Necessary Evil

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Necessary Evil Page 34

by Janelle Taylor

  Remove her blindfold; restore her power;

  Let criminals learn it’s their judgment hour.

  “What do you make of it, Mory? Henri? Think he’s done?”

  The medical examiner shrugged. “Sounds that way to me.”

  “Why now?” Dan mumbled.

  Henrietta shrugged again, as Mory speculated, “Either he’s gotten his target among our vics, or bloody slaughter has gotten to him, too. Maybe he never knew who his real target was. Or maybe never had one. Maybe something just pushed him over the sanity line for a while. Maybe this gory mess shocked him awake.”

  “Only one problem with part of that theory, partner; he came with the resignation note. I have a gut feeling the rage in this killing is a clue. I think he’s ground zero. The Avenger’s motive, driving force.”

  “Sounds logical to me, Dan. So let’s concentrate on McCleary and the Darnell’s. But, Lordy, I hope he’s done.”

  “You think Starr made a picture of this new note?” After Henrietta nodded, Dan said, “I’ve got to go see the Captain immediately. If James runs a copy of this in tomorrow’s paper, we’ll have anarchy on our hands. We need to find a judge to halt it. Inciting crimes and endangering public safety should give us suppression grounds.”

  “I’ll call you as soon as the results of the tests and autopsy come in, but I’m sure it’s our same guy.”

  “Thanks, Henri. Let’s go, partner,” he told Mory.

  Dan wanted to see or speak with Andrea. She always helped him clear his mind and feel better. After the battle that went on in the judge’s chambers earlier, he needed her comfort. He called her from his cell phone and smiled when she answered. “How did your check up go yesterday? Is everything all right?”

  “The doc said I seem to be in perfect health. He refilled my birth control prescription but wanted to know when I was going to settle down and let him deliver some babies for me. I told him it would be awhile because of law school. His nurse did my blood work, Pap smear, and mammogram; but I won’t have those results for a week or two. Is that TMI, Dan?”

  “What’s TMI?”

  “Too Much Information, you know, about female stuff? I figured if we’re going to be moving in together next month, it’s time you get used to female stuff. Who knows, in a pinch, you might have to pick up my pills or a box of tampons or pads. There’s no telling what a man could find in a woman’s bathroom, purse, or closet. Don’t worry, I promise to do some house cleaning and relocating of feminine items before we shack up.”

  Andrea laughed and paused before hinting, “You’re awfully quiet and hesitant, Dan. Is it because you’ve been married and know all this personal stuff about women? Or is something else bothering you? Getting commitment cold feet? If so, don’t worry. Our original D-Day was New Year’s Eve. We can return to it. I won’t be angry or upset, I promise.”

  “I haven’t changed my Decision Day or changed my mind.”

  “So why do you sound strange. What’s up?”

  “The Avenger struck again last night. This time it was a little too close to home. You know the computer operator, Tracy Daniels, I told you about her and our project?”

  “Yes, I remember. I’ve seen her around and spoken to her.”

  “It’s her brother.”

  “Is he the victim or the Avenger?”

  “The victim. The worst one we’ve had so far. It was gory. She found his body.”

  “Tracy was related to—hold on a second, Dan... It’s in the second cabinet, Cindi. Sorry, Cindi and Brian got in a big fight after her reunion this past weekend. She’s staying here until he calms down. He didn’t do so well meeting her old boyfriends at the party. Good thing you didn’t call last night during serious girl talk. Bad news would have darkened our moods even more. Did the Avenger leave any clues this time?”

  “None that we’ve found so far. I just can’t believe Tracy worked so close to this investigation and me and didn’t tell us she might have a connection. Somehow, she duped me completely. Captain Bolton is furious. We just spent an hour in the judge’s chambers trying to stop Starr from printing the last note from the Avenger. It’s a shocker. Could be trouble.”

  “How did Starr get a hold of the note?”

  “Tracy called him before she called us.”

  “Dan, I’m so sorry. Did the judge issue the order to keep the paper from printing it? Is Starr involved with Tracy in any way? What reason did she give for calling him?”

  “Yes, the restraining order was issued and Mory’s serving it now. Tracy said she wanted to collect the reward money, but I’m not sure she’s telling the truth. She kept the information about her brother a secret, so why should I believe her when she says she’s not involved with Starr?”

  “Maybe she didn’t tell you about her brother because she didn’t want anyone to know she was related to such a monster.”

  “Do you remember Glenda Darnell’s case?”

  “Doesn’t sound familiar. I’ll pull the file for you after I get to the office. Cindi and I aren’t going in until noon. I’ll see how far the girls got on the others you requested. What was Tracy’s brother’s name? When was his crime or trial?”

  “Alan McCleary. Four to five years ago. Been in a mental institution for three years. Just got out. Was staying with Tracy.”

  “Who knew he was released, back in town, and staying with his sister? Who knew she wouldn’t be at home, other than her, Starr and her date?”

  “Great questions, woman. Thanks. You know I’m dying to see you. I can use some good loving.”

  “I’m sorry, Dan. Cindi is staying over for a while. Why don’t you come by the office in the morning for coffee and those files?”

  “That’s fine, Andi. Thanks. I’ve got to head back to meet with the Captain.”

  “Are you going to press charges against Tracy for keeping her past a secret?”

  “There’s not much we can do about it. Far as I know, it doesn’t break any law. We can’t prove she had anything to do with her brother’s murder or any of the others. She does have auburn hair.”

  “Do you think Tracy could be involved with the Avenger in any way?”

  “I don’t know, Andi. I just don’t know.”

  “Why don’t you come over tonight for a drink and a hug? It sounds like you can use them.”

  “I’ll let you know what my schedule is later today. Things may be breaking fast. Why don’t you and Cindi just plan on dinner and girl talk?”

  “Dan? Be careful. Don’t drive yourself crazy with this. You couldn’t have known she was related to a potential victim. There’s nothing you could have done to prevent this. Nothing.”

  “I know, but it doesn’t make it any easier to stomach.”

  “I know. I’ll talk to you later today and see you tomorrow.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Dan got to headquarters about ten thirty to speak with the Captain about James and a possible wiretap. He wasn’t surprised when Bolton told him they didn’t have enough circumstantial evidence or just cause to warrant one, since Tracy had told them she had placed the call. It was obvious to Dan that Bolton was just as disappointed and angered by this morning’s activities as he was.

  While Mory was looking for Starr to serve the suppression papers, Dan pulled Alan McCleary’s and Glenda Darnell’s case files, collected their evidence boxes, and returned to his office. Before he started going through them and his new case notes, Dan called downstairs and requested a police car go over to the Darnell’s and keep Starr and other media away from the family until he could arrive to question them tomorrow morning. He gave strict orders that no one was allowed to approach the house without his permission. Parents, a younger brother and a boyfriend were listed in Glenda’s report.

  Dan cleared his and Mory’s desks to spread out items concerning both old cases. His gaze and fingers went back and forth as he learned Alan had pleaded insanity at the hearing, was ruled incompetent to stand trial and had been confined in a mental inst
itution. He was released a week ago after undergoing treatment for the past three years. Reading further, Dan realized Alan could have gotten off anyway. Paul Cannon had been the one to arrest him that night. The ex-police officer had been drunk on duty and had not Mirandized him properly. A good attorney would have gotten the charges dropped on a technicality and Alan would have been walking the streets again a few hours later. Damn! This case was driving him crazy. Was Paul somehow involved in this string of murders? He might not have been the one to pull the trigger, but had he been the one to supply the Avenger with the details of the cases? Was it only coincidental Paul’s name was connected to two of the cases?

  Mory returned about noon. He told Dan he’d found Starr in his editor’s office and neither man was pleased about the judge’s order. “They’re planning to see the judge in an hour to try to change his mind. All we can do is hope we don’t see the Avenger’s note and crime scene photos in tomorrow morning’s paper. At least the TV media doesn’t have copies or Tracy’s exclusive interview to blast across the airwaves. Why don’t we grab lunch before you catch me up on all you’ve learned? Looks like we have a lot to go through,” he said, nodding toward their cluttered desks.

  “I’m more than ready for a break and food. Before we return, we’ll get Ray’s file on the Darnell/McCleary cases and trial. We’re also to pick up some other files Andi had pulled for us. The Avenger may be tricking us about retirement so we’ll let down our guard. Or he could pass along his list of targets and their copied files to a chosen successor or current partner.”

  “Lordy, Dan, let’s hope to God he’s finished and nobody takes over for him.”

  “Even if both are true, partner, we still have a killer to catch and crimes to solve.”

  “Or a ghost returned to his grave and a bunch of future cold cases.”

  At eight o’clock, Dan drove home slowly as he continued to try to sort out the pieces of the puzzling cases. His lunch with Mory had been relaxing and nourishing, with no shop talk. Both Andrea and Cindi had been out on errands for Raymond when they went to the DA.’s office. But the requested files were waiting to be picked up by him. He and Mory had returned to their office and worked for hours on the old and new cases. They had halted briefly at four to get partial reports from Henrietta and Harold. The two detectives had exchanged scowls when the reports failed to shed any new light on their mystery vigilante and his killing spree. Since there was no convenient stopping place, all they could do was quit work for the day at six.

  After treading a path in his carpet with a scotch in his hand, Dan gave up and decided to go to bed. He needed to get some sleep for a clear head tomorrow, but he couldn’t settle down. His gut instinct was usually right, just as it had been in Vietnam and New York. Back then, he had followed his feelings and done what he must, but look where it had gotten him. He knew who the guilty bastards were in New York and why, but he couldn’t prove it. Those same instincts were telling him something, something vitally important about this blend of cases. He just couldn’t seem to put his hands on what they were trying to tell him. He needed to talk to Andrea. She always understood how he felt and always made him feel better but it was too late to call. He guessed she had had a late, busy night last night and tonight with her company, and a long busy day at work. He had eaten dinner on the way home, then taken a long, warm shower. Why did Cindi have to fight with Brian now and steal my time with Andi? he moaned.

  Wednesday morning, August 22nd

  Dan smiled when he saw the number on his caller ID, just the person he wanted and needed to talk to right now. He mouthed for Mory to give him some privacy, who quickly complied. “Good morning, Ms. Arquette. Sorry I didn’t call or come by for drinks. I’m sure you and Cindi kept busy yesterday and last night. Sorry, too, I missed you at your office. Those files you left for me kept me and Mory swamped until we were exhausted and called it a day. I ate, showered, and crashed, after help from two scotches.”

  “Almost sounds like my day and night. We got one case settled, then caught another one this afternoon: a violent B&E. Had to work late.”

  When he stayed quiet, she asked, “I saw the paper this morning, Dan. Are you okay?”

  “So-so. Captain Bolton was in the Sheriff’s office early this morning. Several people said they heard him all the way down the hall. Starr really outdid himself on this one. We were lucky to get the judge to keep him from printing the last note the Avenger left, but we couldn’t justify withholding everything. The interview with Tracy Daniels was powerful. She must have really hated her brother.”

  “I think that’s an understatement. Not that I blame her after everything he’s put her and her family through. Have you talked with her anymore?”

  “No. The Captain requested to handle that one personally. I’d hate to have been in her shoes after he finished with her. She withheld crucial information and betrayed our trust in her. Then she gives Starr a huge scoop. She won’t be allowed to work here again. Can’t trust her not to be Starr’s new tipster. Claims she doesn’t know how the Avenger knew she’d be out yesterday and last night.”

  “Have you interviewed Glenda Darnell’s parents and others yet?”

  “Do you know them? Did you know her?”

  “Never met any of them. That case was before my arrival in Augusta. I bet it’s going to be hard on her parents to rehash that time in their lives. Have you considered taking a female officer with you? It might make it easier on them. If one’s not available, do you want me to go along? I can take notes for Ray and to update our files. Plus, I have to add McCleary to our Avenger file.”

  “I’d love to have your help and company, Andi. I’m sure Mory won’t mind you taking his place on this one. This is going to be rough. Especially since I feel so damn guilty about Tracy being involved on this one. The woman whose brother mutilated their daughter was supposedly helping me! I still can’t believe it.”

  “Me, either. What time do you want to pick me up?”

  “Is ten okay? Then we can grab lunch before we both return to work.”

  “Both are fine with me.”

  “Andi, are you sure Ray doesn’t mind if you go?”

  “I’m sure it’s fine with him, Dan.”



  “Thank you. This really means a lot to me.”

  “You’re welcome, Dan. I’ll see you in thirty.”

  “See you then.”

  “I brought notes with me to study on the way,” Andrea said as she got into Dan’s car. “Her parents are sure to be devastated. Do they know we’re coming and why?”

  “I called to ask Mrs. Darnell if I could come by and ask them some questions. I didn’t tell her what was going on, but if she’s been reading the papers or watching the news, she knows what’s happened. I did assign a squad car to keep the media at bay.” Dan frowned as he mentally kicked himself for not going to talk to them yesterday.

  “I hope they missed the news and haven’t read the paper yet.” Andrea glanced over at him and asked, “How did the Avenger know that monster had been released? How did he select McCleary as a target? The paper said he was only out for a week.”

  “No idea, Andi. We didn’t have his file with the others.”

  “Don’t blame yourself, Dan, because we didn’t go back that far. Even if we had, he was still in custody when we pulled the first batch of files. Another thing, he didn’t get off scot-free like the other victims. He was found guilty and confined for years, just not in prison. I studied as much of that case and trial as time allowed since yesterday. I can’t believe they released him this soon. How could he be healed in three years after what he did to her? You’ll probably think I’m terrible, Dan, but I can’t say that I’m sorry he’s dead. I just hate for the Darnells to have to face this nightmare again.”

  “If they’re like almost everyone else, they’ll be glad he’s gone, too. Tell me what you learned before we get there.”

  “What happened to that poor
girl was horrible. The photos and reports were heartrending, Dan. If she hadn’t killed herself, plastic surgery could have repaired some of the facial and body damage. But you can’t grow a new ear. You can’t grow a new clitoris. You can’t conceal all those cuts and scars. You can’t re-grow hair that was yanked out in patches more than skin deep. How do you ignore what you see in the mirror? It makes me ill and angry to think of what that bastard did to her. He’s as responsible for her death as if he killed her. He should have been charged and imprisoned for murder.”

  “You think her brother or boyfriend would avenge her?”

  “I don’t know, Dan. I never met them. But I think they would have done something closer to the time of the attack rather than four years later. When she committed suicide, he was locked away in an institution.”

  Dan stopped in front of the Darnell’s. “Are you sure you’re up for this, Andi?”

  “I’ll be fine, Dan. I’ve seen a lot of violence and evil in my job, especially lately with the Avenger case. I just hate this rehash for them.”

  Dan noticed several pictures of Glenda displayed on the walls as they were guided down a long hallway to the den where they were now sitting. She had been a beautiful girl—nothing like the pathetic creature he had seen in the old crime photos yesterday. How in the world, he wondered, did Harold take such an abundance of close up gory photos and Henrietta do autopsies on so many mutilated bodies, and not go insane? How could they be so up close and personal with such grisly crime scenes and get any peace and sleep? Vietnam had been horrible. Gory. Grisly. Mutilations. Bloody. Cruel. Insane. Pure Evil. On the other hand, Harold and Henrietta didn’t normally have this many murders and such brutality to deal with in such a short time span. Neither did he nor Andrea.

  After they were seated, Mrs. Darnell revealed, “Tracy Daniels called and told us that maniac was being released. We couldn’t believe it. I’ve had nightmares every night since then. I’m glad he’s been sent to the hell he deserved. He won’t ever be able to do that to anyone else again,” Mrs. Darnell wiped at tears racing down her face. “I still can’t believe it ended this way. Have you found out who this mysterious Avenger is?”


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