The Book of Immortality

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The Book of Immortality Page 48

by Adam Leith Gollner

  Blackburn, Elizabeth H., 262

  Blaine, David, 110, 182

  Blake, William, 158, 212, 214, 216

  Blake and Tradition (Raine), 214

  blessings, 45, 94

  blogs, 10–11

  blood, in initiation rituals, 154

  blood transfusions, 1

  Bloom, Harold, 15, 158

  Bohr, Niels, 364

  Boia, Lucian, 3

  Book of Eastern Mercury, The (Jaābir ibn Hayyaān), 228

  Book of Stones, The (Jābir ibn Hayyaān), 228

  Book of the Silvery Water and the Starry Earth, The, 232

  Boots brand, 252

  Borges, Jorge Luis, 148, 216

  Botox, 282, 320

  Bradbury, Ray, 166, 307n

  Brahmans, 102, 119

  Breakfast at Tiffany’s (film), 60

  Breton, André, 43

  Brin, Sergey, 16, 112

  Brinkley, “Doc” John Romulus, 275

  Bristol-Myers Squibb, 344

  Brodsky, Joseph, 337

  Bronze Age Greece, 100

  Brooks, Mel, 207

  Brown-Séquard, Charles-Édouard, 347–49

  Buddhism, 99, 365, 366–67, 368–71, 372, 373, 377

  Bureau of American Ethnology, 124, 137

  burial customs, 30, 102

  BusinessWeek (magazine), 264

  Byron, George Gordon, 17, 376

  Cabot, John, 134

  Caesar, Julius, 16

  CALERIE (Comprehensive Assessment of Long-term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy), 259–60

  California Institute of Technology, 10

  Caligula, emperor, 16

  Callisthenes, 121

  caloric restriction (CR), 11, 259–61

  Carita brand, 252

  Carrel, Alexis, 248–49, 353

  Carroll, Lacey, 221, 222

  Catholicism, 68–69, 73–74, 129, 251

  Caucasus region, 2

  Celts, 98

  Chabad-Lubavitch movement, Judaism, 86, 88, 93

  channeling, 35, 39, 182

  Chants de Maldoror, Les (Lautréamont), 10

  charitable donations, 29

  Chekhov, Anton, 15

  chemistry, 226, 228, 232–33, 237

  Chenrezig, 99

  Cherokee tribe, 124

  chico longevity gene, 255

  China, 116, 192, 228n, 237–45, 246, 275

  Chödrön, Pema, 366–67, 368, 371

  cinnabar, 226, 237–38, 239, 241, 243, 244, 245

  clairvoyants, 43–44

  Clarke, Arthur C., 274

  Claudius, emperor, 16

  Clinique brand, 252

  coenzyme Q10, 251

  Cole, Frank, 308

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 55, 147, 214

  Colette, 248

  Collins, Mark Raymond, 318–34, 330n, 335, 336, 338, 342, 344, 345–46, 349, 350, 351–52

  Columbus, Christopher, 123, 136–37

  Comfort, Alex, 333n

  coming-of-age rituals, 154–55

  Commandments, 85, 282

  commemorative plaques, 29

  Commodus, emperor, 16

  Communism, 31

  Concordia University, 57, 58, 61, 62

  Conference of the Birds, The (Attar), 117, 118

  confession, 58, 61, 73

  Confidential Instructions for the Ascent to Perfected Immortality, 243

  conquistadors, 123

  Coomaraswamy, Ananda, 117

  Cooper, Evan, 302

  Copperfield, David, 108–13, 165–77

  article proposal to, 110, 116, 148, 165, 169–74, 177, 220–21

  childhood of, 195–96, 210–11

  comments on magic, 195

  fountain of youth and, 108–09, 123, 148, 166, 187, 202–09, 210, 220, 221, 222, 377

  illusions and shows of, 109–10, 147, 166–69, 174–75, 181, 182, 182n, 191, 207

  visit on Musha Cay with, 175–77, 184–211, 377

  copper peptides, 251

  Cornaro, Luigi, 259

  Corpus Hermetica, 232

  cosmic immortality, 30

  Cotter, Kat, 283, 288

  Coward, Noël, 1

  creation narratives, 99–100

  CREB1, 3

  Creed of Love, Sufism, 51–52

  cremation, 27, 30, 305, 306, 314, 354

  Crème de la Mer brand, 252

  Crowley, Aleister, 182

  Crusades, 114, 115

  Cryogenics Reports (magazine), 304

  Cryonics Institute (CI), 301, 302, 304, 305, 308, 309, 310–13, 314, 317

  Cryonics Society of California, 303

  Crystal, Billy, 197

  crystallomancy, 41–42

  Ctesias, 120–21, 122n

  Cuba, 132

  Cumaean Sibyl, 18, 378

  Cure of Old Age and Preservation of Youth, The (Bacon), 227

  DAF genes, 260

  Daft Punk, 150–51

  Da Gama, Vasco, 115

  Dalai Lama, 38, 99, 366

  Dalí, Salvador, 87

  d’Anghiera, Peter Martyr, 123

  Dante, 214, 303

  Daoism, 226

  Darwin, Mike, 309n

  Das, Dipak K., 342

  Daston, Lorraine, 146–47

  David, King, 86

  David Copperfield’s Tales of the Impossible (Copperfield), 166–67

  Dawkins, Richard, 360, 362, 364

  dead spirits, communicating with, 40–44

  Deagan, Kathleen, 137

  De Anima (Aristotle), 372


  acceptance of, 28–29

  ambivalence about the meaning of, 15–16

  ancient Egyptian beliefs about, 179–80

  being frightened of, 7

  belief systems and attitudes toward, 27–32

  calmness before, 28

  denial of, 6, 28, 224, 267, 309, 320

  environment and necessity of, 7–8

  feelings and experiences before, 28–29

  Hindu rites for, 101–02

  initiation rituals and fear of, 154–55

  Jesuit reaction to, 67

  mythology as layer of protection against, 102

  number of daily deaths, 6

  religion and attitudes toward, 31–32

  search for immortality and, 20

  speaking with loved ones after, 40–44

  symbolic, and rebirth, 154

  transformation after, 92

  Death Becomes Her (film), 337

  Deckers, Jeanine (Singing Nun), 129

  Dee, John, 42

  de Grey, Aubrey, 10, 265, 266, 278, 290–93, 294–96, 301, 302, 320–21, 332, 346, 352

  Demopoulos, Harry B., 253–54

  denial of death, 6, 28, 224, 267, 309, 320

  Denial of Death, The (Becker), 29, 58

  Depp, Johnny, 185

  Descartes, René, 142, 146

  de Vera, Narayan, 298

  De Vita Longa (Paracelsus), 231

  Dewar, James, 311

  Dharmasutra of Āpastamba, 31

  Dhyani Buddhas, 368–69

  Diamant de Beauté brand, 252

  Diamond Lil (Louella Day McConnell), 125–28, 131, 133, 134, 135, 139, 140, 145

  Diana, 215

  Dianetics, 307n

  Dias, Bartolomeu, 115

  Dickens, Charles, 210

  Dickinson, Emily, 1

  Dillard, Annie, 300

  Dionysus, 100–101

  Disney, Walt, 305

  DNA, 16, 30–31, 257, 261, 339, 355–56

  Doāgen, 364

  “Dominique” (Singing Nun), 129

  Doniger, Wendy, 102, 120, 213

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 23, 216

  Dre, Dr., 197

  dreams, 14, 18, 20–21, 40, 105, 153–54, 155, 206–07, 213, 368

  Dreiser, Theodore, 128

  Drops from the Fount of Life (ancient text), 117

  druidism, 99

  dukkha 366

  During, Simon, 1

  Eagleman, David, 275

  Earth (planet), 99–100, 105, 136, 149, 181, 230, 237, 289, 298, 309

  Easter Island, 112, 249, 345

  eccentricity, 11

  Edwin Smith Papyrus, 3

  Egypt, ancient, 2–3, 38n, 112, 115, 144, 179–80, 181, 192, 226n, 231–32, 276

  Eiffel Tower, Paris, 189

  Einstein, Albert, 12, 29, 227, 360, 361, 373, 376

  electrical-shock treatments, 3

  Eleusinian mysteries, 101

  Eliade, Mircea, 365

  elixir of life, 1, 10, 119n, 226, 228, 229–30, 238–44, 246, 251, 295, 347. See also alchemy; fountain of youth

  Elixir of Life ceremony, Shambhala, 365–66, 373–74, 377

  Elizabeth I, queen of England, 42

  Elizondo, Salvador, 375

  Ellison, Larry, 16, 330, 356

  Éluard, Paul, 33

  embalming practices, 2, 27, 303

  embryonic cell injections, 1, 248

  Emerald Tablet, 181, 232

  Eminem, 197

  Empedocles, 2, 372

  Ending Aging (de Grey), 265, 287, 291, 301

  Enlightenment (period in history), 142, 146, 224–25, 232, 356–57, 359

  enlightenment (spiritual state),

  Eros, 155, 178, 217–18

  Esalen Institute, 149–53, 155–57, 160–61

  eschatology, 98

  Escobar, Caleb, 267

  Esfandiary, F. M., 354

  Esoteric Transmissions Concerning the Martial Thearch of the Han, 243

  Esquire (magazine), 176, 222

  Esselen tribe, 152

  Estée Lauder, 254

  Eternal Ones of the Dream, The (Roheim), 154

  Ettinger, Elaine, 302, 311

  Ettinger, Mae, 302, 311, 315

  Ettinger, Robert, 301–02, 304, 306–07, 308, 311, 314–16

  Euclid, 372

  euhemerism, 121

  Euhemeros, 121

  Eukarion, 254

  Eurynome, 99

  evolution, 13, 71, 102–03, 105, 273, 357

  Facebook, 11, 15

  faith, 9, 12, 13, 26–27, 38, 56, 73–74, 77, 78, 80, 96, 103, 110–11, 132, 147, 227, 232, 250, 251, 274, 292, 300, 358–59, 360, 361, 362, 376

  Fante, John, 15, 98

  Faust (Goethe character), 225, 226

  FBI, 109

  FDA, 252, 340, 349

  Fellini, Federico, 65

  fenugreek oil, 3

  Ferdinand II, king of Aragon, 126, 138, 143

  Ferenczi, Sándor, 219

  fetal life, 105, 218–19, 325–26

  film, in spiritual life, 57, 58–59, 58n, 60, 65–66, 68, 69, 78, 205

  Finkelstein, David, 345

  Five Dhyani Buddhas, 368–69

  Flennaugh, Robert, 221

  Flett, Sharry, 76–79, 80

  Flier, Jeffrey, 338, 344, 349

  Flow of Mercury, 246

  fog, 75

  Fontana, Luigi, 261

  Fontaneda, Hernando D’Escalante, 144

  Fontinell, Eugene, 351

  Ford, John, 65

  Forms (ancient Greek doctrine), 217–18, 372

  Forster, E. M., 25

  fos longevity gene, 255

  Foucault, Michel, 223

  fountain of youth, 17

  age-old stories and myths about, 20–21, 115–20, 119n

  dreams of, 18

  early historical accounts of, 120–23

  Esalen Institute and, 149, 151–52

  exploration and search for, 123–24

  Florida locations for, 124, 140

  healing powers of, 120, 121, 123, 124, 157

  Musha Cay, Bahamas, as site of, 108–09, 110, 111, 113, 187, 202–07, 208–09, 221, 222

  prevention of death with, 100–101

  stories about Ponce de León’s discovery of, 124, 126–27, 130–38, 140, 143–44

  symbolic meaning of, 216–17

  Fountain of Youth National Archaeological Park, St. Augustine, Florida, 125–47

  claims about quality and efficacy of water at, 134–35, 138–39, 138n, 141–43, 146

  historical background on, 125–28, 133, 138–40

  location of fountain within, 130, 135

  tourism aspect of, 145–46

  visit to, 128–38, 142–43

  Fowles, John, 163

  Frankenstein theme, 265

  Fraser, Brian, 131, 132, 133, 134

  Fraser, Walter B., 131, 132, 133, 134, 139–40, 146

  Frazer, J. G., 235

  Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor, 114

  free radicals, 253, 254, 256

  Freud, Sigmund, 211, 218–19

  Frye, Northrop, 213

  Fuck Death Foundation, 9

  funeral customs

  cremation and, 27, 30, 314, 354

  embalming and, 27

  mummification and, 2–3, 179–80, 231

  preserved bodies of leaders and, 2, 303

  funerals, 21, 25–27, 32, 80

  Furber, John, 346

  Galison, Peter, 147

  Galen, 230

  Gallup polls, 28

  Ganges River, 101, 119

  garage music, 59

  Gates, Bill, 112, 172, 277, 279

  Gehenom (Gehenna), 89, 99

  General Social Surveys, 6

  gene-regenerating creams, 1

  genetic theories of longevity, 203, 206, 220, 249–50, 254–56, 258–61, 264–65, 292, 334–35, 338–39, 342, 344–45, 354

  genetics, 8, 17, 257, 258, 261

  Genghis Khan, 4, 116

  Gennep, Arnold van, 153

  George, Saint, 118

  gerocomy, 227

  Geron, 264

  gerontology, 8, 10, 17, 259, 265, 290, 292, 320, 332, 347–49, 347n

  Gerovital-H3, 2

  Gervais, Father Marc, 217, 305n

  death and funeral of, 80, 376

  ideas on prayer from, 59, 205

  talks about immortality and life force with, 60–61, 62, 71, 72–76, 77–80, 118, 231, 366, 376, 377

  as teacher, 57, 58–60, 58n

  visits with, after retirement, 61–80

  Gilgamesh, 19–20

  Gilgul, 89, 99

  GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), 256, 261, 335, 340–41, 342, 346

  Glenn, Paul F., 319, 322, 327, 329–34, 336, 338, 339, 344, 345, 346, 349–50

  Glenn Foundation for Medical Research, 319, 322–23, 326, 327, 328, 346, 350, 351

  Glenn Symposium on Aging, 336, 337–38, 344

  Global Industry Analysts, 4

  gnosticism, 13, 99

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 216, 225, 225n, 281

  Gogol, Nikolai, 114

  Göllner, Ilona Köver (“Auntie Tiny”), 25–26, 377

  Goodman, Linda, 266–67

  Gospel of John, 26–27

  Gospels, 114, 122

  Gottschling, Dan, 339

  grace, 52, 60–61, 69–70, 77, 80, 117–19

  gravesites, 3, 43, 102, 242–43

  gravestones (headstones), 32, 46

  Gray, John, 232–33, 361

  Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt, 112

  Great Wall of China, 109, 192

  Greece, ancient, 42, 54, 100–101, 120–21, 154, 155, 161, 181, 213, 214, 217–18, 226n, 231–32, 357, 371–73, 376

  Green Knight, 118

  Gregory, Saint, 69

  Greider, Carol W., 262, 264

  grief, 6, 19, 20, 27–28, 225, 376

  Grof, Stanislav, 160

  Guarente, Leonard (“Lenny”), 255, 256, 260–61, 262–63, 333

  Gucci brand, 15

  Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 266

  hair mementos, 3

  hair restoration methods, 3, 124, 348–49

  hajjes, 49

  Hakim, Albert, 87–88, 89

  Halcyon Molecular, 16

  Hamlet (Shakespeare), 76

  Harman, Denham, 253

  Harper’s (magazine), 138

  Hasidic Judaism, 81–84, 86,
87–89, 93, 99, 377

  Harvard Medical School, 337, 343

  hatha yoga, 246

  Hayflick, Leonard, 254–55, 256, 292

  Hayflick limit, 257, 292

  hazing, 155, 194

  headstones (gravestones), 32, 46

  Healthy LifeSpan Institute, 342

  Heaven and Hell (Swedenborg), 216

  Heaven’s Gate, 2

  Hebrew language, 86, 87

  Hecate, 215

  Hedgpeth, Joel, 377–78

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 359

  Heidegger, Martin, 21, 225–26

  Heim, Albert von St. Gallen, 28

  Heka, 180

  HeLa cells, 258

  Henning, Doug, 182–83, 182n, 197n

  Heracleitus, 71

  Heraclitus, 214, 378

  herbalism, 240, 241, 246

  heredity, 30–31

  Hermes (god), 121, 231

  Hermes Trismegistus, 181, 231

  Herodotus, 120, 144

  Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, 143, 146

  Hesiod, 121

  hierophanies, 104–05, 107

  Higgs boson, 355

  Highlander movies, 265

  Hinduism, 38, 42, 99, 101–02, 118–19, 122, 376

  hip-hop music, 197

  Historia General y Natural de las Indias (Oviedo), 143

  history and historical documents

  objective approach to, 146–47

  Ponce de León’s journey in, 143–45

  scientific approach to, 144

  stories about healing waters told in, 120–23

  History of Magic, The (Lévi), 181

  Hitchcock, Alfred, 65

  Hiyoyoa, 219

  Ho Chi Minh, 2

  Holosync meditation, 326

  homeopathy, 17, 105–06

  Homer, 19, 121, 214, 215, 317

  Hope, Ed, 303

  Horace, 15

  Hornung, Erik, 180

  hot springs, 106, 106n, 149, 151, 378

  Houdini, Bess, 186

  Houdini, Harry, 15, 167–68, 182, 186, 186n, 194

  hsien Taoism, 240–41

  Hubbard, L. Ron, 307n

  Hughes, Charles Evans, 353

  human growth hormone (HGH), 252–53

  Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death (Myers), 40

  Human Potential Movement, 150

  Hume, David, 263

  Huxley, Aldous, 150, 161

  Huxley, Thomas Henry, 13

  hyaluronic acid, 251

  hydroxy acids, 100, 251

  Hyperboreans, 121

  Hyparchus river, 120–21

  hyphamacains, 292

  Ignatius of Loyola, Saint, 54–55, 64, 69–70, 77, 79

  iliaster, 231–32

  imagination, 29, 71, 158, 159, 166–67

  Immortality Institute, 9, 267, 271, 272, 278–79, 283

  Immortality: Scientifically, Physically, Now (Cooper), 302

  Implied Spider, The (Doniger), 213

  India, 21, 101–02, 115, 116, 119–20, 121–22, 122n, 123, 228n, 245–47

  Indica (Ctesias), 120

  Indus River, 118, 119n

  INDY longevity gene, 255

  Inferno (Dante), 303

  Infiniti brand automobile, 18–19

  infinitude, 158


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