Necessary Evil

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Necessary Evil Page 28

by Janelle Taylor

  “But why didn’t you call me for help?”

  “You were busy trying to catch a serial killer. I’m a big girl and used to taking care of myself. Besides, a nice doctor finishing a shift drove me home because the sedative made me groggy. I picked up my car from the hospital Tuesday after my wits cleared. Dr. Peters didn’t want me going home alone Monday night with a horny taxi driver while I was too dazed to protect myself.”

  “How generous of him. I’m sure he’ll be by again to check on you. Did you invite him inside for coffee or a drink?”

  “Yes, but Doctor Peters was tired and eager to hit the sack. She’s a caring person, very nice and pretty. She called to check on me Tuesday and yesterday.”

  “She?” Andrea nodded and grinned. “You little sneak. You were trying to make me jealous, weren’t you?”

  “You think I’d do a thing like that?” she teased in a heavy southern drawl, batted her thick eyelashes, then laughed merrily. “Guilty as charged, Lieutenant Mallory, and I thought you underestimated Southern women. I’m having you watched all the time. I have spies everywhere. Whenever you forget me for a few days, I have to do something desperate to remind you I’m alive.”

  “So, you’re the one stalking me and tapping my phone. I thought it was the Avenger and that’s how he’s staying one step ahead of me.”

  “Just make certain he never steps up behind you.”

  “I cringe every time I check out a crime scene and see what he does to his victims.” Dan gave a playful shudder and grimace.

  “It isn’t any more painful for him to bugger those men than it was when they sodomized those women. Sorry, but I think an eye for an eye is perfect punishment since they escaped justice. Or maybe that’s my meds talking.”

  “Yes, but if he let them live, they would endure the same living hell those women still exist in. Why kill them and end their suffering and punishment? Somewhere in their murders lies a vital clue. Maybe the female victim who supplies his motive was killed. I should look into cases where the woman was raped, then murdered.”

  “That could be what drives him.” Andrea sat on the chair’s arm. “Maybe he doesn’t know who his target is and he’s just being systematic and thorough. Maybe he hopes, if he gets all rapists, he’ll punish the right one. He could be copying the motive’s case by not leaving any witnesses to expose him.”

  “I think you’re partially right. He has to kill them to keep them silent. But why? What secret could they tell?”

  “They must see his face and hear his voice before he murders them. He probably doesn’t want them to live to identify either one.”

  “Yes, but a jury might acquit a crazed man on rape charges, but never for murder. He’s condemning himself by killing his victims.”

  “If you catch him.”

  “I will.” After a heavy sigh, he said, “Something else is nagging me. The rapes are never the same.”

  “What do you mean? I thought his MO was copying his victim’s deeds: do unto them what they did unto others, sort of thing.”

  “That’s right, but he doesn’t go after just one type of MO. Plus, the female victims have all been different: a grandmother, a sixteen year old, a single mother. Karen was a bride-to-be, Lisa was living with her boyfriend, and Paula was a high society rich girl. There isn’t a single similarity in female victims or how they were tortured that ties any of these cases together, except that the Avenger went after their attackers. They have nothing in common: hair color, age, and lifestyle, whatever. So, why did he select these females to avenge?”

  “I see what you mean, Dan. Perhaps the only common thread is the high level of brutality involved. That foot print you mentioned. How do you know it wasn’t his?”

  “Henri said it indicated a height of five-six to five-nine and a weight of one twenty to one forty. No one that size could overpower big, strong men. Dangerous men from their records. The Avenger has to be big and strong himself to attack them, move their bodies around, and prevent them from fighting back and getting away. He also has to be someone easy to trust, since there’s never any evidence of a break in.”

  “Do you realize how much I’m learning from you? I can’t wait to enter law school next spring. I’ll be a jump ahead on criminal investigation just from knowing you. Hopefully, I’ll have learned enough from you and Raymond that I won’t make the kind of mistakes that allow the guilty to go free. Although, with the way laws change, some of my knowledge will be outdated by the time I’m actually practicing.”

  “Why next spring? Why not fall quarter? The sooner you begin, the sooner you’ll be out to battle criminals and aid justice.”

  “Money. I need to save enough so I’ll only have to work part time. Law school is hard. I learned that from studying to be a legal secretary and by working with the DA.”

  “If you move in with me, you won’t need to work at all. You can go to school and study all you need. How about it, Andi?” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. What the hell is wrong with me? I don’t want to lose her, he thought. It’s not fair that I’ve asked her this when I know I’m not in a position to enlighten her about my past right now. Damn!

  “When would I have time to study if I’m busy taking care of you and our place? You love being spoiled and pampered, remember?”

  “School and study can have your days. I’ll only demand your nights and weekends. Sometimes my job even requires a lot of those times, too, so you’d have plenty of study hours. That’s a fair deal, isn’t it?” Why am I arguing with her? She’s giving me a way to backtrack and I’m trying to change her mind. I can’t tell her everything, so I’d better let this slide for now.

  “Says Dan until he arrives home to find the place messy, no dinner on the table, no clean clothes to wear, no sex because of a big exam or paper due the next day. It wouldn’t work, Dan. We both need our space.”

  “I’ve been on my own for years and doing fine until you came along to tempt me into changing my lifestyle. I don’t need someone to take care of all that for me: I’m quite capable myself. Sounds as if you have first hand knowledge.”

  “I was married when I was very young. My college sweetheart. We got married and I got pregnant. Only I miscarried and he blamed me. Just as he blamed me for everything that wasn’t perfect in our home. Dinners had to be on time and the shirt he wanted to wear had to be ironed and ready to go. I decided after just one year that he would have to work out his problems for himself. I wasn’t going to be his verbal punching bag any longer. My parents and sister were killed right before that. Just give me some time. It’s hard for me to give up my space.”

  “I was married before too—but I’ll tell you about it another time—so I understand the pain that comes from a bad relationship and the worries you might have about the past repeating itself. I hope you know I’m nothing like your ex-husband. I only want to spend more time with you. Why don’t we just take a while longer to think about it, okay?”

  “Okay, Dan, but no pressure. All right? This is a big change, a huge decision, for us, and right when we both need our thoughts and energies elsewhere. I’m committed to helping Ray until after the next election. Even though I haven’t done much this week. Thank goodness I have Cindi to lean on. So, let’s agree to be monogamous but wait until...say New Year’s Eve to make a decision about sharing a home.”

  “Agreed. Let’s get all of our obstacles out of the way and take advantage of our last five months of freedom. By January 1st, 1991, we’ll be ready to stay status quo or take it to the next level.”

  “Agreed. At least you’ve had a breather from James Starr and TV cameras since Wednesday. Too bad it took something so awful to steal the headlines and limelight. I wonder what will happen with this Gulf War.”

  “President Bush has his hands full with those terrorists. Kuwait’s our ally. Iraq was brazen to invade it yesterday. War’s hell, Andi, so I hope this Hussein’s greed doesn’t draw us into a skirmish over there. I’m starved, woman, for f
ood and you.”

  Since her hand was hurt, Dan cooked them a simple dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread. After gently making love, he held her in his arms while they slept. Even the brief talk about Kuwait and Iraq did not evoke Dan’s nightmares about Vietnam. Tonight he was too tired, sated, and relaxed to dream about anything or anybody.

  Monday morning, August 6th

  “Andi, I’m probably going to be tied up for the next two or three days. I went to the Captain to change our stakeouts. I thought maybe the Avenger knew about them and is laying off those men. But the Big Brass called them off the stake-outs. Said it’s a waste of money and manpower since we’re not getting any results.”

  “Dan, I’m sorry. We knew it was a long shot to pull the right target, but at least you gave it a chance. Maybe you, Mory, and some of your best friends can do the stakeouts for a while.”

  “That’s asking too much from them. They have busy lives and too little free time as it is.”

  “What are you going to do now?”

  “I have some digging in mind. I need more facts before this weekend rolls around and the Avenger hands me another dead body. I’ve got a bachelor party tomorrow night for Bob. He’s getting married this Friday night, a small family and friend's affair. If it works out, I’d like for us to have dinner with Mory and Janie this weekend. She’s having a rough time being a homicide detective’s wife. Maybe you can help her, be a good influence on her. What about Saturday night if nothing comes up?’

  “Sounds nice to me. Good luck, Dan. Call me if you need anything, or if you just need to talk. I’ll be here or at work or with Cindi.”

  “Thanks, Andi. You don’t know how much that means to me.”

  “You’re welcome, Dan. I’ll see you in a couple of days. It was a great weekend.”

  “Yes, it was. Actually, woman, more than great.”

  Tuesday night, August 7th

  “Hey, hombre, despartarse! You heard me, wake up! Your left side is no good to the camera. Turn a little to the derecha,” the Avenger whispered. “The light, she is pretty good, so it must be your feo la cara; yep, your ugly face. I want something to show my amigos, like you showed your amigos the video of Grace. We’re going to have as much diversion with this as ya’ll had with yours. I have the feeling we’re gonna watch this one over and over again. If you’re really good, I might be able to sell it on the open market. Now, turn a little more to your right. The ropes too tight? That’s too bad. Move. What’s the matter, Manuel? You didn’t really think you’d get away with it, did you? Si, I guess you did, since the courts turned you loose. But thwarted Justicia has an amigo on her side: Mi.”

  The commanding voice behind him caused Manuel Greene to shake. Ave demonios, the Avenger had come after him! Why? That puta had been wanting him for years, ever since he married her sister. Grace was always looking at him and giving him those eyes. He knew she wanted him. That afternoon she had come over asking for the dinero her husband wanted was just a cover. Grace just used that as an excuse to get into his apartment and do him good and dirty. Her husband probably only did the missionary position. His amigos had loved the video they made. Some had even made copies to add to their porno collections. So why was this demente Diablo after him?

  “Grace wanted you to make that movie with her as much as you’re wanting me to make this one of you, didn’t she? She only told the police it was rape after she found out you were distributing it to your friends and she was scared her husband would find out about it. Grace didn’t want her man to know she’d been cheating on him, so she came up with her rape story, right? You’ll probably tell the same thing later when my friends are watching this, but you won’t mean it any more than she did, will you?”

  Manuel strained against the ropes. He couldn’t move more than an inch either way. Something was wrapped around his head and stuffed in his mouth. Cielos! Was that bestia biting him? His shoulder throbbed as he tried to pull away from the attacker’s teeth. Manuel felt the Avenger leave the bed, heard him walk over to the machine and touch some buttons.

  “Now, Manuel. This has to look like you’re enjoying it or no one will buy that you didn’t want it. Do you remember the talk you had with Grace? You threatened to kill her and her husband. You cut her with a knife and beat her when she struggled. I’m going to give you the same instructions. You don’t have a wife, because all of them left you after you beat them. But you do have a dog. Wonder how he would like it if I were to cut off his balls? Or should I start with his ears? Come here, puppy,” the Avenger called.

  No! Not his dog. That mutt had been with him for years, through all the women. Nobody touched his dog but him. If that Diablo put one hand on Blackie, he’d tie him up and let Blackie have a go at him. Loco bastarda probably liked to do dogs, too, but he wouldn’t be happy by the time Blackie chewed his nuts. He heard a yelp through the band around his head and tried to curse his attacker. Leave my damn dog alone!

  “Now, Blackie seems to understand what I’ve been saying. Manuel, he’s all right for now, but he won’t be if you don’t cooperate with me. Let’s try this again. I want to hear moans and I want it to sound like you’re really loving what I’m doing. You ass is turning me on.”

  Manuel felt the hands on his bare behind and tried not to flinch. He’d do what he had to until this bestia got tired and then he’d sic Blackie on him. He was sure the dog would want a piece of the Avenger’s ass for what he had done to the animal. He felt a pain on his rear as that thought flashed through his mind.

  “Mmmmm. I love ass and yours tastes pretty good for a mixed breed. Arch your back up some for this next scene and make it look like I really hurt you.” The Avenger took a hunting knife and slashed it across Manuel’s back. Blood mingled with sweat trickled down his sides. “Now, I’m going to take this gag out of your mouth. When I do, I want you to tell me you want to suck my cock. If you say anything else, I’ll be forced to cut off your dog’s other ear. Do you understand me, Manuel? Don’t mess this up, or you and Blackie will both be sorry.”

  Manuel heard his attacker come around to his head and his gag was removed. He wanted to say the words, but they died in his throat. His mouth was dry from fear, so he managed to gasp out, “Water.” As the blade sliced into his back again from hip bone to shoulder blade, he yelped in surprise for the demon to stop, “Alto!”

  “That’s not what I told you to say, Manuel. Let’s try again, shall we? My knife hand is getting itchy, and my patience is wearing thin. Do it, muchacho.”

  “I want to suck your cock. Give it to me,” Manuel hoarsely whispered.

  “Say it like you mean it. Tell me you want me to shoot off in your mouth.”

  “I want to suck your cock. Give it to me and shoot it in my mouth. Por favor,” he begged. He didn’t want that knife slicing across his back again or touching his dog. He was going to kill the Diablo when this was over. And that Grace puta was gonna be sorry she had told the policia about him. He arched against the agony as a monstruo serpiente was shoved deep into his mouth. What was he supposed to do now? The Avenger answered his unspoken question.

  “Suck me off, Manuel. Make it good. If I don’t feel good all the way to my toes, I’m gonna get Blackie. Maybe he’ll want to fuck your other end while I’m busy at this one. Show my friends how much you want me. That’s what Grace did. She showed everybody how much she wanted you, didn’t she? Now, it’s your turn.”

  Manuel felt the prick slide in and out of his mouth. His dry lips cracked against its huge size and the rough thrusting as he tried to look like he was enjoying it. He moaned from disgust and fear more than enjoyment, but he hoped it was sufficient to make this pervert come. He knew it was as he felt warm fluid gush into him. Immediately following a release of cum, the sock was rammed into his mouth and the gag replaced.

  “Swallow, Manuel. My juices taste good, don’t they? How do I want to set up the next scene? Let’s see, how did the video go? I remember.”

  The matching torture continued. O
ccasionally, the gag was removed for Manuel to voice his “desires” as the Avenger pretended to videotape the continued assault and humiliation. His spirit was nearly broken when the attacker moved behind him and ordered, “Say you want me to shove it in hard and deep. Tell me how you’ve always wanted it this way. How much you’ve always wanted me. Tell me, Manuel. Now, my puta.”

  “Jamas! Fuck you and fuck that perro! I don’t give a shit what you do to him, you loco Diablo. I’m going to kill you when this is over, Bestia. I’ll never say it. Jamas!”

  “Never say never, Manuel, my puta.” The Avenger brought the hunting knife against Manuel’s testicles and said, “Tell me, Manuel, pronto, or you will lose these two balls. Say you want me to fuck you, or I’ll make it so you never fuck again.” Just to prove the point, the knife nicked a small area of skin on the underside of his scrotum.

  Manuel shrieked, “Bestia! Somebody’s going to get you for this. You are demente, man, real demente. Leave my balls alone.” He relented after another nick. “Okay. Fuck me, hombre, like I’ve always wanted you to do.”

  “That wasn’t convincing, Manuel. Try again,” the Avenger whispered angrily. The knife started at this knees and slowly went up Manuel’s thigh until it reached his limp penis against the bed.

  “Por favor, I’ll do whatever you want. Just leave my palo alone. Fuck me. Fuck me up the ass with that big cock of yours. I’ve always wanted you this way, so do it to me good and hard. Shoot that wad up my ass. I want it bad, amigo. Do it hard.” Manuel began to cry. He felt the head against his anus and cringed at the indignity of what was happening to him. Women were supposed to be fucked, not men. His mind raged against the siege as his body rocked with the rhythm and he cried pleas for more. He felt warm sperm squirt into his rear and sighed with relief. It was over.


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