Hard Ball

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Hard Ball Page 20

by Heather Stone

  I squeeze her back. “Me too, Leah.”

  When I get to Reed’s, I can tell he is tense. “What’s wrong, baby?” I ask concerned.

  “My mother can be very difficult at times.” He rolls his eyes. “Come here,” he says, bringing me to his chest. “You smell like fish.”

  I laugh at his tone. It’s cute. “Leah and I had sushi.”

  “Leah, eh? Did you tell her about us?”

  I stiffen in his embrace. “Tonight wasn’t the right time. She asked me to be her maid of honor.”

  “She’s still marrying the douche?”

  I laugh. “Yep. There’s nothing I can do about it. I just have to support her.”

  “You don’t have to support your sister making the biggest mistake of her life, Bailey.”

  “What am I supposed to do? I don’t have anything on him. She’s happy. That’s all that matters.”

  He kisses my forehead. “Let’s shower.”

  He leads me to the bathroom stripping me along the way. When the warm water hits my skin, I sigh in contentment. Reed takes care of me. Washing my hair and massaging my scalp, I am putty in this man’s hands. For the first time since we’ve been intimate, he doesn’t initiate sex. He simply pampers me. I don’t know what to think, so I don’t. I just enjoy all that he is offering me.


  This woman is undoing me little by little. Every wall I’ve constructed, and every rule I have made, she’s collapsing one by one.

  I wipe her down with a towel and help apply lotion to her alabaster skin. Goosebumps appear on her arms as I pepper a line of kisses down her neck while rubbing the lotion onto her arms.

  “Reed, this feels so good,” she moans.

  My dick hardens and I’m about to pull her onto my cock when my phone rings. I ignore it, but it starts ringing again.

  I answer. “Yes, Mother?”

  “I’m sorry, Reed. I shouldn’t have ambushed you with Allison.” I stay quiet. “Will you come back tomorrow for dinner? Let me make it up to you,” she says, her tone hopeful.

  “I’ll have to get back to you.”

  “But, Reed,” she whines. “Gretchen Long is in town from London and would love to catch up with you. She’s such a beautiful girl, and her parents are quite wealthy.”

  Unbelievable. She should save her apologies since she clearly isn’t sorry. “Ugh, Mother. No. You are ridiculous.” I look over to Bailey whose eyes are wide in question.

  “Then just come for dinner. No girls. No setups. I promise.”

  I want to say no. I should just tell her to go to hell, but then I have an idea. “I’ll come, but I’m bringing a date.”

  “Oh? A date! Fabulous. Who is it?” she says excitedly.

  “A girl I’ve been dating. She’s a nice girl, Mom. Please, don’t frighten her.”

  Bailey’s eyes go even wider as she mouths what?

  “I wouldn’t. Do I know her? Who are her parents? Are they members of the club?”

  And so it begins.

  “No, Mother. You do not, and no, they are not members of the club. I like this one. Please be cordial.”

  Bailey smiles her big beautiful smile. I can tell she’s thrilled with this.

  “Reed Lawson, you insult me. I would never. I’m excited. I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

  I hear the click on the other line and I look up to Bailey.

  “Meeting Mom already?”

  I nod. “Change of plans. You’re taking the night off tomorrow and meeting my mother.”



  Holy Shit.

  It was one thing to say I wanted to meet his mother, but it was another to actually be doing it. I was whiney before, acting like a petulant child. But he made me feel insecure and I just wanted to know what I was. When I asked him, I knew I had to work and I knew there was no real shot of him taking me.


  Now what am I supposed to do? I’m so not ready for this. Reed Lawson is in a class of his own, and I’m petrified of the woman who birthed him. I can only imagine what she’ll be like. Perfect, that’s for sure. Skinny. No flaws. She definitely has never worked a day in her life, let alone as a bartender.

  I groan as my fingers start clawing at the skin on my arm. In the past there was only one thing that could fix the anxiety coursing through me. Thank God I found a meeting for tomorrow morning or I don’t know how I would ever survive this.

  I dress quickly for bed and only give Reed a small kiss on the lips. It’s soft and sweet, and even though our lips barely touch, it’s filled with passion. It knocks the breath out of my lungs. How can something so trivial affect me so much? I got it bad for him. We both fall asleep easily.

  The next morning, when I finally walk out of his loft, I make my way west to the church I sometimes go to for a meeting. The meeting starts at noon, so I pick up my pace. I debate finding a cab, but truth is, I can’t afford it. Lord knows I won’t be asking Reed for a loan. I know he says he will help me in any way he can to stay clean, but I just became his girlfriend a few hours ago, and he already knows I have enough baggage to make the normal guy go running. Bad debt is not something I wish to tack on to my list of bad traits. The fact that I’m in debt up to my eyelids is not something he needs to know now. No, thank you. I’ll just walk the ten blocks in my heels and skirt. I peer down at my outfit. Oh wow, how did I not realize I’m fully doing a walk of shame right now? My face flushes. This is going to be long meeting.

  Fifteen minutes later, and with only a few seconds to spare, I make it. A light sweat has broken against my brow from the exertion of trying to make it here on time, and my breath is coming out in short bursts. I lean against the brick and wait for my heartbeat to regulate.

  Pulling the door back, I enter and head down the stairs to the basement where the meeting is being held. My gaze scans the room as I take in the ensemble of people gathering to find strength. Just being here calms my frazzled nerves.

  “Hello, I’m an addict and my name is Robert. Welcome. Can we open this meeting with a moment of silence for the addict who still suffers, followed by the WE version of the Serenity Prayer?” He takes a slight pause before his eyes shut and his head bows as he repeats the familiar words. My eyes flutter closed and silently I repeat his words.

  When the session ends I am one of the first to stand. Facing the back ready to leave, the air leaves my lungs when I see Damon quickly exiting.

  He came. A sense of pride washes over me for my friend. I hope it’s the beginning of a life change for him. Should I call him? The more I contemplate it the more it becomes clear. I need to leave this one alone. It’s his fight and he has to do it his way. If he needs me, he’ll find me.

  An hour later, I feel rejuvenated. A huge weight is lifted off me as the craving has passed. As long as I keep up with my meetings, I think everything will be okay. No slip ups.

  I head back to my apartment and I stare blankly at my closet once there. Holy hell. What does one wear to dinner with one’s brand spanking new, wealthier than God, boyfriend? And worse, what does one wear when meeting his pretentious mother? Because if it’s one thing I’m sure of, this women is going to be a spoiled witch. Why did I push for this?

  Bailey, Bailey, Bailey…

  You really are an idiot.

  I feel like my blood pressure is climbing. I take deep breathes and silently repeat the serenity prayer.





  I got this.

  I see a baby blue wrap dress that falls just to my knees. It’s nothing fancy, and certainly not high end, but it will work. Paired with a nude peep toe and simple makeup, it will probably look good, but not good enough for his socialite mother. Oh, there you go again. Freaking out. Shaking my head back and forth, I dismiss all doubt that I won’t be accepted and proceed to head into the bathroom to redo my hair and makeup from this morning. Luckily, I don’t have to shampoo and rinse it, but I need
to run a brush through it.

  As I’m putting the final layer of lip-gloss on, my cell phone rings. “Hey, Leah, what’s going on?”

  “Where have you been?” My forehead creases. “What do you mean? I haven’t been anywhere.” Oh my God. Did she somehow find out about Reed and me? I know now that we are official, I need to tell her, but shit. I’m just not ready yet. It’s so new. I just want to keep it for myself for a few days like a shiny new toy you’re not ready to share with your friends. A giggle escapes my mouth. Did I just compare Reed to a toy after the big fight we had this morning? Sure did.

  “Why are you giggling? What are you up to? You’re all shady these days. You didn’t check in today. I was starting to get worried.”

  “God, Mom,” I tease. “I’m fine. Just super busy at work.”

  “Oh really? Is Reed treating you okay?” As she asks the question, I can feel my whole body warm.

  “Yep, he’s treating me perfect.” If she only knew just how perfect.

  “Okay, good. I was kind of worried about him. Good to know I don’t have to be.”

  “Listen, Leah. I know we need to catch up, but I’m running late for a dinner. Can I call you tomorrow?”

  “A dinner?”

  “I don’t have time to get into it right now, but tomorrow. Promise.”

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, but I really need to run. Love you.” I don’t wait for her to say goodbye before I hang up. I’m not trying to be rude, but I am running late and I need to be perfect for his mother.


  When I pick Bailey up, she literally steals my breath away. She didn’t even give me the chance to walk to her door like a proper gentleman. She came flying out the door like someone was chasing her. Other than her adorable flustered look, everything else from head to toe is perfection.

  I snap myself out of the trance I’m in just in time to fly around the car to open the door for her.

  Leaning in, she whispers, “You smell so good.” She reaches up on her tiptoes and places a kiss on my cheek. Instinctually, I inhale her. If I smell good, then she smells divine.

  “Did you just sniff me?” she asks.

  “That sounds like something I’ve heard in a movie.” I chuckle. “Yes, yes I did just sniff you. It’s your fault for wearing whatever that is. It’s intoxicating, devil woman.”

  She laughs.“Devil woman? What pray tell have I done to warrant that moniker?”

  I stare at her for a few moments and take in the delicate angles of her face. Making my way back to her almond eyes, I smile.

  “You have entranced me, Bailey, and I’m not sure what to do with it.”

  She only smiles as she finally sits herself into my Jaguar.

  The drive to my mother’s is silent. It’s a direct contrast to the excitement of seeing each other minutes ago.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  Tilting her head to the side, Bailey says, “I’m petrified.” She bites her lip, obviously afraid of my response.

  “I could lie and tell you everything will be all right, but honestly, I have no idea what to expect. My mother and I… Well, we haven’t had the best of relationships the past few years. She’s always been a very strong force. I wouldn’t say she was an absent mother, but she was authoritative and very busy. She wasn’t nurturing, but she wasn’t always cold either. I know I’m not making sense.”

  I’m getting flustered. Explaining my conundrum of a mom is a challenge. Half of the time I don’t know where we stand or what her motives are. I’ve always felt loved by her, but I wouldn’t say we’ve ever been close.

  Bailey shakes her head. “No, I get it.”

  Such simple words and if they had come from anyone else I’d have passed them off as words to placate me, but with Bailey, somehow I know she truly does get it.

  “My parents are both workaholic cops. Their jobs are their life, so my sister raised me more than they did. I didn’t lack love from them, but they showed it differently than with words and cuddling.” She shrugs.

  I want to make a joke at the cuddle mention, but she is so vulnerable in this moment. I don’t want her to take my jest the wrong way. So I just say, “Exactly. I wish I could prepare you for my mom, but who knows what we’ll get. She has always been very adamant about me dating someone from our club or another trust fund girl.” I cringe at the mention and I see her face fall. She’s white as a ghost and I know I’ve fucked it up.

  “No, no Bailey, that’s in the past. It doesn’t matter what she wants. I want you. Just be yourself and she’ll love you.”

  Grabbing her hand in mine, I bring it to my lips. When she finally smiles, I give her hand one final squeeze of reassurance as we pull up to the front gate of the Lawson Estate. Looking at Bailey, I watch as her eyes go wide. I probably should have prepared her a little more for just how wealthy we are.

  “What the hell? You didn’t say your father is Daddy Warbucks.”

  I snicker at the reference. Not quite, but close. No need to petrify her further.

  I take her up the stairs and pray I’m not walking her into a fire. I grab for the handle, but the door flings open. Mother is standing on the other side in a pair of leggings and a long tunic. What. The. Actual fuck? My mother never dresses down. Never. I haven’t seen this woman in less than her Sunday best in my twenty-eight years of life.

  “Reed. I’m so glad to see you.” Her smile is warm and she looks sincere. It’s startling.

  “Mother, are you feeling well?” I cock my eyebrow up in question. Perhaps she meant to cancel and forgot.

  “Silly boy. I’m fantastic. I’m so glad you came. Don’t be rude. Come in, come in, and introduce me to this beautiful girl you have on your arm.”

  Bailey smiles a hesitant smile and looks back and forth between the two of us. She has no idea what to make of this. That makes two of us. I just shrug. Not helpful, I know, but I think we are both out of our element today.

  “Mother, this is Bailey Jameson. Bailey, my mother, Cynthia.”

  “Reed Lawson, stop being so proper. It’s pretentious. I’m Mom.” She rolls her eyes at me. She actually rolls her damn eyes. I’m about to call Dr. Palmer. I think she’s having a stroke or has started the downward spiral into Alzheimer’s. Either way, it isn’t good.

  “Okay, Mom… Are you all right?”

  She smooths down her greying hair. “Heavens, yes. Stop looking at me like that and get out of the foyer. Bailey doesn’t want to stand all day. Jeez, have you lost your mind?”

  I might have.

  In all honesty, I’m kind of feeling like Alice being thrust down a rabbit hole after ingesting a handful of whatever shrooms the creator of that movie was on. Bailey looks at my dumbfounded face and laughs, and her laughter makes me laugh which in turn has my mom laughing. What the fuck we’re laughing at is beyond me, but hell, it’s better than screaming.

  “Bailey, come on in and have a seat. Would you like a glass of wine?”

  “No, thank you, Mrs. Lawson, but I’d love a glass of water if I may.”

  “Please, call me Cynthia.”

  The evening continued on with my mother fawning all over Bailey. We had a dinner of steaks and potatoes, nothing fancy. It was surreal and really nice if I’m being honest. I’m relaxed, and this is the first time I’ve been relaxed in my parent’s home in years.

  Conversation is so easy between my mother and Bailey. I would have never guessed it in a million years. Bailey is one of a kind, but she’s not my mother’s kind. My mom pawned me off on the likes of girls like Lexi: rich, beautiful, and worldly. Bailey is beautiful and unique and everything all of those girls weren’t, and I’m feeling like I’ve grossly misjudged my mom all these years.

  They talk for what feels like hours about New Jersey of all things. Leggings, music, cosmetics—you name it, they discussed it. I’d usually be bored out of my mind by now, but I’m not. I feel at peace. I’m completely captivated by both of the women
sitting before me. For the first time, I can envision a life beyond the club and it doesn’t scare the fuck out of me.

  “Can you point me in the direction of a powder room?”

  “Of course, dear. It’s down the hall and to your left three doors down.”

  I jump up to pull her chair out for her, and my mother beams. She’s clearly proud. Bailey walks out of the room and I prepare myself for the disappointment.

  “She’s lovely. I adore her.”

  “What’s going on, Mother? This whole thing… What’s your angle?”

  “There’s no angle. I sincerely like her. She’s beautiful, funny, intelligent, but most importantly, I can tell you genuinely care for her. It’s the first time you’ve ever looked at a girl that way. She’s special.”

  “She is. I do care for her, but it’s still early. We only just started dating.”

  “Take it slow and make sure because I truly see a future with you two. She reminds me a lot of myself.”

  I snort.

  “I’m serious, Reed. There’s a lot you don’t know about me. I wasn’t always a wealthy heiress. I don’t think it’s the time to discuss it now, but soon I’d like to tell you my history. It might help you understand more about me.”

  “Did I miss any fun stories?” Bailey strolls in, completely oblivious to the revelations of my mother and my conversation.

  “No, dear, I was just about to remind Reed of our annual gala. It’s a fundraiser that we do every year for ALS in memory of my late father. I was hoping you’d accompany him?”

  “I believe you just stole my thunder, Mom.” I chuckle at her enthusiasm. “But yes, Bailey I’d love for you to be my date.” I give her my most charming smile and watch as the blush creeps across her cheeks. It’s time for me to get Miss Jameson home before I do things to her that would embarrass us both right here in front of my mother. This night just solidified in my mind that Bailey Jameson is mine.


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