Primal Paradox (Men of the Pack Book 3)

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Primal Paradox (Men of the Pack Book 3) Page 15

by Parker Skye

  “Wait. Stop. Please. Don’t do this,” Logan pleaded. Jude, pupils blown wide with lust, froze in the process of removing his shirt. He sat back on his heels, straddling Logan’s naked hips and ran both hands through his hair. Jude’s hands were shaking and Logan could feel the other man trying to rein himself back. Jude’s shirt hung open exposing his golden skin, just the coarse dusting of reddish-blond hair thickening in the center of Jude’s chest. Logan followed the fine line it made straight down into the front of Jude’s jeans.

  “I can’t keep doing this, Logan. It’s one way or the other. You need to make up your mind before both of us go mad. You didn’t seem to mind this morning,” Jude said. The frustrated tone of his voice gave Logan no room to pretend he didn’t know what Jude was referring to.

  “I was fucking dreaming this morning, okay. I didn’t know that was really happening. How did you not know I was fucking asleep?” Logan accused. Jude flinched and a faint blush ran up from his chest and into his neck.

  “You did know I was asleep, didn’t you?” Logan snarled as he realized the truth. Jude’s head shot up and met Logan’s icy blue glare with one of his own, his mismatched eyes sparkling in their intensity.

  “I suspected, alright, but you kept responding and saying my name. I figured that was as clear a response as I’ve ever gotten from you,” Jude replied.

  “So you just went for it?!” Logan snarled.

  “Yes, I fucking went for it!” Jude boomed. “You’re my fucking mate, asshole. Whether you want to admit it or not. I’m tired of waiting. Tired of beating the fuck out of other people trying to distract my tiger from forcibly claiming you. Do you have any idea how fucking dirty that made me feel? I was trying to make you fucking happy, but you’re just intent on making us both miserable, though. I don’t even know why I bothered.” Logan deflated at Jude’s admission.

  “That’s why you were fighting?”

  “No, I was doing it for the money,” Jude snarled sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. “Yes! That’s why I was doing it, asshole.” Jude shifted to the side until he was sitting on the edge of the bed, his back to Logan. “You know what? Never mind. You’re happier being alone and, honestly, so am I.” Jude started trying to dress again, but his trembling hands quickly lost the battle to a shirt with buttons.

  “You really were being serious when you said you’d do anything for my happiness, weren’t you?” Logan asked quietly. When Jude failed to respond, Logan prodded. “Remember. What you said before?” Jude’s chin dropped to his chest and he aimed his response at the floor.

  “Of course I was serious. I don’t know what more I have to do to make you see that, Logan,” Jude replied, sadness heavy in his tone.

  “Nothing,” Logan replied. Jude’s head lifted and he looked back at Logan, confusion playing across his features.


  “I said you don’t have to do anything else to prove it to me. I believe you, Jude. I’m sorry I’ve been such an idiot,” Logan said. When Logan finally smiled, Jude launched himself back up the bed, ripping his half-buttoned shirt from his shoulders in his haste.

  Chapter 26


  Jude couldn’t stop laughing as he kissed his mate. Logan’s answering smile was a blessing he hadn’t expected after Logan’s repeated attempts to push him away. Jude’s hands couldn’t get enough of his mate’s warm skin. If the goosebumps peppering his mate’s flesh were any indication, Logan was equally enjoyed the rough contact.

  Jude was still surprised when he felt Logan’s hands fumbling with the button for his jeans. Jude helpfully lifted his hips and watched his mate’s hands as they worked. Logan finally freed the button and slowly slid Jude’s zipper down. Jude couldn’t fail to see that Logan’s hands were shaking, too, but they kept moving south. When Logan’s warm calloused hand wrapped around Jude’s length and squeezed, Jude’s heart stuttered.

  “Fuck that feels perfect,” Jude exhaled. Logan stroked up and Jude didn’t even try to resist groaning. Logan’s other hand snuck into the back of Jude’s jeans, roughly massaging Jude’s muscular ass. The combined assault had Jude on the edge in seconds. Jude tried to talk himself down, but Logan just wouldn’t let him catch his breath. One hand stroked while the other kept squeezing his cheek. When Logan’s finger brushed across his cleft, Jude exclaimed and pulled away.

  Jude couldn’t miss the hurt look that passed across Logan’s face at his apparent rejection. Before Logan got his back up again, Jude grabbed Logan’s jaw and devoured his mate’s mouth aggressively, kissing Logan to within an inch of his life. When Logan’s brain was back to its previously pliable state, Jude tried to explain.

  “I didn’t want you to stop, but I was about to come. I’m not ready for this to be over yet,” Jude admitted sheepishly. Logan’s answering smirk was a welcome sight.

  “Good to know I still have some skills when I have no idea what I’m doing,” Logan joked.

  “Just do what you like having done to you and I’m sure we’ll work it out. It’s been heaven so far,” Jude reassured. Jude’s mouth went back to its assault on Logan’s skin. Jude settled into its favorite spot, sucking where Logan’s neck and collarbone met. Logan’s answering groans reaffirmed it was one of Logan’s weak spots. When Jude’s lips brushed over his previous mark, Logan shuddered and his arms bloomed with gooseflesh. Wondering what other reactions he could drag out of his mate, Jude moved down to circle Logan’s nipple with his tongue. Unfortunately, Logan laughed out loud and tried to squirm away. Okay, not the reaction Jude had been expecting but it was a reaction, he guessed.

  “Sorry, I’m really ticklish there for some reason. Stupid, I know,” Logan admitted. Jude rested his chin on Logan’s pec, enjoying the flustered look Logan was wearing.

  “It’s okay, Logan. It just makes you more unique. I mean, who would guess a big bad wolf would have ticklish tits?” Jude said seriously. Logan rolled his eyes and Jude laughed again. Jude’s lips danced across Logan’s neck once more, still pulling up in an uncontrollable smile. Jude couldn’t remember ever smiling or laughing this much during sex. His cheeks were even starting to get sore from maintaining the foreign expression. Jude realized hadn’t being this happy since...ever.

  Logan’s hands found their way back to Jude’s waistband and started slowly pushing the jeans off his hips. Jude looked up from marking Logan’s other collarbone just in time to see the trepidation flash across Logan’s face. Logan flushed, apparently chagrined at his unmistakable nerves.

  “You sure you’re ready for this?” Jude calmly asked. “There are lots of ways to be together that don’t involve bonding. I can wait.” Logan’s eyes flashed angrily. He forced Jude off and onto his back, yanking Jude’s pants off in almost the same move.

  “Well I can’t, so shut up, Mate.” Logan snarled emphasizing the word ‘Mate’ with a harsh bite across the base of Jude’s neck. Jude groaned in acceptance, more than willing to let Logan run the show. Whatever it took to make his mate comfortable, he’d gladly give it. He just needed to be connected to this man. To feel his heart beating in time with his own. To feel their souls linked and know that even if they were apart, neither would ever be truly alone again.

  Chapter 27


  Logan figured it was like ripping off a Band-Aid. Do it quick and it would hurt less? Firm in his resolve, Logan straddled Jude’s hips and grabbed his mate’s larger than average shaft forcefully. He accepted this was going to hurt, but knew that was to be expected between two men, especially the first time. Logan rubbed the head of Jude’s weeping cock over his pucker and started to sit back, but nothing happened. Logan figured he must be doing it wrong and tried to approach it from a different angle. When nothing happened, Logan quickly realized Jude was using his superior strength to hold him frozen in place. Logan growled and met Jude’s gaze desperately, suddenly worried Jude had changed his mind.

  “What are you doing, Jude? I said I’m ready,” Logan barked. Jude sat up and touc
hed their mouths together, soothing his mate with his honeyed kisses. By the time Jude stopped his assault, Logan’s pupils were blown, his normally ice-blue eyes replaced almost entirely with black. Logan found himself having trouble keeping up with Jude’s calm explanation. .

  “I know, babe, but if we do it like this, you’re going to get hurt. Give me just a second and I’ll be right back.” Jude patted Logan’s hip but Logan stubbornly refused to budge.

  “Fuck no. You’re not leaving again,” Logan growled. “I’m fine. Let’s just do this.” Judd chuckled, and Logan snarled not sure what his mate thought was so fucking funny right now. Logan’s eyes narrowed to slits. His enthusiasm was quickly morphing into exasperation.

  “Babe, I’m not leaving. I just need to get up so I can get the supplies,” Jude said pointing to a pharmacy bag on the dresser. Understanding flashed in Jude’s expression.

  “Is that why you were so pissed at me this morning? You thought I left?” Logan sullenly nodded once, refusing to meet Jude’s gaze.

  “I thought you’d decided I wasn’t worth all the trouble and left again,” Logan admitted. Jude’s eyes widened at Logan’s response.

  “Never going to happen, Mate. Now move so I can prove it to you,” Jude said with such finality that Logan was forced to accept his mate’s words as fact. Logan shifted to the side, letting Jude retrieve the supplies they apparently needed.

  When Jude stalked back toward the bed, a bottle of lube in one hand, Logan couldn’t take his eyes of his mate’s monster cock. When Logan had held his mate’s shaft earlier, Jude had felt larger than average, sure. But seeing him in all his naked glory, his cock bobbing along as Jude neared the bed, Logan realized he was in for it. The damn thing was too heavy to even stay upright when fully erect. Little Jude was most assuredly going to destroy him. Logan felt his entrance pucker in fear once again as he imagined the damage he was about to have inflicted on his virgin ass.

  Logan’s thoughts must have been painted across his face like a billboard, he realized, as Jude started to chuckle. “Lucky one of them found humor in the situation,” Logan fumed to himself.

  Jude crawled on all fours across the bed, forcing Logan to lie back as he slowly maneuvered on top. Logan spread his legs slightly and closed his eyes, clenching his teeth to prepare himself for the coming pain. When a cold wet hand grabbed his dick, Logan yelled and his eyes flew wide in surprise.

  “What the fuck?” Logan complained. He looked up into Jude’s smiling face and the bastard winked. Suddenly the hand was gone and Jude’s eyes closed. His brow furrowed in concentration and Logan realized Jude was preparing himself to be taken instead.

  “Wait. Jude, what are you doing? I thought we were doing this the other way,” Logan said in a flustered rush. Jude ignored his mate’s rambling and sat back abruptly, nearly impaling himself fully on Logan’s cock. Logan’s head flew back at the intensity of the sensation. He called out Jude’s name so loud his own ears were left ringing. Both stayed frozen as if too overcome to do more than try to catch their breath.

  After several moments, Jude apparently started to adjust. The tiger began to rock back and forth and groaned. Whether the sound was from pleasure or pain, Logan didn’t know. All Logan could accept was that the sensation on his end was so much more than he’d ever experienced. Logan’s brain practically melted.

  Thankfully, Logan realized Jude must be there with him in his pleasure. Jude’s huge cock still looked almost painfully erect and it rubbed wet circles along Logan’s abdomen as they finally started to move together. Blind with lust, Logan felt his canines lengthen as his wolf rushed forth. When his release exploded deep inside his mate, Logan’s teeth sank into Jude’s shoulder, sealing their bond. Jude’s warm blood danced across his tongue as his own release splashed across Logan’s abs.

  Chapter 28


  Jude’s eyes blinked open reluctantly and he shifted to the side trying not to smother his mate. Logan was still asleep, having passed out almost instantly after completing his claim. Jude shook his head sardonically and felt his wounded shoulder twinge. He realized then just how true his earlier promise had been. He really was willing to do anything to make his mate happy.

  His ass complained as Jude shifted again, trying to get more comfortable. Jude sighed as he felt Logan’s release paint itself down his inner thigh. Yep, he’d obviously do anything. Smiling widely with teeth, he turned Logan’s arm into a pillow and, snuggling close, joined his mate in sleep.

  Jude was determined to keep his mate in bed until they were forced to do otherwise. Every second they spent together, he felt their bond solidifying. Logan had only been willing to take Jude the one time, voicing endless concerns over causing his mate unneeded pain. Jude wasn’t willing to push Logan further than he was ready to go and had left his mate’s ‘virgin ass’, as Logan seemed determined to call it, untouched. Regardless, they had managed to find ways to pleasure each other repeatedly. So many times in fact, that Jude was certain his last orgasm was simply a poof of dust. His sore testicles throbbed at the reminder.

  Jude’s phone rang annoyingly as he was just considering what wicked things could be done with the leftover maple syrup from their breakfast tray. Jude examined the caller ID and knew their time was up.

  “What can I do for you, Alpha?” Jude asked. Even though Jude spoke quietly, Logan still stirred in his sleep. Jude laid a soothing hand on Logan’s back, futilely hoping his mate could catch a few more winks. Logan still looked so tired. Jude grinned diabolically, happily accepting responsibility for Logan missing out on some much needed rest over the last two days. Jude forced his attention back to Logan’s alpha, barely catching the last of his orders.

  “Yes, sir,” Jude replied. “We’ll be there tomorrow. Thanks again for all your help.” Jude disconnected the call and set the phone to the side with a sigh.

  “What’s wrong?” Logan mumbled sleepily, his face still squashed into his pillow. Jude spooned around Logan’s warm back and rested his chin on Logan’s shoulder before answering.

  “Your alpha wants you home by tomorrow night.” Logan’s back muscles tightened at the mention of his alpha. Jude hated how his mate’s unconscious reaction made him feel paranoid. He urged himself to let their rocky start go. Logan had accepted him now as his true mate. Fuck, they were bonded. He wasn’t going to hide Jude away like a dirty secret when they returned to his home pack. Jude knew it for a fact, but he still couldn’t fully shake this irrational fear. Jude wished they could stay holed up in this hotel room forever, safe from the rest of the world and any interference it might offer their burgeoning connection. Jude knew it couldn’t be, but it didn’t keep him from dreaming anyway.

  “Okay,” Logan replied as if completely unconcerned. “We should shower and hit the road then. It's a long drive.” Logan slipped from the bed and grabbed some clothes. Jude heard the shower start and found himself wondering where this life was going to take them next.

  “Are you coming, or what?” Logan shouted from the other room. Jude’s answering smile at his mate’s irritated tone was blinding.

  Chapter 29


  Logan’s ass was sore by the time they pulled onto pack grounds and it wasn’t from anything fun. As much as he had decided he was ready to try new things, Logan didn’t think giving up his anal cherry in the middle of a two day road trip was a great idea. Thankfully, his mate had more than readily agreed. When they finally stopped at a roadside motel the night before, they’d both been too road-weary to do more than twist themselves into a tangled pile of limbs before falling asleep. They still hadn’t worked out who was supposed to be the big spoon and who was the little. Logan wasn’t sure they ever would, but last night’s arrangement seemed to have worked out alright.

  Logan put the truck into park and tried to rub the residual exhaustion from his eyes. He had no idea why Alpha Leikos had insisted he come home so quickly, but Logan expected it wasn’t going to be good. He accepted his beha
vior over the last month or so had been borderline insubordinate. He was likely being called home to get the ass chewing Logan thought he so rightfully deserved.

  Logan didn’t even try to avoid it. If the alpha wanted to punish him, then so be it. This was part of being pack and Logan embraced his responsibility with every fiber of his being. He’d thought he’d been loyal before, but ever since his pack had selflessly helped rescue his mate from certain death, Logan realized he’d only been playing the part of a pack wolf. Logan suspected if he suffered a wound now, his blood would flow silver instead of red.

  As Logan led his mate toward the checkpoint, he was surprised to see the gate slowly sliding open. He examined the wall and saw Kieran and Wycoff manning their usual section near the upper deck gate release. Kieran met Logan’s concerned gaze and waved briefly, signaling Logan’s approval to enter unheeded. Logan felt more than a little trepidation as his red-headed friend failed to accost him at the gate as usual. It only confirmed Logan’s fear that his requested return wasn’t simply a social visit. Logan reached for Jude’s hand and squeezed, needing the physical reassurance from his mate.


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