Daughter of Earth (Tales of the Guardian)

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Daughter of Earth (Tales of the Guardian) Page 6

by Brianna Merrill

  “Are there many Guardians that need her help?”

  “I suppose at one point or another they all need her guidance and direction, but not always because they do not like or feel comfortable with what they are doing. Sometimes it is because they want something more, enough that they are willing to break rules that have never been broken,” Olivia hinted. She finished Emily’s hair and went to fetch an outfit from the wardrobe.

  “You’re talking about Alexander?” Emily followed her.

  “Yes, I am. You should know he is the first one to ever have this desire to love someone such as he loves you. He is the first one to be willing to put aside the laws for his heart’s longings,” Olivia raised her eyebrows challenging Emily to say otherwise.

  “Xavier said something similar, but he said Alexander was a genuine ‘bad boy’.” Emily laughed out loud at the thought of Alexander being classified as such. “Which couldn’t be farther from the truth. He’s the best of the best and I don’t think they come better than him.” Emily paused, catching herself before she started sounding lovesick. Words could never fully encompass his effect on her, what she thought of him, how he made her feel and sometimes expressing those sincere feelings sounded cheesy when confessed out loud.

  Emily quickly dressed in loose cloth pants and a fitted smock that hit her just below the hips. It reminded her of something she might wear to a yoga class, or at least see someone wearing at a yoga class.

  Once she was ready, the two women headed downstairs. Again Alexander was waiting to meet them. It didn’t matter how many times she caught sight of him, it never failed to send her heart into a flutter. She hoped that never changed, it was a simple yet sweet reaction to his presence and it always made her feel giddy.

  The three of them immediately left for the Great Hall where the Governing Five often resided

  After the feast ended the night before, and Emily had greeted as many Guardians as she could, Damarus told her she would meet with the five elders before she began her first wave of training with him. He told her some answers would be provided and knowledge would be given.

  Emily was thrilled with the prospect of finally getting some answers. She hated not knowing what was expected of her. And, it would certainly make things seem a bit less fantasy or dream-like with a firm understanding of what was going on.

  The three walked at a brisk pace, keeping the conversation light, stopping briefly here and there to acknowledge and address a Guardian who wanted to meet Emily. It was a slightly uncomfortable feeling at first, being a kind of celebrity. However, she was growing more accustomed to it with each Guardian she met.

  When they reached the great hall, Olivia remained outside while Alexander and Emily entered. She clung to his hand with an anxious grip as they passed through the large doors.

  The building seemed very similar to the other structures in Eden. The only physical difference Emily saw was a round, stone table perfectly centered in the giant room.

  “It’s like the knights of the round table,” she suggested in a hushed tone. She’d always loved the stories of King Arthur and his knights.

  “Yes, it is, but I assure you we did it long before them,” Alexander chuckled.

  The Governing Five greeted the pair and then ushered them to the table where they all took a seat. This time there was a chair for Alexander. The table sat directly below a large glass skylight allowing the sun’s warmth to shine through. Emily would have felt more relaxed, basking in the warm rays, if she wasn’t so anxious.

  Everyone seemed to be holding his or her breath; everything about this experience was not only historical but also remarkable. Prophecies were something they had all often heard about but rarely, if ever, participated in fulfilling.

  Damarus was the first to speak, his soft baritone voice echoed off the surrounding walls.

  “Emily, we wish to express to you our profound gratitude. You were under no requirement to accept the call to come to Eden, yet you did, even though you did not know what was fully expected. This council’s objective is to provide you with some of those reasons why you have been called here, why you are needed. We believe for you to understand one role you will play in creating a new future, it is best to explain some history. This is not something we speak of often, because the origins are sacred and holy to us and we do not wish for things to become distorted or defiled. Much of this will be new information to Alexander, as well,” Damarus motioned toward him yet his eyes never left Emily.

  “But before I speak of our history I want to mention the prophecy and why we believe you are the chosen Daughter of Earth.

  “It has long been foretold that Eden’s gates would be opened to the human race, and one day Guardians and humans would no longer live apart, but together. Any human who wished to dwell among us would be permitted inside these walls. This time is not far, but first a war against evil must be waged before complete peace can be achieved. But I will leave this part for another time.”

  “The part I wish to concentrate on today is where the prophecy says a Guardian’s choice would be the key. A Guardian would select a Daughter of Earth. Even though we knew a human woman would be involved, we did not know how she would be selected. After Alexander proclaimed his love for you, which had never been done before, The Seer confirmed to us your fate was indeed tied to ours. There was no room for doubt about your relationship with Alexander. With that said, I believe you now need to know more about where we came from.”

  Damarus accepted Emily’s silence as encouragement. He began, “Guardians have been around from the very beginning. Though humans were created before us, we followed closely behind. It wasn’t long after humans were given life it became apparent they needed assistance. This world, even in its infancy, proved to be quite perilous. Humankind easily allowed jealousy and hate to creep into their minds and hearts, causing war and contention. Humans have a very specific purpose, one which is unique to them, Emily. But, they have always needed occasional help. This great need was recognized by a human we refer to as our First Mother.”

  Emily peeked quickly at Alexander who was directly across from her at the table. He sat between Mathaius and Aldara, and it was obvious he clung to each and every word. She knew Damarus was disclosing information Alexander had longed to discover.

  Damarus continued, “You see, humans used to be somewhat different in the beginning. They had access to great powers within themselves. They lived much longer than humans do now and they were much more in-tune with the core powers which were freely given to all of them. I will discuss this more when we begin your training.”

  Damarus moved on, speaking quickly, leaving no opportunity for questions.

  “Suffice it to say that the extent of their ‘supernatural abilities,’ if that is what you want to call them, stretched quite far. It wasn’t until humans began to allow evil to seep into their minds that they lost sight of the divinity within themselves. Evil has been around since before human creation, and it is known in many forms, Emily, but it has always been present. Many of our kind believe those Guardians who rebelled against our purpose were the beginning of the evil side and The Opposition. This is not so. They merely joined evil’s ranks and provided strength and power to The Opposition’s purpose.” Damarus was no longer looking at Emily. His gaze was set on something well past her shoulder, and he looked lost in some distant memory. He blinked to clear his mind.

  “But, I am straying from my point now,” Damarus took a cleansing breath. “The First Mother recognized the need for a greater balance, a good influence to help combat the evil which was beginning to take over the human race. But the creation of the Guardians was not going to be as straightforward as the humans’. It would take supernatural forces and deeper magic than most humans remembered was possible. But our First Mother knew these ways and she knew what it would take to bring about the birth of a being who would have abilities such as ours.

  “You see,” Damarus breathed out heavily, “just as a human is crea
ted by receiving something from their mother and something from their father—genes as you call them—so do Guardians need to receive something supernatural and also something human so they may, at times, have a human body. We, in a sense, are a mixture of genes. It was with this purpose in mind the First Mother, after everything was set in place for our creation, sacrificed her blood in the sacred Pool of Tibess. The very blood which ran through her veins spilled out into the life giving waters, creating the genetic mixture necessary for our creation.”

  Emily glanced at Alexander once more. This information was not what she’d expected and she could tell Alexander felt the same. His brows were furrowed and his lips formed a straight line. Emily wasn’t sure if he was confused or irritated, or just suspended in deep thought.

  Damarus continued his story completely unaware of the distress beginning to show on Alexander’s face.

  “That hallowed pool lies within Eden’s confines. This is one reason we reside here. A small stream runs from the Pool of Tibess carrying the waters to the Woods of Creo. This is where the Governing Five came to be, greeted at the time by The Seer. It was he who performed the sacred creation rite and then instructed us in our history and purpose. And, it is in that same location, within the Woods of Creo, Aldara goes to perform the creation ceremony for all Guardians. She gives a piece of herself to provide the supernatural gene and the traces of blood in the water provide the human gene. When it is finished, a newly created Guardian emerges.”

  Damarus paused and looked at Aldara. There was a deep respect and awe he carried for her.

  Emily’s mind was racing with all the information.

  “Damarus,” Emily hesitated for a moment. She wanted to make sure she did not say anything which would be inappropriate. “What do you mean when you say Aldara gives a piece of herself?”

  It was Aldara who spoke up this time; she could answer the question better than anyone. “Just as I gave a piece of myself to you, Emily. Your necklace, the emerald which permits you to travel as Guardians do, is a piece of me. That is why I was sent to you a few months ago. For you to gain entrance to Eden you needed to have a supernatural and human mixture, just as a Guardian would. However, since you were already created I had to place my powers into an object for your use.”

  Emily was awestruck. Aldara certainly epitomized motherly sacrifice. For that’s what all mothers truly did. They give of themselves continually to ensure their children’s survival and well-being. Aldara did this constantly and now she’d even done it for Emily.

  “Alexander and Olivia both have told me new Guardians have not been created for nearly a century. Why have you stopped creating them?” Deep within, Emily could feel where this conversation was headed. She would only need a verbal confirmation of what she felt she already knew.

  “The First Mother’s life giving blood can only last so long. The Pool of Tibess has been drained of it. This is why Aldara can no longer perform the creation ceremony; she does not have the needed human gene. Emily, this is one reason you are here. To restore the required human blood to the hallowed waters,” Damarus answered.

  His words hung in the air, waiting to be absorbed and accepted.

  It was as Emily suspected. When Alexander spoke to her about the Guardians’ population it had pricked her heart. Something within her had stirred. It all made sense now, why a human would be needed in Eden, why she not only saw a dagger in her dream, but carved on her chair.

  Why wouldn’t it require humans to sacrifice themselves to help Guardians continue to thrive? That was what Guardians did for her and her kind all the time. Sacrifice gives birth to the need for more sacrifice.

  Emily’s thoughts were working at the speed of light. She was about to speak up, interested in learning more, but Alexander beat her to it. His expression did not convey acceptance.

  He stood abruptly and slammed his hands down on the table creating an earsplitting thud.

  “NO!” There was an edge to his voice Emily had never heard before. “I did not bring her here so she could be treated like an animal for slaughter.”

  Aldara placed her hand upon Alexander’s, “My son, no one is planning on killing Emily, or even letting her sacrifice herself. The blood can be given a little at a time. And no one will force Emily to do it. It will be her choice.”

  Alexander pulled his hand from Aldara’s grasp. He looked directly at Emily, his eyes pleading. A sadness had taken over his face, one Emily wanted to erase, but she knew she couldn’t.

  “You don’t have to do this Emily,” he shook his head.

  Tears began to form in her eyes. Not because she was frightened with what was being asked, but because she was about to hurt him.

  “I’ll do it. If this means you will have the ability to create more of your kind, then I’ll do it.”

  Emily turned her head, she could not meet Alexander’s stare.

  He let out a frustrated grunt and kicked his chair backward, sending it flying across the floor. He gave one last look at each of the Governing Five; frustration and resentment flooding his features.

  He shook his head slowly, glaring at each of them once more before he stalked off, slamming the heavy wooden door as he exited.

  A palpable tension was all that remained behind him.

  Chapter 7

  The sun was now directly overhead and Emily was flustered. After Alexander stormed from the Great Hall she’d quickly excused herself. By the time she’d gotten outside he was nowhere in sight.

  Olivia had been standing near the entrance and rushed to her quickly, asking what was going on. Emily told her about Alexander’s outburst, worry spilling out along with each word. Olivia agreed to help search for him.

  Two hours later they still hadn’t found him.

  They decided to rest on a stone bench near a small stream to catch their breath and collect their thoughts.

  “I just don’t know where he would have gone. We checked the men’s quarters, the training Arena and every garden. I realize Eden is a big place, but it seems impossible for him to disappear and no one has seen him or caught him going in a certain direction.”

  “But, you’re forgetting what is possible here, Emily. Alexander very well could have gone into his invisible state, and though we Guardians can sense each other when we are in our other state, it is not as noticeable. For the most part, Guardians choose to be in their more physical form while in Eden. They spend so much time being invisible when they are with humans they enjoy having a more tangible body while they reside here,” Olivia offered.

  “Yes, I suppose he could have gone invisible, that would explain why you saw him come out but when I came out you lost sight of him….” Emily pondered the thought a bit more. “Wow, I used to think that was a really awesome ability, but now it’s annoying,” she released a nervous hum. “This just isn’t like Alexander. I’ve never seen him so angry, not like that. Even when he fought off those men in the parking garage a couple months ago, his emotions were under complete control. Back there in the Great Hall, there seemed to be a lapse in his ability to manage his feelings.”

  “I don’t know Alexander as well as you, but I agree it does sound off for his overall calm and gentle demeanor. But, you have to remember, a lot of this is new for him, as well,” Olivia reminded.

  Emily resolved to get up and begin the hunt again. “We should probably keep looking.”

  But just as she stood she heard something. Cocking her head to the side she pointed her ear in the sound’s direction.

  She put her hand on Olivia’s shoulder to keep her still. “Do you hear that? I thought I heard someone shout.” She stood quietly waiting for the noise again. “Shouting is rare in Eden, right? This place seems pretty peaceful and tranquil.”

  Olivia nodded her affirmation, and then looked around inquisitively. She hadn’t heard anything.

  “You stay right here. I’m going to see if I can find out where it came from.”

  Emily quickly departed, leaving no time fo
r Olivia to protest. She thought she heard another sound come from behind, so she turned and headed in that direction crossing over a small wooden bridge near the stream. The bank’s other side appeared heavily wooded with bushes filling gaps between the trees. After walking along the bank for a minute Emily heard the shouting again. She was headed in the right direction.

  After thirty yards, she came to a break in the trees. If she was going to enter this thick foliage, the natural path in front of her was the place to start. She hadn’t gone very far before the trees and bushes gave way to a small open meadow.

  It was there in the open meadow where she finally found him. Alexander stood only fifty yards away, and he wasn’t alone. Xavier was there with him, a concerned look on his face.

  Emily hesitated. They were arguing, or in a heated discussion. She could hear their voices but wasn’t close enough to make out their actual words. She watched as Xavier threw his hands in the air, as if to surrender. Alexander only shook his head.

  Emily stepped closer, not sure if she should make her presence known now or wait until they noticed her. It didn’t appear as though Alexander was in any mood for surprises and both Guardians seemed overly consumed in the conversation, oblivious to their surroundings.

  She was soon close enough to hear the two Guardians clearly.

  “I just don’t know what to believe anymore,” Alexander huffed, like an exhausted beast as he paced a few steps in each direction, his head hung low.

  In that moment the two Guardians looked up, finally recognizing there was now a third person present in the field.

  She remained silent, exchanging glances back and forth between Alexander and Xavier, searching for any hint as to whether she was welcome or not.

  “Emily,” Alexander said in a relieved tone. He took a few long strides and quickly had her enveloped in his embrace.


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