Sex God

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Sex God Page 40

by J. a Melville

Today, with Lyla, was a clean slate for me and the beginning of a new chapter. Starting with, talking her into moving in with me. Maybe she would be expecting marriage, but I wasn’t ready for that. Asking her to live with me was a huge step for someone who had avoided every form of commitment all my life. I just hoped she understood, but most of all, I hoped that she would say yes.

  Tucking my nose into her neck, I breathed in her scent and ran my hand lightly along her soft skin from waist to thigh, before spreading my palm over the hardness of her stomach. When the baby kicked, the movement more defined now as the pregnancy advanced, I found myself smiling. I pressed more firmly as if trying to make contact with our unborn child and again, I felt a kick which was accompanied by a rolling movement as if the baby was changing position. It must have been strong enough to wake Lyla because her soft snores ceased and she yawned loudly before turning her head towards me.

  “Are you stirring up our baby?” She asked and I laughed.

  “No. He or she is doing it all by themselves. I’m just lying here completely innocent.” I assured her.

  She frowned. “There is nothing innocent about you Shay.” Her ass wiggled against my groin. “That doesn’t feel very innocent at all.”

  I angled my hips forward so my morning wood grazed between the cheeks of her ass. “Well if I’m going to be accused of not being innocent, perhaps I should demonstrate what I’m capable of?” I growled, pushing a leg between hers and angling my body so my cock was poised at her slick entrance.

  I heard her suck in a sharp breath in response, which became a low moan when I pressed forward, entering her warm and wet pussy. I moved lazily in and out of her, my thrusts shallow because the angle didn’t really allow for anything else.

  “I want you to move in with me.” I said, my lips against her ear as our bodies moved together as one.

  As soon as the words left my lips Lyla gasped, her head turning towards me as much as the position of our bodies would allow.

  “What did you say?” She asked and I grinned, thrusting into her again and stopped.

  “You heard me. I asked you to move in with me.”

  “What are you doing Shay?” Her voice was husky.

  “Making love to you is what I thought I was doing but if you’re not sure, perhaps I need to fuck you and fuck you hard so there’s no confusion over what’s happening.”

  Lyla’s fingers dug into the arm I had wrapped around her waist. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  I nipped at her earlobe before resuming the lazy back and forth action of my hips. Her pussy tightened marginally around me, just enough that it tugged at my piercings, taking my arousal up another notch or two.

  Fighting to keep up the leisurely thrusts I lowered the arm around her waist until I could press my fingers against her clit, strumming it lightly. Her body bucked, her movements jerky, as a low throaty moan worked its way past her lips and I smiled. Lyla’s body was like a finely tuned instrument and mine to play with.

  “Move in with me baby. Move in with me and I can wake you like this every morning. Move in with me and I can show you daily how much you mean to me. Move in with me and I can tell you how much I love you. Move in with me and make me a happy man. Move in with me so our baby has both parents living under the same roof. Move in with me because you want to be here.” I punctuated each sentence with a slow roll of my hips.

  “Where is here Shay?” I could hear the breathlessness in her voice. “This apartment or your Primrose Sands home?”

  I thrust a little harder. Our growing passion making it more difficult for me to keep up the teasing movements.

  “Wherever you want it to be. I don’t care where we live just so long as we live there together.” I really meant that too. If my Primrose home was too far out for her, and the apartment wasn’t ideal for a child, I’d buy us a place of her choosing.

  “I kind of like your Primrose Sands home.” She gasped. “But then I kind of like here too, now it’s no longer your fuck pad.”

  I rubbed Lyla’s clit faster. I was starting to feel like a powder keg about to blow and I needed her to be there with me when I came.

  “The only person I ever want to fuck is you. I can’t get enough of you.” I pressed my lips against her ear. “I need you to come for me baby because I’m about to blow.”

  “Jesus Shay.” She breathed my name almost reverently as she moved with me. “Harder, fuck me harder.”

  Instantly I responded to the need I heard in her voice. Thrusting harder, angling my hips so I could plunge into her deeper. She felt so good, so damn tight. Her pussy clinging to me, tightening around me in that way I knew meant she was going to come soon.

  I moved even harder and faster. My thrusts frantic as I felt myself barrelling towards an intense orgasm. I needed Lyla with me though and my fingers pressed over her clit, circling it, feeling her tremble against me.

  Just when I thought I would lose control before her, she cried out, her body stiffening, her pussy clamping down on me, clenching and releasing around me as she came.

  “Yes…yes…YES.” She shrieked and I groaned at the feel of her pussy milking my cock, driving me towards my own climax. “I’ll move in with you. Fuck…FUCK…I’ll move in with you. I love you.” Her words filled the room, seeming to echo around us and as I hung there, about to succumb to my own release, I wondered if the people in the surrounding apartments could hear us.

  Hearing her agree to move in with me and feeling her detonate in my arms was all it took to push me over the edge and I followed Lyla down the path of overwhelming pleasure, flooding her pussy with my cum. Emptying into her, in what felt like an endless release, until I had nothing more to give her.

  When I was done, I pulled out, rolling her onto her back. Rising onto my knees I crawled over her, holding my body above hers so I wouldn’t hurt her.

  Our eyes met. Hers brilliantly blue, blinding me in their intensity, her breath rushing from her lips in short gusts as she stared up at me.

  I watched her for a moment, my eyes moving over all I could see of her until finally I lowered my head and touched my lips to hers.

  I kissed her passionately, reverently. Pouring all my love into the kiss, and showing her the best way I knew how, what her agreeing to move in with me meant. Parting her lips - I dipped my tongue into her mouth - seeking out hers – beginning a sensual dance - our tongues tangling and exploring one another.

  I poured everything into the kiss, wanting Lyla to understand, not just what she meant to me, but silently thanking her for trusting me enough, to take a chance by moving in with me.

  When our lips finally parted, when the need for oxygen became too great, I stared down into those stunning blue eyes and reminded her again, just how much I loved her.

  Chapter Thirty One

  Two Months Later


  “So how does it feel to know that the money you inherited from that…that awful man has been able to make a difference to so many charities?” I asked Shay as we dressed for dinner.

  He chuckled quietly. “He wasn’t as smart as he thought he was. Seems if he did have a lot of debt like he implied in the recording he left me, hardly anyone came forward to make a claim. I don’t know if that’s because so many of his dealings were shady and the ‘lenders’ wouldn’t want the exposure or maybe they never saw the probate notice. I don’t know and I don’t really care. I just wanted the house of horrors sold quickly and selling it cheaper than its market value made it easy to find a buyer quickly. I’m happy its gone and the new owners are happy because it came fully furnished. Anything that held any kind of meaning to me was removed prior to it going on the market as you know. My mother was the only thing that really meant anything to me anyway, when I think of that house.”

  I came up behind him as he buttoned his shirt and slipped my arms around him. “I wish I’d had the chance to meet her.”

  He turned in my arms and wrapped his around me, hugging me as close as m
y pregnant belly would allow. “She would have loved you.”

  I tipped my head back, looking into his beautiful eyes that were so full of expression. He’d changed so much. Rather than that man’s cruel and evil DVD message breaking Shay, it had made him stronger. It was as if he’d been freed and it showed in everything he did. He was like a different person and his eyes, those silvery eyes had really become, windows to his soul. He hid nothing from me and he rarely had any nightmares anymore.

  Reaching up, I flattened my palms over his chest, feeling the hardness of his pecs beneath them. “I love you.”

  He grinned like he always did when I told him that now. It had taken awhile, but finally he believed me. Since he’d learnt he wasn’t the son of the man who had raised him and abused him, he didn’t act like a man who considered himself unworthy of happiness or love.

  Dropping his head, he pressed his lips to mine. “Not as much as I love you baby.” His eyes shifted to the clock on the wall. “We’d better hurry or we’ll be late.”

  I sighed, pulling away to continue dressing. I’d been living with him for just over a month now but finally my parents had flown to Tasmania, anxious to meet the man I not only loved but who was part of the reason they were going to become grandparents soon.

  “Are you nervous?” I asked as I slipped my feet into a pair of low slung sandals. “You don’t need to be.” I added before he could answer. “They’ll love you. Especially mum. She’s always had an eye for a sexy man.” I shot him a grin.

  He raised an eyebrow at me. “You think I’m sexy?”

  “Don’t fish Shay. You know you are. I don’t care how good you are in bed. You wouldn’t have gotten the women as far as your bed if they didn’t find you attractive, and you know it.”

  He ignored my comment, simply turning away to continue getting ready.”

  “Are you ready because we need to leave? I don’t want to be late and make a bad impression straight away.” He said and I realised he was nervous when I heard the tension in his voice.

  Suddenly needing to reassure him, I reached up to kiss him. “Don’t worry and stop panicking. They will love you as much as I do.”

  “So do you intend making an honest woman of my daughter anytime soon?” My father asked Shay, shooting him a stern look across the table, and I winced.

  “Jesus daddy, don’t ask him that. If we get married it will because we both choose to do so. Not because you’re holding a gun to his head so to speak.” I glared at my father.

  He stared long and hard at me, his eyes the exact same shade as mine studying me as if he was trying to see inside me. Finally, his lips turned up in a smile and I realised he was just trying to stir Shay up.

  “Shotgun?” Shay whispered.

  “Ugh, don’t listen to him.” I reached for his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “My father likes to tease. There will be no shotgun weddings and no one’s getting shot. Please ignore him. I try to.” I glared at my father.

  “Yes Cesare, leave the poor boy alone. We did not marry immediately. You know this.” My mother jumped in, frowning at her husband.

  “Ah Anja, bella our daughter knows I’m just, what is the saying? Pulling her beau’s leg?”

  Mum winked at me and I grinned at the flash of humour in her brilliant blue eyes before she turned her attention on my brother who sat next to her. “So when will you meet a nice girl and start giving us grandbabies?”

  I nearly burst out laughing when Leo turned a sickly shade of green and swallowed forcefully as if he had something stuck in his throat.

  “Umm. Look, don’t bring me into this conversation. It doesn’t matter about me. Sis is doing her bit towards increasing the world’s population. I’m sure the planet can survive without a child or two from my loins.”

  At Leo’s outburst, we all laughed and before he could respond, the first course for our meal was brought to the table. Conversation settled down and the rest of the evening was spent with my parents getting to know Shay.

  If he was nervous meeting them, he did a brilliant job of hiding it from everyone. I was sure he would be. He’d lost the only loving parent he had, so suddenly being thrust into the middle of my rowdy family, had to be a little disconcerting for him.

  I pulled out the ultrasound of our baby for mum and dad to look at and that led to another round of excitable chatter. My parents were only in Tasmania a few days but they would come down once the baby was born.

  It was getting late by the time we all called it a night, but Shay and I were meeting them in the morning so we could show them around, plus take them to both of Shay’s homes for them to see.

  They knew he came from money. They just didn’t know how much he’d inherited. My parents knew Shay’s parents were dead but they hadn’t been told about his past. I wasn’t going to tell them because it wasn’t my story to tell and I knew he would never want them to know anyway. Telling me and then Leo was a massive step for a man like him, but despite his past, he was a proud man and he would hate for anyone else, especially my parents to know what he’d been through.

  After the stress and strain of meeting them and my father’s tendency to tease and torment, it didn’t surprise me at all when Shay stripped me bare once we were back at the apartment. Or that he didn’t truly relax until sometime later, when he spilled his release deep inside me, before tucking me against his side and sleeping with his body curled around mine in our bed.

  The following morning, we prepared ourselves for a day of hanging out with my parents and Shay must have decided he was going to go all out to impress. He dressed like a man who was comfortably off and he dressed like a man who was comfortable in his own skin.

  He was in charcoal grey dress pants and a black silky shirt with his hair impeccably groomed and fastened at the back of his neck. His beard neatly trimmed and designer sunglasses to shield his eyes from the ultraviolet rays. Looking at him, I felt a strong desire to strip the man bare and have my way with him before we left to pick up my parents.

  “Anyone ever tell you how sexy you are?” I asked, nuzzling my lips against his neck and breathing in that familiar scent of his Brut aftershave.

  “Yeah, you.” He grinned briefly, before sobering. “I don’t care if anyone else finds me sexy baby. Just so long as you always do.” He dropped a brief kiss on my lips. “Do you think the Porsche would have impressed them more? Rather than the Ford?” He asked and I felt my heart squeeze just a little in my chest at his words.

  My hand came up to caress his cheek. “You don’t have to impress my parents. You only have to impress me and you don’t need the car to make them like you. They like you; trust me. If they didn’t, my father would have been cold towards you last night. Flashing signs of wealth to them isn’t going to make them fall all over themselves to get to you. Just be yourself Shay. They’ll love you as much as I do.” I reached up to kiss him this time before shooting him a cheeky grin. “But if you really want to impress someone, this gal wouldn’t mind a spin in the Porsche one day soon, Mr Vidal.”

  “Is that right? So you’re attracted to a man with a fast, expensive car?” He asked.

  I shook my head at him slowly. “No…not at all. I’m attracted to just one man and that man is you.”

  “Well I’m a lucky man then.” He grinned, removing his sunglasses and slipping them into his pocket. When his attention returned to me, I could see his eyes blazing with his love. I still got goose bumps break out over my body when he turned the full force of his love on me. Shay no longer closed off to everyone and everything was an incredible sight to see. My beautiful man was finally free.


  One Month Later

  The sound of whimpering woke me at the time of day where everything had that grey, flat, almost colourless haze that signalled the dawning of a new day. I lay there for a moment, ears straining, trying to work out what it was that had roused me from sleep.

  The noise came again and it was enough to wake me fully, and with clarity came
the realisation that the sound was coming from the en-suite bathroom and that Lyla was no longer lying beside me.

  “Baby?” I called to her but there was no response.

  Again, my eyes shifted to the empty spot beside me in the bed and my heart began to beat faster when it registered that maybe Lyla was having the baby.

  Climbing from the bed I hurried across the room and knocked on the closed bathroom door, reluctant to just barge in on her. There was no response, so I knocked again and finally I heard a muffled sob come from inside. That single sob was enough to send my heart down into my stomach, and I didn’t hesitate any longer.

  When I swung the door open, I don’t really know what I expected to see, but the sight of Lyla leaning heavily on the vanity with her legs spread and bent at the knees, with a pool of fluid around her feet, wasn’t it.

  “Holy shit baby. Fuck, what’s wrong? It’s time isn’t it? Do we need to leave now for the hospital?” The questions were fired from me as I fought not to let my panic show.

  Lyla raised tear drenched eyes to mine. “Oh god Shay. I don’t think I can go to the hospital. The baby’s coming. I can feel the head.”

  “But I thought first babies were supposed to take hours?” I said, shocked at her words. No…no…we hadn’t planned for this. It was supposed to be all nicely controlled. We’d take the already packed bag of Lyla’s and drive her to the hospital. She would be admitted and the baby born in a nice, safe environment with no shortage of doctors and midwives handy. It wasn’t supposed to go like this. Not this. This situation we had now.

  “Try telling this baby that.” She fired back, her voice rising before turning into a cry of pain and I felt totally helpless when her face contorted and she began to frantically pant. “Oh god, I need to push…I need to push.” She cried.

  “Fuck no. You can’t push.” I told her, calling on every damn thing I’d read and every video we’d watched. “I’ll call an ambulance instead then.”


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