Sex God

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Sex God Page 9

by J. a Melville

  I shuddered hearing that the man who’d drugged and tried to rape me, had done this sort of thing before. “God I hope so. No woman deserves to be treated like that. You know the sad thing is he wasn’t an ugly guy. He could probably get himself a woman without having to drug one and take advantage of her when she can’t defend herself.”

  Leo pulled me into his arms for a hug. “I’m just glad you’re ok and that he wasn’t successful with his attempt. Lucky Shay got to him and beat the shit out of him. I thought he was going to kill him. Even though he’d already knocked the asswipe out by the time I got there, he was clearly still really pissed off. I think if we hadn’t warned him to calm down he probably would have killed that bastard and fucked up his own life in the process. Shay’s real touchy about any kind of sexual abuse. I figure he’s known someone at some stage who was raped or something. I’ve tried asking him about it but he just gets all closed off and refuses to say anything.”

  “I want to see him Leo. I need to thank him. Where does he live? I can go and see him.”

  My brother snorted. “No one really knows where he lives. He’s got an apartment in the city which he admitted is his fuck pad. Where he lives the rest of the time? I don’t know.”

  “I thought you two were friends?” I frowned, not liking that I not only couldn’t thank the man for potentially saving my life but that he had a place to take women to so he could fuck them. I shouldn’t let it bother me. I knew what he was. He’d warned me and my brother had warned me. A man like him who avoided any kind of relationship was destined to leave a string of broken hearts in his wake and I didn’t want to be one of them. I groaned silently. Of course it would be a lot easier if he wasn’t so good looking.

  “We are friends but not the kind who go over to each other’s houses and hang out. It’s mostly at the gym we see each other and occasionally we’ll go out on the prowl together.”

  The image of my brother and Shay trying to pick up brought a reluctant smile to my lips. “You are such a man whore Leo.”

  “Not as much as Shay.” He replied. “He’s the one with the reputation sis not me.” He grinned. “I’m more the silent achiever. I don’t need the fanfare and the title like him. Mine is more a motto. Satisfaction is guaranteed.” He gave a little flourish and I picked up one of the pillows on my bed and threw it at him.


  It was nearly three weeks since I’d found that prick bent over Lyla’s unconscious body trying to fuck her. I was curious as to how she was but I kept my questions casual when I ran into Leo at the gym. He worked there as a personal trainer and of course trained there to keep himself in shape.

  He explained that she was doing ok and after a week off work, she was back to her daily routine, seemingly ready to move on from what had happened to her, at least until the court date came around.

  “She had an understanding boss then?” I asked.

  “Lyla is the boss mate. She owns a craft shop. It’s not a huge shop but it makes her a tidy profit. Bits and Bobs. Who would have guessed there was good money to be made in craft items?” He laughed.

  I filed the name of her shop away in my memory as I listened to Leo talk. I could go and check she was alright. The idea took root in my head. Not actually go inside and speak to her, just do the semi creepy stalker thing of looking in through the shop window.

  When we both picked up the pace on the treadmills, our conversation died off as we concentrated on pushing our bodies harder and faster as we pounded out the kilometres. After that we moved onto weights and once we were both finally done, we hit the showers.

  Leo left as he had an appointment with a client. His work wasn’t just running a couple of classes at the gym or helping out people with exercise regimes there, he also had some people he worked one on one with in their homes.

  I deliberately took my time drying off and dressing in the fresh set of clothes I kept in my locker so that Leo left before me. Once I was dressed in a pair of old, faded blue jeans, sneakers and a white tee-shirt, I too left the gym, pulling out my phone to find out where this business of Lyla’s was.

  Chapter Nine


  “You know I think there’s a man staring at you through the shop window.” Sharon said, her back to the shop front and her voiced lowered as if she was afraid the man she claimed was watching might hear her.

  “My eyes shot up, darting wildly from side to side, fearful that the man who’d tried to assault me might have somehow gotten out on bail after all. I couldn’t see anyone though so either Sharon was nuts and seeing things or I was nuts for paying any attention to her.

  “I don’t see anyone.” I told her.

  “There was a man there. Damn fine looking one too. I got a brief glimpse of dark hair and that kind of semi scruffy look on the face. You know the look?”

  I nodded absently as Sharon’s words turned over in my head. That wasn’t the description for the man who’d drugged me and tried to rape me. It sounded more like Shay but no way in hell would he be here. Would he? He didn’t know where I worked. I somehow doubted discussions on my business were a priority for Leo and Shay. Finding their next fuck for the night would rate far more highly.

  Still, I found myself propelled towards the door almost as if someone were pushing me. I opened the glass door and stepped out, scanning the street. At first I didn’t notice anything but then my attention was drawn to a tall man standing a few shops up from me. He had his back to me, head down but I could see his hair was dark with some slightly lighter highlights through it.

  He also had a beautiful back if backs could be described as beautiful. Wide through the shoulders and tapering down to a narrow waist. Tall, with long straight legs and an ass that sent my heart ricocheting around in my chest. With a view that good from the back I willed him to turn around.

  “Shay?” I called his name before I even had time to realise what I was doing and I might have felt like a fool when he slowly turned, had it not been him. It was though and the sheer beauty of his features and that body that was made for sin, hit me with such force, I involuntarily took a step back.

  I could see he was wavering. Clearly debating whether to stay or go. He didn’t hesitate long though and began to walk towards me, his long stride eating up the ground between us.

  I couldn’t do anything but watch him. I was helpless. Drawn to him. Incapable of looking away. He moved with such fluid grace, like a dancer. He moved effortlessly, muscles flexing and shifting with each stride.

  I envied him such grace. I was naturally accident prone and if I tried to walk in really high heels for too long I inevitably ended up either rolling an ankle or falling off the damn things, which wasn’t exactly the picture of elegance.

  Before I could say anything he spoke first. “I was coming to check that you were alright after…well…you know.” He said his voice low. “Your brother didn’t seem to think it was necessary for me to come and see you and I guess this looks a bit stalkerish but…” He trailed off.

  A big smile lit up my face and his eyes widened, his whole body seeming to lean away from mine as if shocked by my response.

  Here I’d been frustrated by Leo’s determination to keep me from going to see Shay and now it seemed he was also trying to stop Shay from coming to see me. I could only wonder why. He’d been all guns blazing at first, thinking his friend might be a good way for me to get back in the saddle so to speak and have a night of incredible sex, but now it seemed he didn’t want us near one another.

  “I’m glad you came. I’ve wanted to thank you since I got out of hospital but Leo’s been impossible. It’s like having a second mother. He’s fussed and damn near kept me a prisoner in my own bedroom. I know a shitty thing happened and it could have been much worse had it not been for you and your lady friend, so thank you. That’s really all I wanted to say to you, was thank you. It’s been a relief to get back to work. Having a mother hen for a brother is enough to drive anyone close to insanity and I needed to see
something beyond those four walls. I don’t think he’s realised that I needed work to distract me from what is coming: the court case. I don’t want to look into the eyes of the man who drugged me and tried to rape me.”

  “Can we go inside? This isn’t really the kind of conversation for having on the streets.” Shay didn’t wait for my answer, taking my elbow and steering me towards the doorway of Bits and Bobs.

  “Well I…I’m working…and I’m not alone.” I stumbled over the words as he practically dragged me inside my shop and I tried not to let him see how much his touch was affecting me. Just the feel of his palm against mine and his fingers curled around my hand had my heart flopping about like a fish out of water.

  He was so collected and controlled that it was hard for me to remember he was younger than me; three years younger than me. I’d never dated a younger man. They’d always been a few years older. One had been 17 years older than me.

  I stumbled when I realised where my train of thought had gone. What on earth was I thinking? Shay and date? Those two words didn’t go together. He’d made it perfectly clear as had Leo, he didn’t date or romance or even woo for that matter. He went through the mating ritual enough to pick his target and play the game to get her to leave with him. Once he had her, he fucked her, casting her out once he was done. I barely managed to contain the snort that rose in me. My guess was the mating ritual involved him flashing those beautiful big silvery blue eyes at a woman and crooking his finger, and she’d go running towards him, tearing her clothing off as she ran.

  “Are you alright?” He asked, snapping me out of my crazy thoughts and back to the present.

  “I’m fine. I just tripped. Accident prone.” I shot him a smile, giving him the first explanation to pop into my head. It wasn’t exactly a lie. I was accident prone.

  “Been fishing have we?” Sharon asked once we got inside.

  I raised my eyebrows at her wondering what kind of drugs the woman was on. “Huh? I said, probably sounding like an idiot.

  She nodded her head towards Shay. “Men, you’ve been fishing for men. Are there any more like him outside? He really is the catch of the day, isn’t he?” Her eyes roamed over him, not missing one single hair or pore on him I bet.

  I rolled my eyes at her but Shay obviously didn’t find my assistant’s blatant ogling a problem because he shot her a lazy grin. Clearly he was going for maximum swoon effect because he used the lopsided smile which made his dimple appear, and he narrowed his eyes enough that he was looking through his ridiculously long lashes at her.

  It had the desired effect. She swooned and I felt a flash of irrational jealousy surge through me at the attention he was giving her.

  “This is Sharon, my assistant.” I made the reluctant introduction and fought not to roll my eyes when Shay took her hand and kissed the back of it, causing her to nearly end up in a puddle at his feet.

  Before I could introduce him, Shay jumped in first. “I’m Shay a friend of Lyla’s brother.”

  Sharon’s eyes opened so wide they were like saucers in her face. “Oh, so you’re Shay.”

  That made him frown, his eyes flitting to mine briefly.

  I told her what happened and how you saved the day…I mean night. Well, you saved me from being raped.” I explained.

  “You’re a bit of a hero then aren’t you?” Sharon was staring up at Shay like he was the answer to world peace or something.

  “Not really.” He replied, seeming uncomfortable with my assistant’s blatant adoration.

  “I’m glad you came.” I spoke up. “I can’t thank you enough for what you did.” I looked around, anywhere but at him. “Do you want a coffee or something?”

  He looked surprised at my question. I started to tell him to forget it but he interrupted me. “Yes I would…please.”

  “Ooh, I’ll go put the kettle on.” Sharon went to head out the back where the small kitchen and office was.

  “Can you give us some time alone?” Shay asked her before she could disappear.

  Sharon paused, her eyes darting to mine where I gave her a barely decipherable nod. “Well, how about I go and get us a selection of cakes or something?” She suggested and Shay and I nodded.

  We stood in awkward silence while my assistant grabbed some money from the cash register and with a smile to both of us, she headed out the door.

  Once she was gone I walked around the counter and through the doorway that led to the kitchen. I turned ready to call out to Shay to find out what he wanted and nearly bumped into him. He’d chosen to follow me but the man was stealthy, not making any sound at all; his footsteps silent.

  Feeling suddenly nervous in the small area I busied myself getting out the mugs and putting out coffee and sugar into them, casting a look to Shay to find out how he had his.

  “White, no sugar.” He answered my unspoken question and returned his attention to looking around the small room we were in. “So crafts are profitable?” He asked.

  I smiled, glad to be on a subject I could talk about. I didn’t have to give my responses a lot of thought when it came to talking about my business. Just as well because Shay’s presence made any kind of rational thought difficult. He was probably used to women being dithering, bumbling messes around him but that wasn’t the impression I wanted to leave him with.

  “You have no idea. Seems that although the scrapbooking craze isn’t as crazy as it was, people are still making things. Of course there’s the knitters and those who crochet but I have a big market now for people who make swag.”

  Shay’s brows came together. “Swag?”

  “It’s stuff that authors have to help promote their books apparently. They make ribbon bookmarks, earrings, necklaces, you name it. I sell hundreds of blank keyrings so they can put photos in them. They make great gifts, or so I’ve been told. These days it seems every second person is writing a book and publishing it so they need swag or they need people to make it for them and I’m not complaining. They come here and they buy, buy, buy.”

  “I’ve done a few book covers.” Shay said and immediately frowned as if regretting that he’d mentioned it.

  “Covers? You mean you’ve modelled for book covers?” I turned to him, my eyes moving over his face. God, he would make a beautiful model for a cover. “What books? Do you know the titles?”

  He shifted his focus to me, frowning. “They were romance. It’s kind of embarrassing really. I don’t know why I mentioned that. It’s not exactly a big deal or my face on a billboard or something. In fact, my face isn’t even on them. I don’t do modelling where my face shows. So really, a book cover or two isn’t that exciting.”

  “Modelling for book covers is big business now Shay. I know some of the models have really successful careers doing that and travel around the world to book signings with the authors. I’m sure you’d make a great book cover model.” I smiled at him, forcing my eyes to stay on his and not crawl all over his body the way my hands itched to do.

  I finished making the coffee and carried his over to him. He smiled as he took it from me, taking a sip of the steaming brew before placing the mug down on the small table where Sharon and I usually ate our lunches.

  He didn’t say anything. He just stared at me and the longer he stared, and the longer he said nothing, the more I could feel the tension building in the room.

  Swallowing nervously, my tongue came out to sweep over my lips. I could barely dampen them my mouth was so dry. Shay’s eyes followed the movement and when he raised them to mine, I could see his had darkened. When he walked the few short steps that brought him to me, standing so close I could smell the intoxicating combination of his Brut aftershave and that scent I now knew was all him, I felt my heart skip a beat.

  Frantically I tried to school my features so I would at least appear to be cool and calm on the outside, even if on the inside I felt like a hundred butterflies had taken flight in my stomach.

  “So is there something you want?” I asked, hoping he wouldn�
��t hear the huskiness in my voice.

  A ghost of a smile crossed his lips and one hand came up, his fingers trailing softly over my cheek. I shivered at his touch, wondering how his skin could feel so cool yet leave a blazing inferno where he touched me.

  “Yeah, there is something I want but I can’t have it no matter how tempting it is.” He spoke all while continuing the slow caress of his fingers over my face from my temple to where the pulse beat frantically in my neck.

  “Is…is it something…in the shop?” I tried to smile but my lips were trembling. “You don’t strike me as the arts and crafts kinda guy.”

  Again I saw a trace of a smile. “I’m not here for some wool.” He didn’t stop touching me but his fingers shifted to the corner of my mouth, one beginning to trace my lower lip. “I’m not quite sure what I’m here for.” He frowned, his eyes lifting briefly to mine before lowering to watch the movement of his finger again.

  “You know your coffee will get cold.” I whispered, my tongue circling my lips again, the tip accidentally touching Shay’s finger where it brushed against me.

  His eyes darkened even more and he sucked in a deep breath. “Fuck the damn coffee.” He growled. Before I could do or say anything more his lips slammed down on mine, so hard my neck snapped back. As if to soften his assault I felt his fingers in my hair, holding me still while he plundered my mouth, his tongue forcing its way inside.

  I moaned, my body lighting up as he kissed me. Everything about him was sensory overload. I couldn’t think or do anything but bring my hands up to cling onto his shoulders as he ground his lips so hard against mine, I could feel the aching in my neck.

  His tongue tasted me, sliding over mine as if sampling me. His lips were a bruising pressure against mine and I was consumed by him, totally and completely overcome by all that was Shay Vidal.

  I felt myself moving and somewhere in my befuddled brain it registered that he was backing me up until I hit the wall, the impact forcing a gasp from me that was immediately swallowed by his lips.


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