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Page 7

by Saniya. S. Kohari

  I knew if Miss Latecomer removed the book, we would be exactly face-to-face.

  I guess she was searching something important in that book. Because otherwise why would she hide her face from me, unless of course it was...Sani.

  I decided not to bother her right away.

  “So, hello and good morning everyone, I am Aariz Deewan and I will be teaching you all Political Science this year which is very important given the fact, that you guys are trying to get through Political Journalism. I know I'm a litttttle late!” I said with a gesture of touching my thumb and index finger, mimicking Miss Latecomer’s crack on me from earlier.

  It made everyone chuckle, which was the objective, to make them all relax and comfortable with me.

  “All right, fine! I know I'm extremely late, since your classes this year started two weeks ago. Now that finally I'm here, let us start.” I grinned, clapping my hands to get their focus, “Shall we complete the attendance formality first?”

  On their nods, I started calling out their roll numbers.

  “1- Yes


  3- Nod



  Every time someone answered, I would look up to see him or her before marking. Just so, I could start remembering my students’ faces.

  “6”- nobody answered.

  I looked up and realized the person was absent.

  “7?” I called,

  “Yes.” said a familiar voice.

  I found that the book had gone and instead I was facing the same girl, who had been ruling my thoughts since past two days.

  To say I was shocked to see Miss Latecomer was Sani would be an understatement. For a moment, our gazes locked and Sani’s eyes widened.

  Clearing my throat, I quickly composed my mind realizing I was in classroom.

  Yet, every now and then I could not help sneaking a glance in her direction, while calling out roll numbers. Several times our eyes locked and her scared expression showed, what she dreaded had come true. Sani seemed to have realized, I did remember her.

  Well, how could I forget?!

  Soon the attendance finished and I told the class, since it was my first lecture we all could get to know each other, if they gave me their introductions, but they quickly refused to do that. Hence, I offered they could ask me whatsoever questions they might have regarding the subject matter, before we started studying it.

  As expected, only a small number of people had any real questions.

  I crossed my arms and assessed each of them looking in their eyes, “Alright then, I better warn you people now than later. This year, as you all know, the grade range to get admission in this major for final year had gotten a raise. Therefore, only twenty fortunate students out of fifty were able to scrape those grades and are sitting here right now. That is, you all.”

  I smirked at their nervous expressions, “The reason for this rise and rule change? Me.”

  This caused widening of eyes and hushed whispers.

  “It was my suggestion that those who cannot even scrape the appropriate grade shall get a swift kick out of the door, before the start of the year. Because if they have not been able to make the cut now, I have little faith, they can do anything in the cutthroat world of Mass Media. Besides, this was my condition for taking up the job.”

  I nodded, relishing at the awe and hatred in their eyes, “If you want me to teach you, then you need to up your game. I don’t waste my knowledge and time on those who don’t have it in them to make it to the finish line of real media world.”

  Seeing their whispers increase, I scoffed in warning, “Yes, I hope you all know studying this course is going to be much more than class-work. Be a shark in your projects and assignments or leave. Now!”

  No one did.

  A few minutes later, I saw Sani engaged in some conversation with both her friends. She was the only person who had not looked scared of my warnings.

  Interesting, but expected from her.

  I busied myself watching her.

  Finally unable to resist, an evil smile crept my face as I decided to tease her. What can I say; I wanted to see her cheeks red again with shock and embarrassment. That look suited her a lot.

  8-Teasing and Indirect hits


  I was trying hard to ignore the fact that Aariz, the first guy I had dreamt about was my freaking Professor.

  It was a relief from my warring thoughts, when he gave us free time, and I chatted up with my friends.

  Well, what else was I supposed to do? He did not really expect me to ask him questions, did he? As, I am sure what comes out of my mouth for him would be anything but about politics.

  Whatever he expected, he blew off my every pretence as he said my name in a too damn sweet voice out of nowhere, making me doubtful of his intentions. He actually just said, “Saa.”

  When I glanced up, he continued cutely,

  “! You gonna play for Olympics this time?”

  It made me stunned to hear him talking to me directly.

  Does he not understand it would make everyone wonder how he already knows my name?!

  “I'm sorry, I didn’t get you.” I smiled politely at his pathetic attempt of joke on my name, which I had clearly predicted.

  Proving me right, he smirked,

  “You know, you remind me of my favourite sports star, Sania Mirza. Just your name is a little shorter.”

  I kept the smile on, while my eyes boiled in anger, trying to make him realize I was after his blood now.

  He could not have cared less as he went on,

  “Is it because of having a celebrity namesake, or are you just this way since always, I quite, reserved, shy, not talking to anyone types?”

  I understood it was either his taunt for my continuous chatter with my friends in his lecture, or just an undercurrent hinting to something else he wasn’t saying, just thinking,

  ‘Like you rejected to even say goodbye to me properly that night in the party Sani?’

  I did not reply, just smiled crunching my teeth in annoyance.

  Aariz’s smile said he loved my irritation.

  After sometime, again he bothered me, “!” He said my name in a singsong voice.

  He seemed to be enjoying himself too much at my expense. More so, when I gave him the look that said, ‘Please stop this, or I will kill you,’ it just encouraged him more.

  “Yes sir?” I muttered in annoyance.

  His face looked like he was trying hard not to laugh,

  “Have you ever tried to scare anyone by widening your eyes?”

  He gave me a curious look, as if he seriously wondered about it.

  “Why?” I snapped confused.

  “No, it’s just that your eyes are so small, tiny! Even if you try to widen them, no one will be able to see the difference. But, I don’t mean it in a negative way. When I say your eyes are tiny, they are small, but really very pretty.” He smiled warmly.

  It felt genuine for once.

  Still, it was like an effort for me to give him a small smile and utter one word with a nod, “Sir.”

  Yes, I was that furious. My face had turned hot and I could bet my cheeks were blushing red. I was flattered, yes. But I felt embarrassed as well, that he complimented about my eyes being nice in front of the whole class.

  Still, I could not stop glancing at him every few minutes. In addition, whenever I looked at him, I found him staring back at me.

  Finally, the lecture finished and I saw Aariz in the corridor answering doubts of a few students when we passed him. I could not help but stare yet again.

  I did not fail to notice there were mostly girls lined up in front of him with their very many problems.

  Who cares? At least I don’t! Hmph!

  In all rationality, he could have just told them not to ask anything once the class was over. But why would he? Attention Seeker! Typical Male!

  I came out of my reverie with Rose's question, />
  “Sani, how come Prof Aariz knows you already?”

  I was like, ‘What do I do now?’

  Thinking quickly on my feet, I reassured her,

  “He doesn’t know me, just my name. Our attendance register has everyone's name in it. I have seen it. He might know everyone's first name. Yours too, I'm sure.”

  She glowed instantly at the prospect.

  “You’re getting me? So you see it’s no big deal.”

  I obviously made it all up.

  “Yeah, but he...” Rose tried to say more with a suspicious look on her face.

  Therefore, I chuckled weakly,

  “Yeah, he cracks boring jokes, right?” I shrugged, “Yeah...uh...forget it.”

  Just then, Prof Philip came to take our next lecture saving me from further questioning.

  After Prof Philip, it was again time for Prof Aariz's lecture.

  Whatever questions he asked the class, my hand went up automatically along with Aya. What could I do? I always had a habit of going prepared in class and even if my answer was wrong, I was unhindered. I kept trying. It was the same case with Aya. She was my biggest competitor and the only girl who had my respect around the college. She just did not know it yet, and I would have died before she ever came to know.

  To my unbelievable horror, Aariz decided to have fun over my habit.

  Responding to my every answer or doubt, he would say sweetly in a singsong tone,

  “Yes, Tell me, Very good, Great, You are absolutely right,”

  Aariz seemed to be having the time of his life looking at my face going red every time he said anything to me.

  It was not as if he did not give others a chance. Aariz heard whoever participated. Therefore, if he was not listening to Aya’s doubts or praising her when she beat me into answering, he was mostly just talking to me. As if, I was alone with him.

  “Sani, it seems as if Prof Aariz likes your name way too much. He has only been pointing out you all day.” Rose scoffed bitterly, loud enough for him to hear.

  “Maybe, because you are dumber than your friend, to even get noticed?” Aya smirked from her seat beside mine, in the next row.

  I did not care that it was a dig on Rose. I took offence nonetheless.

  My face burned in anger, “I’m not dumb! Don’t forget our grades are always neck to neck. I’m just as capable to...”

  Aya gave me a serious look, “Maybe not in this subject, but you so are in understanding the politics going on around you.”

  “What do you...?”

  Prof Aariz did not let me finish, “That’s enough. I encourage debates if they are over an actual topic, not your bitchy kitchen-politics girls.”

  With that, he gave Aya a look as if saying something and she nodded slightly before turning away.

  What the hell was she on about? In addition, what was it with the eye talks? As if I am the only one who is completely unaware of something here.

  I did not grace Rose with an answer and just concentrated on Aariz explaining the topic. I was too far worried now.

  If Aariz did hear Rose’s comment, he did not pay attention, as he kept on with the same behaviour next day as well. In every lecture, he cracked some jokes with me, as if we were long-lost friends, while being threatening and scary to everyone else. He pointed me out in class by my name to answer him. Sometimes he would ask a question and before anyone raised his or her hands, he would turn his attention towards me,

  ‘Sani do you know the answer to this?’ ‘Sani, do you have any idea about this?’

  Thankfully, he had stopped taking my name in a singsong way. It just went on my nerves! Still, this was no less embarrassing.

  After the first day itself when Rose had bombarded me with her scrutiny, I had to put my guard up. I could not risk my reputation in class, just because Aariz clearly had something against me! My plan made. Yes, I had a plan and I was going to stay true to it. I was not reacting to his charm directed towards me and I was not going to, howmuchever he trances me into him. I was going to keep up with the silent treatment.

  9-On whose side is ZEE? /Brushed and ready for Aariz


  His five’o clock shadow tickled my shoulder as he trailed his lips upward, leaving hot kisses in its wake, making me shiver in delight. I wonder what will be my state if he kissed my face. I would love the feel of his slight stubble of course. Though, it might leave a rash. Yet I wish he did not shave. His rugged look is somewhat sexy.

  I sat up with a jerk and realized it was just a dream...A hot as hell dream, about none other than Aariz. I wondered why. Sure, he looked like a fine lad in the party. We spoke, laughed, smiled... No big deal! Being a human with social nature, I made friends easily. He was not special. Then why couldn’t I get him out of my mind?! Maybe it was because he stormed back into my life as my Professor. Yes, that was it! Therefore, it was his fault, entirely. How could I even begin to forget Aariz, when he was taking most of my lectures?!

  Upon that, he did not even try to ignore me in the classroom, opposite of it in fact.

  Aariz teased me like there was no tomorrow. Just because we enjoyed together in the party and everyone in my group of cousins were his friends. So, was it necessary, I should be too?

  Well, even if I wanted to, I couldn’t...

  Aariz had wrapped himself in my heart and mind since that night. Even in college his charm, his just tingled me so much. He was so mature. He was of Zee's age, which meant, seven-eight years elder to me. For him obviously it would be just friendship if I talked to him normally, but I know my heart would get involved in unnecessary infatuation. Who needed that drama? It was too filmy anyway. Love...There was no such thing as that. At least I did not believe in it.

  First, who said Aariz even wanted to be friends with a college girl like me? Maybe he was just having fun teasing me, annoying me...Being a jolly fellow that he was.

  Then why were my classmates always terrified of him? Why was he so hard on them? He just had to glare, and they all...

  Oh God, I was right! This is useless drama. I do not need it. I do not need him. I had a good life, one without complications, before he stormed in it. I can just go back to that life. Thank-freaking-God!

  I told myself, “I did well by ignoring Aariz for the entire week. He would also ignore me now, which he must. Otherwise, he does not know me. I would hail storm in his life, if I had to endure one more teasing stare or awkward question from my classmates! They look at me as if I get some special privilege from Aariz.”

  And, why did I still feel uneasy looking at his expressions? As if, I had hurt him somehow by avoiding him. What is happening to me?!


  Frustrated with confusion, I picked up my phone and dialled Zee. He was the one I should blame, and the one who could help me figure Aariz out. As Zee was the person, because of whom I had met Aariz in the first place.

  Besides, Zee was a good laugh. I was sure, I would feel much better and relaxed once I had talked to him. But, I needed to be careful, and not tell him anything much about Aariz in college. They were friends after all. I did not want problems between them because of me.

  Zee picked up the phone on fourth ring and greeted me with a smile in his voice,

  ‘Hey Sani Tani was sup?’

  ‘Zee...’ It felt good to hear a friendly voice.

  It made me relax and forget my guilt for a while...The guilt of having hurt Aariz unintentionally, that I could not stop feeling.

  A few seconds of silence later, Zee spoke in a serious voice,

  ‘I am a psychiatrist. Not one of those docs who hear your breathing to find out what’s wrong with you.’

  ‘I know that.’ I was confused where he was going with this.

  He chuckled,

  ‘If you know, then why are you just breathing into the phone instead of talking? What happened?’

  I sighed heavily,

  ‘Nothing. I was just
bored, so...’

  ‘You did not go to college today?’ He turned curious and I, uncomfortable.

  ‘No. I'm not in the mood. Can we please just talk for a while? I have missed you.’ I really had.

  ‘Of course we can. I have missed you too. I have missed how you are always so open about your feelings, without worrying about sounding senti.’ Zee said sweetly.

  Not wishing to let him know my thoughts were going over and over his best friend, I tried to distract him by jumping the gun at him instead,

  ‘Why did you go off me for more than a year without any explanation?’ I seriously was puzzled about it.

  ‘Hey! I did explain.’ Zee revolted.

  I rolled my eyes,

  ‘Yeah, that you are a fool. It is a fact Zee. Not a real reason.’

  ‘I don't know about it myself. Someday I might tell you. For now, you tell me why you’re so off. Why did you skip college today?’

  Talk about turning tables...

  I passed his question, saying vaguely,

  ‘I have just woken up.’

  ‘Why?’ He asked, as if bursting with interest.

  ‘Because I was sleeping.’ I muttered then added, ‘Forget it.’ before he could irritate me more.

  Unable to hide my own racing mind, I finally divulged a little of my conflicted thoughts to him trying to sound casual,

  ‘The guy we met in the party. The Aariz guy. He seemed kind of wierd to me.’

  ‘You were talking and laughing with him like best of friends. And ‘now’ you are thinking this way?’ Zee scoffed pointedly.

  What is the matter with these people? Just because I behaved in a friendly way with Aariz, they make it seem as if, I took vows with him!

  Grinding my teeth, I snapped,

  ‘But we are not friends. That’s what is wierd. Who gets chummy with a group of people he barely knows? Trying to charm his way into everyone...!’

  ‘But I don't get why are you still thinking about that night?’ Zee asked as if thoroughly confused.

  Then added chuckling,

  ‘Relax, he is not a psycho or a serial killer or anyone dangerous with secret motives, if that’s the tangent you are going in. I had told you Ibbi and Humza have known him for long, just like me. So you see, not all of us were strangers he was trying to charm that night.’


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