Hunter (Black Angels MC Book 1)

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Hunter (Black Angels MC Book 1) Page 17

by A. E. Fisher

  “Then what is it like, Hunter? Because I would sure as shit like to know why you haven’t let me touch you, despite the fact you’re supposed to be my man.”

  “Shit,” Hunter groaned. He looked up and down the hallway before he pulled me into his room, where Adair slept peacefully in his bed. He then locked the door behind us before pulling me into the bathroom where he let me go and shut the door behind him.

  I sat down on the edge of the bathtub. The bathroom was big enough to dwarf me when I was alone in it, but with Hunter in it, too, it seemed small.

  He began to pace as I silently bubbled, waiting for the grand explanation to why my touch was so sacrilegious to him.

  Finally, he stopped, took a deep breath, and then kneeled in front of me. He brought his hands to my knees, squeezing them softly as he looked me in the eyes.

  “You still have those plane tickets, right?”

  My mind leaped to my purse in the bedroom, the little envelope hidden within the zipped compartment. When I had been told to get my things, I had picked it up and put it in my bag without thought, the subconscious part of me still aware of my doubts.


  “I’m not asking you for a decision,” Hunter cut me off. “I want you to get to truly know the club and me before you throw them away.”

  I nodded, fully understanding how rare a man like Hunter was. Of course, I had to thank Kay and Anna to some extent, but there weren’t a lot of men in the world who would give a girl such a choice and not pressure her.

  “Then why can’t I touch you?” My voice sounded a lot more vulnerable than it had in my head. I hadn’t realized how important it was to me to have equal trust with Hunter. Not emotionally, but sexually as well.

  Hunter frowned, reaching up to cup my face. He brushed his thumb over my cheek as if he could smooth out the frown lines. His brown eyes looked into mine when he said, “You’ll ruin me.”


  A small smile curved Hunter’s lips. “The second you touch me, I know you’re going to ruin me for other women. I mean, hell, I already can’t get hard unless I’m thinking about you. I don’t do relationships, either, but you got me bent over backward trying to convince you to stay with me. And like you have your doubts, I have mine. You still got those plane tickets, and I near regret giving them to you, because I’m scared as shit that I’ll find you gone one day and I won’t be able to find you. And, if I let you touch me, then that will be it for me. No going back from you. So, if you were ever to leave me …” Hunter shook his head, a ragged breath coming from his chest.

  My heart soared in a lightning storm. I was overwhelmed with both joy and pain at the man pouring his soul to me. He had practically offered me his heart in the hope I wouldn’t break it. It all felt too much—a man like this storming into my life from the darkness of all my mistakes, wedging himself in my heart so deeply that I knew there would be no removing him.

  My gaze traveled to the door again, my mind looking through the wall to my bag and to those tickets.

  “No!” Hunter snapped, surprising me. His eyes locked on to mine, blazing into them with all his willpower. “Don’t you dare throw out those tickets because of what I told you. I wasn’t going to say anything because I knew you’d be like this. You have to make the decision on your own, not because of me, or those tickets would have been for nothing.”

  He was right. I wasn’t stupid enough to think my newfound revelations had anything to do with what he had told me. I was riding on so much emotion that the decision would be rash, and Hunter wouldn’t trust it. I had to decide this on my own.

  “Okay,” I whispered. “I’m pretty sure I already told you that you’re not allowed to read my mind.”

  Hunter smiled, shaking his head. I was sure I heard him mumble something, but I wasn’t sure what it was until I added, “And don’t think you can keep getting away with telling me what to do.”

  That time, I clearly heard the “So ruined” under his breath.

  I smiled.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I sat on one of the couches with Adair, who was holding a toy truck while watching TV on my lap with wide eyes. It was the Black Cat race, an unofficial race held every year, where a rider called Black Cat was pitted against racers and was as much a legend as the Stig and undefeated. It had recently been revived from the 80s with the emergence of the new Black Cat becoming increasingly popular, and hell, even I sat on the edge of my seat.

  No one could bet on the Black Cat, so everyone had to bet on which rider was most likely to win. Even so, I thought everyone secretly rooted for the Black Cat, hating the idea of the undefeated failing.

  “Black cat is a woman,” Lamb declared from beside me.

  “What?” I choked out.

  “I mean, look how she rides. Plus, it’s an unofficial race, meaning there’s no rule saying girls can’t compete.”

  “It doesn’t mean it’s a girl,” I retorted.

  “Trust me.” Lamb winked. “I know how girls ride.”

  “Me, too,” another voice popped up beside me. “That’s definitely a woman.”

  “Anna.” I sighed, turning to look at her. I was between the two physical forms of sin and knew this normally didn’t end well. “What can I do for you?”

  “First, you can give me this.” She grinned, stealing Adair off my lap before I could move.

  “Aunt Anna!” Adair giggled, giving her a big hug and a wet kiss.

  “Hey, little man.” Anna smiled, pinching his chubby cheeks. “And you”—she handed me a white envelope—“can have these back.”

  She grinned then left with Adair, promising him they could continue to watch the Black Cat race in her room. Anna didn’t have a room, which more than likely meant she was about to commandeer Wolf’s and sabotage it somehow. I used to warn my president, but found it was inevitable after the first few months. Instead, I focused more on staying out of the way.

  I looked away from them, hoping Anna could keep corrupting my nephew to a minimum as I looked down at the envelope. I didn’t even think about what could be inside of it until I unfolded the lid and pulled out its contents.

  “She didn’t,” I growled.

  Lamb peered over my shoulder and, with raised eyebrows, said, “I think she did.”

  I swung the door open, more than buzzing with annoyance. By the time the door bounced off the wall, I couldn’t remember my own name.

  My eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing. All they could comprehend were soft pale skin, black lace, and long red hair.

  I swallowed.

  “Took you long enough.” Mallory turned away from the window.

  “I … uh …” God, it was like I was a teenager seeing a woman for the first time. “What are you wearing?”

  “Oh, this?” Mallory purred, acting all coy. “It’s a little something I asked Anna to pick up for me.”

  Little was right. She had on tiny black lace panties that I now could see was a G-string with little silk bows on either side of her hips and a matching baby doll dress. The bow on the front pulled the material over the black bra beneath, which was transparent enough to see her hard, pink nipples.

  “I see you got my message,” Mallory said, looking down at the envelope in my hands.

  “You returned these to Anna,” I said, recalling the reason I had stormed up here in the first place. “Mallory, I said I didn’t want you doing this.”

  “No,” Mallory said, walking around the room to stand in front of me.

  I remembered the door was open, and I shut it. I was pissed, but I would be even more so if a brother got a sight of this.

  “You said you didn’t want what you said to me to affect my decision.” Mallory looked up at me with those big, brown eyes that were ringed in black makeup that only made their color seem so much brighter. “It hasn’t. I planned on getting rid of them for a while now.”

  “Mallory …”

  “I love you.

  I stuttered, looking down at the little thing in front of me. I thought she would be shy when she said it, blushing and looking away, but no, she had looked straight into my eyes, and my mind had stalled. She meant it. She truly meant it.

  “I wasn’t going to tell you, not when I wasn’t sure if you loved me or not, but when you said what you did last night, I knew you cared about me, too. Maybe not love, but whatever it is, I decided it was enough. I won’t leave, Hunter. I’m in it for the long haul. You, me, Adair … and the club.”

  “I …”

  Mallory pushed onto her tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss against my lips. It was slow and gentle, and when she pulled back, her eyes were soft.

  “Don’t say anything.”

  I didn’t speak. Instead, I let her take me by the hands and pull me toward the bed until the back of her knees hit the edge.

  I slid my finger along her jaw and brushed down her neck and shoulders, trailing down her arm, watching the goose bumps pickle across her skin. Her breathing became harder as I leaned down close to her face, only brushing the surface.

  She looped her fingers under my shirt and began to push it up, and I slid off my cut before helping her pull my shirt over my head. Then she ran her hands along the ridges of my chest, brushing softly over the red firebird and across the scripture before placing a gentle kiss on it. Then she went lower, brushing over the line of hair that led down to my belt where she slid the belt through the buckle and pulled it loose, while I kicked off my boots and socks as she popped the button undone and my jeans fell to the floor.

  Fully bare, I pulled Mallory close, my dick pressing against the softness of her thighs. Then I pressed against her until she began to tip back, and I went with her.

  I pinned her to the bed, lifting onto my elbows as Mallory wrapped her legs around the back of my calves. She ran her feet up and down while grabbing my hair and pulling me down until I was pressed against her.

  When she ran her tongue across my lips, I couldn’t resist the temptation. My mouth met hers, first slow and deep. Then she slipped her tongue into my mouth, and I took back control, sliding my knees onto the bed as Mallory wrapped her legs around my waist.

  When I lifted my chest off hers and pulled away, she was panting hot and heavy. I sat back on my knees and looked down at her flushed face before leaning down again, moving my lips along her jaw and neck. I sucked at the sweet spot on the edge of her shoulder, and she moaned. Then I peppered kisses across her skin until I came to the silk bow blocking my path.

  I grabbed one side with my teeth, and Mallory’s eyes followed as I pulled it loose. The material slipped away, and that thin, black bra didn’t stop my mouth from catching her hard nipple between my teeth.

  “Hunter,” she groaned, arching her back.

  I reached for her other nipple, slipping my finger beneath her bra and rolling it between my fingers. Mallory groaned again, wriggling her core against me and bucking for attention.

  I released her and grabbed either side of her black panties, loosening the bows until the material simply fell apart. Then I immediately went to her clit and began rubbing it in small circles until she was withering in pleasure. When I knew she was near, I pulled away, and she growled in annoyance.

  “When you come,” I growled, “you’re gonna do it around my dick.”

  Mallory’s mouth formed that little O shape as her eyes trailed down my abdomen to where my hard length now rested on the top of her mound. She wet her lips.

  I leaned over toward the nightstand, but Mallory grabbed my arm and said, “I’m on the pill.”

  I could imagine what it was like when she had said the same thing to my brother those years ago.

  She must have noticed my pause, because she quickly added, “No lies this time. I want to feel you, Hunter, all of you. I trust you.”

  Her brown eyes pleaded with me, and there was no way I could refuse. Mallory wasn’t playing me, and I knew how much this meant to her that I trust her in return.


  Who was I kidding? I had wanted to ride her bare since the second my dick twitched for her.

  I pulled her up the bed until her head rested against the pillows. She raised her legs up around my waist again and looked up into my eyes as I guided my dick toward her entrance, feeling her pussy throbbing against my tip. I wouldn’t last long at this rate.

  “You ready?” I whispered.

  “Fuck me, big boy.”

  When I saw her grin, I could barely hold back.

  Submissive? Not submissive? I had no idea anymore. And I loved it.

  I moved forward, sliding straight into her hot pussy. She was tight, and I fucking loved it. I wanted to give her time to adjust, but when she squeezed around me, I could barely contain myself.

  I pulled out slowly at first, and then slid back inside in one thrust. Mallory moaned with pleasure, and I kept thrusting as I picked up speed. What had been slow and steady was now hard and fast. I was practically ramming my dick into her, her muscles tightening as she rose higher and higher. I was near myself, and I picked up speed again until I was drilling her, and she was clinging to me with all her strength.

  “Hunter, I’m gonna—”

  I thrust hard into her and felt her muscles squeeze me tight as an orgasm slammed into her. She cried out my name, and I soon followed.

  She milked me of every drop I had until I collapsed on top of her, my dick still buried between her soft thighs.

  “Fuck me,” Mallory sighed out.

  “Just did.” I chuckled, leaning up onto my elbows to see Mallory rolling her eyes. I caught her mouth in a hard kiss. “Don’t roll your eyes at me,” I growled then rolled off her.

  She slapped my chest. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  It was official.

  I was ruined.

  I sat on one of the couches again, rug rats running around left, right, and center while Adair talked to Ripper’s two girls about coloring.

  “No girl will be safe,” Mallory whispered from next to me, her eyes on Adair.

  I laughed. “With Noble’s womanizing and your crazy, the poor kid is damned.”

  Mallory pinched my chest before I grabbed her hand and pulled her close for a hard kiss. She resisted for barely a moment before she melted into me, a small purr rumbling from her as she wiggled against my lap, knowing full well what rubbing her ass against my crotch would get her.

  “You really want to start this in a room full of kids?” I growled.

  Mallory stopped moving.

  “Good girl.” I smirked, and she scowled.

  “Damn, Hunter.” Pretty laughed. “You’ve got to teach me that trick.”

  “I’ve officially removed you from my number three favorite spot,” Mallory snapped.

  I did my best not to laugh at how offended Pretty looked.

  “Three? I was only number three? What about that burger I saved you from!”

  “You mean the burger I was going to eat before you stole it from me?”

  “I was poison testing,” Pretty defended. “I do it because I care!”

  “What’s the point of poison testing if you eat the whole damn thing!”

  “Tut. Tut.” Jax shook his head. “You do know I’m obviously number one.”

  Lamb scoffed, placing his shit-kickers on the table, his suit and fancy shoes gone for once. “Get in line, boys. She baked me cupcakes.”

  “Ah-hem.” Anna coughed.

  Everyone looked toward her where she straddled the arm of the couch next to me and Mallory. Mallory turned to look at her as Anna caught her by the chin and kissed her.

  Me and everyone else stared jaw-slacked as she tongue-tied with my girl in a way that made the boys squirm.

  The second Mallory moaned, I pulled her away as fast as I could.

  “Boo,” Anna whined. “You always spoil my fun.”

  Mallory was limp in my arms, her eyes dazed as she looked up at Anna.

  A wicked smile over
took the little blonde’s mouth as she winked at Mallory then made her way over to the bar.

  “What just happened?” Mallory whispered.

  “I think Hunter lost his place as number one,” Jax replied.

  The door slid open, snapping everyone from their daze as a group of club sluts came strolling in. Baby, with her long, black hair and southern-tanned skin, wandered in with her tiny shorts and legs that went on for miles. Behind her was another story.

  Where Mallory’s scratches were mostly healed and her bruises beginning to fade, the rest of the girls looked fresh from the fight. Like Georgia, who always followed in Baby’s shadow, had a shiner and a slightly crooked nose that made me proud of my girl.

  Mallory looked over in their direction with upturned eyebrows as she assessed the damage. The girls hadn’t been around since the fight, Wolf having kicked them out for a few days because of the stunt they had pulled, though a few of the brothers had gotten shit, too, because they had been the ones who had leaked about Nobel and Mallory to the bitches. All that had blown over with the brothers after Mallory had told me the rest of the story, which I, in turn, told the brothers. A few were still a little cold to Mallory, but they gave her the respect she deserved as my woman.

  Mallory climbed off my lap and turned to walk toward the bar when I grabbed her by the wrist.

  “What are you doing?”

  She flickered a look over to where Anna and Baby stood at the bar, talking over a beer. The other girls fanned out amongst the few brothers who were here during this time of day.

  “I’ve got something to settle.”

  “Mallory …” I warned. The only reason shit had worked out in her favor last time was because the girls had started the fight by cornering her.

  “Don’t worry.” Mallory pried my hand from her wrist. “No fights, I promise.”

  “I’m coming, too.” I tried to get out of my chair before Mallory stopped me.

  “No, I need to do this on my own.” Mallory stared me down hard, fighting with some fierce determination, obviously wanting her way.

  Part of me knew I couldn’t always be there for her when the club sluts were around, but that didn’t mean I liked it. Not one bit, which I made clear when I barely managed to force out a, “Fine.”


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