Western Homestead Love (Trilogy Bundle)

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Western Homestead Love (Trilogy Bundle) Page 6

by Hart, Melissa F.

  “Damn you.”

  He laughed and nibbled her neck. “How many lawmen?”

  “All of them.” She turned her head and bit his shoulder.


  Erin stuck her tongue in the crack of his muscle separation and followed it all the way up to his neck, then she delayed her answer by suckling his ear lobe. There was no point in letting him be the only one who could draw this out and create some torture.

  He pinched her nipple. “Quit stalling.”

  She laughed. “You’re one to talk.”

  He rolled the tight bud between his fingertips. “Get going.”

  “All the territories surrounding New York and they even have some dealings up in Canada.”

  “That’s a pretty big reach. No wonder you were so confident that they could find you here.”

  Erin’s desire doused a bit at the memory of what had happened when they’d arrived. She didn’t like thinking about it, but she was starting to believe that Matt might actually be able to keep her safe.

  “Why did you run?”

  Erin shook her head and smiled. “Pay me first.”

  He dipped his tongue into her ear and slowly loved it from edge to edge until Erin squirmed below him as the waves of desire built again. She bit her lip and moaned. “I need you, Matt. I need you so badly.”

  He shifted his hips and centered his cock on her again, but didn’t move until he’d thoroughly enjoyed every part of her ear. He took her places she’d never even known existed, had never even dared dream when she’d been headed out here to start a new life.

  Then he slowly entered, withdrawing again as he gained every inch. His breath quickened and pooled across Erin’s face as she tried to remember how to make her lungs work. Every withdrawal sucked the air from her lungs until she felt like he’d taken all the molecules from the building. Then he pushed forward, filling her a bit more, then withdrawing. This was doing nothing to sate her building desire, but was sure making the desire grow and grow until Erin was certain she would explode. Finally he drove deep, making Erin cry out.

  He growled and drove again and again. Finally, his need had grown as massive as her own. “Dammit, Erin.” He pushed up on his arms, and she wrapped her fingers around his thick arms as he thrust against her. His face showed the strain of trying to regain his control but Erin slid her leg higher. He grabbed it and slid it over his shoulder, changing the angle and driving deeper. Erin gasped and held on for everything she had. He was going to send them both to the stars and heavens above. His finger dug into her hips, and she palmed his chest as he rode her.

  Her desire and need spiraled out of control, and the room vanished in an explosion of stars as she called out his name. The orgasm crashed over her and then built again as he continued to thrust into her. Another built right behind the first, and Erin clung to him. Matt lifted her other leg onto his shoulder and rose onto his knees, his hands firmly planted on the headboard above her. Over and over, he thrust into her, taking long full strokes to deepen the power of each and every one until Erin was certain they were both going to die from the pleasure.

  Finally, when she couldn’t take one more second, another orgasm seared every nerve ending and Matt roared, squeezing the headboard until it groaned. He thrust again, then clamped his fingers tight on Erin’s waist as his own orgasm tore from his body. Erin clamped around him, wringing every bit of his pleasure from him until he collapsed on the bed beside her.

  His arms wrapped around her and drew her to his chest. “God, you’re amazing.”

  Erin cuddled up next to him, finally sated and ready to drift off into the most relaxing sleep that would probably take her days to recover.

  Matt nuzzled her cheek and kissed her gently. “Amazing, Erin. Amazing.”

  Chapter Two

  Matt’s big strong arms banded around Erin, promising to keep her safe. She still hadn’t even told him everything about her life, but he’d heard enough to want to protect her. His breathing was warm and constant in her ear. “I don’t know what I ever did without your sweetness.”

  She smiled and cuddled deeper in to his embrace. “I didn’t think anyone would make me feel so alive.”

  Matt grunted and threw a thigh over hers. “I think we’re going to need to do that again.”

  Erin smiled. “Yes, please.”

  “But first, I need you to finish telling me your story.”

  “You’re a terrible negotiator.”

  He chuckled and the vibration of his laugh trembled through Erin like an aftershock. His lips nuzzled the soft skin beneath her ear. “Please.”

  She closed her eyes and tried to remember where they’d gotten distracted in the tale. “One night they showed up at our house. My mother and I were the only ones home.” She swallowed and tears burned the back of her throat. “They tied us both up and started torturing my mother to get one of us to tell where the boys were. Her heart gave out before they could cut her, but the threat worked; I squealed and told them where to find the entire gang.”

  Matt squeezed her tight. “I’m so sorry.”

  She swallowed. The worst of the story was over. “The men killed two of my father’s brothers. He never forgave me. I was forbidden to live in the house, and he threw me out without a single thing to my name.”

  “So that’s why you came out here?”

  “No. I found a job out there at one of the saloons. But then my uncle made it impossible for me to find work. That was when I came out here.”

  He kissed her. “I can’t say I’m not glad you did, but I’m sorry for the reason that drove you out here. What I don’t understand is why they came after you. It sounds like they should have been happy to see you go. They were making it impossible for you.”

  “I think he wanted me to beg him to take me back. He thought if he could make it impossible enough for me, I’d have nowhere else to turn. He didn’t figure that I’d try to make it on my own.”

  “Which means he’s going to be coming for you again.”

  Erin sighed and traced a line along his arm, then back up. “Probably.”

  Matt kissed her forehead then threw back the covers. “We need to go. I can’t protect you here. I’m out of ammo and have no idea about the terrain of this place. They’re going to find us.”

  Erin propped herself up on one elbow. “You really think so.”

  “They’ve already come this far once. If he wants you back—and based of your story, he does—nothing is going to keep him from dragging you back home.”

  Erin sat up on the bed as Matt pulled on his pants.

  “Nothing but me,” he told her with a grin.

  “I’m worried.”

  He jammed his arms through the sleeves of his shirt and kissed her forehead. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Erin swallowed and rummaged around in the bedcovers for her clothes. While she dressed, she thought about what he’d said, and what she knew about her family. That got her moving faster, and she was dressed and standing by the door by the time Matt had the room put back together.

  “Whose place is this anyway?”

  Matt shrugged. “They’re all over. Some people give up and go home, some die. We try to keep them kept up so people have a place to hole up if they need it.”

  Erin was ready to go. They rode hard for the rest of the day and reached the edge of town at nightfall. Matt tightened his hold on Erin. “I don’t want to try and go to your place and set up in the dark. Who knows what supplies we have out there anyway? Is it okay if we go to mine?”

  A thrill shot through Erin at seeing Matt’s home. She hadn’t really thought about where he’d chosen to make his own homestead since she hadn’t planned on spending any time with him after that first night at her own plat. She nodded and wiggled in the saddle, trying to get more comfortable. Her bottom was nearly chafed raw with all the riding they’d done today.

  He turned them down a narrow road. “I want to stop by my neighbor’s on the
way.” At the house, Matt dismounted and Erin looked around uneasily. Something didn’t feel right, though it was probably just her nerves after riding hard all day to stay ahead of unknown men who were coming after her. The horse shifted beneath her, and Erin tightened her hold on the saddle. Matt knocked again on the door.

  It opened and light spilled into the darkness. A small man peeked out, a look of relief crossing his face as he saw Matt. “Evening, Sheriff. Everything alright?”

  Matt nodded. “Just heading home. I wanted to ask you to keep an eye out for anything strange though. I think there are men coming to harass Miss Erin again.”

  “Will do, but there’s already been some strange happenings for the last couple days.”

  “Like what?” A cold wind shivered down Erin’s spine.

  “Zeke’s boy went missing while he was out gathering sheep. Ain’t seen no sign of him.”

  Erin gasped, and Matt glanced over his shoulder where she sat atop the horse. His face showed the same concern that was ricocheting through her body. She’d never heard stories of her uncle’s kidnapping people, especially children, who hadn’t slighted them first. They must think that this Zeke fellow was connected to her somehow.

  “Where do they live?”

  Matt tugged the brim of his hat and bade the neighbor a good night, then climbed in the saddle behind Erin. “Zeke and his family are the homestead next to yours.”

  “No.” All the air whooshed out of Erin’s lungs like she’d taken a wooden rail to the stomach. Now she’d be surprised if her family wasn’t involved.

  Matt urged the horse faster. Erin didn’t take a full breath until he rode straight into a small barn and dismounted. She helped put away the tack and tried to shake the tingle that wouldn’t stop racing up and down her spine.

  He put the horse in the corral and led her into a small house and quickly made a fire in the stone hearth. Erin wandered around, noting the tiny handmade items he’d tucked into corners. While it lacked a woman’s touch, it was still a very nice place. She rubbed her arms and blew into her fingers. The ride had taken its toll, and she wanted to drop from exhaustion.

  They worked together to make a small, easy dinner, then Matt looked uneasily around the room. “I only have the one bed.”

  Erin laughed and stepped closer. “Since when does that matter?”

  He cleared his throat. “I wasn’t sure. Now that we’re back in town . . .”

  “If it’s all the same to you,” she unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, “I’d rather not sleep alone tonight.”

  Matt quickly swept her up in his arms and climbed the stairs to the bedroom loft. The heat was quickly warming the space, and Erin’s body was growing hot. She pulled him down on the mattress with her. Their lips collided, and Matt’s hands spanned the distance of her waist. Being in his arms made her feel safe, but also brought the danger that much closer. Erin trembled. “I’m so scared that they’re going to come again.”

  He pulled her tight. “They might.”

  “How can you be so calm about it?”

  Matt cradled her face and stared into her eyes. “It won’t do any good to stand down there and pace the floor while we wait for them to come. I promise to keep you safe.”

  She kissed him gently. “I know. I know you will.” Even with that knowledge, the icy cage surrounding her spine wouldn’t go away. “But what if they come while we’re . . .” His hands found the edge of her shirt and slipped beneath, making her moan. “While we’re busy.”

  He kissed her eyelids, gently closing her left eye, then the other. “I’m pretty quick on my feet.”

  “I hope we hear them.”

  Matt undressed her with a careful slowness that made Erin feel so very cherished. She’d never get over how he made her feel. There was something about a big strong man like Matt taking his time to remove all her clothes that was so very wonderful. He kissed her stomach as he tugged her pants off, and her fears evaporated like dew in the morning rays of sun. The rough feel of his pants against her skin made shivers run across her body and curl her toes. Erin loved the feel of him, and they fit together like something amazing and ordained.

  His tongue dipped into her belly button, and Erin squirmed beneath him, wet and ready for more. Explosions of heat and color blinded Erin to everything other than what Matt was doing to her body. She couldn’t get enough of him and needed him; needed him now and always. His hands roamed down her legs, skimming her shin and the backs of her knees, making her skin tremble beneath his touch. Wetness slicked her thighs and Erin arched her back, ready for him. “Matt.”

  “Be patient, baby.” His strong fingers played along the length of her calf, split her toes and worked their way back up, skimming her thighs. She widened her legs, inviting him closer, but he didn’t take the invitation, dragging his fingers higher up her belly to cup her breasts.

  “I need you naked.”

  Matt chuckled against her skin and nibbled on the side of her breast until she squirmed. “Please, Matt.”

  He shook his head and his hair tickled her skin. Again, he’d managed to overload her senses to the point that she couldn’t tell what direction their bodies intersected, if it was night or day, or what month it was. He made her lose track of everything.

  But her ears still strained for unfamiliar noises outside that might be someone coming after them.

  His breath was warm across her breasts, and he stroked her nipple with his tongue until it tightened. Moving to the other side, he treated the other one to the same close exploration. Erin’s fingers sifted through his hair, and she tugged his head up. “Please.”

  He lifted off her and stripped. Erin’s mouth watered at the sight of his naked body. His muscles bunched and flexed as he moved while taking off his clothes. The firelight from below highlighted the planes and valleys of his seductively perfect body. She wanted to explore every inch of him. Her tongue darted out to moisten her lower lip.

  Matt’s hands stilled on his pants and his nostrils flared. “You’re so sexy.”

  Erin ran her hands over her body, twisting and tugging at her nipples as she cupped her full breasts. His lips parted, and she lifted her breast close to her mouth and licked her nipple. Matt growled, yanked his pants off and stood there completely naked, his hard erection stiff and ready. He crawled up on the mattress, and Erin stuck her foot in the middle of his chest. “Stay.”

  He rocked back on his knees and pulled her toes into his mouth, swirling his tongue around her big toe and scraping his teeth against the pads. She squirmed, but didn’t relent. “You wanted to tease me, so now you get to wait.”

  He smiled and dragged his gaze across her body, heating every inch of Erin’s skin like he touched it with a molten hot poker straight out of the fire. Erin’s hands moved across her own body while Matt made love to her feet. She pressed her palms into her stomach then lower, lower into the damp curls. She’d never touched herself like this, but it felt so good, and the look on his face was nearly her undoing. Heat swept up her own body as the orgasm built from her own hands. She widened her hand and held it still as Matt’s tongue darted out to sweep across his lips.

  One hand strolled up her leg, meeting her own, and the other explored his own body, grasping the shaft of his thick cock. Erin lifted her head so she could watch him stroke himself as she slid a finger inside the warm wetness of her need. Matt groaned and watched Erin’s hand stroke in and out. He slid his own over the top, then pressed past her wetness to the other part of her. He stroked his cock, matching the furious pace Erin was setting with her own finger. Her knees lifted, and she let Matt press into her. The feeling was amazing and so different from anything else she’d ever experienced. Their fingers moved together, driving her orgasm higher and higher until she cried out.

  As the waves of the orgasm crashed over her, Matt lifted her hand and held her wrists above her head. He stroked his cock through her wetness, then pressed again where his hand had newly awakened parts of her she’d
never experienced. Erin stiffened, and he crooned against her ear until she relaxed. He pressed forward and filled her with delectable pressure. Erin gasped and clamped her fingers into Matt’s buttocks, pulling him deeper inside her.

  He growled and pumped into her, rubbing her clit with his thumb. Upward and upward he drove her until the entire universe collided in a sweet drenching of desire. Matt cried out and thrust into her, then pulled her close as he kissed her deeply, suckling her lips and tasting every part of her mouth with a soft surrender.

  The flickering firelight died down to glowing embers, bathing the loft in a soft orange hue. Matt pulled Erin close and nuzzled her neck as he lay down beside her. “You’re too sexy, Erin. I can’t help myself.”

  She chuckled. “I’m the one who’s a complete animal when it comes to letting you fuck me.”

  He laughed and bit the side of her neck. “I can’t get enough.”

  “Me either.”

  Matt stood and drew the covers over her, then he stood there looking down at her and Erin squirmed beneath his gaze. He was so beautiful, and she could stare at him all day long, especially when he stood so powerfully over the top of her.

  “I’m going to throw another log on the fire and go check the horses.”

  “Mmm.” Erin snuggled down in the bedcovers, and her eyes drifted closed.

  Chapter Three

  When Erin woke, it took her a second to figure out where she was and what was wrong. The fire had nearly gone out and a shiver that was due to far more than the cold raced up her skin. Matt had been gone too long and something wasn’t right. She lifted up on her elbows and strained to listen to the sounds of the night.

  All was quiet.

  Too quiet.

  Erin rummaged around in the bed for her clothes. She found them and dressed as quietly as she could. Something must have happened while Matt was outside with the horses. She needed to find out where he was and figure out what happened. As she was pulling on her last boot, a floorboard creaked by the front door. She froze and dropped down onto the mattress.


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