Hard Ball

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Hard Ball Page 23

by Heather Stone

  I remove her legs from around my shoulders and stand up, lifting her off of my desk to save my papers from any more contamination.

  “Reeeeed. Play with me.” She runs her long red nails down my arm and I shudder.

  “I am tired and this isn’t happening. It’s never happening. So get dressed, leave your key, and get the hell out of my club. You’re fired.”

  I go to step back and make for the door when she grabs me and slams her mouth to mine. At the same time I am registering what the hell is happening, I hear someone gasp behind me. My body locks up. I know that sound. I know all of her sounds.


  I push Monica back and whirl around to chase after Bailey who is making her way hastily down the stairs. The club is packed. Even if I did call out her name, she wouldn’t hear me over the ruckus. I’m ready to commit murder.

  “Get. The. Fuck. Out.” I annunciate each word nice and clear so there is no question as to the seriousness of my words. By the glower on her face, I see that she’s getting the memo.

  “I don’t get you, Reed. You used to be so much fun, and now that little bitch has you wrapped around your finger. Lame.”

  I throw her dress at her. “Leave the key. You come around here again and I’ll have a restraining order on your ass so fast.”

  She pouts the whole time she’s getting dressed. I have my back turned to her, but I’m not leaving this office until I know she’s gone for good. Finally, she pushes past me and flies down the stairs. Once again she leaves with the key. Fuck. I’ll call the locksmith in the morning. I don’t trust that she hasn’t made copies. She’s crazy.

  I lock up and head to find Bailey. Hopefully she’s back at her place so we won’t have an unnecessary scene.


  I can’t breathe. I trusted him and he broke me. I knew he would, but I let him anyway.

  Monica wasn’t lying. I am such an idiot. I shake with the need for cocaine. I need that hit. As if I conjured him, Jace appears out of nowhere.

  “Jace, do you have coke?” I ask, feeling desperate.

  He eyes me warily and nods.

  “Let’s go,” I say, grabbing his hand.

  “No way. Reed will kill me.” He’s shaking his head vehemently.

  “I don’t give a fuck what Reed says.”

  “This is his place. I can’t.”

  “I know somewhere we won’t be found.”

  He contemplates it and then says, “Lead the way,” gesturing for me to walk first.

  “Bailey, where are you two going?” Damon’s voice sears through me.

  “This isn’t your concern Damon. Leave it alone.”

  “You shouldn’t be going anywhere with him.” Damon’s voice is laced in disdain. Jace seems nonplaused by the whole thing.

  “I’m not doing anything wrong. You didn’t see me. Get back to work.” I warn.

  “Bailey, please. Listen to me. I’m your friend. Let’s go somewhere and talk.” I wave him off.

  “I’m done talking.” I grab Jace’s hand and take off.

  We find a secondary storage room down the back hall that doesn’t get much traffic. Jace goes to work pulling the narcotics from his pocket and setting everything up. He pulls a bucket over and spreads out the line of coke. He steps aside for me to take the first line.

  We keep taking them line after line without stopping. I know I should stop, but the image of Monica and Reed has me wanting to forget. With each line I take, it slips away a little more.

  One more line.

  Just one more.


  As my feet hit the last step, I feel two hands shove me before it registers that Damon is in my face looking like he wants to pummel me.

  “What the fuck did you do to her, man?” Damon screams at me.

  “Whoa, you better get your hands off of me if you still want a job.”

  “Fuck your job. I told you not to hurt her. Monica? The fucking slut?”

  “First off, you might want to remind yourself who pays your bills. Second, she ambushed me in my office. I didn’t touch her. I wouldn’t anymore. I’m in love with Bailey.” There I said it. God, I do. I’m in love with her.

  “She’s a wreck. She just walked off with Jace, man. I tried to stop her, but she wouldn’t listen to a fucking word I said. She asked him for a bump. You need to find her. She’s a recovering addict.”

  Fuck. Fuuuuck.

  “I know. Fuck. Damon, which way did they go?”

  He points across the club, toward the back. I don’t say another word. I fly across the club at breakneck speed. I search the place thoroughly. Every VIP room, bathroom, nook and cranny. I’m about to give up and head toward her house when I see Jace stumbling down the hallway coming from the supply closet.

  His face is gaunt, pale. He looks like he’s seen a ghost. I make my way toward him.

  “Shit, man. I told her to stop. I told her. Help her.”

  I push past him, throw open the storage room door, and freeze. Bailey is lying on the floor, not moving. I run to her side and check her pulse. It’s there but barely.

  I fumble with my phone and dial 911. I’m having déjà vu. I feel like I’m in a nightmare reliving the night Lexi died. Except this isn’t Lexi. It’s Bailey. My Bailey. The girl I love, and it’s my fault. I let this happen.

  I vaguely recall being pushed out of the way and Bailey being torn from my arms. The paramedics whisk her out of the room and I just sit here. I’m paralyzed to the spot. This can’t be happening. I promised I’d take care of her.

  A sob breaks from my chest. I sit on the cold floor with my head in my hands and sob. I feel someone place their hand on my shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze.

  “You’ve got to go to her, Reed. She needs you at the hospital.”

  I look up into Damon’s sympathetic gaze. I don’t deserve his pity. “She wouldn’t want me there. I’ve failed her.”

  “You haven’t failed anyone. She made her own choices. Piss poor choices at that. It was a misunderstanding, and instead of being an adult and talking it out, she made a terrible decision. That’s on her Reed, not you.”

  I’m looking at Damon for what feels like the first time. His stone faced features tell me everything I need to know. He doesn’t blame me.

  “Is she… Is she…” I can’t even bring myself to say the words.

  “I honestly don’t know, man. She looked pretty bad, but from what I could gather, she was stable. Go to her.”

  I don’t give myself another second to think. I run out the door to her.


  I rush into the emergency room waiting area and I immediately see Leah pacing. She sees me approach and her face goes red with anger.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Reed?” Her hands start pounding into my chest. I allow her to take her fear and anger out on me. I deserve that and so much more.

  “Why? Why did you get her into drugs? Didn’t you learn from Lexi?” Leah is yelling through her sobs.

  “How do you know about that?” It’s not the right time to interrogate her, but I can’t help it.

  “I’m with Cal. I know everything about you that he knows. You think I didn’t do my homework to know who my little sister was dating?” Her eyes are narrowed on me. I nod.

  “I’m sorry, Leah.”

  “Don’t fucking tell me you’re sorry. I trusted you to take care of her.” She screeches.

  I wrap her in my arms and console her the only way I can. “Shhh. I would never give her drugs, Leah. I found her like that. She was with Jace Morgan.” She stiffens.

  “Lexi’s brother?” I nod.

  “Why, Reed? She’s never done drugs.”

  This is not a conversation I am having with Leah. This is Bailey’s story to tell.

  “When she gets better, and she will get better, she’ll tell you everything.”

  She goes loose again in my arms and I let her cry.

  Her parents come rushing into the ER and immediately
start barreling Leah with questions. I try my hardest to stay out of sight. I’ve never met Mr. and Mrs. Jameson, and I certainly didn’t want the first time to be in a hospital under such shitty circumstances. I sit in my chair furtively twisting my grandfather’s ring around my pinky. If the goddamn doctors don’t come out with some news soon, I’m going to tear this place down.

  Eventually, an older doctor with white hair and blue scrubs makes an appearance. I spring to my feet and fly toward him.

  “How is she? Can we see her?” It doesn’t even register that her parents are looking at me questioningly.

  “Who the hell are you?” Mr. Jameson’s rugged voice calls out.

  “Mom and Dad, this is Reed Lawson, Bailey’s boyfriend. He’s the owner of the club. He found her and called 911.”

  Her mom gasps.

  “You did this.” Mr. Jameson doesn’t ask, he accuses. “You and that God-awful club did this to my baby girl.” He looks ready to commit murder.

  “Dad, stop. His club happens to be one of the cleanest clubs in the city. He doesn’t condone drug use. This has nothing to do with him.”

  Mr. Jameson looks warily in my direction and then to the doctor. “Please. Tell us she’s going to be all right.” Mrs. Jameson grabs a hold of her husband’s hand and looks anxiously up into the doctor’s face.

  “She’s stable, but she has a long road ahead of her. She’s sleeping, and we want it to stay that way, so for right now we want her visitors limited to two at a time and family only. You won’t be permitted to stay in her room for more than ten minutes. I’ll have my nurse get you when it’s a good time.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Bell.”

  A flurry of movement has us all looking toward the entrance. A team of paramedics are wheeling in a man on a gurney who has coded from what I can hear. As the cart gets closer, I see it’s Jace, and my stomach falls. Regardless of how badly I want to pummel him, I don’t want to see him like this. Mr. & Mrs. Morgan come charging into the hospital. They look pissed than worried.

  Mr. Morgan sees me and points his finger in accusation. “This is your fault. That damned club did this to my boy. Isn’t it enough you killed my daughter?” He screams.

  Bailey’s parents look in my direction, shock written all over their faces.

  “This is not his fault. In fact, my sister is here because of your son. If I were you, I’d sit the hell down and stop pointing fingers.” Leah coming to my defense takes me by surprise. I don’t want it, nor do I deserve it.

  “Who are you?” Jace’s father looks down on Leah like she’s a parasite.

  “I just happen to be the assistant D.A., and you can bet your ass I’ll be looking into these events and the role your son played. So if I were you, I’d get your nose out of the air and go find out if you even have a son for me to prosecute.” She turns on her heels, grabbing my elbow to bring me with her.

  I’m speechless. Leah’s always been a bitch, but she just took it to the next level and I am impressed, if not a little frightened. She’s intimidating as fuck.

  I head back to my seat and resume twisting my ring. It’s the only comfort I have at this moment. Mr. Morgan is right. I didn’t stop Lexi that night, and because of my actions, two more people I care about are fighting for their lives. I’ve tried my hardest to keep my club clean, but it’s a club. Drugs and night clubs go hand in hand, despite my best efforts, and that’s never going to change.

  I hear someone sit beside me but I don’t bother looking up.

  “You can go home you know. You won’t be able to see her anytime soon. You stink. Go take a shower.” Leah tries to lighten the mood, but I just can’t.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll sit in this damn waiting room until she’s released.” I look up to find her studying me.

  “You love her.” It’s not a question.

  “Yes.” It’s all I can manage to say at this point.

  “What really happened tonight? Why do I feel like you aren’t telling me everything?”

  I look at her long and hard. She is the complete opposite of Bailey, yet I can see her in her eyes. It makes my heart hurt.

  “It’s not my story to tell, Leah. When she gets better, you need to be prepared to send her somewhere. All I’m going to say is this isn’t the first time, and she won’t get better on her own. Don’t let this happen again.”

  She looks like I’ve slapped her. She clearly had no idea about her sister’s habits. Bailey said as much, but I assumed her family would have at least suspected. How the hell had she kept something like that a secret?

  “I’m scared, Reed. I can’t lose her.” She begins to cry.

  I grab her hand to offer a semblance of support. “I’ll help. I’ll get you the information on the best inpatient facility around. She’s going to get better. But I have to tell you that this is partially my fault. She walked in on something that looked bad. It wasn’t what she thought, but she didn’t give me the chance to explain.” She gives me a wary look.

  “I swear to you, Leah, I would never hurt Bailey. I was ambushed by an employee and she walked in at the worst time possible. I love her. I do. I love her so much. I’m not sure how that’s possible since we’ve only known each other about a month, but she’s changed my world.”

  She gives my hand a squeeze, then gives me a very stern look. “I don’t blame you for this, Reed, but I can tell you blame yourself regardless of what you’re saying. You’ve been through so much with Lexi and now this. I just… Ugh. I don’t know what I’m trying to say, but I do know that Bailey has to get better.”

  “She will, Leah. For now you should get some rest. You smell a little too.” She giggles. “Where’s Cal?” I ask noticing his absence. She lowers her gaze to the floor.

  “He’s stuck in a meeting out of town. He said he’ll try to make it here this evening.”

  Fucking asshat.

  “I know it’s not my place, but I think that’s bullshit. There isn’t anything more important than being here for you. If he loves you, he’d be here.” She stiffens.

  “He does love me. I told him to take care of his stuff,” she says defensively. I throw my hands up in surrender.

  “I’m just saying. You need support. He should be here.” A tear slides down her cheek. I reach out and swipe it away. “Go get some rest Leah. There isn’t anything you can do for her right now. She’d want you to take care of yourself.”

  “Okay,” she whimpers.

  I release her hand and stand.

  “Where are you going?” she questions.

  I throw her the best smirk I can manage. “I’m going to take that shower you said I need. Then I’m going to make some calls and get some things lined up for Bailey.”


  My eyelids flutter. I’m fighting with every ounce of strength I have to open them. A hazy light filters in through the barely visible crack. But the excretion is too much and darkness descends yet again. Where am I? How did I get here? Soft muffles scratch at my subconscious, but I can’t make out words or decipher who the voice belongs to. My brain flips through a series of memories like flashes of light.

  Standing outside the store with my sister.

  Zipping up a lace gown.

  Reed’s face smiling down at me as he holds me close in a tight embrace.


  Monica. That’s why I’m here. Memories crash down upon me. Suffocate me. Seeing Reed with Monica, finding Jace . . .

  My eyes flutter open, every part of my body quivers. I know why I’m here. I know what I have done…

  And I hate myself.


  I sit quietly in this chair, waiting for my turn to see her. We’ve been told she can have visitors for a short period of time. At first, I wasn’t going to be allowed in as I’m not family, but since I’m fronting the hefty bill for the rehab facility in Arizona, her parents pulled some strings and put me on the list.

  I have no idea what I’m going to say to her. The question of why comes
to mind, but I know why. Monica. Well, in all fairness, what she walked in on probably looked like I was a willing participant. Regardless, there is no reason big enough to ever be in this position. As much as I care about her, and I do, very much, I can’t have something like this happen ever again.


  I look up to see Leah standing above me. She looks conflicted. I cock my head to study her.

  “What’s up?”

  She continues to stare at me. The look of contemplation on her face has me anxious.

  “She doesn’t want to see you.”

  The truth of those words hurt more than if she’d slapped me across the face.

  “I don’t know why she’s being so stubborn. I told her it wasn’t your fault. I told her she needs to hear you out. I don’t feel like it’s my place to set her straight. She needs to hear it from you. I—”

  I cut her off. She’s rambling and as much as I appreciate her struggle to make me feel better, I don’t need her to soften the blow. The damage has been done, and it was served on a silver platter courtesy to Bailey?

  “It’s fine, Leah. If she doesn’t want to talk to me, it’s okay. As long as she’s going to be all right, I’ll survive.” I get up to head out but Leah stops me.

  “Reed, don’t go. She’ll come around. I think she just doesn’t want you to see her like this. She’s mortified. Like she damn well should be.”

  “I’m okay. Hopefully she’ll come around. For now, I’m going to get going. I have some more arrangements to make for her relocation to Serenity Vista. Call if anything happens?”

  “Of course.” She gives me a sobering stare. “Thank you so much for saving my sister.” She rushes forward and envelopes me in a hug. I squeeze her back.

  As soon as I hit the highway, I dial the club. Damon answers on the second ring. “L.E.X. how can I help you?”


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