Common (The Lora Fletcher Chronicles Book 1)

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Common (The Lora Fletcher Chronicles Book 1) Page 17

by Andrea Irving

  “Well, I guess I’d better get back to resting,” Lora said changing the subject to what it was before Genea’s awkward tangent. “Shall I come find you when I wake?”

  “No, we’ll come to you,” Catty said. “That way we know you’ll have enough time.” She squealed. “Oh, I’m so excited!”

  Try though she might, Lora could not fall asleep. Her mind raced. Would she have fun? Would they think her crude and crass? Would they know she was common? Would she make a fool of herself? Who would she dance with? Would anyone dance with her at all? Would she drink too much? Would she spill her food or drink? Would she trip on her gown? Would her corset be so tight that she popped out of it, ripping her dress to shreds? How many times would she try and slap Louis for making lewd comments about everything in a skirt including, it would seem, her?

  She didn’t sleep, that much was certain. She did not even think she had rested. Lora did not want to think about how that would make her feel after midnight. If she even made it that far. She stretched her arms above her head and simply waited for her friends to knock. She did not end up waiting for very long.

  Lora was dragged through the older students’ dorm suites by Catty and Genea to Mistress Tabitha’s suite. The housemistress for the female swordsplayers welcomed them into her rooms so that the two older girls could change together. Catty had made her promise that she would give her opinion on how they looked and give advice on how best hair and accessories were to be arranged.

  Genea took the underthings Mistress Bethany had made especially for this occasion and giggled as she laid them out. “A silk chemise and stockings? Trimmed with lace? Remind me to forgo the ball next year,” she said in between gasps. “Call me boring, but I’ll take my plain winter flannels, thank you very much.”

  Lora shimmied out of her dress and underthings and quickly took the undergarments Genea thought were so amusing from Mistress Tabitha’s ladies maid. Mistress Tabitha had thought they could use more help and had asked her to join them. She pulled on her stockings and fastened them to her garters and fastened on her corset. The corset, like the underthings, was made specifically to be worn under a low cut, off the shoulder evening gown. Even with these on, Lora still felt naked.

  Lindsey, the ladies maid, guided Lora off to Mistress Tabitha’s bed post so she could hold onto it while her laces were being drawn. “I hope you have an idea on how far you need to go,” she told the maid. “All I know is that even though it was as tight as it could possibly go during my fittings, Mistress Bethany said she was making it even tighter for tonight.”

  “Of course, miss,” Lindsey said as she gestured for Lora to turn around. Having someone she shared a rank with call her something deferential made Lora feel strange. But she had promised Mistress Bethany she would try, so try she would.

  The ladies maid was true to her word and pulled on Lora’s laces for all she was worth. Lora walked around for a few moments afterward to get used to the tighter fit while Catty was getting squeezed into her smaller shape. Mistress Tabitha then held out the first of many petticoats that were to go under the dress so that Lora could step into them.

  The putting on of underthings went on for several more minutes until Lindsey snapped her fingers and held up a brush. Lora and Catty each sat on a stool while the three other women contemplated the best way to do up their hair. A curling iron was hung over the coals and would evidently be used for each of them.

  Genea began braiding Lora’s hair along the temples and secured it back with pins when she reached the crown of her head. Masses of semi-mousey brown, semi-golden brown hair were piled in a complex up do. A few tendrils were left down and curled. Catty’s nut brown hair was twisted up by Lindsey and had spiral curls cascading down her back. Neither girl, it was decided, needed hair adornments.

  Lindsey then held Lora’s dress out for her to step into. With as deep a breath as she could manage, Lora resolutely stepped in. The ladies maid walked around her and deftly did up the back. It fit perfectly, of course. Lindsey walked around and did up a couple of hooks in the front and then finally seemed satisfied.

  “I’d meant to ask Mistress Bethany what the front fastenings were for, but I kept forgetting,” Lora remarked.

  Mistress Tabitha smiled coyly. “Officially, they’re for opening up the dress and corset in the event you should faint. Unofficially, they’re for wandering hands.” She gave Lora a wink.

  Lora blushed furiously and Catty laughed. She looked radiant in a gold trimmed burgundy gown. The sleeves were lightly puffed and came just up to the top of the shoulder. The sweetheart neckline dipped low, but not so low that it was improper for an unmarried woman to be wearing it. Genea placed a necklace of gold around Catty’s neck, fastened some gold earbobs into her lobes, and pronounced her complete.

  Lindsey placed the necklace Lora’s mystery benefactor had given her the year before around her neck and fastened on the new silver filigreed earrings that Catty and Genea had given her the day before. The lady’s maid led her to Mistress Tabitha’s large mirror and stepped to the side.

  Standing there where she expected herself to be was a young woman. A stranger with her face. Lora’s dress was such a dark shade of green as to be nearly black. Tiny bits of silver lace and trim adorned it. The neckline began at the tips of her shoulders and sloped down gently in a v, which stopped just above where her cleavage began. It made Lora flush to know that Mistress Bethany had made the dress show absolutely as much as it could without being inappropriate to her age. The sleeves were tight from the tips of her shoulders down to her elbows where they ruffled gently to spill over the joint. The necklace and earrings could not have matched more perfectly. Even her hair had a more golden sheen to it, instead of its usual muddy brown.

  “Such lovely girls we have here at the Academy,” Mistress Tabitha said with a smile. “Lovely ladies with deadly skills. Perhaps that’s what we should tell the families of the young women who want to come here, but aren’t allowed. You still retain oodles of femininity.”

  Catty rolled her eyes. “It’s all those etiquette lessons. I think Master Franklin beats womanliness into us with the staff he uses to keep time while we all dance.” She shook her head and spun around, a smile lighting her face as she came forward again. “Is Regan’s carriage here yet, I wonder?” Lindsey held out a fur-trimmed cloak for her and she quickly put it on.

  “It arrived a few moments ago,” Genea said. “I slipped out while Lora was admiring herself. No, no. No blushing, Miss Lorana of Haven Dale.” She grinned at her friends. “Now get along with you. The ball awaits!”

  Lora walked forward and kissed the three ladies who had been so instrumental in getting them to where they were on their cheeks. Catty did the same and then led Lora out of the room by the arm before she had the opportunity to run.

  “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” Lora murmured. “Nothing good will come of it.”

  Catty rolled her eyes. “You look amazing—we look amazing! Sylvane will look like she’s swallowed a bug all night because of how amazing you and I look. Our friends—and more will ask us to dance. We’ll eat and we’ll drink sparkling white wine.” She paused. “So what if there are whispers. So what if we spill something or laugh too loudly. It’s a ball. Worse things will have happened.”

  The two of them stepped out into a winter wonderland. The tops of all the buildings were crowned with puffy white snow. The roads were dusted with a thin film of powdery whiteness with no sinister gleams of ice beneath. The air was crisp and clear. There was no wind. No snow fell. It was perfect. Lora took a deep breath and accepted it. She accepted the night for what it was. A royal ball. An opportunity to have fun. If it was a unique experience in her life, she would have to know in her heart that she had made the most of it.

  A footman held a hand out to her in front of the carriage Prince Regan had made available for them that evening. Lora placed her hand in his and looked back at Catty as she stepped up into the carriage. She smiled, f
inally allowing her feelings of dread to fade into feelings of excitement and anticipation. She smiled and said, “Let’s go.”

  Catty squealed and nearly bowled the footman over in her eagerness to get into the carriage and to the palace. “Absolutely!” She grinned and settled into her seat.

  The night was just beginning.

  To Larry, for asking for more and inspiring me to finish this one in the first place.

  To Colin, always.

  To Maryrose, for this and From Embers. I bet you and Jon never thought you’d be acknowledged in books for your much appreciated help!

  To the boys, I know I’ve tested your patience. Thanks for always giving me hugs and kisses when I asked for them. Writing is a gut-wrenching labor of love, and you guys lifted me up more than you know.

  To my readers. I know I’m putting you last on this one, and for that, I’m sorry. I never thought that people would really want to read my books—let alone buy them! You have overwhelmed and humbled me. I cannot thank you enough! Next time, you sure as heck won’t be last!!

  Andrea Irving has been writing for practically her whole life. She started off in her own little fantasy worlds, but has been spending much of her recent time having nightmares while writing YA horror. She is happy to be bringing YA fantasy back into her repertoire. A physician and college professor by day, her previous publications were purely scientific. She is very happy to finally be sharing her more creative works with the world. Andrea lives and works in the Phoenix, AZ area with her husband and two sons.

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