Keep the Faith (Bulletproof Series 1.5)

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Keep the Faith (Bulletproof Series 1.5) Page 10

by J. L. Baldwin

  “It all started about seven years ago when I was fresh out of high school. My life had zero direction and college was out of the question. My parents had owned multiple businesses from the time I was five to out of high school. So business was all I knew. From insurance agencies to dot com companies to everything in between. I kept out of it all, learning in the background and gaining my knowledge from the multitude of businesses they owned. My uncle had this building lot for sale that needed some serious renovations and upgrades. It took almost all of my inheritance to get it up to code, but I did it.” Leo stops talking to take a drink of his whiskey. Well holy shit, he owns this place. Who would have known?

  “You own this place? This club,” Sarah asks as she looks around slowly.

  “Yeah, I do,” Leo replies. “After I finished fixing it up, I was either going to sell it for what it costs to repair it or start up my own business. Being out in the middle of nowhere, there were limited options for businesses.” Zac comes back as Leo is telling us his story and slides into the booth beside me just as Sandra brings his beer.

  “So anyway, I have always had an eye for the lifestyle and wanted to try it. I found a local Dom who taught me everything I needed to know about how to get started.” Sarah’s jaw drops to the table top and mine quickly follows at this new information.

  “A Dom? You mean like you like to whip women and punish them?” Sarah asks curiously.

  Leo chuckles under his breath. “Oh, there’s so much more to it than that, cupcake. Maybe one day, you’ll allow me to show you exactly what it entails. For now, I just want to get to know you better,” he tells her and even I get a small shiver down my spine at his words.

  “So explain to me about this Dom who taught you how to be. Is he still around? Does he have friends who may need subjects to train?” I say, my curiosity certainly peaked. This shit is interesting and I need to know more.

  “Well, I would tell you but he told me not to give out his identity. I’m not at liberty to discuss it.” Sighing heavily, I slump back down in my seat feeling disappointed. Even a letter would have given me some indication to who his teacher is.

  “Well, that sucks. How the hell am I going to get me a piece of that if you don’t tell me who it is?” I say, trying my luck once again.

  “Trust me sweets, you don’t want this one. He can be cruel when he wants to be, sweet and caring when he needs to be but overall, he’s a dick. You won’t like him,” Leo says raising an eyebrow slightly. A gagging sound comes from behind me and Zac chokes on his beer so I slap him on the back to clear it up. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. What Leo said caught me off guard, that’s all.” Zac gives Leo an angry glare and it makes Leo chuckle when he catches it.

  “Oh, by the way,” Leo speaks up. “I have some friends coming by to check the place out. They just joined recently and are learning the ropes of this place. Hell, they may be interested in taking it over one day.” Leo finishes his drink and Sandra is quick to bring him another one without even checking to see if he needs one. He fishes out his phone from his pocket and clicks a couple buttons before sliding it back into his suit pocket.

  “Oh, they just arrived. They’re walking through the corridor right now.” Leo straightens up his suit and then Sandra arrives with his new drink. Once she sits his drink down, something catches her attention and when she looks up, her eyes go wide in shock.

  “Good evening, gentlemen,” she says with a slight tremble to her voice but bows in respect to the strangers. It isn’t until the two figures make their way around the table to greet us when I get a better look at them.

  Everything below my chest drops suddenly when two sets of beautiful brown eyes meet my own.

  Chapter 25


  Ryder and Ronan are standing there, looking down at all of us as if they knew we were going to be here. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting this.

  “I told you.” Zac leans over to whisper into my ear. I swat him away out of annoyance.

  “Good evening, Leo. How thoughtful of you to invite us here tonight, even though we aren’t technically active members yet,” Ryder says, without taking his eyes off of me.

  “Yes, I do believe we will fit in nicely here. That is, if you can find us somebody who can be our little, umm toy,” Ronan says while looking around the space. Ryder hasn’t taken his eyes off of me since he spotted me. Something dark crosses his face before Ronan snaps him out of it.

  “Yes, a toy. A nice little smart mouthed toy who needs to be taught a lesson or two,” Ryder says without taking his eyes off of me. Or better yet, he’s looking into my soul. Or connecting my soul with his. Either way, it sends a warm feeling throughout my entire body.

  “Mind if we join you guys? We’re starving,” Ronan says as they pull up two chairs and sit on the outside of the booth. It kind of pisses me off the way they just invited themselves to join us without waiting for a response. It’s unsettling how whenever they’re around, I can’t focus.

  “Sure, just invite yourself to join us. We don’t mind,” I say with sarcasm dripping off my voice.

  Ryder snaps his head up to me with a snarl on the edge of his lips. “Maybe you better watch that smart mouth, little girl, before I take you across my knee,” he commands, making me freeze in place.

  “Ryder, cool it man. She was joking.” Ronan pats him on the shoulder to calm him down before turning back to us. “Look, we just wanted to check the place out. There’s no need for us to stay here any longer than we have to. It seems like certain company doesn’t like us being here.” Ronan looks over to me when he says this, causing me to roll my eyes.

  “I don’t care if you’re here,” I tell both of them.

  “Well, we don’t care if you care. We’re members now, whether you like it or not, sweetheart, so you better get used to it.” Ryder snaps once again. Is he going through PMS or something? I can’t understand or comprehend his fucking mood swings.

  “Where’s the bathroom? I need to wash up,” I ask Leo who points to the back of the club.

  “Straight to the back, second door to the right,” Leo says.

  Before I get up, Sandra returns to take Ronan and Ryder’s drink orders. “Two whiskeys, please, Sandra. And better make my brother’s an extra strong one. I have a feeling he’s going to need it,” Ronan says as he winks at her and rubs her shoulder softly making her blush, which in return makes me a little jealous. I shouldn’t be feeling jealous for that tiny action, right? Right. Rolling my eyes, I lean in to tell Zac to let me up to use the bathroom.

  Once I’m up, I take one look back at the brothers who are both staring at me curiously. Leo is saying something that I don’t catch but it must have been something that set them off because they are up and stalking towards me in a matter of seconds. Ronan has concern etched all over his face while Ryder just has hunger. Pure, animalistic hunger draped all over his.

  “Oh my god,” I whisper before quickly turning around and running down the hallway towards the bathroom. Footsteps quickly pick up behind me before I’m swept up into big strong arms and pressed against the wall behind me and two sets of arms are braced on either side of me.

  “Shhh, we just want to talk,” Ronan whispers in my ear once he lets me go but doesn’t lean away.

  Anger clouds my vision. “Talk? You want to fucking talk? You just chased me down in a dark hallway and talking is what you intended on doing?” I spat out, very out of breath.

  “Well, at first we wanted to talk. But now, I don’t think talking is what I have in mind,” Ryder says then licks his lips.

  “Zac told me your motive. He told me everything.” I say a little braver than I actually am. Ryder chuckles softly. “Oh, did he now? What exactly did he tell you? Did he say how insanely jealous I was that Ronan was the first to touch you when you passed out? I don’t think he told you the depth of our obsession. What we said back at the newspaper was true. We weren’t messing around,” Ryder leans in and sniffs my hair th
en pulls back. His pupils are dilated to the point of almost black.

  “Listen, Anna. I don’t know what Zac told you about us, but we aren’t like that. I respect women more than anything.”

  “And I fuck them like they need to be fucked,” Ryder speaks up, interrupting Ronan causing my eyes to go wide. I look around the small space surrounding me and that’s when I realize I can’t move. Ronan and Ryder are on either side of me. Well, this is awkward.

  “What my brother means is, we are two halves of one person. Don’t ask us why, we just are. I’m sweet and charming and he’s a dick. Apparently, women like his type so we go with it.” Ryder looks up from me and gives an angry glare to his brother.

  “So where do I fit in?” I ask, looking strictly at Ronan with both eyebrows raised in question.

  “We want you between us, while we claim every hole on your body. That’s where you fit in,” Ryder says, leaning in a little closer to me. My heartrate picks up and my body starts to tremble.

  “She wants it, I can tell. Just look at the way she is starting to shake and we haven’t even touched her yet,” Ryder says, bringing his hands up to wrap around my waist.

  “You can back out, Anna. We don’t want to hurt you. You have the power to say no. Say no and we walk away. No questions, no more pushing. You say the word and we will walk away and nothing will happen.” Ronan’s words speak right to my heart and twists it all around. Do I want this? Should I want this? I don’t know what I want. I can have both of them without question? A sweet and caring paramedic and an asshole secret agent in the palm of my hand? Would any sane girl turn down this offer?

  “You better decide soon because I’m hard as fuck right now and about two seconds away from jerking off right here beside you,” Ryder says, grabbing his crotch and demonstrating very clearly how he’s feeling. I glance down and holy shit! His erection is straining against his jeans. My mouth begins to water. I wonder how he tastes. I wonder how they both taste.

  “What do you mean, I have the right to choose?” I ask, way too drunk on lust to comprehend what they’re asking me. Ronan is telling me I have the right to walk away, but the way Ryder is staring me down, makes the decision hard to make.

  “We have a room upstairs, already marked as occupied, with everything to make this as an enjoyable experience for you. All you have to do is say yes.” Ronan says, looking straight into my eyes, waiting for my answer. It’s no secret I want them. That’s as obvious as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. But, is it okay to be selfish with everything else going on? I don’t want Jayde to be upset with me.

  “Tick tock, buttercup. What’s it going to be?” Ryder whispers low in my ear, making my insides quiver.

  “On one condition,” I say.

  Ronan raises an eyebrow, “go on.”

  Inhaling deeply, I let out a breath, “you two help me find my best friend, above everything else. Ronan, I know you’re just a paramedic but we can use all the extra help you can get right now.”

  Ryder smiles wickedly which turns my insides to butter, if they weren’t already headed in that direction.

  “You have my word. I will do everything in my power to help you find your best friend. Now, come. We have much to discuss.” Ronan’s face hardens as he takes my hand and they both lead me down the dark hallway, and into an elevator.

  In the elevator, my nerves spike up to about a boiling point. This isn’t like me at all. Nor would Jayde expect me to act like this. I’m about to embark on a new journey in which the likes of me haven’t seen before. Reading about it was one thing, but participating in the act is an entirely different story altogether.

  Once we’re on the third floor, I notice there aren’t a lot of rooms. Ronan gives my hand a squeeze and smiles down at me as he leads me off to a room at the far end of the hall. “This is the VIP floor. There aren’t many rooms because not too many can afford it up here. The only traffic this floor usually sees is when members are going to the gym just down the hall.” Ronan says as he pulls out a keycard and slides it into the door. Once the door clicks, we are inside and the view is breathtaking.

  The entire living space is open with glass windows surrounding the majority of the area. The décor is modern with splashes of reds, blues and greens in the artwork on the walls. Off in the distance you can see the beach which I didn’t realize we were that close to. “Wow, this place is beautiful.” I say, completely mesmerized. I could live here it’s so beautiful. Yeah, pack my stuff. It has been decided, I’m moving in.

  “Breathtaking, isn’t it?” Ronan asks as he lets go of my hand, allowing me to take in the whole space around me. There’s one bedroom off to the side and I don’t need to walk in to know what that room is and what it entails.

  “It’s gorgeous,” I say, not taking my eyes off the door. My mouth begins to water at all the deliciously naughty things that are in store for me when I walk through that door into the fortress of pain and pleasure.

  “You don’t have to do this, Anna. Like I said, you can back out now and we won’t ask again. It will be as if it never happened.” Ronan assures me in his sweetest voice. A voice I know is laced with disappointment if I decide to back out.

  “Yeah, tell that to my dick. I don’t think he’ll get the memo.” Ryder says, pulling his phone out of his pocket to check it once then slides it back in. He walks over to me and stands just a hair shy of touching me. “Why don’t you tell us what you want then we’ll go from there?” Ryder growls low in my ear. The faint scent of mint from his gum hits my nostrils causing me to almost fall into the floor.

  “Are you sure it’s me you want?” I don’t know why I’m acting so insecure all of a sudden. Maybe Jayde rubbed off on me more than I realized.

  “Of course we’re sure. Do you not see yourself?” Ronan says as he takes my hand once again, pulling me towards a floor length mirror on the opposite side of the room.

  “Tell us what you see.” Ryder is quick to follow and he stands beside Ronan while I’m between them, staring at myself in the mirror.

  “I see pale skin, brown eyes, a slim body and damaged brown hair.” I reply, meeting Ronan’s gaze in the mirror. He looks disappointed at my answer.

  “Fuck no. Let me tell you what we see.” Ryder says as he places one hand on my waist.

  “You’re so damn beautiful, Anna. Your curves go on for days. They’re perfect for holding onto as we claim every single hole on your innocent looking body.” He runs a hand through my brown locks, sending shockwaves down my spine. “Your hair is perfect for pulling.” Ryder says with a smirk. Maybe I should let them continue with this talk. I’m already flustered.

  “You think so?” I ask, but my voice has become gravely and full of desire.

  “We know so.” Ryder says, as he takes his hand and runs it along the waistband of my jeans. I close my eyes and let the roughness of his hands caress away all the stress and anxiety I’ve been feeling since Jayde’s disappearance. My head lays back against Ronan’s shoulder and before I know it, he’s scooping me up and carrying me into the fortress of pain and pleasure.

  “Last chance Anna,” Ronan whispers in my ear. “Once you go in this room, it’s all over but the orgasms.” He chuckles as he speaks. Without further hesitation, I reach up with the other arm that isn’t wrapped around Ronan’s neck and pull his lips down to mine, claiming them in a kiss. I don’t need any more prompting from Ryder because he’s on me in an instant, unbuttoning my jeans and struggling to pull them down while I’m in midair. I almost fall out of Ronan’s arms due to the violent nature of Ryder pulling at my clothes. Ronan sits me down without breaking our kiss and I feel another set of warm hands all over the lower half of my petite body. Ryder can’t get my clothes off fast enough.

  “Tell us you’re ours. Say there won’t be any other men because you belong to us now. Tell us you’ll be our little slut before I rip these jeans in two.” Ryder is pressed hard against my backside and with Ronan at my front, I am in the middle of a ve
ry delicious Falcon brother sandwich. I don’t need to think about it anymore.

  “I’m yours. Do with me what you want to. I’ll be your little slut. Just god, please take me now. I need it so bad.” I beg, I plead, and I almost fall to my knees and pray to the orgasm gods to relieve this lonely pressure that has been simmering for way too long. I am standing between two gorgeous men who want to make me their slut and I couldn’t be happier.

  “Good enough for me,” Ryder says and before I could blink, my jeans are torn away and tossed to the other side of the room. Ronan turns me around so my back is to him, and my front is facing Ryder.

  “Ryder wants to see how you taste, baby girl. Do you want Ryder to taste you?” Ronan is pushing my head to the side and kissing up my neck, sending tingles down my entire body. My body is on fire from just that one action alone.

  “Tell him you want his tongue in that tight little pussy of yours. Tell him.” Ronan bites down on my neck, releasing a moan from my body. The panties I once wore have been ripped from my body as well in a fit of rage. Probably out of impatience from waiting too long.

  “Ryder, I want…” I start to say but Ryder cuts me off as his mouth descends where no other man has dare ventured. I grew up in a religious family where missionary was the only way. This was all new to me. Ryder starts eating me like he’s a starving man, and I’m a five course meal. Like a lion who finally got the wildebeest he’s been chasing for the longest time. Letting out a gasp mixed with a moan, my hips instinctively buck against his face.

  “Oh god! That feels…oh my god don’t stop!” I cry out but something tells me he doesn’t plan on stopping. Pushing his erection against my bottom, another foreign territory, Ronan continues his assault on the pressure points on my neck, knowing exactly what spots to hit to make Ryder’s tongue work harder on my clit to catch all the juices that are flowing. Ryder’s hands are firmly grasping my hips to control my movements which makes the pressure that much more intense.


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