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Bloodbourne Page 28

by Sasha Pruett

  Tears began to run and she quickly wiped them away, no way she wanted puffy eyes today. She tried on each dress checking the fit in the full-length mirror Drakon had set up for her until she settled on her favorite. Then one by one added her make-up and accessories, sweeping her hair off her neck. She looked at herself in the mirror one last time before taking a deep breath and stepped back into the dappled sunlight, her heart pounding fast and loud. So loud in fact she didn’t notice the music at first, but the strains of violin, cello, and what sounded like a full orchestra drew her to a large flat platform of rock where an arch had been placed, covered in fragrant, blooming wisteria. Beneath it stood a man with short, curly, salt and pepper grey hair and thin round wire framed glasses holding a book in one hand with a tender, knowing smile on his face. She had no idea who the man was, but she knew why he was there.

  Before she could blink Drakon was standing in front of her, serious and sexy in his white dress shirt and black slacks. He brought her hand up, kissing her knuckles, but never taking his eyes off hers.

  “As always, you are a vision. An ethereal angel in an ancient forest.” She blushed and looked down, but he stopped by her placing his bent finger under her chin and drawing it back up. “No, no more looking down Calynn.”

  She gazed into his eyes and nodded, ready to believe anything was possible now. He offered her his arm and together they nearly glided in time with the music. The song was familiar and it only took two notes for her to know that it was At Last. Her favorite version was by Etta James, only this was played by an orchestra. That alone made her heart swell and her nose sting as the tears threatened her again. It was the first song they had danced to. The very one playing when they admitted it was more than a relationship of survival; it was love.

  “Where did you find this song?”

  “With enough money and influence you can employ an orchestra to play anything you desire. Now hush, we’re getting married, and may I say I especially like your choice of footwear.”

  “Hush we’re getting married.” Were muffled under her breath as she stepped barefoot onto the mossy rock platform feeling the dampness soak into her feet and loving it.

  “Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join these two souls in holy matrimony, to love, honor, and cherish each other all the days of theirs lives. To place each other before themselves, to give not only love and companionship, but guidance and comfort as well. To accept each other as they are and support each other as you grow in life.” He nodded to Drakon.

  He looked down and took her hands in his, entwining their fingers together. “Calynn, you are the light in the darkness that I’ve been living in my entire life. You amaze me every day, your strength, your perseverance, your wisdom, and your willingness to follow my seemingly insane ideas. You’ve taught me how to love and how to live and everything else that makes my existence on this earth mean anything. I’ve watched thousands of sunrises and sunsets, but none have anything compared to the ones I’ve seen with you. I watch you sleep and hope to be in your dreams. You invade my every thought, my every hope, my every desire. My one wish is to be the man, the husband, the father you believe I can be.

  I know there will be tough times along with the good and that we, along with circumstances both, will test the limits of each other, but I promise to have patience. To forgive and to never to give up on you and I beg of you to do the same for me. You are the woman I will walk the ends of the earth for, who owns my very soul. My life is yours now and forever and I will spend eternity loving none but you.”

  She tried her best not to cry, but she couldn’t control the tears, she could only hold back the flood. What could she say in return? She was completely unprepared for this, all she could do was be honest. “Drakon, the day I met you I thought my life was over, I had no idea it was just beginning. Thousands of years of history said we should be enemies, but somehow, we found each other and defied even the laws of nature that brought us here. I trust you Drakon. I trust you with my life, my heart, and my…our future.”

  “Calynn Moore, do you take this man to be your lawfully married husband? To have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health till death do you part?”

  She beamed as she said, “I do.”

  “And Drakon Drake,”

  Calynn arched her eyebrow and he tilted his head barely raising his shoulder to shrug.

  “Do you take this woman to be your lawfully married wife? To have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health till death do you part?”

  “I do.”

  “The rings please.”

  Drakon reached into his pocket and pulled free two matching gold and platinum entwined wedding bands holding them up for her to see. “Two precious metals, intertwined to become one ring. Two hearts intertwined to become one life.”

  “Drakon if you’ll repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  He gazed into her eyes, gently sliding the band adding, “with my body I thee honour; with my mind I think on thee, with my heart I love only thee and all my worldly goods with thee I gladly share.”

  It was Calynn’s turn, but her voice was shaking with emotion and she was having a hard time remembering what Drakon had said exactly. No doubt she’d make him pay for making her cry, but it was worth it.

  “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  He slid his hand behind her head and drew her close enough that they were breathing each other in, “Forever.” He whispered before pressing his warm lips to hers for as long as he dared. He hated to pull back, to break the kiss. It felt so good, but he’d waited this long a little longer wouldn’t kill him; hopefully.

  “Now Mrs. Second Son of the House of Drake, may I have this dance?”

  She couldn’t help but laugh as the man beside them furrowed his brow. The words were confusing, but the actions were unmistakable. He watched the two sway to the refrains of what in his view was a lovely song before moving on to sign the marriage certificate set up on a nearby podium.

  “I can’t believe you had this song done for me.”

  “Why not? Say the word and I’ll have every piece of music you’ve ever enjoyed prepared for you in a live performance if you so desire.”

  “You’re going to spoil me.”

  “Count on it.”

  “Didn’t anyone ever teach you that spoiled things are rotten and should be thrown out because they’re not any good anymore?”

  “No and I’ll never give anyone the chance.”

  “I hope you don’t hold that view on child rearing.”

  “That’s different.”


  “Because you my angel already know humility, responsibility, and wisdom. I have no worries that you’ll be anything other than the wonderful woman you are at this moment and yes you may smack me for making you tear up.”

  “Count on it.”

  “Shall we sign the papers and seal this union?”

  “Papers? You mean this…?”

  “Is not merely for show, it is completely legal and may I add binding. I may not abide by man’s laws, but I want you to know that I am dedicated to you and you alone. No matter under whose mandates we are joined. Also, a wedding is something I’m told most women dream of from their childhood and though you said you were the exception to the rule I wanted something that reflected the two of us. Not my parents or siblings, but us and it’s incredibly difficult to dissolve a marriage between two people if one of them may not even exist. You see, I’ve decided that I’m going to keep you forever Calynn. It has become clear to me that I simply cannot live without you and I didn’t want to make it too easy for you to walk away.”

  “If you don’t exist then how can the marriage be legal anyway?”

  “I see I’m going to have to watch you every minute.”

  “Count on it, now where do I sign?”

  They approached the small podium where the officiant
was patiently waiting, “Mr. and Mrs. Drake may I be the first to congratulate you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Now if you’ll just sign here and here both copies we’ll be ready. Mr. Drake in all my years doing weddings I’ve never seen the Registrar once waive the witness requirement, you must have some connections.”

  “I’d say he does.”

  Calynn’s remark made the man chuckle and he decided that he instantly liked this couple. “I must say Mr. Drake your vows were quite remarkable. Would you mind if I ‘borrowed’ from them for my future ceremonies?”

  “Mr. Goodwin, you have my permission to use anything from today that you can remember for as long as you deem fit.”

  Calynn narrowed her eyes at him and he gave her that same slight shrug with his ‘what’ look and she just shook her head.

  “Thank you, Mr. Drake and here’s your copy of the marriage certificate Mrs. Drake. I’ll make sure to file this as soon as I get back. Now if you two will excuse me I’ll be heading back now.”

  “I’ll walk you out Mr. Goodwin.” He gave his bride a quick peck on the cheek asking her to wait for him that he wouldn’t be long. Then proceeded to escort the man back down the trail to his vehicle. When he returned a short time later he was carrying a folded piece of paper.

  “Should I ask?”

  “He’ll return home relaxed and refreshed from a nice long drive through the country.”

  “And absolutely no memory of the last hour.”

  Drakon held up the paper in his hand “I’ll file this myself. I hesitate to leave something as precious and important to me to anyone else.”

  Calynn cracked up.

  “Am I missing something?”

  “You are without a doubt the best thing ever.”

  “I’ll remember you said that Mrs. Drake.”

  “So, it is legal, even with those names? I mean I am dead right.”

  “They don’t know that. According to their records you are alive and well. Maybe not the same Calynn Moore as you were, but yes this is all completely legal and as I said binding, my lady.”

  “Oh it’s ‘my lady’ now is it?”

  “You know that already. I told you that before, it shouldn’t be a surprise.”

  “Yeah, I know, but it doesn’t sound right.”

  He drew her close, his breath tickling her skin, “It does to me, and no one but you could ever come close.”

  Every part of her tingled and she knew what she wanted. “Shall we go somewhere before all the tourists show up?”

  “We won’t be bothered here. No one is coming.”

  She didn’t know how he managed it, but she didn’t doubt it and before she knew it she was in his arms heading to the larger of the tents. The smell hit her the instant he carried her past the flaps. Fruit, cheese, sandwiches, and cake were laid out to the side along with sparkling cider bubbling in two champagne flutes in honor of their first picnic together. As well as a bed of blankets, quilts, pillows and such, reminiscent of their second. He set her down only to start dancing with her again her head lain on his chest, every moment better than the last. This was it, and she didn’t want to wait anymore.

  “Drakon, I know you said you wanted to wait, to wait until we could be together with no distractions, but… I can’t think of a more perfect time than now and a more perfect place than here.” She looked up at him, her entire body burning for him.

  He brushed a strip of her hair aside, “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  That was all it took as the tension building between them over the past few weeks burst and they enjoyed each other as husband and wife until the hour grew late.


  “What happened to wanting to wait until we could spend the entire night wrapped in each other’s arms Drakon?” She couldn’t help but tease him.

  “What can I say? I couldn’t help but succumb to your…” his eyes roamed her from top to bottom. His heated gaze lighting a fire in her. “…charms. Besides, whoever said we were anywhere near finished yet?”

  “We could stay here you know, we don’t have to leave. I’m not the kind of girl that’s put off by a camping trip.”

  He kissed her bare shoulder tasting her skin, intoxicated by her scent. “Very tempting, but I’ve made other arrangements. Besides you need to eat more than what’s here.”

  “I’m not exactly hungry… for food anyway.”

  “That’s my temptress.”

  It took them another hour before they were making their way off the trail and to a waiting silver jeep. She wasn’t sure what to expect. He’d told her he had a car waiting at the end of the trail, maybe a limo or something, but the sight of him swinging into the drivers’ seat of a Jeep Wrangler wasn’t it.

  “Yes, I drive. I can’t run everywhere, or have I shattered your view of me?”

  “It just goes to show you, you marry one person and find out you’ve married someone completely different.”

  “Then we’ll have plenty of time to get to know the ‘other’ us won’t we?” He picked up her hand pressing it to his lips.

  “I feel awful leaving everything behind like this.”

  “I’m terribly sorry my dear, but that’s something you’re simply going to have to get used to. It will all be taken care of not to worry.”

  She’d pretty much gotten use to Millie taking care of her. Of her clothes being clean and fresh, ready for her in her closet each day and not having to do any dishes, but the idea of leaving all that behind. The food, the dresses, and the jewels; especially those jewels was he crazy?

  “Not crazy, just very secure.”

  “What, oh. Do you have to do that?”

  “Don’t think so loud.”

  “I’m going to have to watch you every minute, aren’t I?”

  “Count on it.”

  As they left the parking area for the road she noticed two men in uniform standing guard at the entrance and the sign had a ‘closed for maintenance’ addition to it.

  “I told you no one would bother us.”

  “You had an entire park closed down for us?”

  “One of the richest and most influential men in the world; remember?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  Calynn slumped down in the seat putting her feet up on the dash and closed her eyes, letting the wind flow over her. She felt more relaxed, alive, and free than she had in months, she could definitely get used to this. They pulled up to a luxury beach house on the shores of Tautuku Bay with a large wrap around verandah that overlooked the ocean and a private swimming pool. She could have walked in, but Drakon insisted on carrying her over the threshold.

  “It’s tradition is it not?”

  “Are you going to carry me everywhere?”

  “Only to the bed my dear.”


  The sun was beginning to set and Calynn was leaned against the terrace railing, gazing out at the surf. Soaking up the last few minutes before they had to return to the estate for their joining ceremony. She was nervous about what was to take place in a few short hours. He’d told her what to expect and she was prepared, but she’d be fooling herself if she said she wasn’t scared even a little. She wished they didn’t have to leave, that they could stay right here where there were no psycho relatives or bloodsucking party guests; at least none that she knew of. There was so much here to see and explore, New Zealand was a beautiful, amazing place and they hadn’t seen any of it. Other than the beach they haven’t left the house yet, not that she was regretting that, but still.

  Drakon stepped behind her embracing her tightly, “The house and everything in it will be here whenever we return.”

  “I know, one call and it’s ours again right?”

  “If you insist, but I hardly think that necessary with your own home.”


  “A wedding present, though if you don’t like it it would be a bit difficult to return.”

  Her kiss told him all he needed to know.

bsp; “I know you’re nervous, but you’ll be fine. As long as there’s a breath in my body no harm will come to you.” He set his hand on her belly welcoming the now familiar tingle, “Either of you.”

  Chapter Forty-Four

  She stood staring at the dress she was to wear. A macabre thing for a wedding with deep reds and black inlays and onyx stones making it look more like a reverse black widow spider than a wedding dress and the three women buzzing around her wasn’t helping her nerves. Millie she didn’t mind, but Delphine had insisted on sending two of her personal servants to her to prepare her hair and the make-up she had created expressly to compliment the dress. Just like an artist to incorporate absolutely everything in a design from top to bottom.

  Even the jewelry was specially chosen, a stunningly large array of garnets that according to Lizzy was some sort of inside joke pertaining to humans; she didn’t ask. There were black satin gloves to be worn after the ceremony, matching bracelets of garnet and onyx, and the tiara was solid black. How they managed that she had no idea. She picked the delicate filigree piece up and stared at it, such a stark contrast to New Zealand.

  They had decided to keep her hair down to cover her neck, adding extensions that were infused with more jewels and not the costume kind either. That was something at least. She never liked the idea of walking around a room full of ‘people’ with a taste for O positive baring her jugular, and she had bathed in some special oils that were a mixture of fragrances that left her skin sparkling even in low light. It was supposed to hide the scent of her human blood keeping her true identity a secret; she hoped it was working.

  The entire time she was getting ready she strained to hear what was going on beyond her door. Sir Drake was to drop the first bombshell of her blood connection with their kind tonight and she desperately wanted to hear what they were saying, but with all the preparations and fussing the three were doing she couldn’t focus on anything. She tried to be still and act like a Drake should if only to save the servants from catching it if Delphine’s designs weren’t carried out to the letter. Millie had quite a bit of leeway, but no telling what her new sister-in-law would do if one of her girls messed up and she shivered at the thought. Oh well, hopefully Drakon was listening in… he was.


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