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Storm Page 27

by Saniya. S. Kohari

  I cupped her face, wiping off her tears and gulped down the heaviness in my throat,

  “In fact, let’s just not talk about her at all. It was my mistake and I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Don't let her or my stupidity, spoil our day. Please sweetheart.”

  Sani just nodded giving me a weak watery smile. I gently opened the door and made her sit inside the car.

  “Let’s go for shopping?” I glanced at her hopefully while driving.

  “Just drop me home please.” Sani murmured staring out of the window.

  I stopped the car around a corner and turned towards her, forcing her to look at me,

  “Sanu I'm so sorry. Please trust me when I say I really am feeling very sorry for the word I uttered dear.”

  She cupped my face crying softly,

  “Don't apologize anymore. I hate this fighting. Please.”

  I nodded eagerly,

  “I don't wanna fight with you either.”

  Sani then left my face and gazed at her lap, looking so vulnerable that I engulfed her in my arms. She was almost on my lap now.

  Tears dripped down her face uncontrollably, which I kept wiping off while she spoke on my chest, in a breaking tone,

  “I have always been social. But still a private person when it comes to opening up to people. I don't trust easily. So I don't get friendly with just anyone. With those whom I do...Their friendships are important to me.”

  “I completely understand. And I'm so sorry.”

  “They are supposed to be my friends but...But at times I do feel like Rose is just using me for my brains. So yeah, it did hurt when you said that...Because you were right.” Sani gulped down the lump in her throat but couldn’t keep her voice from breaking or from not showing the betrayal she felt from Rose and the anger she felt over this fact.

  I chuckled dryly,

  “I guess, I was trying to defend myself from the line of fire I anticipated to come at any moment. So maybe that’s why I was so fast to counter attack.”

  Sani became confused, therefore, I elaborated cocking my head down at her, so she could look me in the eye and believe me,

  “Because I was scared like hell to lose you.”

  “What do you mean?” Sani stared at me attentively.

  “God you’re innocent...” I pulled on both her cheeks and rubbed my palms on them unable to stop myself.

  Sighing I went on,

  “Sani my dear, I was waiting for you to get angry on me, for not pushing Rose off the moment she tried to come close to me in the office.”

  Sani giggled shaking her head, last of her tears fell down her cheeks, which I caught midway in my mouth.

  “Baby, now do you realize how evil that girl is. She tried to make you, in fact tried manipulating you, that you should stay clear of me, otherwise I would insult you, while she herself tried to roam all over me.” I nuzzled Sanu’s cheek, lovingly.

  “I know. But I can't really fault her, because she does not know we are in a relationship.”

  “Exactly! Still she tried to dictate your life when there was no reason to. Only because she gauged you are my favourite, that we have bond. She is jealous of everything to do with you.”

  Sani glanced at her lap then at me with the most fierce and pure emotions in her eyes as she choked out the words,

  “I am sorry.”

  “Don't be. I'm glad. You can't realize how glad and relieved, to have such a mature and understanding girlfriend.” I told her honestly and rested my forehead on hers.

  Grinning, I continued,

  “God...I'm still ecstatic over the fact that you’re not mad at me for Rose's cheap flirting which I was unable to stop.”

  “I trust you completely.” Sani squeezed my hands over hers. A mischievous smile played on her lips as she chuckled, “But yeah, also I guess I couldn’t get mad at you, if only for the fact that you looked like you would strain your neck to avoid seeing the view under her shirt.” She showed me her tongue, making a face.

  Well, well...She does not know me yet.

  Leaning in just a breath away from her face I whispered,

  “I did not wanna see anything of Rose’s...” I winked at her suggestively and her skin literally went warm in blush, as she stared at me in stunned disbelief.

  Caressing her face with the back of my knuckles, I murmured trying to lighten her up, “C'mon...You know what I mean.”

  “I know you’re just joking. Yes.” Sani nodded with a sweet smile.

  “Am I?” I smirked.

  “You know I don’t try to stop us from getting close. And I never ever wish to, because I want this. But yeah, I am a little conservative and apprehensive about going all the way yet. You know what I mean. We have just about started seeing each other.” She glanced at me nervously, “I’m just not ready to...I mean, you are my first serious relationship. And I want to take it slow, because this means something to me.” Biting on her lower lip she added, “I hope it’s not a turn off for you.”

  “Opposite of turn off actually.” I said making her breath hitch. “You know I don’t care about the college rules, but I am just controlling myself for protecting you.” I cupped her neck, bringing her face closer, “But I can wait. I always knew you are inexperienced in dating.”

  Sani’s jaw dropped, “How?! Is it that obvious?!”

  “Not at all. You are a boss in make-out. Nothing like the shy types.” I said mockingly, trying my best to control my grin from breaking on my face.

  Half laughing, half-annoyed, she slapped my chest.

  I jerked her towards me bunching her hair, and breathed the words in her face, “I’ll wait because I like the thrill of the chase.” Her mouth hung open and I took a bite of her full lower lip that had been teasing me since the conversation started.

  I heard her heart stop for a second, then bounce back when I left her.

  All ruffled up, she tried to get her bearings and smiled enthusiastically, as if ready to change the topic,

  “Alright tell me, you might have had many girlfriends in past, right? Obviously, I'm not the first. I mean you have quite a few years over me so...See, I'm not judging. Just curious.”

  “Maybe...” I shrugged.

  I had to know just how curious, and would it lead to any harm to me at her hands.

  “Rest assured you are my first serious relationship. Everything else was just a passing thing.” I said quickly to be on the safe side from the brunt of her curiosity.

  Sani nodded thoughtfully,


  I did not let her finish, for my own safety,

  “And no I never wanted a peek of theirs as well.” I lied. Because what option did I have?

  She made a face.

  I leaned in closer to her, murmuring mischievously,

  “I would only ever want it from...” I left the rest of my sentence hanging in the air.

  If she can play so can I, if only to see her blush.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter!” Sani scowled, showing me her tongue while her face turned pinker with every passing second.

  With nose in the air and trying to cover her flushed face, she went on,

  “Actually since you brought it up...”

  What the hell?! Hadn’t she asked me to get it out of my mind just a moment ago and now, she was talking dirty, that too on my name!

  “I brought it up?! I just voiced what you were about to!” I revolted scandalized.

  “Yes, I'm saying you only brought it up. So tell me who the last girl was. Not a girlfriend, who had tried to get too close to comfort like Rose did today.” Stated, my cute Miss Bossy.

  “Sarah?” I wondered aloud.

  “You are asking me?” Sani snapped testily, glaring at me.


  Sani's face turned disgusted,

  “Trouble it?”

  “You were just curious, weren’t you?” I narrowed my eyes at her, gulping continuously.

  “Of course! It’s not l
ike I'm jealous.” Sani scoffed as if she couldn’t care less, “Who was Sarah?”

  This should be fun...

  Imagining every moment I had spent with Sani until now in my dreams and reality, I answered her with a sigh,

  “Sarah was a real charmer. She had an enigmatic personality. She could easily daze me into herself. It wasn’t just talking. Even silence felt heaven in her company.”

  While thinking to myself,

  ‘Silence was a leisure one could only ask for with Sarah around.’

  Now how the fate had turned. The girl I was doubtful would ever like me or for whom I would fall so hard, was currently sitting in front of me, while I was lost in her thoughts.

  “And she still rules your fantasies.” Sani finished in a plain voice.

  “What?!” I gaped at her astonished.

  “You have still got that dreamy look on your face. You were even now fantasizing about her!” Sani snapped getting out of my arms and opening the car door.

  “Hey, what are you...”

  But she beat me to it, saying curtly,

  “You know I wasn’t born yesterday.” She stated before getting out of the car.

  Oh God...!

  I jumped out too, stumbling to catch her.

  “Hey hey wait...” I caught her hand just at the turn of waterfront.

  I huffed out a breath,

  “You know; now I feel like I have a girlfriend. From the way you are making me run behind you all the time.”

  My innocent Sani's face constricted with guilt,

  “All the time? I...uh...sorry?”

  Why shouldn’t I take advantage, if only to save my relationship?

  Giving her a forbidding look I nodded genuinely,

  “Hmm...It’s okay.”

  I pulled her towards the nearby steps overlooking the beautiful sea.

  Sani sighed at the fresh air and the view of open sea. For me it was complete bliss with my arm around her shoulders as we watched the waves in silence.

  The next moment, all my bliss vanished, as Sani pushed at my side, “Why was I running in the first place? Because of you and I am the one who said sorry! You have to say sorry.”

  End of my illusion...all right.

  Bringing on a cajoling smile, I rubbed her arm soothingly so she won't raise it to hit me again.

  Softly I told her the truth or at least most of it,

  “That’s why I have come sweetheart, to say sorry and to confess that I was thinking about you. I was describing how I feel with you. I just took Sarah's name to make you go red in jealousy. I just want you and no one else.”

  Sanu smiled pulling on her lower lip, not even realizing she was doing it and I couldn’t help but just stare, wishing to pull at it instead.

  The moment felt so good and complete. This relationship felt perfect. How easily we were able to come over the glitches and return to our place, to one another...

  So yeah, I figured she did not need to know Sarah was a real person.

  “Also I fantasize only you.” I added whispering as I un-tucked that lip from between those teeth with my thumb.

  They shouldn’t be her teeth pulling on that lip...

  Sani trembled with my touch and the intensity of my unwavering gaze.

  Hugging herself, she stood up, but I caught her wrist and requested longingly,

  “Please sit with me.”

  Giving me a crooked little smile, she allowed me to pull her back down and thus landed close beside me, in my arm.

  Playing with her fingers, I told her gently,

  “About earlier...I really respect and admire how you don't wanna give up on that old friend of yours even if, currently from her side, it’s just a namely friendship. But I hope you know you have a friend with whom you can have a stronger bond than all the years combined with Rose.”

  Sani looked at me thoroughly confused and bunched her eyebrows as if thinking hard.

  I threw my hands in the air, annoyed now,

  “Me, of course!”


  “Yes, oh. Thanks for the hurtful reaction Miss!” I grumbled.

  Sani pinched my cheeks cooing, “Aww...”

  I leaned my lips on her wrist and her hand stilled. I kissed it making her eyes sparkle, as if a current went through her.

  Chuckling slightly, I went on,

  “We were friends before we entered into this relationship, right?”

  She nodded.

  With my heart in my throat, I spoke further, tentatively looking deep in her eyes, “We are friends...Of the best kind, remember?”

  I waited patiently for any sign as Sani became silent and thoughtful. Then she smiled to herself shaking her head as if coming out of trance.

  “What happened?” I asked unable to hide my anticipation.

  “Nothing.” Sani just laughed a little.

  “Then why did you smile like that? As if in reminiscent.” I asked earnestly.

  Sani nodded confiding in me,

  “Yeah, exactly! I just felt like I have heard that before, 'friend of the best kind' line.”

  “When?” I waited anxiously.

  Sani just shrugged her shoulders,

  “Let it be. I just sounded so cute saying that.” She ruffled my hair giggling.

  “But when had you heard it?!” I pushed and realized my blunder immediately as Sani became confused and stared at me for being wierd.

  I smirked going closer to her face,

  “I just wanna know who it was, who said that to my girl before me.” I winked showing her I was just kidding.

  Taking my palm in hers she started tracing circles on my finger tips,

  “I honestly don't know when. I just felt I had heard it. Let it be now.”

  Did she have any idea, what her touch was doing to me? How her tracing my each fingertip was creating havoc inside me? I guess not.

  She went on sweetly,

  “Besides, you don't have to be my friend just because you think I'm alone now.”

  “You have me and I have you. We are not alone.” I murmured resting my forehead on her shoulder.

  Grazing her finger through my hair, she chuckled

  “I have real friends; my Zee, my cousin Umber. You don't have to get all sympathetic on me. I'm not dying or anything.”

  I scowled at her warningly and she pouted after mouthing me a quick sorry. Then as if on reflex, she took my hand near her lips and kissed a fingertip. Smiling mischievously over the rising heat in my eyes, she dropped my hand. I slowly shook my head at her. Blinking she took it again and resumed tracing circles on my fingertips.

  “You were saying about me being sympathetic.” I reminded her in a low voice.

  Jerking out of her daze, Sani cleared her throat glaring at me, while I just cocked my head staring at her in adoration.

  Sani got even more miffed and divulged,

  “Because of you I have not spent any time with Umber, since she came back to town. She will be so angry with me!”

  “Because of me?” I raised my eyebrows, amused now.

  “Yeah, I have been busy in you since a few days.” She blushed unable to elaborate on that.

  Nodding, I pulled her closer, so that her back rested on my chest, “Of course, my fault then. You came to my office, confessed your feelings, next day you wanted to breakup and so you disappeared into a cry ball. Then we went out on our first date and spoke all night on the phone, leaving you with no time to have a nice bitching session with Umber about me.”

  Teasingly, I added in a whisper, “Because I don't let you stop thinking about me. Entirely my fault, right?”

  “I don't think about you all the time!” Sani turned in my arms furiously.

  “You don't?” I gave her a heart broken look.

  And... She melted like a dream.

  “I mean, only in morning and then during classes and after going home and at night, I think about you. That’s it.” Sani said like an obedient stubborn child.

..I can live with that.” I nuzzled her and before any of us could think or do more, her phone rang.

  She answered without moving away from me, thus I could hear Ibrahim's voice saying,

  ‘Sani I have planned for the outing this weekend. It has cancelled enough times. But this weekend is final. You will have to come.’

  ‘Yes Ibbi...’ Sani answered tiredly.

  ‘I'm gonna invite Aariz as well.’ He warned.

  ‘Alright fine.’

  ‘You’re okay with it, right? You’ll not trouble him?’

  ‘Ibbi didn’t I just say its fine?!’ Sani grunted, while I pressed my mouth on her shoulder, trying to control my laughter from reaching Ibbi’s ears.

  He went on,

  ‘Promise me, you’ll not give him the cold shoulder, glare at him or make it hard for him to...’

  Sani gave out a frustrated sigh,

  ‘No, I will not glare at him. No, I won't make it hard for him...Hey! Excuse me; I don't make it hard for anyone!’

  “You make me hard.” I mouthed the words, making her gasp.

  Ibbi further asked something, to which Sani answered softly, while still staring at me wide-eyed,

  ‘I don't hate him.’

  ‘Yeah, I'm coming home now.’

  She hung-up, informing me, “He wants me to come home and plan with him.”

  I nodded, caressing her face,

  “So you don't hate me anymore?”

  “You know I don't.” She pushed at me gently.

  “Then do you love me?” I asked holding her eyes.

  She shook my shoulders groaning,

  “Please focus! This is serious. Ibbi's trips...I'm not in the mood for it. I don't wanna go. But I have no idea how to get away from it! Help me.”

  “What will I do there if you don't come?!” I revolted.

  She still had that pleading face, on which makes me want to do things for her.

  So I cupped her face, trying to make her understand,

  “We barely get any time to spend outside the college campus. You don't want us to spend time like that?” I gave her a meaningful look raising one eyebrow in question.

  She nodded, giving me a beautiful smile and stood up,

  “I have to go home.”

  “I’ll drop you.” I pulled her to my side.

  I don’t like the distance at all now. She should be by my side, which feels perfect. She has been mine since always, even if she does not remember, its okay. Nonetheless, she is mine now as well, and she knows that, which is heavenly.


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