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Storm Page 29

by Saniya. S. Kohari

  Before I could go stand in front of her and block his view, Sani stepped towards him slowly with a look of recognition on her face, which split into a slow smile that widened as she asked, “Haadi?”

  He beamed in happiness, as if her remembering his name was the best thing in the world!

  I clenched my fist and moved forward with purpose, towards Zidaan to find out who the hell was that idiot?!

  Sani rushed to meet him with a brilliant smile on her face.

  Had she hugged him I would have definitely broken his jaw. She had not even hugged me yet! But thankfully she just shook hands with him. And I hated it, just as much.

  She chuckled,

  “Oh my God! I haven’t seen you in like forever. We missed you so much!”

  “We?” Zidaan said under his breath, making a face.

  Seeing my expression, he became serious and muttered nodding towards the guy, “As she said, that’s Haadi. You remember him, don't you?”

  I remembered now.

  “Your maternal cousin, who you believe has been crushing on her for years.” I nodded, saying curtly, “I always thought so too whenever you mentioned about the way he spoke to her. It’s clear now. She is too blind to see it.”

  “We can be wrong. Maybe he is just...” Zidaan shrugged awkwardly.

  I shook my head,

  “Don't try to make me feel good. The guy hasn’t taken his eyes off her once. Not even to meet you.”

  A second later, Haadi walked towards us and greeted Zidaan enthusiastically, to recieve a cold formal response.

  I saw Sanu heave a sigh of relief and make a face, even showing her tongue to Haadi's back, much too Ibbi and Umber's amusement as they high fived with her.

  She was halfway through making more rude faces and hand gestures at the back, but she caught my eyes and stopped abruptly. Blushing with her face lowered. She sported a pout, as if telling me she was annoyed for not being able to feel free with me around anymore.

  I want the old us too Sanu. But you will have to understand me.

  Zidaan elbowed me, jerking his head towards Haadi with a bored expression. Haadi had his hand stretched out for me, while I had been staring at my girl. I clasped it distractedly without a word. He too seemed uninterested to ask me my name.

  Before he could say much, Zidaan told him, he was not welcome. Saying clearly that, we had no idea he was planning to join, as Ibbi never mentioned. So now, our car was full. Either he can take his own car or join Umber's brother Humza and his wife Aaira in theirs, or he could opt out of coming and we’d completely understand.

  It became apparent to me, that Ibbi, Umber, and Sani were also not glad to meet Zidaan’s cousin. They were just good at masking their dislike. Zidaan wasn’t.

  Haadi nodded in consideration,

  “Ibbi told me Humza and Aaira will be taking their car.”

  Zidaan did not answer.

  He went on,

  “So it’s a good idea. They also won't get bored if some of us join them.” He pretended to be thoughtful, “How about Ibbi, Sani, and I travel with Humza and Aaira? Everyone will be comfortable, instead of squeezing in a single vehicle. We'll meet you guys halfway?”

  Like hell! As if I would let them decide who drives her to such a long distance.

  Ibbi started to oppose saying if Haadi can go alone with them, he wanted to travel with us. While Sani stood resigned to whatever they decided. She was just staring at me miffed. As if, it was all my fault.

  Ignoring her, I pulled Zidaan aside,

  “She is not going with him.”

  “If she does not object, I can't. Frankly, I hope she doesn’t refuse. He would otherwise feel we are doing it on purpose. Relax, Humza and Aaira...”

  I was shaking my head vigorously even before Zidaan had finished talking.

  “Zidaan I don't care about Haadi. And it’s not because of him I'm saying this. I just can't let her be driven by anyone else other than me, when I'm here. Even if it’s just a few blocks away and not to another town. I can't let her.” I urged him earnestly.

  “But why are you so insistent on driving her...” Zidaan stopped speaking all of a sudden, as realization hit him and he saw me with raw understanding.


  He just nodded, completely bowled.

  Staring at her with determination I muttered firmly,

  “She can't go in that car. She is coming with us in my car and that’s final Zidaan.”

  I tried to keep my voice low, but Sani had heard me anyway, and marched towards us with puffed cheeks and narrowed eyes.

  Grabbing Zidaan, she pulled him barely three steps away from me, before rounding on him,

  “Zee what the hell is going on here?! What’s his problem exactly?”

  “I think I know what the deal with him is. But still, why is Aariz involving you in it, that’s something I would like to know the answer to myself.” Zidaan sighed.

  Then gave her a pleading look, “Go, and sit in his car already, or else, we would never even start the journey.”

  Sweetheart, I wish I could tell you my reason. Maybe someday I will. Because if I can make anyone understand. It'll just be you.


  Huffing and puffing, I walked towards Aariz’s car, the front door of which he had opened for me. I ignored it and moved to sit in the back, passing him a glare. In response, Aariz looked straight back at me in seriousness, making me jump in fear. Not that I was afraid to glare at Aariz or anything, it’s just...Never mind.

  Shortly we started the journey as Haadi left to Humza and Aaira’s place.

  The wind blew my hair, soothing me with its caress. It provided me with peace and tranquillity, I had longed for since past few days having missed an essential human's touch in my life.

  I threaded my fingers through my hair, feeling the rush of cold morning wind when my eyes fell on the front mirror. Aariz was watching me while he drove us, his eyes intense as ever.

  Blushing, I sat straighter trying to make a conversation with Zee, who sat beside Aariz in the front.

  I patted on Zee's shoulder,

  “Where are we going?”

  “To a far away land...”

  I again saw Aariz's smouldering gaze lingered on me.

  Zee drawled on,

  “Where nothing but love exists.”

  “Really?” Umber became excited beside me.

  “No.” Zee made a gagging face,

  “There will be seashore and probably nothing to eat. It should be fun.”

  He chuckled sharing a high five with a smirking Aariz.

  “So we are going to a beach.” Umber yawned.

  “Correction. We are going to a beach house, some fifty kilometres away.” Zee stated.

  “To whom does this place belong?” This came from Ibbi, while, I just stared at the mirror, catching Aariz sneaking peek on me.

  “I have no idea.” Zee shrugged carelessly.

  Umber gasped and Aariz finally spoke, “But you know the address, right?”

  Zee nodded.

  “Perfect, then. Guide me.” Aariz grinned easily.

  Ibbi, Umber, and I exchanged open mouth shocked looks.

  Yeah, they can have their Man signals and daring understandings. But it was beyond us. For all we know, these two might get us drowned into the Arabian Sea!

  “Zee!” I punched his arm to include me in his secret.

  Aariz chuckled but I did not stop frowning.

  Zee was mine. Aariz came later in his life. Hmph!

  “Sani, I really don't know whose it is. But I remember it belongs to some friend or colleague of Dad's.” Zee explained turning around to face me.

  “So we'll go there and...” Ibbi left his sentence hanging and gave Zee a bewildered look.

  “Say we belong to his Dad.” Umber scoffed.

  Zee gave her an equally sneering look back saying,

  “Yeah exactly. There is some caretaker. They take in strays. No problemo!”

glared at him poisonously.

  While I scowled,

  “Did you just call me a dog?!”

  He shrugged rolling his eyes,

  “I called all of us animals. You can be a stray tigress if you like.”

  “Will suit...” Aariz murmured slowly, but I heard him.

  He shared a wink with Zee and laughed along with everyone else.

  I used that moment to wipe my tears that threatened to fall.

  Aariz was ready to talk to everyone. He was smiling and did not look least bit as miserable as I felt. Like, he did not care; he did not miss me...At all.

  He was ready to talk about me, but not to me. Wow! And he used to say I don't share everything with him. Was I such a bad girlfriend, that he simply gave up trying for us...Gave up on me?

  “Who is dead?” Zidaan nudged my shoulder a few minutes later, staring at me, by craning his neck.

  “No one I know.” I muttered looking out of the window, just in case more water fills my eyes.

  “Then why do you have that mournful face on?” Ibbi asked curiously, peering at me from beside Umber.

  He chuckled adding,

  “Someone would say you have had a breakup.”

  Aariz turned sharply towards him, pulling on urgent breaks. Thus, making everyone raise their eyebrows in surprise.

  “I thought everyone would like breakfast. There is a food place here somewhere.” Aariz answered defensively, keeping his gaze on the road ahead.

  “Why aren’t you throwing back sarcastic quips at them?” Umber tried to look in my eyes, cupping my face.

  I gently brushed her hand away.

  Zidaan bent himself from the front seat moving his face in mine. If I looked down, he moved his face down trying to peer into my eyes,

  “Why aren’t you laughing? You can laugh. Really.”

  That’s why I did not wish to be here. Too many nosy friends who apparently all thought my eyes and expressions are some sort of book.

  “You are taking all my oxygen Zee. Back off!” I grumbled pushing him away as he laughed hard.

  I shook my head, unable to stop the amused smile that crept on my lips at their antics. But I did not miss that between all this laughter, Aariz whispered something to Zee.

  After which Zee announced,

  “That’s it. I need to stretch my legs. I’ll sit at the back after we have had breakfast.”

  Before I could refuse, he turned towards me with a knowing smile,

  “Sani, you take my place here and trust me, oxygen is purer through this window.” He winked and got down from the car along with everyone else except Aariz.

  Aariz did not speak to me or turn around. I waited patiently for a few minutes, then annoyed by him, I opened the door and moved out. He did the same, the next moment.

  He did not wish to leave me alone.

  All through the breakfast, I could feel Aariz's eyes on me non-stop. Whenever I looked, he did not even try to hide the fact that he was staring. We did not exchange words, not even a smile or a touch.

  After eating, everyone decided to order teas and coffees. So keeping my share of bill for the breakfast, I excused myself and went outside. I stood leaning against the car to wait for everyone, when a couple of minutes later, a shadow spread on me and blocked the sun. Quite literally!

  Aariz was standing in my space. So close that our shoes touched. He had me caged against the car, though he wasn’t touching me at all. Yet I felt him all over me.

  Before I could grasp what was happening, with his heated gaze on me, Aariz slipped his hands inside the pocket of my trouser, which was tight. I immediately glanced down to see him slipping the money I had left on our table in the restaurant. Did I mention my trouser was tight? So I felt his hand right to my skin as he prolonged bringing it out of the pocket.

  Free of his touch, I found a voice and breathed out,

  “Everyone shared the bill.”

  He wasn’t touching me anymore, but hadn’t stepped away either.

  He just murmured back,

  “I know.”

  Then pushing his hand forward, Aariz offered me an ice cream cone. He had two.

  “I didn’t want...” I tried to deny, but he brought it to my lips cocking his head, as he said intensely,

  “You always do want it.”

  I needed to breath and process this. So having no option, I took the damn ice cream before he forced it into my mouth.

  I started to lick on it while Aariz still didn’t make any attempt to move, just kept staring at me, pushing the hair strands away from my face.

  I felt he had longed to do it, since he saw me doing the same in car. Or maybe it was just my wishful thinking.

  He went on with the same heated look,

  “It’s not chocolate flavour. But this is good too. Custard apple. Unique. Just like...”

  With Aariz's fingers on my jaw, I gasped softly making the ice cream spill on my shirt.

  “As I said, unique, just like your outfit combination.” He gave me a slight smile rubbing the stain on the neckline.

  “Nobody would even realize...” Aariz whispered, his finger moving on the bare skin of my collarbone.

  I shivered visibly and Aariz leaned more into my face, speaking in my ear as if to elaborate,

  “The stain. It’s white. No one would see it on your white top.” Caressing his thumb along my collarbone, far from my shirt, he made my breathing abnormal.

  “Guys, let’s get going.” Came voices from the other side, making Aariz quickly melt away from me.

  We all sat inside the car. This time I was at front with him.

  “Aariz you didn’t eat your ice cream yet?” Zee asked as Aariz inserted the key into ignition, while still clutching on his wrapped ice cream cone.

  “Yeah, I completely forgot about it. Now I'm driving, so I can't.” Aariz responded and moved his hand backwards waving the ice cream, “Anyone? Umber?”

  “Nah...I just had coffee.” Umber said politely, as she closed her eyes to sleep.

  Aariz shoved the cone at me wordlessly. I just shook my head gesturing at my own that I was licking on.

  Nodding, he started to drive with one hand, while eating his ice cream in between.

  “You are planning to kill us or what?” Zee yawned as he too started to doze off.

  Aariz stopped eating completely.

  Zee was right. It could be dangerous.

  Turning back to make sure all three of them were sleeping, I took the ice cream from Aariz's hand. He smiled gently, as if thinking I wanted to eat it.

  His smile turned into shock, then a hot look, as I pushed the ice cream to his lips, making him eat from my hands while he drove us on.

  Slowly and leisurely, he licked on it as if we had all the time in the world. In between, he’d bite and suck on my fingers when ice cream melted and spilled.

  Like he couldn’t let any drop go to waste.

  And what about the havoc in my heart that was confused and sighing, wishing to question revoltingly and embrace at his touch all at the same time.

  Slightly biting on the back of my palm in the pretence of taking the last of the spilled ice cream in his mouth, Aariz stated,

  “Finally reached.”

  I stared open mouthed at him. What did he mean?

  But he stopped the car with a jerk in front of a beautiful wooden house, with its back to the crashing sea.


  After waking Zidaan, Ibbi and an annoyed Umber, we all made our way towards the house. The caretaker, an old kind man, readily gave us the keys, just hearing the name of Zidaan's Dad, who apparently had visited here often.

  We went inside and checked out the house. It was dusty, but we didn’t had the heart to make him work for us, due to our unannounced visit.

  Sani stood leaning against the back door that opened to a sprawling sea.

  Her hair was yet again pressing on her face due to the open wind. The clip that held them remained helpless to their fight for caressi
ng her skin.

  Like a magnetic pull, I walked towards her with no reason in my mind. I didn’t even knew if I was ready to forgive her or talk to her. Yet I couldn’t hold myself back.

  Leaning my shoulder against the doorframe, I stood letting her side touch my chest. I closed my eyes to inhale her fragrance of lemon grass, probably from her body wash. I loved it and had been missing it. Today it had mixed with those scents of open sea and wet sand. It felt like being in heaven. It calmed me beyond imagination.

  She hadn’t yet noticed my presence. Her eyes were on the waves. Those flowing curls hit my face giving me a sniff of ripe peaches and oranges. Another one of my favourite fragrance since the day I met her. Something else, I had been craving for since days now.

  “You...” She turned around; her expression shocked, finding me close on her side.

  Her eyes got distracted to something behind me and her face resigned to boredom as she finished,

  “Are here.”

  “Hi, Sani!” An agonisingly malicious voice came from behind me.

  My mood went downhill as I too turned to witness a smug looking Haadi enter the house with Humza and Aaira.

  He continued grinning at Sani,

  “I felt really bad that you ditched me. It was such a boring ride with just the three of us. I'm not gonna forgive you easily for that. You will have a hard time mollifying me. I will keep a grudge.” He was trying to be cute but all I could feel was childishness spilling out of him. He was trying too much.

  Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who thought so.

  Sani made an irked face at him, not even trying to hide it. As if, unable to decide if he should even be graced with a response.

  Tentatively she muttered,


  “Who the hell says that?” Sani whispered to me under her breathe.

  “I don't like Haadi.” I murmured back, glaring at him as he moved around picking dirtily at every nook and cranny of the house much to Zidaan's dislike.

  Sani grabbed my chin forcing me to look at her as she snarled sarcastically, “Which guy around me do you like anyway?! Especially you hate those whom I even pretend to care for.”

  She looked comical to me but I had to bite back my smile as I answered defensively, “I love Zidaan. He is my bro.”

  Sani scoffed, rolling her eyes,


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