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Bloodbourne Page 18

by Sasha Pruett

  So you see, you have nothing to worry about. Plus I’ll be with you the entire time right by your side. I won’t let go of you for an instant if that’s what it takes to make you feel comfortable. You add in your delicate condition as a reason to refrain from any of the night’s activities, giving us the perfect excuse to retire early and we’re out of there before you have a chance to rethink the whole idea of marrying me.”

  “That won’t happen.” She shook her head.

  “I don’t know, you’ve got that look on your face that says you’re thinking of bolting any second now.”

  “Oh hush, I do not, well maybe, but not because of you. I’m just a little…”


  “You could say that. Do you blame me?”

  “No, I don’t. I admire you.”

  He scooted over beside her and drew her close as she laid her head on his chest.

  “Will it be legal?”

  He chuckled, “Absolutely, as legal and binding as if we’d gone to a church or a courthouse. Papers will still be filed and officially you’ll be my wife.”

  “Mrs.…. What? I’m dead and you don’t have a last name, at least not one that I’m aware of.”

  He loved her sense of humor, “I see your point. Normally you’d have a name like any other married person, but you’re right. With my status as the second son of the House of Drake things aren’t normal are they?”

  “No and signing, Mrs. Calynn Second Son of the House of Drake is a bit much.”

  “True, you’ll be Calynn Daughter of the House of Drake within the clan and my father’s house. In our home and on paper you’ll be Lady Calynn or Lady Calynn Drake and I’ll be Lord Drakon.”


  “That’s what happens when you marry clan royalty.”

  “Pompous much?”

  “Maybe a little.”

  “So, private ceremony, a reception, and flowers anything else I should know?”

  “Only that you’ll have to fight Delphine over the design of your gown, but that’s not typical for all families.”

  “Oh, so I get a gown too?”

  “Oh yes, our kind and humans have ‘borrowed’ traditions from each other for as long as our history goes back. For instance… this.” Before she knew what was happening Drakon took her hand and slid a magnificent Emerald ring on her finger.

  “Drakon, it’s… it’s…!” She fumbled over her words.

  “I can’t believe it, the mighty Calynn is speechless. You didn’t think I’d ask you to be my bride without a ring, did you?”

  “Well I… wait, how did you know to bring this? I didn’t think you were planning to propose to me at all. You weren’t even going to stick around if I’d said the word.”

  “I was… hoping. At the very least I wanted you to have a token of our match. My family would expect nothing less. Do you like it?”

  “It’s perfect, I love it!” She beamed from ear to ear. Nothing looked as beautiful to her as that ring on her finger. Her ring. From her Drakon.

  “It’s a two-carat emerald cut, emerald in a handcrafted platinum setting that was unearthed the day I was born from one of my father’s mines. Emerald stands for undying love and devotion, that’s why I chose it. A gem of exquisite beauty, representing the strength and fidelity of true love and a bond that can never be broken.

  When my parents were married my father had every precious stone and metal that was brought out of the ground collected, refined and turned into the most magnificent jewelry for my mother which he presented to her on their first anniversary. It was decided then that they would carry on the tradition with each of their offspring. The day each of us were born, once again everything of value that was mined was crafted into a treasury, held for each of us until the day we took a wife or husband in my sisters’ case. The day we reach our marrying age we are granted access to them for the express purpose of either the courtship of our intended or as the wedding jewels. That ring was created the day I was born and now it and every piece that goes with it is yours. I’d say that tradition would continue with our child, but we have no intention on sticking around to find out.”

  “Drakon?” That was not the tone of a joyous woman.


  “I’ve been thinking about that. Is there really anyplace that we could go that he couldn’t eventually find us?”

  “I don’t know, Calynn. I’d like to think so.”

  “Wouldn’t we always be looking over our shoulders? Having to pick up and run at a moment’s notice?”

  “Unfortunately, yes, but we’d be prepared. There would always be a safe place for us to go. It wouldn’t be like having to throw things in a bag and run. I told you that I’d keep you safe and I will.”

  “What kind of life would that be for us, for our child? Is it fair to do that to them?”

  “What alternative do we have?”

  “We could stay.”

  “What are talking about?”

  “In Switzerland. Live our lives, raise our children the way we want. Do our best to make a difference for your kind and humans alike. If we run now, we’ll be running for the rest of our lives. I don’t think I want to spend what time I have with you always worried it will come to a horrible end at the hand of your father or one of his minions. I want to fight back. What do you think? Do you think I’m crazy for thinking that way?”

  He held her tighter. “No, I don’t. That’s the same fire that made me fall in love with you. That same determination to stand even if it was in some small way and I’ll stand right beside you. No more running.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  She was quiet for a time before making up her mind, “Drakon, promise me something.”


  “Promise me that you’ll raise our children to appreciate human life. To be like you.”

  “What happened to us raising them together?”

  “Let’s face it. I won’t live to see any of them even get married, there is so much that they have to learn and be prepared for. Their lives will be so different from even yours and I won’t be around to see the majority of it. They could have abilities that could bring down every clan; that much power can create something wonderful or something horrible and it will take every bit of both of us to make sure they choose life and not darkness.”

  Their fingers intertwined as they gazed at each other. This was a solemn promise, something that he would be bound to for all eternity and he was more than willing to make it without a hint of hesitation. “I promise. No one in our house will ever take a human life. Other than in the defense of our home and family and that means me too, but I fully intend to have you by my side for the duration so don’t go leaving me yet.”

  “Drakon I’m still only human.”

  “Human with the genes of the Valdi. Even the doctor’s research, which I have been carefully monitoring, shows indicators that your life span should be comparable to mine.”

  “Should Drakon, we don’t know that. We don’t know anything.”

  “No we don’t, but we sure don’t know that you’re going to die like some ordinary human either. I won’t allow that even if I have to start giving you the serum myself.”


  “The serum. It would extend your life for hundreds of years.”

  “But what about my free will and all that?”

  “The serum doesn’t affect free will or anything like it and if that’s what Millie’s been feeding you then I think I need to have a serious talk with her. It only extends health and life while you’re taking it. If you stop, your ailments will return and your death will proceed at the pace your body was meant to. If you happen to be a few hundred years old when you cease taking it death will happen within hours as the human body cannot sustain itself at that advanced age, but there is no super power that has a hold on your mind or anything else.

  What keeps the servants in line is the fear of or loyalty to my father and the fear of death,
that’s all. Most of them come from ages past and their own superstitions are so ingrained in their minds that they believe us to be more than we are. Granted we take full advantage of that, but beyond that any imprisonment they feel is of their own making. No one from this house was ever forced into service. They chose it or the life that their own choices and physical bodies chose for them, but I wouldn’t force you Calynn. I’d never force you.”

  “Okay then, it’s good to know that you’ve got a back-up plan.”

  “Then you’d consider it?” His body tensed and his breath stilled in hopefulness.

  “I don’t want to leave you either. If you can choose a life where you no longer take it from a human to retain your power then I can choose one where I spend it with you. It won’t be too hard for you will it, not… you know?”

  “I never wanted to in the first place. Once I’m the head of my own home and family I no longer have to. Not to mention that with you as my bride I have the perfect excuse to find alternative measures and with my connections that won’t be an issue I can promise you that. Wait have I been hearing you correctly Calynn? You’ve been saying children as in more than this one?”

  “I think we both have and why not? If you don’t mind that is. I may not have been thinking much about being pregnant right now, but as long as everything is alright with this one I don’t see why not. We have so many years ahead of us, it’s not like we couldn’t afford it, but I don’t want to put any pressure on you or anything. It’s just a possibility, anyways I don’t think your father would take it too well if we didn’t at least try.”

  “Good. I need something to do with all this time I’m going to have on my hands once things quiet down and chasing a room full of your beautiful children around the villa sounds like just the thing. Besides if they take after my side of the family they won’t be sleeping for days on end and I don’t think you’re up for that.”


  “Yes, sleep is necessary, just not like it is for you. We can go days without it and toddlers… well, once their adrenaline gets going there may be times when getting them down for a nap is a week-long process.”

  “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  “Wish I could. Here, we were looked after by our servants and they could change shifts after a couple of days. I think you’re more the hands-on kind of woman, so having someone that can stay up with them will come in handy.”

  “Anything else I should know?”

  “Probably, but I don’t know if I should tell you.”

  “Wait, Drakon do you have fangs?” She was partially joking and more than a bit curious.


  “Don’t ‘what’ me you know exactly what I’m talking about. Fangs.”


  “Come on Drakon, I can understand you being uncomfortable with those differences between us, but if our child ends up with them or anything else don’t you think I should know about it so that I don’t freak out. You said yourself that there are a lot of misconceptions out there about you and I don’t want to start having dreams about our kid turning into a bat or something.”

  “Now that’s just ridiculous.” He nearly snorted in derision.

  “Exactly! So help me out a little here, do you change somehow or have fangs or whatever?”

  He turned his head away. It was true, he’d never shown his other form to her. She’d seen his brothers’, but thankfully she had no recollection of it. He had worn his beast side like a badge of honor, but since falling for Calynn he wasn’t so proud of it. It only served to remind him, more now than ever, that he was a monster to be feared and hated. How could he let her see that part of him, that part that like Shakespeare said, ‘if I had it written I would tear the word’.

  Her tone changed to one of compassion, “Drakon please, don’t leave me in the dark. Not about this, I’m going to find out one of these days, there’s no avoiding it. I’d like to know now, no judgements, no smart comments. Why is it so difficult for you to talk about this? You’ve lived with it for over two hundred years, it’s who you are.”

  “But it’s not who I want to be anymore. That part of me is horrible. There’s a reason the humans feared us and it’s not just because of what we did to them. The very sight of us was enough to send terror throughout the country; to insight panic, mobs, and the murders of thousands of innocent people because they were rumored to be one of us. It’s a constant reminder to me that I’m so far removed from your beauty that it hurts. It’s my beast side and I would give anything to spare you from it.” He stared off into the distance still turned from her as if to save her from himself, from that part he now hated.

  “Trust me Drakon, I’m not asking you to show me. Just help me to understand, please.”

  He inhaled deeply and nodded no longer hiding from her. She had a point, and as the mother of his child she not only deserved, but needed to know and now was as good a time as any, “Yes, there are changes and yes I, we have fangs. Sharp ones that allow us to instantly tear through skin, muscle, and even bone.”

  She stayed quiet and calm waiting for him to continue.

  “It’s not like in the cinema. We can’t change into other animals or become mist or shadow. Our changes are quite a bit subtler than that, to enhance our hunting ability. Our fingers stretch and the nails become more durable; more weapon like. The nose flattens and slits appear on the sides for tracking odors, sometimes weeks old. The eyes dilate and a clear protective film, like a second eyelid develops that can focus not only light in a more balanced way so that we can see in pure darkness, but can detect heat signatures as well. Once the ability is developed that is. Our ears lengthen and curve to detect the slightest movement, even breathing and heartbeats from great distances. It’s nothing too grand, but it’s enough to set us apart as demons, as monsters. In essence, we become nature’s most dangerous and developed predator; the apex predator.”

  “And this happens to all of you?”

  “My abilities are stronger than most. I’ve spent so much of my time honing them in the wild, hunting animals, and are fairly rare among our kind. They are held mainly by the elder generations and those with a heart for bloodlust and war. That’s why you find so many of our kind in the military. It’s the perfect hiding place for us. Disappear in the night, take out the enemy and be back before anyone notices you were gone. An ideal way to legally hunt mankind.”

  “Does it only happen when you hunt?”

  “No, we have the ability to change at will. It also happens during battle, when we get extremely angry and so on and it’s not pretty. Nothing I ever want you to see. Especially of me.”

  “Why didn’t I see it when you were chasing me? I’m pretty sure I remember everything up until I was knocked unconscious,” she rubbed the back of her head, “but I don’t remember seeing anything in any of you like you that.”

  Drakon gently caressed the spot she had only seconds before, “Ivan, I’m so sorry about that.”

  “At least it wasn’t you.”

  “I’d never be able to forgive myself if it had been.” And he kissed her forehead. “To be honest you should have, but you took us by surprise. No one has ever had the forethought to run before. The only ones that we’ve had to retrieve over the years were during the purification process and that’s only because they were allowed to escape for just that purpose. Father thought it would sharpen our skills. I’m ashamed to say that many times it was a family event.

  You nearly escaped our grasp and with it not yet having reached nightfall we were at a slight disadvantage. Then you stopped dead still, facing us down. Something that was, once again, entirely new to us. We never had a chance to change, believe me if Rais or Ivan had been in their right minds you would have seen much more than you’d bargained for. Or even me.” He looked away from her. “You would have seen my form then and that would haunt me for eternity.”

  “And I’ll never ask you to. Okay?”

  He nodded, some thin
gs he wasn’t ready to share and he didn’t know if he ever would be. “Thank you; for understanding.”

  “Well I don’t know about that. The first time you leave the toilet seat up you’re likely to see a side of me that you don’t like so well.”

  “Not a problem.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Because the villa has separate his and her bathrooms.”

  She smacked him, “What about the rest of the house?”

  “Doesn’t matter if I only use mine.” They settled into their comfortable silence, happy to lay side by side linking their fingers together with light touches. Drakon was amazed that something so innocent could be so sensual. The soft touch of her skin gliding across his, the bend of her fingers, the warmth of her hand. He found it to be just as enticing as seeing her in the towel and he searched for another distraction.

  “Do you miss your life much?”

  “Sometimes. This whole thing, these past few months have felt like some sort of crazy, horrifying adventure. I expect any day now to wake up and find that it’s all been some very weird, very vivid dream. I don’t think that I really have time to miss it much just now.”

  “And later?”

  “Hard to say. I think those big moments may be the worst. When we get married, the birth our child, things like that that I’m supposed to be able to share with my family. I think those would be the things that I’ll miss the most. I imagine that one day, when we’ve been married a hundred years I’ll look back on my life before all this, before you and think that was the dream.”

  “What about your career?”

  “I can’t say it was much of a career, but I did love my work. I was a veterinarian assistant at the animal hospital on Clark St., animals have always held a soft spot with me. I tend to like them more than I do most people. I guess that’s why your demon dog picked me, he just knew I was an easy target for a furry face.” She grumbled the last part.


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