Hard Ball

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Hard Ball Page 7

by Heather Stone

  “I can feel you tightening around my cock,” I groan.

  “Fuck, Cole,” she pants. “Oh my fucking God.”

  “That’s right, baby, come all over my cock.” Her whole body starts to quake as she flies over the edge. The feeling of her body contracting around me is too much, it feels too good, and I follow.

  I collapse next to her. Minutes pass while we will our bodies to calm down. My heart is pounding.

  “Say something,” she finally says.

  Rolling to my side, I face her, taking her in from head to toe.

  She’s beautiful and she’s mine.

  If what happened just now isn’t proof enough, I’m about to seal the deal on us.

  “I want to be with you.”

  She stiffens. “What?”

  I raise myself on my elbow to hover over her. Looking down into her eyes, I profess everything.

  “You heard me.” I take a breath. “I want you. All of you, Makenzie. And I won’t take no for an answer.”

  With her eyes wide and cheeks flushed, I want to fuck this woman all over again. No, not fuck, love. I want to be inside of her and make her feel just what she does to me.

  “Cole.” Her voice comes out a warning. “You can’t be serious.”


  “It won’t work.”

  “It will.”

  “You’re my best friend. I can’t lose you.” The fear in her voice gives me pause.

  “What are you talking about? You aren’t going to lose me. Did you not hear everything I just said? I want you, Kenz. We can make this work because it’s you and me.” My eyes pierce hers, begging her to hear what I’m saying.

  “We can’t fail at this, Makenzie. I won’t let us.” I watch as her walls crumble. A smile slowly creeps across her lips, eventually making it all the way up to her eyes.

  “Do you really believe that?”

  “Yes. Without a doubt.”

  Her lips meet mine. I flip her on top of me and ravage her mouth with mine. The pain is minimal, but well worth it. Our kisses turn to more until we can’t control ourselves again. The rest of the night I show Makenzie just what she’s in for. Over and over again.



  I’m sore and thoroughly fucked. Cole did things to my body last night that I didn’t think were possible.

  Because he does this often.

  The inner voice in my head is bound and determined to screw this up before it even begins. I know his past, but I also know him. He says this time will be different and I believe him. Wholeheartedly. I could see it in his eyes; he meant every word. Cole has never let me down.

  “What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?” Cole’s voice brings me out of my wandering thoughts.

  “Nothing.” I smile over at him. “Just relaxing.”

  “Come here.” He pulls me into his arms. I nuzzle his chest, loving the feeling.

  “This feels right.” I nod. “I can’t believe we waited this long. We were missing out.” He chuckles into my hair.

  “Yeah, well, I had to wait until you weren’t such a manwhore.” I feel Cole flinch. “I’m sorry, Cole. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “But you’re right. I was.” He spins me around to look at him. “That’s not me anymore. Like I said last night, not with you. I’ll never hurt you.”

  I smile. “I know.” I lean in and kiss his lips.

  “What about you and douche-Dawson?”

  I groan. “I have to call him. It isn’t fair for me to just ignore his calls. He’s done nothing wrong.”

  “I don’t like it, but I get it. Do what you have to do, but make it clear that you’re mine.” His alpha-caveman attitude warms me all over. I smile, leaning over to kiss his lips.

  “We need sustenance,” I tell him.


  “Food, Cole. We need food.” I laugh. “Like now. I’m starving.”

  “Okay. Throw some clothes on and we’ll hit the deli before rehab.”

  I jump out of bed like it’s on fire.

  “I’ll be five minutes.” I run off, grabbing clothes as I go. I hear him chuckling behind me, but I don’t look back. I throw on a pair of yoga pants and one of my Callahan jerseys before jamming my feet in my black Nikes.

  “Ready,” I call from the hallway.

  When I look up, the world stops. Cole comes walking out wearing a simple pair of black gym pants slung low on his hips and a fitted gray shirt that shows off every single sculpted muscle. I’m drooling and he sees it. The smirk he sports only serves to put my libido at def-con levels. I could jump his bones right here, right now. To hell with food.

  “Easy, tiger. I wasn’t planning on being the meal.” He teases me with that cocky grin that makes me weak in the knees.

  “You’d like it.” I try to flirt, but it comes out pathetically high pitched.

  Just like that Cole swaggers toward me, all confidence. When he has me pinned to the wall, he leans in so we are nose to nose.

  “Oh, no doubt, I’d definitely like it.” His voice is all gravelly and sexy as hell.

  “Yeah?” I squeak.

  “Yeah, 100%.” He dips his head, swiping his tongue along my bottom lip, requesting entrance. I give permission eagerly. I nip at his bottom lip, eliciting a groan of pleasure from Cole. I wrap my leg around his waist to get him closer.

  The need building in my pussy is so fierce I cry out at the first point of contact. Cole murmurs, “I need to fuck you again.” I mewl.

  At the sound, he begins a punishing rhythm, pushing his rock-hard cock into my burning heat. The next moment my pants are being ripped down my legs, panties and all. The sound of the rustling of his pants registers as I shove Cole’s shirt up over his head. I’m clawing at his chiseled chest, not able to feel enough of him.

  “I can’t wait. I have to have you here,” Cole growls into my ear, sending a wave of chills down my spine.

  In one fluid motion, he grabs me by the waist, pushing me up the wall, slamming his length into me. I cry out at the exquisite pleasure wrecking my body. With every pump and slam of my back into the wall, I come undone. This isn’t soft or sweet, this is raw and primal. Every single fantasy I ever lived is right here up against Cole’s wall, wearing nothing but his jersey. One hand holding me up, his other runs the length of my waist up and under my shirt to my breast. He kneads the peaked nipple, alternating between pinching and massaging. Between his cock pummeling me and his attention to my chest, I’m about to come.

  “More. Please, Cole. Fuck me harder.” He obliges, pulling me off the wall and flipping me to grab the sides of the foyer table. Cole runs his hands up under the jersey, exposing my ass. He slaps my right cheek, making me to jerk. I lift myself invitingly, needing him back inside of me. Slowly, he reenters. He pushes in slowly and pulls out even more so. I groan, loving the feeling, but needing more.

  “Give me what I want,” I tell him over my back, looking him right in the eye.

  His bright baby blues smolder, ready to give me exactly what I’m asking for. Picking up the speed he continues to smack my ass while as he pumps. Everything in me is screaming yes, but the only sounds that leave my mouth are gasps and groans.

  Two more pumps and we’re both falling over the edge.

  “Fuck, Makenzie,” Cole whispers into my ear as he leans over me. We stay like this for what feels like five minutes. We’re both too tired to move and neither one wants to break the connection.

  “Food, Cole. I need food,” I remind him.

  Pulling himself off me, he turns me around, planting his lips on mine. This kiss isn’t sexy, it’s sweet and worshipping. It feels like…love.

  “Let’s go then,” Cole teases, looking me over as I pull on my pants.

  Once I’m fully dressed I take a quick look in the foyer mirror. My hair is a mess and my cheeks are a deep shade of pink. I run my hands through my hair, taming it a fraction before grabbing my purse and turning to leave.

/>   “You look thoroughly fucked, if I do say so myself,” Cole says into my ear, making me to giggle.

  He pulls open the door and on the other side, poised to knock, is Dawson. I gasp.

  “Dawson. What are you doing here?” I stop, not knowing what the hell to say. I blush ten shades of red, feeling caught red handed. We might as well be fucking up against the wall, it’s that obvious what we were up to. Dawson’s face gives it away: disappointment.



  “I hadn’t heard from you. I thought I’d surprise you with a visit.” He looks at me for a moment before snapping his eyes back to Makenzie. “Now that I’m here, I think I should’ve called first.” Damn straight he should’ve called. This is my house. How the fuck does he even know where to find her?

  “Cole, can you give us a few minutes?” Makenzie looks at me. I stay in place. I’m not going anywhere. “Excuse us for a moment, Dawson.”

  Makenzie grabs me by the elbow, ushering me out of the room and away from douchebag Dawson.

  “Don’t be angry. I told him where you lived because at the time I was dating him.” My eyes narrow on hers. I shouldn’t be angry. A few months ago, I’d have been inviting the guy in for a beer. It’s not his fault I decided to stake my claim on my girl.

  “I’m not angry,” I promise. “It’s just strange seeing someone you were just dating standing at my door after we just had crazy sex against the wall he’s leaning on.” I snicker.

  She slaps my chest. “Stop. You can’t say anything. I’ll end it, but I don’t want to hurt him.”

  “Do what you have to, but you’re mine.” Makenzie rolls her eyes. “I mean it. Make it clear that you’re my girl and anything you two had is over. I won’t share you with anyone.”

  She smiles brightly.

  “I will. I only want you.” I beam at her words. “Now go. Make yourself scarce so I can let the poor guy down without an audience to bruise his ego anymore.” She winks. I lean over and kiss her cheek.

  “I’ll head to the pool instead. Join me when you’re done.” She nods. “I’m sorry we are missing breakfast. Grab yourself something before you head to the center.”

  “Yes, food is a must.” She groans, clearly upset to miss out on our breakfast date.

  I walk to the front door.

  “Cole Callahan.” I extend my hand to Dawson. He takes it in his, finally giving me a proper handshake. We are two men sizing each other up. I hear Makenzie clear her throat behind me.

  “Dawson Finley. Nice to meet you. Sorry for crashing your place.” He looks uncomfortable. I soften at that.

  “Nah. You’re welcome here anytime.” I smile to ease the tension. “I’m headed out. I need to start therapy. I’ll leave the good doctor with you for a while.” He chuckles.

  “Thanks, man.” Dawson smiles.

  “See you two later.” I look at Makenzie once more, trying to convey with a look that this better be nothing more than closure.

  When I get to my car, I take out my phone looking to see how many calls I’ve received.

  Only one from Lana. Not bad. Maybe this time she gets it.

  However, there are five additional missed calls and one text, all from one number. My mom.

  Mom: We need to talk Coley. I know you’re mad, but we need your help. Please call.

  I should just delete the fucking text and pretend I never got it. I do neither. Why? Because, no matter what, I love them. The phone rings two times before a familiar feminine voice filters through the earpiece.

  “Cole.” My mother’s voice is tired and weak. It’s so unlike her.

  “Mom. What’s going on?”

  “Can you meet me later? We’re in town.” She sounds dejected.

  “Yeah. I need to ice and stretch, but I can meet you in a couple hours, say five at the Fridays near the stadium?”

  “Okay. I’ll see you then.” The line goes dead.

  I inhale, preparing myself for whatever awaits me. It didn’t escape me that she said I’ll see you, not we’ll see you. My parents are never apart. Ever. They’re selfish but always together. Something is up and I don’t know whether to be worried or just not give a fuck for all the times they’ve let me down.

  My loyalty to my family has me worried. Regardless of what they’ve put me through, I care. I queue up my text messages and send off an update to Makenzie.

  Me: Meeting my mom at 5. How long until you get here?



  I shudder at what I’m about to do. It’s not that we were in a serious relationship, but the way he feels about me is written all over his face and the idea of having to hurt him doesn’t sit well with me.

  “Why don’t you sit,” I mutter. He shrugs, but follows me into the living room. The apartment seems eerily quiet without Cole there. It’s cold in his absence. He brings it to life. Just like he brings me to life.

  I motion toward the couch. “Would you like me to get you something to drink?” Dawson shakes his head.

  “Or we can just cut to the chase,” he says. “No need to rip the bandage off slowly over a cocktail.” There’s an edge to his words now, his voice cooler than I remember it. I understand he’s hurt, but going out a few times is hardly enough for him to be this pissed.

  I swallow the feeling clawing its way inside me. Taking a deep breath, I sit in the chair across from him.

  “Listen, I know what this must look like and I’m sorry.” I sigh. “I never wanted to hurt you.”

  “So that’s it?” He purses his lips. “You two, then?”

  “I made you no promises. There was no commitment between us. We were dating, that’s it. We never said it was exclusive.” I watch as he lets out a sigh.

  “It’s just a bit of a shock. Last I heard, you guys were just friends.”

  “I don’t know we were ever just friends.” His eyes widen and I lift my hand to continue. “No, I don’t mean like that. What I realize now is that it was never fair for me to be with you. To lead you on, because what I never wanted to admit to myself or anyone else that I have always been in love with Cole.”

  He studies my face for a while. The silence between us leads the way to an awkward silence. Finally, he opens and shuts his mouth, as if he’s thinking of the right words to respond to my declaration.

  “Wow,” he says, and with that I burst out laughing.


  His eyes soften. “There’s no way I can compete with that.” My cheeks flush at the idea of anyone being able to compete with Cole for my affections. With Cole it isn’t just sex, even though the sex is fantastic…hell, mind altering. With Cole it is so much more. He consumes my every thought. Not just as a lover but also as a best friend.


  He runs his hands through his hair. “I appreciate you being so candid about it.”

  “I never wanted to lead you on. I never expected this to happen and I did have every intention of telling you, but—”

  “But I surprised you.”

  “Yes. God, did you ever.” My voice rose to a higher octave than I anticipated and Dawson’s cheeks turn red. I cringe. “Sorry,” I say.

  “It’s okay. Serves me right. Who shows up somewhere without calling first?”

  “Bet you won’t be doing that again any time soon.”

  At that he laughs. “Oh Lord, no. I’m never surprising anyone ever again.”

  “Hey, you never know. Crazier things have happened. One day you might find a girl lucky enough for that to happen. And she will be lucky, Dawson. You’re a great guy and you deserve happiness. I’m just not the right girl.”

  “You deserve it, too. And if he fucks up, you tell me.”

  “Deal. So still friends?”

  “Still friends.” His lips curve into the first genuine smile since he’s been here. I let out a deep breath, insanely relieved it went well. Dawson stands and I do, too.

  “I’ll be going.”

  “I’ll show you out.” To
gether, we walk to the front door. Once it’s open, I lean in and kiss him on the cheek. He doesn’t say anything. I don’t either. There’s nothing more to say. I just hope one day he finds someone who will appreciate him, because he really is a great guy.

  Once the door is closed, I cross the room and lift my phone to call Cole. That’s when I see his text message.

  Cole: Meeting my mom at 5. How long until you get here?

  Meeting his mom? I wonder what that’s about? For a reason I can’t explain, a strange feeling weaves its way through me. I’m not sure why, but every nerve ending in my body is on alert—and it scares me. The urge to vomit comes on so quickly I barely have time to make it to the bathroom. I heave for what feels like an hour but it only lasts a few minutes.

  When I’m done, I wipe the perspiration from my brow and grab a cloth to dab my mouth. What the hell? It has to be my nerves from the awkward talk with Dawson. Or maybe I’m afraid of what Mrs. Callahan is doing to Cole.



  I went through the workout and therapy schedule that Kenzie prepared for today. It was fairly simple and didn’t require me to wait for her. Already feeling the improvement in my hand, I was pumped to do my exercises. I finished off with the cold therapy and headed to the showers to clean up. I pissed away the rest of the day giving Makenzie some time to hopefully study. She needs to pass that test and I don’t want to be the reason she doesn’t.

  Now, I've been sitting in this restaurant for over thirty minutes watching my mother toy with her straw. She hasn’t said much aside from the basic “Hello” and “How are you doing?” I've given her more than enough time to string together a coherent sentence. Knowing that Makenzie is at home waiting for me has me eager to speed this shit show up.

  “So what's going on, Mom?” She looks up at me, worry all over her face.


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