Battle for the Z-Ring

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Battle for the Z-Ring Page 3

by Jeanette Lane

  Ash listened closely. “In that case, Pikachu, I choose you!” he shouted.

  Pikachu strode into position.

  “You, too, Rowlet!”

  Rowlet bounced out of its Poké Ball and onto … the ground.

  “It’s asleep!” Rotom observed.

  Sure enough, Rowlet was snoring. Ash charged forward. “Wake up!” he cried. Rowlet’s eyes popped open. The other two Pokémon were already threatening.

  “All right, Pikachu, Thunderbolt, let’s go!” Ash instructed. “Rowlet, use Tackle!”

  The battle was fast and furious. Both sides were fighting well. Gumshoos used a Sand Attack on Pikachu. Yungoos went after Rowlet, who tried to dive away from a dirt blast.

  With bursts of power shooting back and forth, the battle continued. Yungoos and Gumshoos created clouds of dust with their moves, making it hard for Ash’s team to see. When they came at Pikachu and Rowlet with a double Hyper Fang Attack, Ash directed his partners to dodge it.

  “You’re not the only ones who can hide in your moves,” Ash called out as Rowlet let off a whirlwind of glowing-green Leafage that spun around its opponents. “Pikachu, Iron Tail!” Ash commanded.

  Then Rowlet soundlessly sneaked behind Gumshoos and Yungoos. “Yes!” Ash cried. “Rowlet, Tackle, let’s go!”

  Pikachu and Rowlet wore down the other two with move after move. At last, Hala announced it was over. “Yungoos and Gumshoos are unable to battle!”

  The battle had been so intense, it was hard to believe that it was just the first round of Ash’s trial.

  A rumble filled the cavern. The sound of massive footsteps vibrated off the ground and stone walls. The footsteps were followed by a mighty roar.

  Ash, Pikachu, and Rowlet stood close together, nervously waiting for their next opponent.

  There!” Hala declared. “This Gumshoos is truly a Totem Pokémon.”

  Ash gazed on his next opponent with amazement. “It’s so big!” he exclaimed.

  “Unreal!” was Rotom Dex’s opinion. “This one is three times the size of the previous Gumshoos!”

  Ash, Pikachu, and Rowlet were not only overwhelmed by Totem Gumshoos’s size, but they were soon overwhelmed by its power, too. Pikachu used Thunderbolt, but Totem Gumshoos whacked it with Frustration.

  “That Gumshoos’s speed is immeasurable!” Rotom Dex reported.

  Rowlet raced in and used Tackle to distract Gumshoos while Pikachu recovered, but Gumshoos picked up a rock and thwacked Rowlet, too.

  Ash raced to Rowlet’s side. “Thanks a lot, Rowlet! You got Pikachu out of a jam!” he said, rubbing his partner’s soft head. The brave Pokémon was stunned. “Take a rest! Return.” Ash said, and Rowlet disappeared inside its Poké Ball.

  At once, Ash had to get his head back in the battle. He took a stance and called to Pikachu. “Pikachu, Electro Ball!”

  “Pika, pika, pika!” Pikachu focused its power and shot a mighty, pulsing Electro Ball at Totem Gumshoos, but Gumshoos simply knocked the ball out of the way and returned a Sand Attack move.

  “Pikachu, no!” Ash yelled, seeing his partner tumble and skid across the cave floor.

  Pikachu grunted, but got right back up.

  Ash was determined, too. “Pikachu, use Quick Attack!”

  Rotom was surprised by Ash’s call. “I don’t think using Quick Attack will have any effect at all,” the device yelled, but Pikachu was already in action.

  Pikachu bounded ahead. When Totem Gumshoos sprang a Sand Attack, Ash instructed, “Pikachu, use that Sand Attack! Now!”

  Pikachu raced through the sand, using it as cover, whizzing all around and confusing Totem Gumshoos.

  “Now!” Ash yelled again, and Pikachu started landing Quick Attack moves again and again and again.

  Once Totem Gumshoos was exhausted, Ash directed Pikachu to use Thunderbolt. Pikachu began to glow with intense energy, and it zoomed toward Totem Gumshoos.

  “Pika-chuuuuuuuuu!” the little Pokémon cried.

  Totem Gumshoos grunted, and then toppled onto the ground with a crash.

  “The trial is over! I declare that the challenger, Ash Ketchum, wins!” Kahuna Hala announced.

  Ash celebrated with Pikachu and Rotom Dex, but his attention was soon drawn to Totem Gumshoos. It was still on the ground.

  “Totem Gumshoos!” Ash approached the giant Pokémon.

  Rotom Dex lingered behind, worried that it was unsafe, but Ash went right up to Gumshoos and leaned over it. “Totem Gumshoos, are you all right?”

  Trying to get up, Totem Gumshoos pushed Ash out of the way. But with its other hand, it offered something to Ash.

  “Gumshoos, gumshoos, gum,” the Totem Pokémon said solemnly.

  Ash reached out. It was a Z-Crystal!

  “For me?” he asked. “Really?”

  “Gumshoos, shoos shoos gum.” The Totem Pokémon insisted Ash should take it.

  “Wow,” Ash said. “Thanks a lot.”

  He stared at the magical gem in his hand. It was white with a single black swirl. That marking meant it was for the Normal-type Z-Move. “It’s a Z-Crystal, and it’s all mine!” he cheered.

  Watching the exchange, Kahuna Hala was impressed. It was very rare for a Totem Pokémon to give a challenger a Z-Crystal, and he believed Ash must be a most unusual Trainer.

  Even though Ash was thrilled to have earned a Z-Crystal, he hadn’t forgotten what Hala had told him was the final stage of his challenge.

  “Excuse me,” Ash said, looking up at Totem Gumshoos. “I was wondering if you’d help us chase off all of the Rattata and Raticate.”

  Totem Gumshoos nodded in agreement.

  * * *

  Getting rid of the pesky, long-toothed, greedy Pokémon was far easier than the earlier stages of Kahuna Hala’s trial. The next day, a group met Officer Jenny at an old warehouse where the Rattata and Raticate had been feasting. With the help of Totem Gumshoos and his allies, Ash and his team were able to chase all the unwanted Pokémon away.

  Professor Kukui and Officer Jenny couldn’t believe how easily Ash’s new Pokémon friends defeated the nasty Mouse Pokémon.

  “As kahuna of the island of Melemele, I’m very happy to verify that you have indeed passed the trial,” Hala told Ash. “Your next step is the island’s grand trial. Ash, I’m really looking forward to it, and to see your Z-Move in battle with my very own eyes.”

  “I’m really looking forward to it, too!” Ash admitted.

  Pikachu looked just as thrilled. Of course, the grand trial meant battling Kahuna Hala himself! Ash knew it would be a tremendous challenge, but he was ready for it.

  Ash’s good work with Totem Gumshoos and its allies ended up in the Melemele newspaper, and he earned a certificate of appreciation from Officer Jenny. It was very exciting, but for Ash, it was all part of his journey to become a Pokémon Master.

  His next big step was the grand trial, and Ash didn’t want to waste any time. He planned to battle Kahuna Hala the very next day.

  * * *

  The grand trial included a certain amount of ceremony. Part of the ceremony was for both opponents to meditate together at a temple called the Ruins of Conflict, which was deep in the forest. Pikachu and Hala’s partner, Hariyama, were there, too.

  “Today we will perform a grand trial battle with our young challenger, Ash. I now ask Tapu Koko, guardian of conflict, to bestow upon us the power of Alola … of all the islands.”

  “Please, Tapu Koko,” Ash added. “This will be my grand trial with Kahuna Hala, so I want you to watch it!”

  The two future opponents closed their eyes and remained silent.

  Ash had a hard time staying still. His arms felt stiff, and his foot itched! But he tried to concentrate—for Tapu Koko. Ever since the Island Guardian had given him his first Z-Crystal, Ash had felt a bond with the mystical Pokémon. True, he wanted to one day be able to battle the powerful Pokémon again, but he also wanted to be worthy. He wanted to believe that Tapu Koko recognized something specia
l in him.

  After a while, Kahuna Hala chuckled to himself. “You can move now, Ash,” he said.

  “Do you think Tapu Koko heard us?” Ash asked the kahuna.

  “I would say there’s a good possibility Tapu Koko heard us,” he replied. “But as Island Guardians go, Tapu Koko follows its own path.”

  At that moment, there was a shrill coo that echoed through the leafy forest. Ash was certain that their ceremony had had a special guest!

  After their meditation, Ash and Hala met back up with Professor Kukui and Rotom Dex at the outdoor battle arena. It was a simple stone battle space, without stands or fanfare, surrounded by palm trees.

  “All right, Ash,” Professor Kukui coached him. “One thing before your grand trial begins. Do you know the correct poses to use the Normal-type Z-Move?”

  The professor’s question referred to the specific Z-Crystal that Ash had received from Totem Gumshoos. It allowed him to do just one of several kinds of Z-Moves.

  “I sure do!” Ash assured his teacher. “We practiced till it’s second nature. Right, Pikachu?”

  “Pika, pika!” Pikachu agreed.

  “Yes, he is correct,” responded Rotom Dex.

  “Way to lock on and master your Z-Move!” the professor said.

  “I can’t wait to use it!” Ash replied.

  “When you use your Z-Move,” Professor Kukui advised, “both you and your Pokémon expend a large amount of energy. So with the way you, Pikachu, and Rowlet are now, your Z-Move should be quite tiring.”

  Ash listened closely. “The important thing is when I use it, is that right?” he confirmed.

  “Exactly, Ash,” Professor Kukui said. “We’re ready, Hala!”

  “It’s truly an honor to battle you!” Ash and Kahuna Hala said at once. Then the grand trial began!

  “Ready to go, Rowlet?” Ash asked. “I choose you!”

  Rotom Dex was certain Rowlet would be asleep when it appeared from the Poké Ball. But Rowlet was wide awake and ready to battle.

  “Crabrawler, come out!” Hala said, summoning his first Pokémon. Crabrawler was a low-to-the-ground Pokémon with four legs and two mighty pincers.

  “Crabrawler?” Ash questioned. “Rotom?”

  “My greatest pleasure,” Rotom replied, pulling up the data. “Crabrawler, the Boxing Pokémon. A Fighting-type. Crabrawler is always aiming to be number one. It will guard its weak spots with its claws in battle and throw punches while looking for an opening. Since Rowlet is a Flying-type, it’s a good match for our side!”

  “Great!” Ash replied, preparing himself.

  At once, Hala called his first shot. “Crabrawler, use Bubble Beam!”

  Ash asked Rowlet to dodge, and then use Peck. Rowlet’s first moves proved successful, but Kahuna Hala soon picked up on Ash and Rowlet’s tactics and countered them well. Crabrawler used its strong, sharp claws to grab Rowlet mid-attack. Then, with Brutal Swing, Crabrawler could swing Rowlet around and around and fling the other Pokémon high in the sky, nearly stunning it.

  As the fight went on, Crabrawler’s attack power only increased.

  “That one’s strong,” Ash mumbled after Rowlet’s Leafage move didn’t do any damage to Crabrawler at all.

  “I think you know by now that my Pokémon are trained far beyond what you’re used to, my young Ash,” Kahuna Hala declared.

  Watching, Professor Kukui had to agree. Kahuna Hala’s Pokémon were trained to the top of their abilities.

  Ash felt bewildered. What could he do? What move might catch Hala and his mighty Crabrawler off guard?

  Just then, Rowlet fluttered down near Ash’s shoulder, surprising him. “Ah! Stop!” Ash cried. “You’re always showing up that way, and I have no clue …”

  Ash suddenly stopped and smiled at Rowlet. His stealthy Pokémon had helped him come up with a plan!

  “Okay, Rowlet,” Ash told his teammate quietly. “You’re going to use Leafage one more time, but you’ll scare Crabrawler when you do it!”

  Rowlet seemed to understand at once. It released Leafage as soon as it started to dive toward Crabrawler. The glowing green leaves swirled around in a forceful wind, aimed right at Crabrawler.

  Hala watched, confused about why Ash would try the same move again. He called for the attack that had been so successful against Leafage last time. “Crabrawler, Bubble Beam!” he called.

  Crabrawler’s move hit Leafage head-on, creating a giant, hazy cloud. But when the cloud cleared away, Crabrawler could not find Rowlet.

  Rowlet had sneaked up right behind him, and Ash ordered Peck, Peck, and more Peck!

  Rowlet’s attacks were working. Crabrawler was too exhausted to dodge.

  “Now that’s effective!” Rotom Dex cheered.

  Hala ordered a Power-Up Punch. “Crabrawler, grab Rowlet and use Brutal Swing!”

  “Be careful, Rowlet!” Ash advised. “Tackle, let’s go!”

  At the exact moment that Crabrawler lifted its claw, letting down its guard, Rowlet aimed a Tackle that sent the Fighting-type Pokémon flying. Crabrawler landed with a thud.

  Professor Kukui rushed over to check on Crabrawler’s condition. “Crabrawler is unable to battle!” he called out.

  But the battle was still far from over.

  Kahuna Hala returned Crabrawler to its Poké Ball. “You battled valiantly,” he told his teammate. Then he readied himself for the remainder of the grand trial.

  Back on Ash’s side of the arena, they were having a small celebration when Rotom Dex realized that Rowlet had fallen asleep. Ash tried to wake his teammate, but it was no use. It was exhausted from its strong showing in the battle with Crabrawler.

  Ash sighed and got out Rowlet’s Poké Ball. “Rowlet, you really did an awesome job, but we can take it from here.”

  After Rowlet was safely returned, Ash looked to Pikachu. Kahuna Hala had already tapped Hariyama as his next Pokémon.

  Rotom Dex shared the data. “Hariyama, the Arm Thrust Pokémon, a Fighting-type. Hariyama’s impressive bulk is actually all muscle. When its muscles are flexed, they are hard as a rock. It is said that one hit from a Hariyama can send a ten-ton truck flying.”

  “I’m counting on you, buddy,” Ash told Pikachu as his partner jumped up on his shoulder. “I choose you!”

  Pikachu pounced to the ground as Hariyama grunted a challenge.

  Hariyama easily deflected Pikachu’s first move of Iron Tail with Fake Out, followed quickly by Knock Off. Rotom and Professor Kukui agreed that it was a smart move combination.

  Pikachu was determined, but even Electro Ball didn’t do a thing. Hariyama countered with Arm Thrust and then kept throwing thrusts, batting Pikachu back and forth.

  Pikachu took a huge amount of damage. Even when it slipped by Hariyama and landed a direct hit with Thunderbolt, the move had no effect.

  Ash knew his only remaining move was the Z-Move, but he also knew he needed to choose the right time to use it.

  On the other end of the arena, Kahuna Hala had decided it was his and Hariyama’s time.

  Hala called for Belly Drum, a move that maximizes a Pokémon’s strength but uses up a lot of stamina. Then he belted out, “Here we go … do it!”

  At once, Hala and Hariyama began to make the same graceful but powerful moves, sliding their legs in the air, stomping their feet, and flexing their arms.

  “Is that … a Z-Move?” Ash asked out loud.

  “Correct,” declared Hala. “I make the wills of myself, Melemele, and Tapu Koko as one.” He paused and took a deep breath. Then he and Hariyama began throwing fiery punches. “I … am … the … ka–hu–na! This is the moment when our strengths become one!”

  “Pikachu, use Quick Attack!” Ash directed. “Dodge that Z-Move.”

  “Pika!” Pikachu ran straight at Hariyama.

  “All-Out Pummeling!” Hala commanded. “Let’s go!”

  Pikachu ran head-on, dodging the constant attacks from Hariyama. But its final blast landed, sending Pikachu tumbling. />
  Luckily, Pikachu recovered quickly. Ash knew he needed to deal some damage, so he devised a combination attack. “Pikachu! Quick Attack! One more time!”

  This time, Pikachu circled around and around Hariyama, confusing the much larger Pokémon. “Now use Iron Tail!”

  When Pikachu zapped Hariyama’s ankle, the Arm Thrust Pokémon dropped to its knees.

  “Hariyama took damage from that!” Rotom Dex announced.

  “Well, I guess it took a combination to fight a combination,” Professor Kukui noted.

  “Great job, Pikachu!” Ash cheered. At that moment, he knew the time had come. “Now it’s our turn!”

  Ash and Pikachu both crossed their arms, and electric pulses began to crackle around them. Ash’s Z-Ring glowed with power. The two began their sequence of moves that drew from the mystical energy of the ring.

  “It’s happening. Pikachu and I are becoming one and that’s making us much stronger than either one of us!” Ash cried. “Here we go! Full power, now!”

  Pikachu took off like a bolt, leaving smoke in its trail. “Breakneck Blitz!” Ash cried. Hariyama had no time to get out of the way.

  “Pika pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi!” Pikachu came at it like a comet, a bright center with a tail of flame. It was a direct hit!

  “That was awesome, Pikachu! We used a Z-Move!” Ash could hardly believe it!

  Professor Kukui assessed the damage to their opponent. “Melemele Kahuna Hala’s Hariyama is unable to battle!” he said. “Which means the winner of this Melemele grand trial is the challenger, Ash Ketchum!”

  “Ash wins the trial. Hooray!” Rotom celebrated.

  Kahuna Hala thanked Hariyama as he returned the Pokémon to its Poké Ball. Then he turned to Ash. “I thoroughly enjoyed our splendid battle, young Ash. You and Rowlet and Pikachu gave it everything you had.”


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