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Bloodbourne Page 23

by Sasha Pruett

  “Hush, you let me worry about that. You speak with Drakon about it and I’ll discuss it with his father. I’m sure between the two of us we can make them see things our way.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  “Beloved, to what do I owe the honor of your visit to my humble study?”

  “I thought we might have a word if you’re available?”

  “For you? Always my dearest. What would you like to discuss?”

  Anula drew a chair up beside her husband who swiveled to face her. “I’ve been considering the trip to Switzerland.”


  “I’m concerned about Calynn being away from medical care for such an extended period of time.”

  “It’s only a few days, Drakon has had her abroad himself I believe.”

  “Yes, but they may decide to stay a while longer and I do think we should be looking out for our investment.” Anula gave her husband a moment to consider the matter.

  “I see your point, but she has Dr. Edme.”

  “The doctor cannot travel as we can, and moreover in a few weeks they will be joined forever and she will need someone established at the villa. The doctor will not be able to continue his research if he is in Switzerland.”

  “I hadn’t considered that. I suppose you have a solution.”

  “Would I be here if I didn’t?”

  Drake grinned.

  “I propose we utilize a midwife for her. Someone we could test at the villa and if it works well, could take over the daily care of our girl allowing the doctor more time for his experiments. Once they move abroad she could be installed there and if something should arise the doctor could be summoned in an instant.”

  She leaned forward teasingly tracing his leg with her fingertips. Faster than lighting he snatched her wrist as she moved her hand further up his thigh and pulled her into his lap. Two predators regarding each other as prey. The buttons of his shirt flew across the room, pinging off the walls and clattering onto the hardwood floor, but neither twitched, neither broke their gaze. Eye to eye without a single blink between them.

  “Leave us.”

  Without a word Hamil left the room closing the door behind him and waited outside.

  “Since when have we ever been modest dear husband?”

  With the same force that Anula had torn his shirt, Drake swiped one arm across his desk flinging papers, phone, files and more across the room replacing it all with the willing body of his wife.

  “I simply didn’t want to put another hole in the man. That would be inconvenient.”

  Anula looked to the side where the ornate platinum letter opener and matching pen set had buried in the wall right where Hamil had been standing only a second ago. She leered, leaning back onto the desk as she reached for his dangling tie, pulling him down on top of her.


  She was tired, but still restless, and lying in bed hoping sleep would come or pacing the rooms wasn’t helping anything but to make her more anxious to be away from this house and everyone in it; or almost everyone. Calynn grabbed a coat from her closet and decided to test the boundaries of her supposed freedom by walking the grounds alone. No one stopped her and other than telling Millie that she didn’t need a tag-a-long no one spoke to her. The instant she stepped outside and breathed the cool fall air she began to relax and her gaze drifted to the woods and the freedom and family that lay just beyond it.

  Could she make it? If she pushed herself with these new powers or whatever they were, turning on inside of her could she do it? Could she get away? A snort from beside her told her her answer. No way. Even if she could out run devil dog here they would find her. Then there was Drakon and her family to think of, what would happen to them if she even dared to try? No; this, as messed up as it was, was her life now and she had to accept it.

  “Come on then.”

  He wasn’t pretty to look at, but he was hers, so to speak and there would be no going anywhere without him especially without Drakon at her side. Her steps were aimless, making her way through the dying gardens and still green hedgerows. She thought about going to the cliff or maybe one of the other places he had taken her over the past few weeks, but she doubted he’d be there. Strange how a few short days and weeks can change so much, but she had said it herself. He couldn’t be with her all the time though no doubt he knew exactly where she was at this very moment. She found herself standing at the edge of the woods staring into the underbrush thinking about him, wondering where he was and what he was doing. She didn’t need to talk to him, but she wanted to.

  The day with his mother was nerve wracking. Fooling his half-interested sisters was one thing, but his nearly two-thousand-year-old mother was something else entirely. She kept waiting for the woman to call her on everything she had said and done, instead she found herself engulfed in a hug more than once. Could it really have been that easy to play a creature that cunning? The woman had known every piece of furniture and décor that had caught her eye and yet she couldn’t detect the hint of insincerity in the whole ‘teach me to be a lady like you’ bit? Was it even possible, who was really playing whom there? Hopefully she wasn’t going back to her husband at this very minute rethinking their decision to keep her alive after the baby was born. No, they wanted and needed her, she hoped. Hopefully Drakon had been close by listening, surely he would have stepped in if she’d gone too far right? Where was he? Was he watching her at this very moment? Were any of them watching for that matter? Would she ever be alone again? Another humph from her not so furry friend.

  “Okay so I’m sulking. Wouldn’t you?”

  Devilicus shook his leathery head and sat down.

  “No, I guess you wouldn’t, would you? Look I know you’re here because you have to be, but if you do listen to me at all is there any chance I can convince you to go home and give me some time to myself? I’m not running off you should know that by now.”

  Again he shook his head and Calynn couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Okay, okay I get the point. You know you could at least try to look like something a little less disturbing for me. It might help me get used to you. A German Shephard, Great Dane, Collie, something. I really do love animals and it’s nothing against you personally, but you have to admit for us humans you don’t exactly send the ‘man’s best friend’ image. More like the ‘human, it’s what’s for dinner’ thing.”

  The beast stood and began to shake from head to tail as if he’d just come bounding out of the bath and right before her eyes fur, black and white and long, began to grow from all over his body. The jagged spine retreated and its solid black eyes retreated to a soft blue. Before she knew it, the form of a Border Collie stood before her with its head tilted. Devilicus sat back down and looked up at her waiting for her approval.

  “That’s amazing Devilicus, thank you. You know looking like that I don’t think Devilicus fits you at all does it? How would you feel if I called you Villie for short? You know just between us?”

  For a minute she didn’t know if he was going to growl at her or change back. After tilting his head the opposite direction, like he was considering the matter, he gave a quick nod and she bent down to pet him.


  Lady Anula watched the girl stop at the edge of the woods as her husband retrieved a fresh shirt from his closet to redress, and listened in to the words that caught on the breeze.

  “It seems our Devilicus has taken a fancy to Calynn.”

  Drake came to stand behind her, not touching her but a strong presence exuding power and so much more.

  “Yes, it does.”

  The two watched as their trusted familiar changed form, receiving an affectionate pat from the girl.

  “They do seem to be bonding, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen Devilicus take the form of a normal for any other purpose than hunting. Have you?”

  “No, maybe we should send him along with them to Switzerland if he’s taken such a shine to our girl. It
could be a wedding present.”

  “I’ve already given them our best house my dear wife, now you would have them take my best hunter too?”

  “Second best house. Nothing is too good for our first grandchild, now is it? Or do I need to convince you?”

  She could feel his hot breath on her neck though he still didn’t touch her. He wasn’t the only one that was radiating power.

  “I do enjoy your persuasive tactics, but no I agree. He was the one that located her in the first place, obviously there is something in her that has triggered the attachment. Even I know better than to separate the two at this point. He can keep an eye on her while Drakon is out hunting or doing whatever pleases him and can continue to watch over the child. I was just about to suggest the idea myself anyway.”

  “Of course, husband.”

  Drake grinned as he returned to his desk.

  “I’ll tell Hamil to return to you and send someone in to put things back in order.”

  “Always looking after me.”

  “That is my one true pleasure in life.” She smiled and made to leave when he stopped her.

  “I’ll speak to Drakon about the midwife. We’ll need a list of them before the night is out.”

  She nodded and left, playful grin firmly in place.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  It was barely sunrise when Drakon burst through the door to his father’s study, his face on the brink of morphing into that of the monster that lay just beneath the surface.

  “Drakon what is the meaning of this!” Sir Drake stood stiff and alert, and just a bit enraged at the bold intrusion.

  “If you don’t stop him I will!”

  “Stop who? What are you talking about?”


  “What about him?”

  “He took ten vials of blood from Calynn just now. Ten, and that’s not the first time! He woke her up and took the samples before she could even eat.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I walked out of the bathroom as he was leaving with them. Calynn said it wasn’t the first time either and her servant confirmed it. I will not allow that megalomaniac to put her life or the child’s at risk for his own vainglorious pursuits at gaining your favor!”

  Drake turned to Hamil, “Get him.”

  The room remained quiet as the pair waited for the doctor. Drakon refused to sit, his hands nearly splitting the back of the chair across from his father in two. Both listened to the sound of approaching footprints on the marble, hardwood and carpeted floors; neither spoke.

  “You sent for me Sir Drake?”

  Drakon did not turn, he kept his eyes on his father. If he dared look at the man he might rip his throat out right then and there.

  “Is it true that you took ten vials of blood from the girl this morning?”

  Dr. Edme looked confused and his gaze darted between Hamil, Drakon and the lord of the manor. “Yes, bu…”

  “And is it also true that this is not the first time that you have drawn that amount from her? Even waking her to do so?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Sir Drake’s voice dropped, “I didn’t ask you if you understood. Is it true?”

  “Why yes, it’s necessary to…”

  He was cut off again.

  “As of this very second, your access to the girl has ended, do I make myself clear?”

  “But sir, if only…”

  Drake stood, his chair flying backwards as he leaned on the desk glaring. His voice became darker, harder than even before and his eyes turned black as his face shifted to that of his true demonic self. “Get out.”

  Dr. Edme looked to the other two men in the room then turned tail and ran, nearly tripping over himself in the process. Before he could catch himself the two could hear him muttering, “I’m so close… he doesn’t see.” Under his breath.

  “If he goes anywhere near her again I will destroy him. With or without your blessing.”

  Sir Drake, his face that of the stoic monarch once more nodded his understanding. The pause lingered, as the tension hung in the air. Drakon wasn’t about to leave, there was still more to be accomplished here and he kept his eyes on the man as Hamil retrieved his chair and he sat back down. His son wasn’t about to let it go just yet.

  “Hamil, keep an eye on the doctor. If he even thinks about stepping out of line; take care of it.”

  Hamil nodded and left as silent and obedient as always.

  “You mother has suggested we use a midwife for Calynn, someone she may feel more comfortable with. How does that strike you?”

  “A midwife?” Drakon pretended to let himself be distracted by his father’s question.

  “Yes, your mother has provided a list of all the most qualified in our service for you and Calynn to choose from. We thought we may try it on the trip to the villa as sort of a test run to see how smoothly it goes and continue things from there.” He pulled a piece of paper from his desk and slid it in Drakon’s direction.

  “It’s entirely up to the two of you of course, anyone from that list I have confidence in.”

  “No more drawing blood? No more tests?”

  “Not unless it is medically necessary for Calynn or the child.”

  Drakon took the list and began scanning the names.

  “Now if you are satisfied and there’s nothing else I have an… associate that needs to be dealt with.”

  Drakon nodded and turned to leave, “I meant what I said father. If he goes near her.”

  “Only if you beat me to it my son.”

  Drakon nodded and left. ‘Goodbye Dr. Edme.’ If he could grin just then it would be rather large. It seems the good doctor will no longer be an issue, at least not after tomorrow that is.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  It was dark and it was cold and the snow still clung to her hair as she shivered.

  “Where are we?”

  “The mountains of Colorado, one of my cabins.”

  “That explains why it’s so cold in October. Don’t you have a more tropical hideaway? Somewhere like Hawaii or Bermuda?”

  Drakon smiled as he rubbed her arms to help warm her. “Sorry, all the properties that my family doesn’t know about are mainly for hunting purposes. Unless you care for the jungle or maybe the African plains. I haven’t had much use for anything tropical, but I’ll make a note to correct that for next time.”

  He started a fire in the massive stone fireplace that looked as if it had stood there for hundreds of years. “There, that should help.”

  They stood staring into the fire wrapped around each other, enjoying what little time they had away from the prying eyes and ears of the House of Drake.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Two days.”


  “Two days. In two days we’re heading for Switzerland and I’ll be taking lessons from your mother in how to run a household and I’m not looking forward to it.”

  “I know, but there’s nothing to worry about, I’ll be beside you every minute.”

  “That’s sweet but not possible. You can’t tell me your dad or some other house thing or family thing or secret thing won’t have you running off at any time. No, I’m a big girl and I’m just going to have to put on my big girl pants and get through it and hope your mother doesn’t pick up on what a fraud I really am. I’m still not entirely sure she bought into it yesterday.”

  “I thought we went over this?”

  “How? How can she not know? I know you said I did fine, but… come on Drakon she should know humans inside and out by now. Literally.”

  “Yes, she should and usually she does, but you also have to consider that as much in your favor as against it.”

  “In English if you please.”

  “The biggest flaw with my mother and father, with most of the elders in fact is their ego. The idea that they can read a person even before they act and usually they can. At this point you’re acting just like they’re predicting. Defiant
, unsure, trying to ‘fit in’ to please them to keep our relationship a semi-secret. They think they have you all figured out and that leaves them open. They know you’re flattering them to some extent, but they have no clue as to how much. They believe they’re infallible and since they’re under the impression that they have you fooled it leaves them vulnerable. Understand?”

  “I just hope I don’t push this whole mother daughter thing too far and give us away.”

  “It’s like with Delphine and the clothes. Mother is enjoying having a protégé all her own, especially since none of my sisters have taken much of an interest. If you do say or do something suspicious, we’ll blame it on the hormones and your nervousness over the ceremony.”

  She smacked him.

  “I knew you were going to do that.”

  She smacked him again.

  “And that.”

  They were quiet for a while.

  “How long can we stay here?”

  “I thought you didn’t like the cold?”

  “What cold?”

  “We have to be back before morning. There’s food and drink in the fridge if you want and a bedroom through that door.”

  “Are you suggesting something?”

  He grinned and buried his face in her hair breathing her in, “Only that you need your rest and staying awake just so we can have some private time together is not an option. So now you can call me a ‘party pooper’ and smack me again and be done with it.”

  “Oh you’re so smart, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I thought we established that already?”

  She refused to take the bait. No scrunching up her face. No sticking out her tongue; nothing and Drakon couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Always have to prove me wrong do you? So that’s how it’s going to be for eternity; you attempting to throw me? Doing the exact opposite of what I say?”

  “Look at this way, I won’t be boring.”


  Nothing could have pulled them apart at that moment, nothing except his protectiveness of her. “Calynn, I could hold you forever, but we left without you eating dinner and either you help yourself to what’s in the kitchen or I’ll have to try my hand at cooking with you as my guinea pig. So, what’s it going to be?”


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