Sex God

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Sex God Page 7

by J. a Melville

  Immediately I berated myself for even thinking like that. What did it matter if I was Shay’s type or not? I didn’t want him. I didn’t want someone like him. The man might as well ear tag the women he’d fucked, there were so many of them from what I’d heard. It was probably getting hard for him to keep track of them and not break the cardinal vow of a man whore or in his case Sex God, and accidentally double dip.

  Karen and Ava met me as I finally remembered the drinks I was balancing in my hands and began to head their way.

  “Oh my fucking god - who was that?” Ava asked, her eyes nearly popping out of their sockets as she stared over to where Shay had just turned to hand a drink to tonight’s notch in his bedpost.

  “He’s gorgeous.” Karen chimed in, her eyes like saucers too as she looked at him.

  I groaned. “Can we not discuss him so close to him?” I asked, pushing my way through the crowd to get some distance between Shay and myself before I explained to them who he was.

  Taking a couple of much needed gulps of my Vodka Cooler, I turned to my over eager friends. “That’s Shay.” I said as if somehow that would explain everything to them.

  “Well, Shay is gorgeous. He’s more than gorgeous.” Karen added. “That still doesn’t tell us how you know him.”

  I snorted. “I’m surprised you don’t know him. You come here way more than I do. The man’s reputation should precede him and I would have thought you’d have heard of him for sure.” I sighed when they still looked at me like they were about to burst if I didn’t hurry up and explain. “He’s known as the Sex God and I’m sure you don’t need me to explain why.”

  “Nope.” Karen shook her head. “Never heard of him but I sure wish I had. He’s definitely a number one on the ‘I would fuck him chart’.” She eyed me curiously still. “So how do you know him?”

  “Through Leo. They met at the gym and became buddies. You know my brother’s a man whore too. He’ll fuck anything in a skirt just about.”

  “Ava looked momentarily crestfallen. “He won’t fuck me though. God knows I’ve tried to get in the man’s pants but he hangs onto those damn things like a nun in a brothel.”

  Despite my emotions still being in disarray after seeing Shay and with a woman, I still snorted at the image Ava’s words put in my head.

  “You rarely wear a skirt either so Leo probably puts you in the too hard basket. Too much effort required to get to the good bits.” I grinned, trying to make her feel better. “You’re nearly always in jeans or pants. I can’t remember the last time I saw you in a dress or skirt.” I frowned, my eyes moving over Ava’s petite frame.

  She looked amazing despite my brother’s apparent lack of interest in her. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans that looked like she’d been poured into them and a black off the shoulder top that revealed the swell of her breasts over the low neckline. She had a Passion fruit vine tattoo running around her neck with the white and purple flowers sprinkled amongst the leaves. It was a beautiful tattoo and feminine too. She wore her black hair short but with the tips a hot pink and with her pierced nose and dramatic makeup, she was stunning.

  “I hardly ever wear a dress.” Ava still looked crestfallen.

  I put my arm around her. “Don’t worry about my brother. You look gorgeous and he’s a jerk anyway. I can say that because he is my brother. He’s a man whore and you deserve someone better than him.”

  Ava shot me a grin. “Would you like me to find you a platform so you can get up on that sucker and preach that shit?”

  “Fuck you.” I laughed. “Well, are we going to stand here all night or go find some men to dance with?” I asked.

  Both my friends raised their glasses. “Fuck yeah and fuck men, and especially fuck your brother.” Ava raised her drink.

  “Fuck men, fuck your brother and fuck that sexy fucker Shay.” Karen raised her glass.

  “Fuck men, fuck Jeff, fuck Leo and fuck Shay.” I yelled, my glass held up high too.

  Karen burst out laughing, and I realised from a few glances in our direction that people were probably wondering what the hell we were doing.

  “You do realise that everything and everyone we toasted or said fuck to are all men? We could have saved ourselves the trouble of mentioning your brother, your ex and the sexy fucker, and just left them under the general category of men.” She pointed out.

  That made Ava and I giggle. “Men are bloody frustrating creatures though. They need mentioning several times because of it. Now come on, let’s find a table or a wall to hold up for a while.” Ava stepped into the crowd and we linked hands so we wouldn’t lose each other in the crowds.

  Chapter Seven


  The last thing I’d expected was to run into Lyla and her friends. Seeing her had certainly thrown me a bit. The look she’d given me and the woman I’d picked up for the evening actually made me feel a little uncomfortable and I didn’t like it.

  I didn’t need Leo’s sister giving us disapproving looks like it was her right to pass judgement. What I did need was to get out of here and fuck Lisa. Fortunately this time I’d remembered this one’s name. The trouble was, she was enjoying parading me about like a prize fucking racehorse with her friends and I hated it. I hated it so much; I was considering dumping her and finding another fresh pussy to hit.

  We’d been in the club a couple of hours now and I was done with this shit. I needed to get Lisa out of here and get inside her. Once I was in her, this restless tension in me would go.

  “I’m going. If you don’t want to come with me, stay and we’ll call it a night.” I touched my lips to her ear as I spoke so she’d hear me over the noise of the music.

  She turned wide eyes to mine and I knew she was assessing whether I was serious or not. I was serious alright. I was as serious as a fucking heart attack.

  “But I…” She began, trailing off again. “But the club doesn’t shut for a few hours yet.” She protested.

  I felt my jaw tightening at her words. “I don’t really give a fuck when the club shuts. I’m ready to leave. If you’re not, that’s fine but I’m going.” I turned, ready to walk away, testing her to see if she really wanted to fuck me or whether it had only been about showing me off to her friends. She’d made it clear when she first approached me that she’d known who I was but sometimes all they wanted was to be ‘seen’ with me like I was some kind of fucking celebrity.

  I flashed her one more impatient look before beginning to push my way through the crowds to get out of there. I’d made it to the door leading out of the nightclub area when I felt a hand close around my arm. When I turned back, Lisa was clinging to me, that familiar gleam of desperation showing in her eyes.

  I turned away from her briefly so she wouldn’t see the look of triumph on my face. These women were so damn predictable and so fucking easy to reel in like fish on a line. Acting like I was contemplating whether to take her out with me or not, I finally turned back to where she stood chewing around on her lower lip.

  “So you’re coming with me?” I asked and she nodded. “Well, come on then.” I reached for her hand and she eagerly took it, following me as I made my way through the club to the main entrance.


  I was drunk, really drunk. I could tell that much. I peered up into the face of the man I was dancing with but his image was shimmering and blurring as I struggled to focus on him.

  He smiled down at me, his hands coming out to close around my body, pulling me in close until he was grinding himself against me.

  “It’s hot in here. Do you wanna go outside?” He asked, his lips brushing my ear.

  “Yeah.” I smiled, feeling like my lips were made of rubber and hard to control. I could only hope that I was in fact smiling and not half drooling and giving him some goofy look.

  He returned my smile before taking my hand and leading me off the dancefloor. We arrived back at the table where my friends were. Friends of the man I’d been dancing with, were talking to them and a
s soon as we reached them, one of them handed me a drink. I eagerly downed it, just about inhaling it in my enthusiasm. I was so drunk I didn’t care at that point and after sweating on the dancefloor I needed the cold drink to try and cool off

  “We’re going outside for a minute.” I somehow managed to speak without slurring the words too badly. Ava gave me the thumbs up but Karen bent over to me, concern showing in her eyes.

  “Are you sure?” She asked. “You’re pissed girlie; really pissed.”

  “I’m good.” I waved a hand at her to dismiss her concern. “We won’t be long.” I assured her.

  Straightening, she nodded before shifting her focus to the man beside me. “Look after her and don’t you take advantage of her Mike.” She warned him and I silently cheered. Somewhere in the noise of the music and confusion caused by the alcohol swirling through my system, I’d forgotten the man’s name.

  “She’ll be just fine.” He met Karen’s stare head on before smiling down at me and taking my hand. “Come on Lyla, let’s get some air.”

  He shot a look at his friends and they both grinned at him before turning their smiles on me. There was something there in their expressions but I was too damn drunk to figure it out.

  I turned to wiggle my fingers at my friends as Mike led me through the club to the main doors and all the way I stared at the floor, concentrating on every step so I wouldn’t fall off my high heels.

  As I walked I started to feel a little odd. I felt light headed and it wasn’t just because I was drunk, it was something else. My vison was blurring and I regretted drinking that last drink so fast. I’d pushed myself over the threshold into the too drunk category.

  “Last drink’s not the charm.” I mumbled to myself, my words sounding slurred to my own ears.

  When we stepped outside, my head really began to spin when the fresh air hit me. I stopped abruptly causing Mike’s hand to jerk in mine as he was brought to a sudden halt.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked and I began to suck air into my lungs like a desperate woman.

  “I don’t know. I feel funny.” My voice sounded like I was talking around a mouthful of marbles or something.

  “You’ll be ok. You need to walk off that last drink.” He tugged on my hand, nearly dragging me across the carpark of the club and I stumbled after him, finding it harder to not only keep up with him but to stay on my feet.

  He finally stopped next to some dark blue sedan but I couldn’t see what it was because the lighting was getting really dim. I lifted my head although I wasn’t sure how since it felt like it weighed ten ton or something. The lights that lit up the carpark at various points were dipping in and out from bright to dim and back again.

  A buzzing began in my ears as if I was being invaded by hundreds of angry bees. Vaguely I realised Mike was unlocking the car and opening the back door. He pushed me and I stumbled, barely able to stay upright now. I fell back onto the rear seat of the car, my head banging on the door frame.

  The dull pain barely registered as I collapsed against the velour seat struggling to clear my head. Even in my severely inebriated state, I sensed something wasn’t right. I fought to stay conscious as I felt hands under my dress tugging at my underwear. I tried to push them away but I couldn’t focus on him. Nausea began to rise and I panicked that I was about to throw up in his car. Struggling, but unable to get my body to co-operate, I tried to sit up.

  “Stop fighting me.” He snapped his hands rougher on me and I heard the sound of fabric tearing. I blinked, shocked, dazed and confused when he held up the scrap of lace in his hands that had been my panties.

  “No.” I managed the one word, my brain frantically trying to engage but it was like I was being swallowed up by the darkness and I could no longer fight it. “No.” I squeezed the one word out again before losing the battle and letting the black rise up to claim me.


  When we got outside, I knew the first thing I had to do was see if this woman really wanted sex with me or just to be seen with me. I wasn’t a fan of kissing women. Not because of an aversion to kissing but it was too intimate an act for me. Still sometimes it was a necessary evil to either get the woman more in the mood or test her readiness for sex.

  Pushing her up against the concrete wall of the club I dropped my lips to hers, claiming them in a deep kiss. She tasted sweet with the background flavour of vodka and I ran my tongue along the seam of her mouth until she opened for me, letting me inside.

  When her lips parted I plundered the tender recess of her mouth. In the beginnings of an intimate dance, I licked and caressed her tongue, tasting her, feeling her hands clutching at my waist as if she needed to hang onto me.

  I smiled against her lips, slowing down my assault on her until I stepped back, watching her chest rising and falling rapidly as she panted, her cheeks flushed with her arousal. I knew at that point she was mine. She was going to part those legs of hers like Moses parted the damn Red Sea.

  “Wanna come back to mine?” I asked cocking my head to one side to give her a lopsided grin I knew made women wet. That wasn’t my ego talking. It was women. They told me my smile had that effect on them often enough.

  An answering smile lit up her face. “Sure.” She stepped towards me, her hands coming out and one pressing against my erection. Her eyes widened. “Holy fuck, it’s true.”

  I was pretty sure I knew what she meant but I couldn’t help but ask anyway. “What’s true?”

  “You’re huge.” She whispered the words almost reverently.

  I laughed. “Perhaps, but maybe you should wait until you find out for yourself.”

  She gave me a gentle squeeze. “Well, lead the way stud.”

  I pulled her hand from the zip of my chinos and with my fingers wrapped around her slender ones I led her towards the car park. With every step I could feel the tension from seeing my father beginning to drain from me. I hated seeing him. I fucking hated it so much. I would never forgive him for my mother’s death and I would never forgive him for not loving me enough to save me all those years ago.

  We made our way through the rows of cars in the crowded carpark towards my Ford which I always parked a distance from the club’s entrance. I preferred the privacy of the distance parking spaces because on some occasions I never made it to my fuck pad, I’d just do the woman on the back seat of my car. Not tonight though, I was taking her to the apartment because I had every intention of fucking this woman until she was so sore she would be reminded of me long after I’d forgotten her name.

  Maybe it was sick of me to do that, to punish her for my father’s actions, but I guess this was a case of wrong time wrong place and she was going to pay the price. The price being my fuck of the evening on the day I’d seen that bastard. Most women would argue that being fucked by the Sex God wasn’t a case of ‘paying the price’ but on the days I had to go and see my father, I was brutal and unrelenting with the women I chose. I fucked them over and over again until they could barely move and they really would be feeling the lingering effects of me for days afterwards. I didn’t care though. They were my escape from the remembered pain and humiliation I felt each time I went to see him.

  “What’s that noise?” Lisa’s voice broke through my troubled thoughts and I looked down at her when she stopped walking, forcing me to stop too.

  “What is it?” I asked but she had her head cocked as if listening for something.

  “I’m not sure but I thought I heard grunting.”

  The frown that had formed on my brow cleared at her words. “Grunting? That sounds like there might be some enjoying the pleasure of one another’s’ company.” I grinned.

  “Stupid bitch, get in the damn car.” A gruff male voice carried across to us and immediately I tensed up.

  “Something’s-” Lisa began but I raised a finger to my lips to silence her.

  Crouching down I began to move stealthily through the carpark in the direction of the voice. When I turned back, Lisa was following me
. I was going to try and stop her but she had slipped off her shoes and was barefoot so clearly she understood the need to be quiet. I guess having her follow me wasn’t too bad because depending on what we found, I might need her to get help.

  I slipped silently between another row of cars and came across an innocuous looking dark blue car. One of the back doors was open and a man stood at it, hunched over, looking like he was wrestling with something. As I crept closer I saw his pants were undone, the waist of them sitting at the tops of his thighs and with warning bells going off in my head, I inched nearer to him, finally seeing the legs of a woman hanging out of the open door of the car.

  They were hanging loosely and it was them that the man was struggling with. He was trying to work her body into the car so she was lying across the back seat. One shoe had fallen off and was lying next to the car while the other one still hung precariously off her limp foot.

  “Fucking hell you weren’t supposed to pass out you dumb cow. Why’d you drink so much fucking booze? I’ve never had a dead root before.” The man’s voice was gruff, impatient, frustrated and that was enough for me, with a red haze rising colouring my vision, I charged.

  Just before I reached the bastard who was clearly about to rape some poor woman he turned, his eyes widening in surprise when he saw me. Having his eyes on me didn’t slow me down at all though. I expected him to react, to do something but he didn’t, he just stood staring at me open mouthed as my hand came up and with every muscle engaged through my shoulder and arm, I hit him as hard as I could.

  He was pathetic, disgusting, an animal. One hit, it only took one punch to bring the lowlife to his knees and when he lifted his head, blood pouring from his nose and lip, his sad looking dick hanging out of his jeans, wilting rapidly from the blow he’d received from me, I finished him off with a backhander that sent him face first into the tarmac of the carpark.


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