An Eye for an Eye: Zach and Katie's Story (Redwood Falls)

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An Eye for an Eye: Zach and Katie's Story (Redwood Falls) Page 19

by Chance, Lynda

  “He got the maximum, twenty years. And this is a close-knit town and the sheriff has a lot of pull; there won’t be a parole hearing any time soon, if at all.”

  Zach took a ragged breath and tried to put that angst behind him. He still had something important to tell his father before he could relax.

  “You need to know something,” Zach announced slowly.

  At his serious tone, his father’s eyes narrowed. “What’s that?”

  Determination made Zach grip the arms of the chair. “I’m in love with Katie Turner and I plan on marrying her if I can talk her into it.”

  “Shit,” Jeff exhaled slowly.

  Zach took immediate offense. “You have a problem with Katie?”

  “Not at all, son. We love the girl.”

  Zach calmed back down. “Then what’s the problem?” Zach asked, confusion coloring his voice.

  His father broke out in a wide smile as he relaxed back into his chair. “Your mother won the damn bet.”


  After Josh left the room, Katie’s mother tried to corner her about the trip she’d been on with Zach and why she’d lied, but Katie wouldn’t play along. “I’m not going to talk about this yet. Give it a few days, okay?”

  “Okay. I just don’t understand—”

  “Mom. Neither do I. Not completely. Let’s talk about something else, okay?”

  Her mother took a deep breath and attempted a smile. “Sure.”

  “I’m sure you’re happy about Josh and Hannah.”

  “I’m thrilled!” The enthusiasm on her mom’s face wavered a bit. “The only thing that would have made me happier is if they hadn’t eloped. We could have had a real wedding!”

  “I’m sure they had their reasons. Maybe it was for the best that they did what they did. It’s not like there hasn’t been any angst between our families.”

  “Well, that’s true. And it really makes me wonder what’s going on with you and Zach.”

  Katie shook her head at her mother, who was tenacious to say the least. “Let it go for now, Mom. We’ll do this in a few days, okay?”

  “All right.”

  Katie stood to her feet. “I’m going to call Hannah and find out where she and Ava are. I need some down time and want to catch-up.”


  Zach spent a quiet evening with his parents while he listened to Janet babble about Hannah and Josh’s plans. His stepmother was excited for the couple, excited to have them so close, and Zach heard all about the house they were going to build on the border between the two ranches and every detail of what was going on in their seemingly perfect lives.

  He was happy for them, he really was.

  As he tried to sleep that night, all he could think about was Katie. He wondered how much time he should give her before he tried to speak to her.

  Needles of impatience prodded him and made the blood simmer in his veins.

  He finally gave up; he knew that no matter how hard he tried to give her a few days, it wasn’t going to happen. He’d be over at the Turners’ house the next day, and only after giving himself permission to see her was he able to grab a couple of hours of much needed sleep.


  Katie had a great time with Hannah and Ava as they hung out and caught up on all their old friends and the town gossip. She managed, for the most part, to put Zach out of her mind for a while. But there was no way in hell that she expected to find him in her living room at nine o’clock the next morning.

  The hour was practically obscene to come visit someone.

  Her mother tapped on her bedroom door and told her that he was waiting for her. Katie almost panicked, but quickly brushed her teeth and hair and threw on a pair of old jeans. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the room to face him.

  As she came close enough to see his expression, she felt a jolt of distress. His face could almost be described as haggard, and Katie felt a sharp arrow of sympathy for him.

  Her mother was bound to be curious, but she’d vacated the house and gone out to the barn to give Katie some time alone with Zach. Her cousin had already left for work, but Hannah was still in Josh’s old bedroom that the couple was using for now.

  Without saying anything, Katie motioned Zach into her childhood bedroom where they could shut the door and have some privacy in case anyone decided to walk into the main room of the house. Katie loved her mom, but she knew the older woman was extremely curious and she wouldn’t put anything past her.

  As Zach briefly glanced around her room, Katie gave him an inquiring look. His eyes landed back on her and he launched into speech, his face set in a determined line. “So, I did what I had to do; I brought you home.” His mouth flattened and his stare was intense as he continued his explanation. “Your cousin didn’t waste any time. The loan’s been paid off. So, the slate’s clean. But I want it on the record that I was going to refinance the loan for your parents.” As she stayed silent, intent on listening to him, he said, “At least give me that, Katie.” She realized that he wanted some kind of answer from her so she nodded her head, her eyes glued to him the entire time, her pulse making her blood race through her veins so quickly that she was almost lightheaded.

  She remained silent and he spelled it out for her in words that she couldn’t misunderstand. “I’m ready to do this now. I’m ready to talk about this.”

  Katie had assumed they’d have at least a few days apart, maybe even a week. “That was … that was quick.”

  “I never said it was going to take a long time. It was about getting you here. It was about getting that damn loan out of the way and making the contract that I made you sign null and void. The entire point was to put you back in the driver’s seat, so to speak. From this moment on, I have to know that everything that happens between us will be of your own choosing.” His eyes narrowed. “You have to understand that everything that happens is because you want it to happen.”

  “Okay, I understand,” she answered simply.

  He took a step closer. “The reason that I told your cousin that I’m in love with you,” A look of anxiety spread over his features before he continued, “is because I am in love with you.”

  The impact of his words sent Katie’s hand to her heart and her eyes briefly closed before opening again and finding that he’d come another step closer but then halted. She was completely silent and he continued, “I fucked up with you in a way that I don’t know if you’ll ever be able to forgive.” He swallowed visibly. “I don’t know what I’m going to have to do to make it right, but I’m willing to do anything.”


  “Please don’t say anything yet, Katie. Give me a little bit of hope, okay? If you blow me off now, I don’t know what … I don’t know how—”

  His words stopped and Katie knew he couldn’t go on. She took the last few steps until she stood in front of him. She lifted his hand between them and held it cradled in both of hers as she looked down at it. She ran her fingers over his rough knuckles. “I forgive you.” She cleared her throat and continued to look down. “I know that you didn’t know.” She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. “I should have told you a long, long time ago.”

  He shook his head. “Katie—”

  “I should have told you three years ago when you took me to your apartment. I should have told you then instead of just running away. At the very least, I should have told you when you sent the very first flowers—”

  “Oh, God. The flowers,” he hung his head as if only now realizing how they might have impacted her.

  She shook her head slowly, back and forth. “It wasn’t your fault. I should have told you.”

  His eyes lifted and seared into hers. “I don’t know if it would have changed anything.”

  “It would have. You’d have been as understanding then and you’re being now.”

  He lifted his free hand and wrapped it around her jawline. “All I’ve ever wanted was for you to give us a chance.”

know that now. I think I’ve always known it. But I wasn’t ready.”

  His features clenched in lines of pain as his chest lifted with the ragged breath that filled his lungs. “Are you ready now?”

  She smiled, an almost bittersweet smile. “I think I am.”

  Relief, total and all consuming, spread across his countenance. “We’re going to play by your rules in all things.”

  She knew what he was saying and it comforted her. “Okay.”

  His hand slid from her cheek up to her hair. “I don’t want to rush you, but … when can we start?”

  “I still have a lot of vacation time,” she offered.

  “And what do you want to do?”

  “Can we … will you take me back to South Padre?”

  He stared at her with such relief and longing that Katie’s stomach flipped over. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly, and with a sense of urgency, he said, “Can we leave today?”

  Katie smiled. “Yes.”

  His hand ran up and down her spine and the action soothed her as he smiled into her eyes. “I’ve got some business to take care of in town. Can you be ready in a few hours?”


  He leaned in a kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll see you soon.


  Zach walked toward the Sheriff’s Department with one thought in his head. He needed the story his father had told him about Whitaker corroborated. He needed to know that the man was no longer a threat, and he wanted to hear that reassurance from Josh Turner. Instinctively, he knew he could trust Josh’s word on this more so than the sheriff’s. And the reason for that was because Josh loved Katie, and Zach would be better able to read the truth in his eyes.

  Josh was leaving the building and had turned in the opposite direction just as he walked up. Zach recognized him immediately. He’d seen the younger man around town in years past, but the recognition came because Josh looked damn near identical to his father. Abruptly, Zach realized why his entire family had kept Hannah’s romance a secret. They had no way of knowing how Zach would react.

  “Turner,” Zach called out. As Josh turned to face him, Zach was relieved to realize he felt no animosity toward the younger man. He recognized the strength of character in the way Josh held himself, and he saw the scars that littered the man’s face. The scars that proved that Chris Turner had indeed been a piece of shit and that the young man standing in front of him wasn’t Zach’s enemy. If anything, they shared a type of unity from the pain Chris Turner had inflicted on them both.

  After a pause, Josh took a couple of steps in Zach’s direction and Zach did the same. The look on the younger man’s face was hooded, and Zach made the first move and put his hand out.

  Josh looked down and then slowly clasped his palm and they shook hands.

  They were silent for a moment, and then Zach got down to it. “I’m taking Katie back to Padre this afternoon.”

  Josh’s eyes narrowed and his shoulders stiffened. “Is that what she wants?”

  “It was her idea.”

  Josh nodded his head but remained silent.

  Zach tried to lighten the atmosphere. “Family now, huh?”

  “Seems so.”

  Zach felt the determination rise in his blood. “It’s going to get more so.”

  “Yeah?” Josh questioned tersely.

  “I’m going to marry your cousin.”

  Josh didn’t look a bit surprised. “I assumed as much. Does Katie know?”

  “I haven’t told her yet.”

  “Told her?”

  “Asked her. Whatever.”

  “But you feel confident she’s going to agree?”

  “I wouldn’t say confident … I’m hopeful.” He watched the younger man for a reaction. “I have to take one step at a time with Katie, you know?”

  The younger man crossed his arms over his chest. “Yeah,” he remarked without giving much away. “That would probably be a good idea.”

  “Tell me about Jesse Whitaker,” Zach said.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “My father seems to think he’s in prison for the full twenty years. No chance of parole.”

  “Well, there’s always a chance.” Josh smiled humorlessly. “But trust me, it isn’t going to happen.”

  Zach wanted the man in prison, but he’d never get to pound him with his fists, at least not for twenty years. “I wish I’d known.”

  “You didn’t have a relationship with Katie back then. What could you have done?”

  “I would have liked to have beaten the shit out of him, at the least.”

  Josh’s lips lifted in satisfaction. “If it’s any consolation, before I became a cop, I beat him black and blue and had the satisfaction of feeling his skin break underneath my knuckles.”

  Zach raised his eyebrows. “When was this?”

  “After he attacked the sheriff’s daughter. I caught him at it and made him suffer.”

  Zach nodded his head and smiled. “All right. If anything changes, you’ll keep me posted?”

  “Sure. But you’ll have to stand in line, because trust me, beating him once wasn’t near enough.”

  “Good to know. Always happy to have someone on my side.”

  “Are we that?” Josh asked.

  “What?” Zach asked, although he already knew the answer.

  “On the same side?”

  “Yeah. The past is history, man. We’re on the same side.” Zach paused and then added, “As long as you never hurt Hannah. You hurt Hannah, you better watch your back.”

  Josh smirked as if the idea was ludicrous. “Duly noted.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  A Promise Fulfilled

  The drive back over the causeway was completely different for Katie this time around. Although her nerves still jangled, they mostly jangled in a good way. The only apprehension she felt was from the fear that she wouldn’t be able to obtain normalcy in her life, because she pretty much knew that if she couldn’t have that with Zach, it probably would never happen.

  He loved her.

  Did she love him?

  It absolutely didn’t take long to think about; she was sure she did.

  She’d always been fascinated by him, she’d always wanted to call him and tell him, ‘Yes! I’ll go out with you.’

  But she never had. And certainly his gruff exterior and lack of any softness had helped to make her run scared.

  But she wasn’t running scared anymore.

  She had a life to lead, and for once, she was ready and more than willing to embrace it.


  Once they arrived at South Padre, without asking her, Zach put her bags into the spare bedroom she’d been using before they’d left. She knew he did it to make her comfortable, and it immediately worked. Katie never doubted that Zach wanted her to take the lead with the pace of their physical relationship, and her bags in the spare bedroom were the first concrete indication of his intention to proceed slowly.

  It was still only midday when they reached the island, and a subtle change occurred after they reached the house. Within a matter of a few hours, Zach had clearly relaxed and his easy-going personality rose to the surface. It seemed to Katie, that he felt content just from her presence in his home, and he allowed his focus to shift back to the running of his empire.

  Zach handed her a tablet, and she took it from him and settled down into the couch to wile away a few hours as he worked several feet away from her. She never felt neglected in any way, if she so much as rose to her feet, his dark gaze would snap to her until he figured out what move she was making and why. It didn’t make her feel uncomfortable; instead, it had the opposite effect and soothed her. He didn’t make her feel as if she were being stalked; his goal was a protective one and Katie could feel it.

  A couple of relaxing hours passed as Katie read an online magazine. Several times, she felt Zach’s gaze and when she glanced up, his penetrating stare was focused on her alone. His eyes so
ftened as her gaze met his and for a few seconds, he looked her over as if to reassure himself that she was still there and content.

  She was content.

  She pushed all thoughts of sex from her mind and only enjoyed their companionable silence. She had attained a modicum of peace about the future. It would happen when it happened, and although she was nervous about the first time, she mostly just desperately wanted to move on with her life.

  With Zach.

  She wasn’t putting any pressure on herself to actually enjoy the first time, her only goal was to face it with a lack of fear and anxiety. Sex was a closeness she wanted to achieve with Zach, for that reason alone: she wanted to be close to him in every way she could.

  But for now, she was content to be with him in the easy silence of the cozy living room.


  Zach glanced up from his laptop and for once, Katie was so engrossed with whatever she was reading that she didn’t catch him watching her.

  He wasn’t getting any work done.

  He couldn’t work; he was scared shitless.

  If this didn’t work, if they couldn’t move away from Katie’s past and have a normal, intimate relationship, he knew that Katie wouldn’t marry him.

  And Katie had to marry him. Anything less was unthinkable.

  For now, she seemed to be relaxed and happy to be lounging on the couch while he worked. But how long would that last? What if he fucked up, made a wrong move with her in the next few days? Stark fear slid down his spine at the thought of inadvertently traumatizing her. He knew he had to take it slow with her, and he was more than willing to do that, but slow meant gentle as well, and Zach had never really been a man with a ‘gentle’ touch.

  Was it something he could learn?

  He had no choice, he had to learn and learn it immediately. Katie needed and deserved to be handled with the utmost care, as if she were a piece of delicate porcelain that might shatter into tiny pieces.

  He’d be damned if that would happen. She wouldn’t ever be hurt again, not while in his care. And it was his intention that she be in his care for the rest of his life. He’d do whatever it took to help her be whole again. And if that meant reining in his basic instincts, controlling the urge to express his lust by demanding her total acquiescence, then he’d learn how to do just that.


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