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Mutationem Page 6

by Phoenix Jericho

  “And for dessert, try this,” beamed Spuds.

  “My god, that is good,” said Spice. “Peach cobbler, my favorite.”

  “I wasn’t going to let your ripe peaches go to waste,” Spuds said. “Tell the captain I’ll be ready for her and the crew at six o’clock sharp. No exceptions.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Are you sure, Connie, that you are strong enough for tonight’s Great Hall meeting?” asked the captain.

  Connie and Smitty were sitting up in their gurneys in Med Bay. The skin tape had been removed, and their new skin was bright pink like that of a newborn. Their burned skin had been completely rejuvenated. The one difficult and painful side effect was that the new skin was banjo-string tight. Neither could hardly move. Nurses were massaging a lubricant over their entire bodies and stretching their limbs to allow movement.

  Connie struggled to turn her head toward the captain. “Yes, sir, I’ll be ready for tonight. My body might be bound by my new skin, but not my mind.”

  “Very good,” said Kriss. “Remember, tonight we need to be positive and uplifting. We need to give our crew hope.”

  Turning towards the first mate, the captain said, “How about you, Smitty? Are you going to make it?”

  “Yes, sir, I’ll be at your side,” she replied.

  “Good. See you two at 1800. I expect these last five days have made you both well rested.” With a curt salute, the captain was gone.

  Smitty turned her head towards Connie. “Why were you in the freezer alone?”

  “I guess I should have waited for Pickle. We had just realized that one cadaver on board was male, and I wanted to get a pig fetus to start DNA extraction and attempt to make a clone. I have been in that freezer many times alone, and never had the actuator stick open.”

  “You are lucky to be alive.”

  “Why did you save me?” Connie asked quietly.

  “Because I had just gotten you out of the shower pod. You were clean and freshly groomed. I didn’t recognize you,” said Smitty with a knowing wink.

  “You are all right, First Mate, but I’ll be damned if you get me in a shower pod again,” said Connie. And with that, she turned on her side, exposing her dimpled ass to Smitty.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Momma, Momma, can Dobzer come with us?” asked Libby.

  Her learning visor was rapidly expanding her vocabulary. Susanna was no longer shocked by what came out of her daughter’s mouth. Complete sentences were common, and though her pronunciation of words wasn’t always perfect, their meaning was easily recognizable. Her seven and a half month old already sounded like a four year old.

  “I don’t know, honey. Dozer is a stowaway and not everyone on board likes him,” said Susanna. “I think Leea in particular has a personal hatred for him.”

  “What’s haytread mean, Momma?”

  “It means they dislike something.”

  “How can anyone haytread Dobzer, Momma? I loves him. I won’t let anyone hurt him,” said Libby with a frown.

  “I know, baby, but I think it’s best we leave the kitty here until after the Great Hall meeting. We need to see how the crew is responding to the idea of him being on board.”

  “Okay, Momma,” said Libby with a giggle. She had both hands wrapped around his tail and he was pulling her in circles around Susanna’s feet. Susanna couldn’t help but smile. This damn cat didn’t replace Libby’s father, but he was the next best thing.

  Her husband, Ben, had been killed in a car accident when she was eight months pregnant with Libby. Another driver had hit them head on, and if Susanna hadn’t been in the backseat, she and unborn Libby would have been dead as well. The driver had been high on Dream, the latest synthetic designer street drug that was in every city and small town in America. One hit of Dream and the user was addicted for life. It would actually make people go blind; users had the sensation that they could see, except all that they saw was what was already trapped in their mind.

  Libby was born six hours after Ben’s death. Susanna lost her lover and gained the love of her life in one day.

  “I wish you could see her now, Ben,” whispered Susanna.

  The stainless steel doors swished open, breaking Susanna’s spell, and at the same moment, Dozer and Libby disappeared out the door.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The PA in the Great Hall was making a distorted thumping noise as Smitty tapped on the mic.

  “Testing, testing, one, two, three. Can everyone hear me?”

  The women in the first few rows nodded their heads. Pointing towards the back, Smitty repeated the question. A crew woman shook her head.

  “Dammit,” Smitty said, adjusting the mic. This time a high-pitched screech came out of the room’s speakers. Smitty grunted as she turned the mic down. Repeating the question again, she scanned the room. Seeing everyone’s heads nodding in reply, she stepped back from the mic. “It’s all yours, Captain.”

  Kriss stepped up to the podium and pulled the mic down to her mouth. “Congratulations, crew. Look around at everyone seated in this room. This is the entire human race. We have survived, and we will survive.”

  In unison, everyone thumped the tables with their fists.

  “Every explorer who has come before us has had tremendous trials and tribulations to overcome. At one time, everyone thought the earth was flat, and when Columbus sailed out of sight due to the curvature of the earth, they thought his ship had fallen off the edge of the world. The Terra Nova Expedition to the South Pole was primarily a trip to gather specimens, conduct scientific experiments and observations, and to set foot on the geographic South Pole for the first time. Guess what? They made it thirty-three days later than a Norwegian team. Then, on the return from the pole, they all died.

  “So what do these great people have in common with us? They faced insurmountable odds, knew that what they were doing could kill them, but they never gave up or turned back. We are going to A-64, though we don’t know if it is habitable. All of our data indicate it has an atmosphere like Earth’s and may sustain life. Unlike our predecessors, we don’t have the luxury to turn back, and even if we could, we would honor them by not doing so.

  “I can’t promise you that any of you will live. But I can promise you we will die trying. I’m your captain, and the heart of this ship, but you are my body. One can’t function without the other. Each one of you is vital; each one of you counts. I’m not going to let any of you down as long as I have breath left in my body.”

  A thunderous roar came from the crew. Even the captain was in awe of the reaction she had inspired. Women were clapping their hands, yelling and screaming, and soon began to chant: “Captain! Captain! Captain!”

  “Order!” shouted the first mate. But no one heard Smitty.

  Just then, the doors at the back of the hall opened, and in walked the orange cat with Libby in tow. At first nobody noticed. The cat walked straight toward the front of the room. His tail was high and he walked like he owned the place. Libby had both hands wrapped around his tail. Her little body was outstretched to its full length. From the front of the procession, you couldn’t even see Libby’s face. The cat’s enormous orange tail looked like a giant peacock feather standing straight up.

  The crew was still giving Kriss a standing ovation. But soon the crew noticed the spectacle in the center of the room, and the cheers tapered off. No one said anything. Even the captain was captivated. Then a little giggle was heard by all. Breaking the silence, Captain Kriss spoke into the mic.

  “Please sit down, everyone.”

  The sound of chairs being scooted back up to the tables filled the room. Kriss came out from behind the podium. The cat walked up to Kriss and meowed. Despite herself, the captain smiled. As a little girl she had always liked cats, but could never have one. Their hair and saliva made her sneeze, and her e
yes would swell shut. Avoiding touching the cat, she picked the baby out of the air.

  “Where is your momma, honey?” the captain asked. Libby kicked her legs out and giggled.

  The stainless steel doors swished open and in walked Susanna. Her face was red and it was obvious that she was nervous. Walking up to the captain, she said, “Sir, I’m sorry I’m late for the meeting. But I have been chasing these two all over the ship.” She gave Libby and the cat a stern look.

  “It’s okay, dear. Please take your daughter and sit down,” said the captain. Kriss went back up behind the podium.

  “Okay, people, back to business,” she barked. “Our chief science officer has—”

  But her sentence was cut off. The cat had jumped up on the podium and knocked the mic over. Then he proudly sat down and began licking his front paw and used it to wash his face. Everyone burst out with laughter. Dumbfounded, the captain pulled the mic as far as the cord would allow, away from the cat.

  Clearing her throat, she said, “Okay, ladies, let’s come to order. Apparently Connie’s speech will have to wait. The stowaway has an announcement to make.”

  With that, the room again was lit with cheers. The captain was enjoying the fact that her crewmates were enjoying themselves.

  “Well, everyone under my command has a name, and that includes you,” Kriss said to the cat. “Let’s all write down our proposed names for this cat on a piece of paper. Spuds, can you pass out pens and notepaper? Smitty, get a hat and pass it around.”

  The excitement was contagious. No one was thinking about the hell they had just gone through.

  “Momma, Momma! Write ‘Dobzer’ for me,” begged Libby.

  “Don’t worry, honey, I will.”

  Smitty walked the hat from one table to the next until the whole crew had dropped in a name. Bringing it to the front of the room, she held the cap up to the captain.

  Reaching in, Kriss stirred up the names. Everyone was silent, hoping their proposed name would win the lottery. Unfolding a creased piece of paper, the captain read into the mic: “And our latest crew member’s name is . . . Dozer.”

  Reaching for the cat, the captain picked him up and held him over her head. As the applause quieted, she put him down. With a flick of his tail, he leapt off the podium and headed for the nearest table. Then, to everyone’s surprise, he jumped up and walked down each table so that everyone got to see and touch Dozer. At the last table, Leea and Dozer came eye to eye. Leea raised her hand to strike the cat but missed the opportunity: with a hiss, he jumped off and sat down beside Libby.

  “Okay, everyone, let’s eat,” yelled the captain.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Soon, everyone was done with the feast, and the happy crew began to leave the Great Hall. Leea quickly went back to her quarters and retrieved a large black bottle. It had no label and was about a gallon in size. Arriving at the moon pond, Leea set the bottle down at the pond’s edge. Jumping up, she floated to a large vine suspended from the ceiling of the garden. Wrapping its soft, slender stalk around her waist, she began to swing back and forth. Each time, she got a little farther out over the moon pond, till finally she swung like a pendulum.

  Watching from the entrance, several women entered the garden. Leaning back with her long, dark hair hanging in space, Leea began to sing. Her voice started out like a dying fire’s embers, warm and soft and smoldering. All the women were looking up at her in awe. Her words weren’t distinct, but their message was. The tone coming from her lips was sexual, and spread like honey over their upturned faces and bodies.

  Soon there were seven girls, including Leea, in the garden. Like an aerial silk dancer, Leea unwound from the vine and spun down towards the girls.

  “My beautiful sweets,” said Leea. “I have something for you.”

  Scooping up the bottle, she opened it and put its cool black neck into her mouth. Tipping it up, she began to suck. Then she swallowed.

  “Who wants to try?” she asked. Everyone did.

  “Form a circle,” Leea commanded, “and everyone hold hands.”

  She put the black neck of the bottle into each of the six women’s mouths and told them to suck. Each girl did as they were told.

  “What is it?” asked a shy woman.

  “It’s peach wine,” said Leea. “I made it. Now, ladies, I want a volunteer.”

  “Pick me!” said a petite woman.

  Leea pulled her into the center of the circle. “Ladies, I want you to hold hands and walk around us and watch what we are doing.”

  Tipping the woman’s head back, Leea put the black bottle to her lips and told her to suck a mouthful of the wine but not swallow it. She then leaned forward and put her warm, full lips to the woman’s. Gently cradling her head, she slipped her lithe tongue into the woman’s mouth.

  At first the young woman resisted, but Leea held her firm. Leea’s tongue explored the woman’s mouth and began to probe deeper. The peach wine was thick and syrupy, and lubricated both their tongues. Soon the woman’s tongue responded to Leea’s, probing Leea’s mouth.

  The woman was shy at first, but a hunger she had never known spread through her body. She began to moan.

  Leea pulled away, breaking the embrace, and swallowed the wine. “Soon, my dear,” she murmured.

  She kissed each of the five remaining women passionately while the rest watched from the ring of their bodies. The garden was always warm and humid, but the combination of the peach wine and the excitement made everyone start to sweat.

  Leea, alone in the center, began to take off her clothes. She removed her loose blouse, then her black bra, then, lying on her back, she unbuttoned her pants and slowly began to pull them off. Standing up, she turned her body so all the women could see her. Reaching out, Leea pulled them to her.

  “Don’t be shy. Touch me,” she said in a low, lusty voice.

  Soon, six sets of hands were on Leea. She held her arms up in the air as the women explored her body. One woman was behind her, cupping both breasts, while two others sucked on her dark nipples. Another woman kissed Leea and penetrated her mouth with her tongue, while yet another traced Leea’s stomach with her fingertips.

  Arching her back in excitement, Leea broke free from the group. She grabbed the vine and wrapped it around her naked torso. Flashing her beautiful white teeth, she began to sing again. Soon she was swinging over the moon pond.

  Spreading her legs, she began to rub the front of her black panties. The women became hypnotized by Leea’s body, her voice, and her swinging motion.

  “My beautiful ladies, take your clothes off. Heavenly bodies shouldn’t be hidden by clothes,” said Leea in a seductive voice.

  One by one, everyone disrobed. Leea continued to swing overhead with her legs split wide apart. She rubbed her pussy harder. Slowly she lowered herself so that her crotch was head high to the six women. Pulling her panties out away from her body, she began to rub her clit back and forth. Soon it filled with blood and began to stick out. She used her index finger and teased it from side to side. It would roll under her finger, but before it did, she pressed it harder to her body so that when it did roll away, it made a sticky wet noise. Each time it flicked, Leea would moan.

  She took the same finger and put it into her mouth. Pulling it out, wet with saliva, she moved the finger up and down in a rhythmic motion, each time getting a little lower and closer to the opening to her vagina. She moved her finger from side to side, pushing her lips open, and for a brief moment, exposing her inner dark hole.

  The women couldn’t stop looking at Leea.

  Suddenly her finger went in all the way. A moan of pure pleasure came from Leea and from the women watching. It was too much for the women to witness, and soon, everyone began touching and kissing and exploring.

  Hanging from the vine, still fingering herself, Leea watched, smiling wickedly at her c
reation. Moans of pleasure and passion drifted up to her. There was no beginning and no end to the mass of slowly moving naked flesh. Time became fragmented and stopped. Arched backs, open legs, heads and hands buried deep, breasts exposed, and mouths with tongues tracing the body’s outline from abdomen to ass. Everyone was moving in a mating sync to the other.

  Slowly the women began to cum, one after the other, some quiet and shy, others strong and proud. Like a mother snake lowering herself into a den, Leea inched her way down until her mouth was hanging above a girl’s spread-open legs. Slipping her warm tongue into the girl, she gently sucked on her lips. The woman began to moan.

  Distracted by the pure ecstasy in the woman’s voice, everyone stopped and watched Leea in silent reverence. With practiced ease, Leea penetrated the woman at just the right time while teasing her clit with the tip of her tongue. She alternated a light flicking technique with firmer pressure and broader strokes, followed by violent deep thrusts of the tongue deep inside so her nose hit the woman’s clit. Like a conductor of an orchestra, Leea brought her close to a climax multiple times, but backed off just before each release.

  The young woman was crying openly from the pleasure, tears running down her cheeks and onto her breasts. She tried squeezing her legs together to get Leea to stop, but a crew woman on each side held her legs open. She tried pulling her torso away from Leea’s mouth, but a woman behind her held both of her breasts in her hands.

  Finally, Leea had mercy and pushed two fingers all the way into the woman’s vagina. She pumped her hole and kept her tongue and mouth over her clit and began to suck. She would suck and pull the woman’s clit with her mouth to the rhythm of her fingers thrusting the woman’s opening. As she felt the girl building to a climax, she pushed her fingers as deep into the woman as they would go. Feeling for the G-spot, she curled her fingertips upward and pressed lightly, tapping it repeatedly as though she were a telegraph operator. The woman screamed. Leea kept sucking the clit. The woman screamed again and violently had a whole-body orgasmic convulsion that started at her abdomen and went all the way down the back of her legs to her toes. She came so hard that she had an immediate leg cramp. But six sets of hands slowly massaged her sweat-covered body. Her breathing slowed, and her breasts started to rise and fall at a regular rate.


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