Electing to Love

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Electing to Love Page 17

by Kianna Alexander

  While they were gone, Angel leaned closer to Marie. "Your menfolk always spoil you like this?"

  Marie smiled. "They treat me like a china doll, but that's all Randall's doing, I suppose."

  She remembered Gregory's mention of that name. "You mean, Gregory's grandfather?"

  With a nod, Marie continued. "He's of a mind that women are like rare collectibles, to be kept on a shelf. He raised Nigel that way, and Nigel's passed it on. I'm allowed to take care of them, and do housework, but not much else."

  "That certainly does explain a lot about Gregory." She turned over Marie's words in her mind, thinking of how rigid Gregory had been in his attitudes about women. Perhaps he'd just been doing as the men who raised him had instructed; trying to protect her by keeping her on the proverbial shelf.

  "He told me you were concerned that we wouldn't accept you, because of your race."

  Angel asked, "Do Nigel and Luke know?"

  Marie shook her head. "Heavens, no. There was no need to tell them."

  Angel inhaled, steeling herself for whatever might come next.

  "I know you must have had to bear the evil looks and the shunning of bigots, of those who think less of you simply because of your skin color. Some may even have said hateful things to you since you and my son started courting."

  She'd heard a few nasty comments, but just as she'd done as a child, she'd made the choice to ignore them. Not wanting to bring up those things now, she gave her full attention to what Marie was saying.

  "We're not of that ilk, dear. All Nigel and I want is for our sons to find wives who will love them, and bear them strong children. We wouldn't disapprove of you unless we thought you didn't really love him."

  She exhaled. "I truly do love him, Mrs. Simmons. With all my heart."

  "I know. That's why we're so happy he found you." She gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

  That small gesture of affection brought up memories of Aunt Myrna, and the years of loving counsel she'd given her. Angel let a smile spread across her face at the impetus of the memory.

  Over the sounds of the men washing the dishes in the basin, Marie said, "I can tell you'll be a wonderful addition to the Simmons family."

  She embraced Marie again. "I believe that as well."

  * * *

  Chapter 17

  The Taylor Hotel's lobby had been transformed once again, this time for the marriage ceremony of Gregory and Angel. The space looked truly beautiful, with the lit candles set up around the room chasing away the early evening shadows. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree, festooned in shades of red and gold, occupied one corner of the lobby. The many chairs that had been set up in rows faced the ribbon draped bower, and many of the town's citizens were present to witness the nuptials.

  Beneath the bower, Gregory stood in his new black suit and cream colored tie. He held the black Stetson in one hand, tapping it against his thigh. Buck and Noah, who he'd asked to stand up with him, were waiting nearby. All eyes were directed toward the stairs, waiting for the bride's descent. No one in the room was more anxious to see her than Gregory.

  The violin trio began to play a slow, lilting tune. On cue, the women who'd been chosen to stand up with Angel made their way down the stairs. First came Lilly Benigno, then Prissy Parker. Last was Lupe, who would serve as maid of honor. Each woman wore a pink gown, and carried a small bunch of lilies. The three made their way down the aisle, taking their place by the bower.

  The tune changed, and Angel appeared at the top of the stairs.

  The moment he saw her, Gregory's breath escaped him on a sigh. His hat slipped unnoticed from his hand. Somehow, tonight, she managed to look even more beautiful than she did every other day. Her eyes held his as she made her way slowly down the stairs, arm in arm with Bernard Ridgeway. Her hair was swept up and away from her face, and held back with a row of gleaming pearls. The gown, a shoulder baring design that hugged her torso and flared into a full, lace edged skirt, was expertly fitted to accentuate her figure. Gregory took in the sight of her slowly, then let his gaze meet her eyes again. He knew his thoughts should be purer at a moment like this, but he found himself consumed by thoughts of stripping the elaborate gown from her and revealing her soft flesh to his touch.

  After what seemed like a lifetime, she finally reached him.

  Reverend Derrick Chase asked, "Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"

  Bernard answered with a smile. "I do." And he slipped Angel's hand into Gregory's, and took his seat.

  Reverend Chase proceeded with the ceremony. Gregory held both of Angel's hands in his own, looking into her eyes as he said the words. Never had he been so sincere in any promise as when he vowed to love and cherish her, until death.

  When the pronouncement was made, he drew her into his arms and kissed her lips fully. He heard the hoots of his friends and the cheers going up in the room, but he ignored them and dragged the kiss out as long as propriety would allow. When they separated, she looked up at him with sparkling, smiling eyes.

  "I love you, Gregory."

  He kissed her brow. "Not nearly as much as I love you, Angel May."

  He felt a tap on his shoulder, and turned to see a grinning Buck, holding out his hat.

  "You dropped this, pal." He winked.

  "Hold on to it for me." Gregory chuckled, and linked arms with his new wife. Amid the cheers of the folks present, they strolled down the aisle toward the open doors of the dining room.

  The cake Ruby had prepared was a four-tiered masterpiece in sugar, and Gregory thoroughly enjoyed feeding a small piece of it to Angel. A wicked gleam sparked in her eyes as she suckled a bit of butter cream from his fingertips, making his desire rise to the point of near bursting.

  After they enjoyed a bit of cake and punch, he twirled Angel around the floor for their first dance.

  As they circled the room a fourth time, he leaned close to her ear and asked, "How much longer do we have to stay?"

  She kissed his jaw. "We can go now if you desire, husband."

  "You have no idea just how much I desire."

  So, Gregory spoke briefly with his parents, to let them know that he was about to whisk his bride away. When he left his smiling father and happy, but damp-eyed mother, he went to seek out Buck, who handed him a rolled piece of paper, tied with silk ribbon. Gregory tucked the paper into the inner pocket of his jacket, thanking Buck for its safekeeping. He then spirited Angel out of the dining room, leading her upstairs while the party continued without them.

  They were about halfway up the stairs when a male voice called after them. "Wait!"

  Gregory groaned, but stopped climbing, and turned toward the voice with his arm still wrapped around his wife's waist. Her gaze followed his.

  There, standing in near the hotel door, stood Nathan Greer.

  "What do you want, Greer?" Gregory let his eyes sweep over the former mayoral candidate, and he could see the changes in his appearance right away.

  Gone were the fancy clothes; Greer wore a plain, rather drab brown suit. Also gone was the bluster and puffery Greer had displayed just a few weeks ago. Greer's expression held no more pretense or haughtiness. His eyes held only sadness, defeat, and regret.

  Greer, removing his bowler hat and holding it in front of him, offered a crooked half-smile. "You two look very fine today, Deputy. Very fine, indeed."

  Gregory rolled his eyes. While he did sense a change in Greer, he couldn't muster a lot of interest in idle conversation with him. "Mr. Greer, if you have something to say, say it."

  Greer wrung his hands. "I just wanted to apologize again. You know, for what Jim and Billy did you and Mrs. Corcoran, Angel-- I mean, Mrs. Simmons. I swear, I didn't send them. I didn't know anything about it."

  Gregory swung his eyes to Angel.

  She appeared to be considering his words, but didn't speak.

  Greer spoke again. "I'm leaving town. After what happened, Perry threw me out. All over town, folks blame me for what happened. Th
ere's nothing here for me now."

  Gregory held his bride a bit tighter to his side. "Good luck, Mr. Greer." He let his gaze communicate that he wouldn't be held up from celebrating his marriage any longer.

  Greer seemed to take the hint. He began backing toward the door. "Congratulations to both of you. I really mean it."

  As Gregory watched, Greer placed the bowler back atop his head, and slipped out of the hotel.

  Her eyes conveying confusion, she looked up at him. "Do you think he's telling the truth? That those two goons acted on their own?"

  He shrugged. "There's no telling. But right now, all I want to do is get you upstairs, and get this union properly consummated."

  A smile spread across her lovely face. Grasping his hand, she tugged it gently, and they started up the stairs again.

  Outside the door to his suite, he unlocked the door, then scooped her up into his arms in a rustle of silk. Tapping the door open with his foot, he carried his bride over the threshold, placed her gently on the bed, then shut and locked the door behind them.


  Sitting atop the bed, Angel wanted nothing more than to be released from the layers of fabric encasing her body. Every cell within her cried out for her husband's touch, and she wondered if it would be too improper if she simply pounced on him.

  He looked so handsome, standing there in his fine suit, watching her. From the torrid glances he'd been giving her all day, she imagined he was just as ready for lovemaking as she was. Yet, now that they were finally in the privacy of his room, she sensed some hesitation.

  "Honey, is something troubling you?" She watched him take off his hat, then carefully remove his dark jacket.

  "I have a gift for you."

  She smiled. "How sweet. Having you as my husband is gift enough, though."

  He reached into the inner pocket of the jacket, which he'd slung over his arm, and extracted a rolled, ribbon tied piece of paper. Confusion knit her brow as he tossed the jacket aside, then walked across the room to the bed.

  He offered the paper to her. "Here, my love."

  She took it, carefully untied the ribbon. When she unrolled the paper, it took her a moment to figure out what she was looking at. Once she did, her hand flew to her cheek in surprise. Tears filling her eyes, she said, "A house? You've bought us a house?"

  He nodded. "I've paid most of it off with my savings. Rod Emerson says his crew will begin construction just after the New Year, and it should be ready by spring."

  Tears spilled onto her cheeks, and she clutched the paper to her chest. "Oh, Gregory. Thank you. Thank you so much for this."

  With a slow, gentle hand, he caressed her face. "You deserve it, my love. We'll move into it, and fill it with babies as soon as it suits you."

  She wiped the moisture from her eyes with the back of her hand. "I can tell you now, it won't suit me until we've made love in every room."

  His eyes darkened with desire. "I can agree to that."

  She met his gaze and set the blueprint aside, placing it on the side table near the bed lest it be crushed and destroyed.

  He pulled her close, enfolding her in his arms, and placed his lips to hers. The kiss was as sweet as a summer ripened peach, and more filled with passion than any they'd ever shared before. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave herself over to him, and to the sensations of his tongue searching the cavern of her mouth.

  His hands behind her began touring her back, the heat of his touch seeming to penetrate the fabric of her dress and the chemise beneath it. He pulled his lips away from hers and began to place humid kisses along her cheek, her chin, the hollow of her neck, and her collarbone.

  She let him have his way as long as she could stand it. Then she gently pushed him away so she could get up.

  He fell back, his eyes on her.

  Standing next to the bed, she gestured for him to undo her dress. Once he'd opened the hooks and eyes for her, she stepped out of the gown and draped it over the chair with his jacket. Now she wore only the lacy white chemise she'd chosen with his pleasure in mind. She's forgone any other undergarments.

  He gasped when the thin garment came into view. "My God, you're lovely."

  She did a slow turn to let him experience the full effect of the garment, knowing it was mostly sheer. Facing him again, she knelt to remove his shoes and socks. "Stand up, husband."

  He did as she asked, and she could see his manhood straining against the fabric of his trousers. A smile lifted the corners of her mouth as she undid the buttons of his crisp shirt and removed it, tossing it away. Next, she stripped him of his trousers, freeing his hardness to her touch. When her hands closed around him, she heard him groan. She stroked him, reveling in the way he sighed for her. She continued her ministrations until his hand closed over hers, staying her.

  He sighed her name. "Angel."

  "Don't worry, husband. I will make it all better." She placed her hands on his chest, and gently pressed until he lay across the bed on his back.

  She crawled atop him, centering her core over his erect need. She recalled having tried to make love with him this way before, only to have him stop her. Now, there was no protest from him. He clasped his big hands on her waist in welcome. She lowered herself onto his hardness, and a low moan escaped her as he filled her fully. She remained still for a moment, savoring the feel of having him inside of her. Then she began to move, circling her hips and letting her body rise and fall with the building sensation.

  The fire of ecstasy started low in her belly, the glow of it radiating from her center out to the tips of her fingers and toes. Every cell in her body felt alive, and in tune with him. He raised his torso from the bed, moved his hands around to cup her breasts. She leaned low for him and he drew her nipples into his mouth; first one, then the other. He then sat up, grasped her calves to pull her legs around his waist. She found that she enjoyed this position, as it still allowed her control, but put them face to face. She kissed his lips, her hips still rotating. As he wrapped his arms around her, she could feel her completion rising. The blooming joy made her pick up her pace, riding him in earnest.

  His heavy breaths turned to short, throaty groans and he began to move with her, rocking his hips toward hers in time. Their bodies pressed together so closely, she felt as if they were truly one. Moments later, the sensations exploded, and she shouted his name on the wings of joy.

  He kept moving inside her, even as she trembled in orgasmic bliss. Then he came with a roar of his own, his muscular arms tightening around her upper body.

  She rested her head on his sweat damp shoulder, feeling the tears spring to her eyes. At this moment, intertwined with the man she loved more than anything, life had reached the apex of happiness. The New Year would bring them so much-new careers, a new home, and possibly a new life in the form of a child. Whatever was ahead for them, she knew that she would always treasure this night, and this moment of pure joy in his arms.

  Later, she lay in his arms after a third session of lovemaking, her body sore but sated.


  Only his soft snores answered her question.

  A smile on her face, she snuggled in against her husband's warm body, and closed her eyes.

  There would be plenty of time to talk to him later. After all, their entire life together lay ahead of them.

  * * *


  Thaddeus Stern brushed his hand over the shoulder of his freshly pressed white shirt, then straightened. The New Year was just two days old, and already it was off to a wonderful start.

  He stood in the lobby of the Taylor hotel, where the chairs had been set up once again for today's event. From his spot near the windows facing Founder's Avenue, he had a good view of it all. Next to him stood his boss man, Gregory Simmons, along with his smiling wife Angel May Simmons. Husband and wife wore similar attire: denims, white shirts, and brown leather vests. Thad couldn't help noticing the gleam of happiness in Gregory's eyes, and the way he clutch
ed his wife's hand. Seeing them made him think of his own future. He knew Gregory was excited to be promoted today, but it looked as if his truest joy came from the love of his wife.

  He quickly scanned the crowd, knowing he would see Janice there. The schoolmarm loved to stay well informed on the political scene, and would not miss an event like this. Since school was still closed for the winter break, there would be no duties to keep her away.

  He finally spotted her near the back, sitting in a chair close to the hotel's double doors. His pulse quickened, as it always did when he sensed her nearness. She'd done her hair up in the same conservative high bun she wore in it most of the time. Her lithe body was encased in a sunny yellow shirtwaist and simple black skirt, and he could see the gleam on the pair of pearl bobs in her ears. She didn't seem to notice his scrutiny; the slight furrow of her brow told him she was concentrating on what was being said up front. He knew he should do the same, but he watched her for a few minutes more, taking in her soft, unadorned beauty.

  He turned away from her reluctantly, focusing his attention on the goings-on. Before the many citizens of town who'd come to witness the event, Bernard Ridgeway passed his official mayor's gavel to Noah Rogers.

  The air was abuzz with the excitement of the occasion. Thad felt it as well, and looked forward to taking the new position he'd be awarded today. Still, he did his best to keep his face impassive. He watched the new mayor step behind the podium to make a speech.

  Noah, dressed in a fine black suit with a crisp white shirt beneath, cleared his throat. "People of Ridgeway, it is my honor to become your mayor today. I'd like to give my thanks to all who contributed in any way to my campaign, including casting a ballot in my favor. I want my tenure as mayor to be remembered as a time of positive change in our town, and so I plan to set in motion all the things I've promised as soon as possible."

  A smattering of applause filled the hotel's lobby, the citizens expressing their approval.

  Noah continued. "I will work with the town council, as well as the citizens of this great town, to do what is best for us all. My first acts as mayor today will be to appoint our new sheriff, and deputy sheriff. Gregory, Thad, please come up."


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