Thirsty (Satan's Fools MC Book 2)

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Thirsty (Satan's Fools MC Book 2) Page 15

by Needa Warrant

  Lana looked startled. “Two weddings? I was hoping for something quiet, I never thought of a big wedding. I figured a trip to the courthouse and a party at the clubhouse. We don’t even know if your parents will like me.” She pushed her sunglasses back over her eyes so he wouldn’t see her fear.

  “Bella, you’re a doctor, that’s quite a catch for a man like me. I’ll figure something out but the thought of you dressed all in white and becoming part of my family, it’s something I really want.” He patted her leg as they drove up True’s driveway.

  “I don’t have anyone but True to give me away, or I have to do that walk alone. I don’t know if I can handle that, Caesar. Not right away at least.” Her voice quivered.

  “We’ll take it slow, Lana. No rush unless you get pregnant. My children have to have married parents and my last name.”

  She parked and they got out of the car. She looked around at True’s farm; she always wanted an outside wedding and it couldn’t be here. She watched as Caesar went into the motor coach and came out with a large envelope. She shook slightly thinking about all that was in it.

  Caesar held it out and showed her it was still sealed. Thank God for that she thought.

  “True has a burn barrel over here.” She pointed away from the house and barns, to an area that was sandy and True was already there, filling up the barrel.

  Caesar held her hand as they walked to it. True was burning boxes and looked surprised to see them. Flames were dancing into the air.

  “What brings you two up here this early? Man, I had a shitty day so far.” He looked curiously at the envelope. “You wanna burn something?”

  Caesar spoke for them both. “Yeah, some shit I wanna forget about. You mind?” He offered the envelope to Lana and she took it and tossed it into the flames. She watched the flames curl around the paper and stood there mesmerized, one hand holding on to Caesar’s hand tightly and her eyes on the fire. They both watched until they could see it no more.

  True wondered what the hell that was about. He’d been busy, confirming the pig roast was on again and had just opened the gates for Big Bob, who did their pig roasts. Nicola was in the kitchen calling all the women asking them to bring a side dish or two. She didn’t trust Big Bob to make the sides as good as they did.

  Caesar touched his arm. “True, I’m not going back with Ram. That motor coach will be though. Lana and me, we’ve decided we’re going to give it a chance and see where it goes, bro. She isn’t going back to that job either. I’m moving in with her and you can stop worrying about her.”

  True kicked more boxes toward the burn barrel. “I can’t say I’m all good with this, because I’m not. You don’t know each other as well as you should. Ram told me to stay outta of it and I am. Don’t hurt my sister Caesar, she isn’t as strong as she pretends to be. I wish you both well and Lana, I only want you to be happy.” He tossed the flattened boxes into the flames.

  Lana looked him straight in the eyes. “True, I’ve known Caesar for five years, I know things about him you don’t. Just let me have my chance at being happy. I don’t tell you, Nicola should be with another man, do I? I want it to work for you two, just like I hope Whistler and Marianne work their problems out.” She walked over to him and hugged him. “You’ve been the best big brother, but now it’s time to let go of me, I can manage and I have Caesar. Be happy for me, is all I ask.”

  True smiled down at her. “That’s all I ever wanted Alana, for you to be happy and safe.” He shot a look at Caesar and saw the man was standing there, huge arms folded and staring at Lana. He knew it was going to be alright. Lana had found her man and she had fucked him by going with a man that out ranked him. When Lana did things now, she didn’t half step. A fucking national vice president, of all men.

  “Lana, I bought the farm behind me, the old Victorian place you used to try to break into. I needed the land and the house came with it. Have you thought of selling your place in town and moving out here? You always wanted to live there and the gardens were kept up. The house is in good shape. They didn’t do much to it but put in a new kitchen. I don’t want to rent it out because it would get ruined. Horse people bought it and it has a nice stable they built.” He fished in his pockets and found his keys. He took one off the ring and handed it to her. “Go look at it and tell me what you think. I would give you a good deal and if you want I can trade your acres for part of it.”

  Caesar listened, this was a dream of Lana’s to live in some antique house. “Let’s go look at the place, Lana, I want to see where you used to dream.”

  Rush and Attitude had stayed back and watched them, waiting for Caesar to motion to them. His hand came up and they walked over.

  “We can walk down the path; it isn’t a far walk. One of my ancestors built it for his bride. She was English and he wanted to give her a pretty house and garden. My grandfather would never give it to, that bastard, Coffin. He kept it up, and used the land as long as he could afford too. It was sold and we never thought we’d get a chance to buy it again. It has witches’ hats, window seats, fireplaces, and a butler’s pantry. It’s so pretty with the wavy glass windows and there are some stained-glass windows too. The garden is so beautiful, Caesar. I always wanted to get married there. I was going to ask the people if I could rent it if I ever got married.” She was happy and excited.

  Caesar had made up his mind, he’d love the house. He pushed up his sunglasses and gave his boys warning looks; they’d better love the house too.

  Attitude looked around, he was checking for those killer bulls. “True, the path and house, it ain’t near your bulls, is it? I’d rather drive over there if we might run into them. I’m a city biker, not a country biker.”

  All of them started to laugh as Attitude looked at them with a frown.

  “No, I moved them way up behind the creek so nobody else can get hurt. I’ve got to watch out for Alex, I don’t want him getting into the pastures. Go look, they painted it back the way it was, Lana. It was nice they took such good care of the place. I think they thought they’d make a mint on the place but the husband lost his job so like I said I got it cheap.”

  Lana was already tugging Caesar down a path, with Rush and Attitude right behind them. They were quietly laughing at Caesar who hadn’t been down a wooded path in years was being pulled down one by Lana.


  As they came out of the clearing they saw a side view of the house. It had a back porch and a covered well in the yard. Flowers were growing wildly over stone walls and there was a brick path to a walled off garden. Lana tugged Caesar to the front of the house. As she had promised, there were two pointed witch roofs. One was higher up and all windows, so if you were up there you could see all around for miles. The other was mainly a half circle of windows. There were ground floor porches and second story porches. A sunroom was to the side of the house. There were shutters on the windows and Lana explained the fancy trim was called gingerbread. The front door was wide and solid and Lana handed the key to Caesar to open the door.

  The first thing they saw was a winding staircase and Caesar could picture Lana walking down those stairs in a wedding dress. The place was huge and Lana had left him to check out the kitchen. The house was empty and he looked at his boys and shrugged his shoulders.

  “She wants to live here; you see any issues with it?” Caesar knew his family would be impressed but he didn’t care where he lived, if it was with Lana.

  “Going to be a bitch with the utilities, but I bet you could get solar panels. They don’t make houses like this anymore.” Rush moved over to show Caesar a pocket door that came out of the wall smoothly.

  “Caesar, come see the kitchen, they left the butler pantry here and I always loved that.” Lana’s voice slightly echoed as they went to find her. They passed through a huge living room, peeked into a library and went into a massive dining room. Finally, they found Lana in a kitchen that had been remodeled to fit the house. She looked happier than she had earlier and was tal
king nonstop about a grill and how good the appliances were.

  “And this door leads to the backstairs so servants could get upstairs quickly. At one time this was considered the most beautiful house in the county. Let’s go upstairs.” Again, he was tugged by her hand.

  “I hope they redid the bathrooms too.” She opened the door to the bathroom and gasped. “Look at the shower, we could all fit into it. And the view is beautiful.”

  Caesar kept the words from coming out of his mouth, who needed a view when you’re taking a shit and smiled at her instead.

  It was the master bedroom that finally wowed him. A sitting room off to the side with a porch, a huge bathroom with a clawfoot tub and a steam shower. It was the largest bedroom he’d ever seen. He began to worry about the money it would take to heat this house but didn’t want to wreck her dreams.

  Attitude had been roaming and he met them downstairs. He was dusty and had some news for them. “Caesar, I poked around and I don’t think True knows this house has a Geothermal heating system and some of the roof have solar panels on them. It wouldn’t be much to heat this place at all. It’s a good deal if the price is right.”

  Rush looked at them, “Seven bedrooms and we didn’t even get to the attic where I bet the servants had rooms. It’s a huge house but those windows up there would be a good security feature. Be able to see for miles and that’s a plus.”

  Lana paid them no mind. “I have acres that True has wanted for a long time. He will go low on the price or I will threaten to sell them to a cousin that wants them. I let True use my acres because I get a farm tax credit. We get a farm tax credit if we make five hundred dollars selling wood or something. If we can get over five acres, and I want at least ten, my horses will have plenty of room. I want to see the gardens.”

  She was out the door with the three huge bikers trailing behind her. She pushed open the gate and sighed. A low stone wall surrounded at least an acre of gardens, complete with a pond and patios here and there.

  “I could see myself having my wedding here Caesar, could you? Would your family like this house?” Lana sounded hopeful.

  He knew they would and nodded ‘yes.’ He watched as she flitted from patio to patio, touching the flowers that were in bloom.

  Rush yelled to him and he told Attitude to keep an eye on Lana. He walked out of the garden and saw his SAA standing by another fence.

  “Found an inground pool and a cabana house. It needs a little work, but not too much. Over the stables is an apartment too. And behind that is a barn that is solid. I could make that into a house for Daisy and my boys and Attitude could take the apartment. We’d be all altogether here.” Rush was grinning at the look on Caesar’s face. “It’s perfect boss, and you know damn well you’re not going to tell her ‘no.’ Some of our guys are going to want to beef up True’s chapter so her house could be sold or rented to those that move here. Attitude and I could move our business up here. We’ve been doing remodeling, and heating and cooling, for years now. I want my kids to grow up out here instead of having to take them to a park to play. She wants horses too. Guess two of them would be a good wedding present for you both.” He laughed at the expression on Caesar’s face.

  Attitude and Lana came through the gate and she saw his expression.

  “You don’t like the house, Caesar?” She sounded so disappointed.

  “Bella, I love your dream house. Rush was just telling me how he and Attitude can’t wait to have horses to patrol the grounds. I was trying to picture my boys on horseback. We’ll go back and talk to True. We’ll plan for a wedding in the garden?” He looked at her questioningly.

  “Yes, a garden wedding would be perfect. I can handle being outside so much better. I think you should handle things with True. Unless I need to remind him that cousin Martin wants to pay double what he’d offer, I’ll let you do the talking.”

  Caesar liked this side of Lana, when she let him take charge. “You want to rent your house in town or sell it? I’ve got more of my boys moving to Whispering Pines.”

  Lana didn’t care about it; she was too excited to get the house she’d dreamed of. “Oh you can handle that too. I have some money put away if you need it too. We need to see the apartment over the new stables and I’d want an inspection done of the house. Plus, I want to see what acres he is going to try to pass off on us. I know a lot about farms. I don’t think True would try to screw you over, me maybe.” She grabbed his hand and they started back down the path.

  True was waiting for them and passed two beers to the SAA’s and bottles of water to Caesar and Lana.

  “Still your dream house, Lana? I know they upgraded some stuff. It isn’t my kind of house with all that trim that’s gotta be painted. I like my plain old farmhouse. You want to talk business?” He sat at the picnic table and the negations began.

  Lana kept her word and was quiet unless she saw True trying to get something over on them. She used cousin Martin’s name a few times as her acres bordered his. True finally gave them a deal that was fair to all of them.

  They made plans to close on the house as soon as possible. Rush would move the trailer over to the new house and his family would live in it until the barn was converted into their house.

  Nicola called Lana into to the house and asked her to make something for the pig roast that night.

  “I know it is such short notice but it is a party for Caesar after all. So, I thought you’d like to make dessert or get a cake.” Nicola watched as Lana went down the contacts in her phone.

  She spoke into her cell. “I need a huge cake, and you’ll get it for me if you want my wedding cake to be made by you, Martha. I know you freeze cakes so this isn’t such a big deal. By seven or eight p.m. at the latest, tonight. You put ‘Welcome Home Caesar’ on it. Double charge me if you want but I know Matilda would love my business, if you can’t do it. I’ll pick it up and if you have to make two cakes, do that. I guess I need at least a hundred slices.” She clicked off and looked at Nicola.

  “That’s how you deal with the best two bakers in town. Martha makes better cakes, while Matilda does better pastries and cookies. Oh, I better call her to do some cookies because I want to use them both for my wedding.” She was back on her cell and Nicola wondered what in hell this wedding business was about. She wandered to the back deck as Lana argued with Matilda and looked at the men sitting at the picnic table. They all were such handsome men and she thought True was the hottest one of them all.

  She didn’t hear Lana come beside her.

  “You need to tell my brother about Alex. If I can see it, so will he and so will others in time.” Lana’s voice was kind. “Don’t make the mistakes Marianne did.”

  Nicola was startled but didn’t have to answer because True was calling for her. She looked at Lana and nodded her head as she went out to meet True.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  “Whistler, I’m not giving up my job because you’re telling me you don’t want me working. You said I couldn’t get a decent job and I did.” Marianne poked her finger into his chest.

  “You got the job, proved I was wrong, now you quit it and we get married. Michael needs a brother.” Whistler grabbed her finger. “Don’t be pointing fingers at me either.” He gave it a squeeze.

  “That fucking hurt. I’m not getting married to you if you’re going to be so pigheaded and such an asshole.”

  “Who is going to watch the kid when you’re working? Hazel works in shifts and she has her eye on Rover.” He tried to reason with her.

  “Morgana is going to watch him. I’ve already arranged things and you’re not going take my first real job away from me. You’re awfully bossy too and I don’t like it anymore. I’m happy to live here and you can live at your house until you agree to let me work.” Marianne was lying out of her teeth. She stood, her back straight and her hands on her hips and glared at him.

  “What about having another baby? How will you manage to work and do that? You were sick as hell with Micha
el.” Whistler reminded her.

  “I haven’t agreed to have any more babies. Remember, you said my body went to shit? I’m scared it might get worse if I have anymore children.” She tossed his words back at him.

  Whistler had a sinking feeling in his gut. He’d said those words to her in a fit of anger. “Mari, you look fine, great even. I was just mad at you. We planned to have a few kids and you know it.”

  “Oh no Whistler, I’m not playing this game with you. You said it, you own it. I remember the words quite clearly; they were mean and made me cry.” She wasn’t giving him an inch. She folded her arms across her chest and stared defiantly back at him. “You’d better lose that bossy attitude too. I don’t plan to be talked down to the rest of my life. If I marry you, no more insults and stop being bossy. Or we can forget this now.”

  Whistler was used to getting his way and he didn’t like the way this conversation was headed. “I can’t live in that house, it’s too small for one thing and I don’t want strangers looking at my kid, it ain’t safe. Did you think living next to a motel was the best place for a little boy, Marianne? All kinds of perverts roaming around and what about the Filthy Fiends? You’d be a target here. You’re moving to my house; we’re getting married and you can do the decorating for Percy and we’ll work on making a baby. That’s my best offer, you want to take it or we go back to me raising Michael and you stealing my money. Which I haven’t asked what you did with it. There are laws against stealing and I mark every bill. You know I’m strange about shit like that, I like to see if any of my money comes back to me.” He now stood right over her.

  “Are you crazy marking bills? Cops do that not bikers. You’d let me do the decorating here? No bullshitting me either. I want your word on it and I’ll settle for that. I barely spent any of your money. I did stay in a few hotels and buy food.”

  Whistler had her over his shoulder and was carrying her to the house.

  “Oh my God Whistler, did you forget about Michael? Put me down, we’ve not finished talking you asshole. You promise to stop being so bossy?” he put her down and kept her steady as she regained her footing.


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