–you come up with a better plan.” She stormed off the bridge with as much dignity as she could muster.

  Once out of their view, she balanced first on one foot then the other as she slipped off her high sandals. Barefoot, she raced down the corridor to the cargo hold. She had a moment of panic when a pair of androids came around the corner. They all looked just like Ryn and Rom, but she knew instantly they weren’t the real twins when her clit didn’t start tingling.

  Damn that attar! She dragged her mind back to business.

  The twins had given her a tour of the ship shortly after they released her from her cell. She’d had dozens of te
chnical questions and they took the time to answer each one. She’d seen them exchange a look a few times, as though amazed that an Earther, a female Earther at that, would know enough about the operations of a complex piece of machinery to come up with all those questions.

  She’d told them from the beginning she was commander of the Luna. Apparently, it hadn’t sunk in. Just thinking about that made her furious. Sometimes they acted like they believed it was anatomically impossible to have a pussy and a mind.

  Five rapid transit cargo haulers sat empty on the loading platform in the cavernous hold of the ship. The twins had loaded only the supplies necessary to sustain life for three passengers on a two year voyage, leaving the hold nearly empty. The area was deserted. Androids made a routine supply run to the hold after every sleep cycle. By the time they came back again, she’d be halfway to the Luna.

  Cass got into the cargo hauler closest to the exit portal. She wouldn’t be able to leave the Gemini undetected. As soon as she opened the portal, an alarm would sound on the bridge. But she’d be rocketing into space before the twins could stop her. She set her course and engaged the automatic exit protocol. The cargo bay door opened. Seconds later, she shot out into the void.

  The haulers were built without windows, since androids had no need of a view. Nor did they have any amenities for passengers. During transport runs, the androids secured themselves with the rest of the cargo. Cass lay down on the floor in the empty hauler and wrapped a set of the thick straps around her body, wishing she’d had time to change into something more practical. She had on the turquoise gown again. It had become the twins’ favorite. They’d insisted she put it on when they left her bed this morning.


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