Necessary Evil

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Necessary Evil Page 14

by Janelle Taylor

  “Suits me,” Brian agreed.

  “What would you like to drink? Anything to eat?” a young waitress asked them.

  “Nothing to eat for me, but I’d like a glass of white Zinfandel,” Andrea answered.

  “Do you have any cheese sticks?” At her nod, Dan said, “I’d like a basket and a sprite to drink. I’m the designated driver tonight.”

  “Would you like another Jack and coke, sir?” she asked Brian.

  “I’m not finished with this one yet, but thanks.”

  Cindi introduced Dan to the rest of the group who were seated at three tables of four. Cindi’s two sisters and her brothers-in-law sat at one table. Brian’s brother and his girlfriend sat with his parents. Dan and Andrea sat with the celebrating couple who were placed between the others. They exchanged pleasantries with Cindi and Andrea casually deflecting any comments or questions about the Avenger case.

  The waitress brought their drinks just as the lights were dimmed and the crowd erupted in cheers after the emcee introduced Gary Conrad.

  A man dressed in black approached the stage. He was holding a portable microphone and spoke as a hush fell over the audience. “How many of you have seen my show before?” Many yelled and raised their hands. “Hypnosis junkies, that’s what we call you. How many of you have never seen a hypnotist perform?” Again there were shouts of excitement. “Well, you’re in for a treat tonight. Let me explain what I’m going to do and tell you a few of the rules. First of all, just about everyone can be hypnotized. Anyone in the armed forces, teachers, nurses, anyone who takes instructions well. Those that can’t be hypnotized are morons, idiots and lawyers.” The crowd cheered again.

  “In a few minutes, I’m going to ask for some volunteers in the audience to come up on stage. If you come up here with the idea you want to see if I can make you go under, stay in your seat and try it from there. This stage is for those who truly want to experience being hypnotized. If anyone sees someone next to them who looks as if they might be falling asleep, don’t wake them. Just give them a shoulder to lean on and let me know. I promise to take very good care of them.” Gary smiled.

  Dan had an uneasy feeling in his stomach. We’re sitting so close to the stage, what if I go under? Surely Andi wouldn’t do that to me. What have I gotten myself into?

  Brian teased, “Come on, Andi, go on up.”

  “No way, Brian. It’s your birthday, you go if you want to see someone up there.”

  Dan watched several people step up onto the stage and heard the cheers from those in their party. He noted that everyone in their group shook their head and teased each other, but no one went forward.

  Andrea leaned over and whispered, “I’ll make you a deal. If you see me nodding off, kick me in the shin and wake me. I’ll do the same for you.”

  “You got it,” Dan replied as he munched on the cheese sticks.

  “Find a seat where you can’t see anyone you know. If you are able to see them before you’re completely under, it could bring you out of it.” Gary arranged the volunteers and continued, “If I tap you on the shoulder, quickly and quietly go back to your seat.”

  After he finished giving instructions on stage, he turned to the audience. “For about twelve minutes, I’ll need for everyone to remain as still and as quiet as possible. Do not shout anyone’s name or whistle. The waitresses will bring any drinks you ordered after this segment is over. Once they’re hypnotized, you can make as much noise as you want. In fact, at that point, the more noise you make, the deeper they go under. Then, we can really have some fun. Dim the lights for me please.”

  Dan’s eyes were glued to the platform as the lights were lowered. He noticed how quiet the crowd had become. Music started playing softer, then louder and it reminded him of a heartbeat. He could barely discern the words that Gary spoke to those in front of him, but their gaze was focused on the man in black before them. Dan watched in amazement as Gary walked over to one of the females and touched her on the shoulder. She slumped over, apparently asleep.

  Within minutes, everyone appeared to be hypnotized.

  Gary turned to the audience and said, “You can make some noise now and turn up the lights.”

  He told the volunteers it was hot, humid and sticky and they began to fan themselves and try to wipe the sweat off their foreheads. Then it was cold and they shivered and attempted to get closer to those around them for warmth. They couldn’t pull down the hands he told them to put in the air, even when they used their other arm. When Gary told them there were leprechauns having sex underneath their chairs, some got out of their seats to watch and laugh, while others tried to sneak a look.

  “Now, it’s someone you know,” Gary exclaimed. “Who is it?” he asked.

  “My boss,” the first one replied.

  “My best friend,” said the next.

  “My sister,” another got out between chuckles.

  Gary led them through several scenarios. For the finale, he gave each one instructions for their “skit”. He told a female that someone on stage had inappropriately touched her and she was very upset. He instructed the next one that every time she heard the words “Ladies and gentlemen”, she was to get up and start singing her favorite song. One of the males was informed that when the words “Howdy, folks” were spoken, he would realize he had to go to the bathroom really bad and each time he heard it, the feelings were stronger. But when he went to the bathroom, he would believe his most private parts were missing. And on the instructions went until everyone had been given something to do during the remainder of Gary’s performance.

  As the evening progressed, Gary entertained the audience with jokes and used the key words to evoke a participant’s reaction to his spell. Each time a person acted out his or her previous instructions, the crowd roared with laughter and amusement.

  When the young man who had been told his privates would disappear returned from the restroom and sheepishly approached his seat, Gary walked to his side. “Everything come out all right?”

  The volunteer stammered and shook his head, too embarrassed to explain what had happened, but obviously distressed by what he had seen.

  Dan thought his sides might burst. He laughed until tears were coursing down his face. He watched Gary tell the young man that he no longer had to go to the bathroom and his parts were just where they should be. Dan nearly fell out of the chair laughing as the man began to jump and shout for joy. He watched a woman struggle to stay seated as her breasts—which were filled with imaginary helium—were pulling her to the ceiling. Dan watched Gary walk over and pull out an imaginary pin to “pop” them. Afterwards, the woman sagged against her chair with such relief, Dan knew she must have imagined them to be the size of hot air balloons.

  When the show was over, everyone in their group stayed in their seats while the majority of the audience went to buy a souvenir t-shirt or video.

  Andrea turned a happy, tear-streaked face to Dan’s and said, “Is this what you expected? Did you enjoy the show?”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it. They appeared to be awake; their eyes were open and focused on him. But they really saw and heard and felt everything he described to them. That was incredible.”

  Brian teased him, “Are you going to try it next time?”

  “Not only no, but hell no. I don’t want to imagine what he’d make me do if I went up there, but I’ll be here if you ever decide to join the act.”

  “Let’s go see Gary and tell him how much we enjoyed the show. He’ll probably recognize us, we’ve been here so many times.” Cindi said.

  Their group walked to the door and everyone shook Gary’s hand and complimented him on the great performance. They parted ways in the parking lot, as most were ready to go home for the night.

  Dan and Andrea laughed and talked during the short drive to her rented condo.

  Once there, Andrea asked, “Would you like to come inside for a minute?”

  “I’d love to,” Dan murmured as he followed
her lead. He liked the way she had decorated her home. It wasn’t large, but the positioning of the furniture and accessories gave off an illusion of spaciousness. Pictures, small figurines and glass blown candlesticks sat on various surfaces and gave the right mixture of class and comfortability. Dan was led through the den and past a staircase to the right. The kitchen was next, with a cozy eating area located beyond it. Dual sliding glass doors opened onto a small patio and yard that were enclosed by a privacy fence.

  Dan viewed her bedroom, which was located to the left of the kitchen. It was feminine, but not overwhelmingly so. He could imagine the night he’d like to spend there with her. She took him up the stairs to the second level, which contained two more rooms. One was used as a guest room and the other was a small office. There was a treadmill and some weights sitting on the floor.

  When Dan saw the weights, he asked, “Are those yours?”

  “Yes. I run three miles a day, so I have to balance that with weights or I start to look a little bottom-sided. I walk on the treadmill when it’s raining, or it’s too late to go out. Now that you’ve seen my home, would you like something to drink? A coke, since you’re driving, or some tea?”

  “A coke would be great, thanks. This is a really nice place you have here. How long have you lived in Augusta?”

  “Several years. How about you?” Andrea passed the questions to him.

  “Twenty months. I was in New York before that. I wanted to get away from the cold and snow and move someplace warmer.” Dan didn’t want to tell her about his trouble in New York yet. “Mory and I were college roommates and I’d visited him several times in the past. I’m sure his wife Janie will fill you with stories tomorrow. Promise not to believe every word she says.”

  “I think I’ll take my tape recorder, so I can come back and study them. I bet James Starr would pay me big bucks to get the transcripts of that.” At Dan’s wide-eyed glance, Andrea laughed. “Just kidding. I think that creep should be locked up himself. He’s a menace to society with his greedy indifference to people’s suffering. I can’t believe all of the space the paper has given to him for his Avenger articles. In case you’re wondering, I pulled my old copies of the paper before I sent them to be recycled and read his columns. How did he get such information? Have you checked him out?”

  “Yes, but so far, he’s clean. We haven’t been able to pin point his source. And, by law, he doesn’t have to tell us. At least the TV media has settled down a little this week. I know Captain Bolton is tired of giving news conferences. Especially since he’s trying to keep the details and evidence concealed.”

  “I thought you said you didn’t have any clues or evidence.”

  “Just that DNA from the sperm. Which hasn’t helped us at all. But every criminal makes a mistake eventually, so the Avenger will certainly make his. I just want to be aware of it when he does.” As they walked into the den area, Dan noticed the chessboard on a side table. “Do you play?”

  “I haven’t played in quite some time. Is this a challenge, Lieutenant?”

  “What color do you want to be?”

  Andrea grinned. “I’m black at heart, so you take the white.”

  “I doubt that.”

  Andrea won the game quickly. “I should have placed a bet on that game. I could’ve won something. As a detective, Mallory, you should know how important it is to recognize an opponent’s capabilities, a person’s flaws and weaknesses. Noticing details is crucial. My having this board should tell you I know how to play, and I don’t believe in pretending to lose to avoid wounding a man’s ego. Strategy is everything.”

  “I haven’t played in a long time. Watch out during our next game.”

  “I haven’t either, but I’m not as distracted as you are. That serial killer has you worried. When I leave the office, I try my best to forget about the violence and crimes I’ve seen and heard. I can tell you don’t.”

  “You’re right. I guess I’m a little rusty at social games. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m glad you don’t like to play the social merry-go-round. If I thought you did, you wouldn’t be here tonight.”

  Dan noticed the pictures on the mantle and asked, “Is that your family?” Andrea’s mood noticeably changed and her eyes looked sad.

  “Yes, my parents are on the right and my sister is on the left.”

  “Do they live here in Augusta?” he asked.

  “No, I lost them in a car wreck years ago. I have relatives who live in Ohio, but I don’t get to see them much. How about you? Where’s your family located?”

  “I’m from Richmond, Virginia. Both of my parents are still living there as well as my brother and his family. Andi, I’m sorry about your folks. It must be tough during the holidays.”

  “Yes, it is. But I’ve made great friends and have a good job. Cindi planned an outrageous thirtieth birthday for me this year. I still miss my parents and my sister, but you have to go on and not let life crush you, so here I am. Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure,” Dan was surprised at the one she uttered.

  “Does Janie wear a one-piece or a two-piece?”


  “Tomorrow, at the lake. I’d like to get sun on my stomach, but I don’t want to be out there in a bikini if the only other female isn’t wearing one.”

  Dan wanted her to wear the skimpiest thing she could find. “I’ve only seen her wear two pieces at the lake.”

  Andrea smiled. “Thanks for not laughing at me. I wouldn’t want to be self conscious all day and I want to make a good impression on your friends.”

  “Just be yourself. Mory and Janie are good people, you’re going to get along fine. And I think you’d make a good impression on anyone. I know what I think of you and no one’s tougher than me. I’d better go. I’ll pick you up in the morning around eight thirty.”

  “I’ll be ready. Drive carefully.” As Andrea closed the door behind him, she smiled to herself. He was certainly handsome and charming. Cindi had beamed at her all evening. She thought about how many times Dan had said “not in a long time”. Was he lonely, eager for companionship, or a hot love affair? Was he wary of women and commitments, as she was of men and bonds? Dan was eight years older than her. Was he a confirmed bachelor? He hadn’t mentioned a previous marriage, but one hardly did that on a first date. Whatever, she knew she wanted to get to know him better, but not with marriage in mind. For a time, she wanted to enjoy his companionship as she decided what the future might hold. Being close to him as he worked on the much-publicized Avenger case would be a great benefit to her, she decided. Too bad they hadn’t met sooner since they had arrived in town close to the same time and both had careers in law enforcement. Bedtime, girl, you have an early, busy, long day tomorrow.

  Dan enjoyed the most peaceful sleep he remembered having in a long time. No dreams had awakened him in the middle of the night and rendered him unable to fall back asleep. His bed sheets were dry as opposed to the sweat-drenched ones he had become accustomed to lately. He had resigned himself that he might never have a peaceful night after his year in ‘Nam. The army therapist who had been assigned his case had told him the dreams would dissipate over time. But they hadn’t.

  In New York, he had worked himself until he fell in the bed, sheer exhaustion overcoming his body and forcing itself to rest. In his marriage to Kristi, he had found peace for a short while. Until her betrayal had caused the night terrors to return. When a fellow police officer took a lethal bullet intended for him, he had sunk to a new low in his life. He had tried to escape to Georgia, but Evil was everywhere.

  Things had been good and easy for a while, but the Avenger case had brought on the nightmares again. So much gore, hatred and violence. Yet, he didn’t remember a single dream upon awakening this morning. Dan wondered if it had to do with Andrea and the wonderful evening they’d enjoyed. He quickly dressed and packed to pick her up for their day on the boat, a smile on his face.

  Chapter Eight

Saturday afternoon, June 30th

  Andrea laughed out loud as she recalled the afternoon spent on Mory’s boat. “Sorry, Dan, I was just thinking about the story Janie told me today. I’d like to see the pictures of that episode in New England.” She laughed again when she heard him groan and saw his grimace. “You know, she probably wouldn’t have told that story if you hadn’t thrown her in the lake.”

  “It was the only way I could think of to shut her up.”

  “You know what they say, Dan: ‘Payback’s a bitch’.”

  “Yeah, and I’m gonna get her back, too. It might take me a while to think of something good enough for that one. I still can’t believe she told you about that.”

  “I still can’t believe you did it.”

  Dan looked away from the road for a minute to glance at her. He couldn’t help but smile at the mischievous look on Andrea’s face. Her nose had gotten slightly burned, even though she’d applied sunscreen throughout the day, but she looked wonderful to him. He liked the way she had gotten along so well with his friends and knew Mory and Janie liked her. The two couples had laughed almost the entire day.

  As he turned his attention back towards the road, his mind wandered to the time he had put the lotion on Andrea’s back and shoulders. Damn, if they’d been out there alone, there’s no telling what might have happened. A little “afternoon delight”, as the song goes. He was getting a hard-on now just thinking about it. He wondered if Andrea had also felt aroused when he touched her bare skin.

  Andrea looked straight ahead as she thought about the great time she’d had today and couldn’t remember the last time she’d had so much fun. The relaxed camaraderie between the three old friends had been obvious and they’d eased her into their midst with much teasing and delight. Her face hurt from smiling and her sides were sore from laughing as Mory and Janie told her many stories about the younger Dan Mallory. He’d told a few of his own, but none had equaled theirs. She was sure there had been some exaggerating going on today, but it had added to the fun and had all been good-natured.


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