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Storm Page 4

by Saniya. S. Kohari

  “A complete stunner you are.”

  “Aww...Thank you.” I smiled wide. “That is why I keep you around my boy. Let’s go now.”

  Zee just shook his head with a lopsided grin.

  Next moment, we heard a loud thunder and the storm erupted, making us rush inside the car. I could have never guessed this dark night would turn out to be the most memorable nights of my life for more reasons than one.

  4-Love at first sight...or is it not?


  The reception party was taking place in a five star hotel. The banquet hall had me mesmerised by its lavish decorations of red roses and candles everywhere, giving it an intimate feel, along with the majestic chandeliers that looked as if encrusted with stars that twinkled in candlelight, which reflected on them from every corner of the hall.

  After congratulating the married couple, we met our friends and a few cousins (Yeah, we Shaads grow like weeds in the rains). This being a family friends wedding reception, everyone had poured in full flow.

  Shortly after dinner, Zee disappeared into the party. Not finding him anywhere we went on to catch up and gossip. We were sitting in a circle of chairs, chatting and enjoying ourselves when...

  “Hey guys! Listen, I had told you all, tonight I might run into an old friend of mine who was supposed to move into the city this week, remember?” Zee beamed, patting a guy's back, “See, I found him. This is Aariz Deewan.”

  My mind went, well...completely blank. I felt like, I had seen this person before. I just could not remember when and where.

  Damn it Sani! Grandpa is right. You must eat more almonds. Otherwise, who in their right freaking mind could forget this steamy hottie?! You claim to have a sharp memory, but forgetting such a sight shows you have a ‘burn and poof’ kind of remembering power.

  Crap! He has not even spoken to me yet and already gave me an insight on my shortcomings! This person is worth keeping, yet dangerous for my self-esteem. Wow! What a lethal combination!

  He really was something in that navy blue buttoned down shirt, over which he had worn a carbon black suit, covering up nicely on the hard plains of his body.

  If I could touch him...You know, just to see exactly how his chest feels under my fingers. Will it be as hard as it looks? Just wondering you see.

  His shiny maroon tie with hints of black self-design stood out like something electrical on his corporate kind of personality, whispering lovely dangerous things to me. The carbon coloured suit made his stormy cloud-like grey orbs pop out, and look brighter.

  His eyes directed at Zee, made me crave for contact. For no reason I could think off, I was desperately waiting to look into their depths.

  This Aariz guy already had me hooked on him. I was starving to know him better. Although, usually I would not give the time of the day to any random guy, however good he looked. But I was intrigued here. He had a knowing yet secretive aura around him.

  Seeing him grin at Zee, I wished to say,

  ‘Grace us as well with those lips dear boy. We are all intrigued by your sudden existence as a friend.’

  Zee went on good-naturedly,

  “If I'm not wrong, some of you already know Aariz, and are friends with him.”

  Apparently, the guy knew most of my cousins including the eldest of us, Humza, Umber's brother. Along with knowing the youngest among the boys and two years elder to me, Ibrahim, that is Ibbi. The way Aariz met them with the man hugs, the thing guys do with one arm around and thump on the back...Whatever it is. It felt like they had known each other for a long time. Yet nobody was quite clarifying, how?

  Maybe it is just a guy thing. Almost every guy is a friend of some other guy. God knows how! Well, I personally find it just creepy.

  Smiling good-naturedly, Aariz shook hands with the people he had never met before, that is Umber and I.

  I thought his warm smile and eyes lingered a few seconds more on me, given the fact that it felt as if our handshake lasted a few moments longer than necessary. On the other hand, maybe it was just my mind making things up, given the fact that I was staring at him wide-eyed as if, never seen a guy before. Trying to pass my goofy, college-girl smile as a gracious, mature, all put-together one. I might have looked a little neurotic to him.

  “I saw you earlier during dinner.” Zee said looking happy and if I am not wrong, a little concerned.

  Aariz seemed taken aback, but recovered with an easy smile, “Oh, then why didn’t you come and meet?”

  “You seemed pretty lost, as if looking for someone...Keenly.” Zee murmured with a slight smile.

  He went on looking thoughtfully at Aariz, “You are here alone or have a date?”

  “I’m not dating anyone at the moment.” Aariz said so staring straight at me and did not move his gaze.

  Why does it feel like he is informing me? Maybe it is just my imagination.

  “Then I hope you found what you were looking for.” Zee smirked meaningfully.

  Aariz still staring at me, murmured in a soft velvety tone, “I think I do now.”

  “Maybe it’s time you stopped looking and actually tried?”

  Aariz turned towards Zee before answering, “I think I might try...” His gaze found mine again, dropping to my lips, as he went on with finality in his voice, “...this time.”

  “Keep yourself open to possibilities though. If not that, then something else might catch your eye. Just don’t lose yourself and disappear again. It’s after a long time that I have found you.” Zee spoke so earnestly, making me wonder what they were actually talking about?!

  Aariz stiffened and did not answer.

  This conversation felt too deeper than it seemed. As if, Zee was playing psychiatrist on Aariz.

  I turned towards Umber and others, but they were all busy talking. Apparently, nobody was interested in the intriguing exchange between these two long lost friends.

  Yes, I am nosy, and get bored easily. So sue me, I found this wierd conversation fascinating. It was not as if they were whispering! So I was not really eavesdropping, was I?

  Aariz looked around at my cousins, just as I had. Maybe he felt uncomfortable discussing this...whatever it was, with Zee in front of us.

  He cleared his throat and faced Zee again, “So have I.” Chuckling, he went on in a carrying voice, “You pulled the disappearing act pretty nicely yourself.”

  “Where are you these days? No calls...Nothing.” Aariz smirked, “Is it a girl?”

  This got everyone’s attention.

  “It always is!” I chuckled whole-heartedly now that I was not the only one interested here.

  “Oh really?” Zee asked in a knowing tone, looking at me startled.

  Turning towards Aariz, he muttered, “Hadn’t we spoken just recently and planned to meet when you moved into the city?”

  “Did we meet?” Aariz continued to smirk.

  “I had gone out of town after you came and I have returned just today. We spoke about it over the phone and decided on catching up tomorrow.” Zee looked unsure, “Right?”

  “Still thinking...” Aariz responded, while passing us a secret wink.

  “So am I.” I grinned at Zee. “About the last girl you had forgotten us for!”

  “Think properly guys, it’s difficult to remember Zidaan’s statements and girls anyway.” Umber scoffed at Zee, making a face. “I’m shocked Aariz, that you remember him, even though you guys met after a long time. He is quite a forgettable personality any way.”

  “Just what do you mean by that?” Zee turned towards her furiously.

  Umber shrugged all casual and unapologetic,

  “That you are very...What the word is? Oh, yes! Simple-minded.”

  Zee's nostrils flared and before a war could ensue, I intervened to stop it, also not wanting to miss the chance of winding him up.

  In a fake innocent cooing voice, I said,

  “Now now, Zee...This is not fair. When someone is trying hard for your time and attention, you just don’t care.”<
br />
  “Sani, what are you saying?! I told you all, Aariz is my best friend. He is just messing with me.” Zee gave a weak nervous smile, desperately looking at Aariz for confirmation, who stared back at him blankly, while passing us an amused look when Zee's eyes turned away.

  Somehow controlling my own laughter, I said in my best soothing and sympathetic tone,

  “Zee, so what if he is your best friend? He must have really felt bad by your frivolous tendencies. You are just too busy with...other things. I get it.”

  Zee's expression became confused and actually hurt. As if he really thought, Aariz and I were serious.

  Seeing him, none of us could resist anymore and burst out laughing.

  Somehow, between his yummy chortles, Aariz managed to speak,

  “It would have been much more believable when Zidaan, you would have said that you remember our plans to catch-up. Do you even realize how many months it’s been since we last met?”

  “Trust me Aariz, if tonight you guys wouldn’t have met coincidently. Then he would have never even tried contacting you.” stated Umber.

  “He doesn’t have time to meet us, his friends living here in the same city as him or Umber his cousin! How can he remember his old friends who lived so far?” I supplied, smiling apologetically at Zee, who sported a miffed look, like that of a child with his mouth hanging open in outrage.

  Ibbi added,

  “Weeks and weeks, no sign of him.”

  “Make it months.” I winked at him, while Zee gave me a wide-eyed look interjecting,

  “Hey! I was with you the other day.”

  “Don't say months, he feels bad.” Umber said in a loud stage whisper as I stared at him innocently.

  “All right, weeks, and weeks.” I nodded in obedience, trying hard to control my laughter.

  “Zidaan, first you try to stay in touch with everyone, and then tell me. Your cousin Umber, and your friends, all have the same thing to say about you. Where are you these days? Weeks and weeks no sign of you, no phone call, no visit. Nothing.” said Aariz in an over dramatic voice, while giving us a surreptitious smile.

  Zee understood we were all teasing him. His expression turned murderous.

  Just Humza remained a silent spectator having fun.

  Ibbi scoffed cheekily,

  “It’s all right Zidaan, we understand. After all you are a true friend.”

  “...who thinks about us day and night. Though, of course in loneliness!” I winked at Aariz.

  Passing me a mischievous smile, he added,

  “Because even though you miss us so much, you don't even try to meet us!”

  Zee interjected with a scowl,

  “So? I was busy. Were you guys really missing me so much?!”

  For a moment, I felt guilty, but just for a moment. Because Zee had asked it in such sincere, hopeful tones, that it cracked us all up into fits of laughter. We patted each other’s back with high fives for a job well done of winding up Zee, who had never shown mercy at winding up any of us before.

  All of these laughs together, high fives and thumbs up involved Aariz and me as well. We formed camaraderie, having ganged up together against Zee. What with our eye-talks throughout this scene, we became instant friends in the group.

  Bringing us all out of the fun, Umber reminded us of our surroundings,

  “People are leaving. You all might be fascinated with the idea of folding chairs, but I'm so not.”

  With that, it was time to go home. Aariz hugged Zee and the boys. He held out his hand in front of me, but before I could shake it, I suddenly remembered something urgent and turned towards Umber,

  “Can you come with me for two minutes?” Umber nodded, looking weirdly at the desperation in my voice. “Let’s go and have another ice-cream. It is in chocolate chip and nuts flavour! Please please please Umber!”

  I did not think that my tone was even slightly childish. Apparently, Aariz thought so.

  Because at that same moment, I glanced sideways and saw Zee whispering something to Aariz, who smiled and shook his head staring at, ME!

  How dare he laugh at me, Aariz-the-best-friend-of-Zee!

  I have no idea as to what Zee told him. Nonetheless, what-the-hell-ever it was! How can he laugh at me?! That is so rude! What have I done, for him to laugh at me?

  Manner-less, uncivilized, idiot, asshole-Aariz!

  I knew if I stayed any longer, I might strangle the jackass. Pulling Umber along, I started walking away but stopped remembering to offer the ice cream to Zee.

  He said he wants it. But, it did not stop there. No, Zee, smart-in-his-own-tiny-mind, went ahead and asked Aariz if he would like an ice cream too?

  What am I, their waiter?

  Aariz directed his answering smile at me, saying politely,

  “Sure. But you girls please stay here. Zidaan and I will get the ice-creams.”

  As if he is so noble and a perfect gentleman.

  Hah! Gentleman my ass! Gentle people do not laugh at innocent people like me!

  “No it’s alright, we’ll bring it. Sani wanted to have some walk anyway. Stretch her legs a bit.” Umber denied his offer graciously.

  “Says who? I don't need any walk. If Zee is going with him, let them go.” I purposely did not take Aariz's name, as if I had forgotten it already.

  I went on shrugging coolly, “All we care about is the ice cream. Whoever brings, it does not matter to me. We’ll sit here comfortably. Let them go.” Turning towards them, I went on, “And both of you, please make it fast, okay?” I said it smugly; wanting that self-implied gentleman to realize his sucking-up won't work. I hate him already.

  Alas, rather than the certain someone I actually wished to be rude too, idiot Zee took an issue with my attitude saying,

  “You know what Sani, even a billionaire’s child doesn’t eat ice cream four times a day! I'm sure.”

  How the damn hell Zee dare make fun of me in front of Aariz?!

  “Zee, you know very well, that I don't eat ice cream four times a day!” I yelled. Nostrils flared. Complete pissed-off mode on.

  After all, I just wanted to sound rude to Aariz. Not appear as an outright crazy person who gobbles on ice cream. I might hate Aariz, but I wanted to maintain my image in front of him. Because he was good-looking, yes, of course I had noticed, and did accept it as a fact. Being a girl, I was not immune to his charm. I mean, he was easy on the eyes. A kind of guy, whose company I wouldn’t mind.

  Yeah, I still hated him for insulting me publicly. I mean, he smiled/laughed at me for no reason! Hence, in a way insulted me, right?

  Zee had a smart comeback ready for me, with a prominent smirk plastered on his face,

  “You’re right Sani. Yet, whenever anyone asks, what you would like to eat, you say ice cream. It is a good thing that no one actually fulfils your wish all the time. Otherwise you would have stopped eating normal meals long back.”

  “It’s nothing like that, you liar!” I almost pounced on him, ready to attack. But stopped myself short, realizing there were guest around. At least the catering staffs were.

  Therefore, I satisfied myself by glaring at Zee. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Aariz trying to control his amusement at my expense, by pressing his lips together. His shoulders were slightly shaking with concealed laughter.

  Zee opened his mouth to answer me back, when Aariz stood between us.

  “We should go fast. What if the ice cream finishes off?!” said Aariz, giving me a crooked little smile and a meaningful look, as if I was a kid who would fall for it.

  Nonetheless, I was falling all mesmerised by something else for sure. As he arrested me in his gaze, I realized his eyes aren’t just shiny grey, but has freckles of black in them. So deep, like the rain filled cloud just before the eruption of storm.

  Then turning towards Zee, he continued saying,

  “We have to go home as well. So c'mon!” pushing him by the shoulder, Aariz made him move.

  The moment they left, Umber sho
ok her head at me in disbelief,

  “Sani that was really rude on your part to offer Zidaan, we’ll get him an ice cream too, while not even asking Aariz, who was standing with us in the same group! I'm really shocked. You have never behaved like that with friends before.”

  “He is not my friend.” I muttered fuming.

  I then quickly gestured her to stop talking now and told her we will continue it later, as the boys were back with the ice creams.

  Later, I kept my hand busy holding the ice cream, so that, I didn’t have to be nice to Aariz. Unlike Umber, who was biding him goodbye, as if they were old friends.

  Aariz walked towards me all smiles.

  Not giving him a chance to say a word, I said in a stiff tone,

  “Thanks for the ice cream. Bye.”

  I turned my back to leave, just as he said,

  “It was nice meeting you and...”

  I did not stop, but took slow steps forward while going away. Hence, I did hear him complete his sentence, though he must have thought otherwise.

  “...quite interesting as well.” I assessed a smile in his voice.

  Before I could stop myself, I smiled too and slightly blushed even in my annoyed self and rushed off thinking, ‘Wow the hottie even sounds husky. Just the way they say in romance novels!’

  While we waited for the valet to bring Zee's car, Umber and I stood by the corner licking our ice creams. But, I could not quite enjoy its taste. I felt too upset thinking about a certain someone.

  Umber noticed it and urged me to blurt it all out.

  I did.

  “You were asking why I did not even behave civil with Aariz by offering him ice-cream.”

  She nodded, and I told her what I saw— Aariz making fun of me with Zee. How could he do that after the teaming-up we had?! I thought we had become friends. Apparently, he considered me nothing better than a twenty-one yr old college kid he could not be friends with...Although, can surely make fun off, snigger at...

  Umber sighed heavily,

  “Sani, you saw Zidaan say something to Aariz. Then hearing him, Aariz shook his head staring at you, amused.”

  I nodded sadly, and she went on with a chuckle,

  “You honestly think Zidaan would ever make fun of you? Would ever say anything wrong about you to a random friend of his?”


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