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It Takes Special Forces [Love on the Rocks 9] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 15

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He stared at her. Their gazes locked.

  “Faster, Essie. Finger that cunt the way you like your men to finger you.”

  She moaned and thrust faster and faster. Her wrists were aching, and she could feel her body begin to tighten. Slayer gripped her hips and thrust faster and faster into her ass.

  Her breasts bounced and swayed, her shoulders ached, and she stared at Slayer, who looked wild and out of control. The veins by his eyes stuck out and pulsated.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight. You’re mine, Essie. Every fucking inch of you. We’re one, Essie. Say it. You belong to me, and we’re one,” he demanded.

  “You belong to me, and we’re one.”

  “You belong to my cousins and me. Say it,” he stated, and she did.

  “I belong to you.” She took a deep breath and gasped as his cock hammered her ass.

  “And your cousins. Yours, Slayer. All yours, every part of me, Slayer. Every part of me.” She cried out and came. He roared and shot his seed into her ass. He grunted and moaned and then slowly pulled out of her ass. He adjusted her body against his chest and hugged her tight. He leaned against her and the wall calming his breathing.

  They didn’t say a word. Neither of them could speak, but Essie wrapped her arms around him best she could and kissed his skin along his shoulders and neck then to his jaw.

  He cupped her cheeks, took control as usual and stared down into her eyes.

  “Mine. Always,” he said, then kissed her.

  Chapter Nine

  Essie was making photocopies by the copy machine at work. Her mind was on the last several days, and the argument she had with Cobra over her moving in with them. She would love to do that. She felt uneasy, almost insecure without them around her. On top of that, the panic attacks seemed to be getting less aggressive because they were all there to comfort her and calm her down. She was afraid to be instantly dependent on them despite their encouragement and what seemed to be their own desire to have her needy of them at all times. It was confusing, and she was glad she made plans for lunch with Precious.

  “So, maybe we can do lunch today?”

  Essie jumped and looked to the doorway where Stewart stood watching her. She hadn’t known how long he’d stood there and she damned her obsession with the men. They ruled her mind. Their good looks, muscles, and their ability to turn her into a needy sex fiend.

  She took a deep breath and smiled.

  “I have plans, but thank you anyway,” she told him and heard the copier stop. She gathered the papers and tightened up when she felt a hand on her hip and one on her shoulder.

  “Essie, I want to take you out. We should talk.”

  She couldn’t believe her train of thought. She imagined any of the men and their reaction to Stewart touching her and asking her to lunch. She needed to be calm here.

  She turned around, causing his hand to fall from her shoulder, but his other hand remained on her hip. He stroked it, and she pushed his hand away.

  “Don’t do that,” she said and lowered her eyes and went to walk past him.

  “I’m sorry, Essie,” he said and stopped her, taking her hand then pulling her back. He repositioned himself in front of her and blocked the doorway. He was a big man. Not exactly appearing as strong or capable like Cobra, his brothers, and Slayer. She swallowed hard.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  He took a deep breath and released it.

  “I get this feeling that you’re shy and scared of men. I want you to know that I would never hurt you, Essie. I like you,” he said and reached out and stroked her cheek, pushing a strand of hair back. She turned away.

  “Listen, Stewart. I think you’re a really nice guy, but I’m kind of seeing someone,” she told him and he narrowed his eyes and then rubbed his chin.

  “Not one of those soldiers from the other night at Carlyle’s? Those muscle heads from the dojo?” he asked.

  “First of all, they’re not muscle heads, they’re highly trained soldiers and very nice men.”

  “Which one?” he asked. She felt that instant uncertainty. She didn’t think she was ready to reveal the whole ménage relationship thing with anyone, and never mind with Stewart. She didn’t know how the rest of the office would react and the last thing she needed was to be the gossip of the office. As she thought that, she saw one of the women walk by and then look at her and Stewart before smiling and backstepping away. There goes that hope.

  Stewart grabbed her arm. “Which one?” he demanded to know.

  She tried to yank her arm free.

  “Stewart, it isn’t any of your business. Now let go of me. I need to finish some things up before lunch.”

  “You’re meeting him? Who is he? The instructor from the dojo or the stray dog?” he seethed.

  She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Does it matter which one, because I’m certain if they found out you were touching me, hurting my arm, and saying things like this, they wouldn’t be too happy.”

  “You think I can’t take one of them.”

  “I don’t know why you’re doing this, Stewart. Move on and ask someone else out. I’m not interested.” She yanked her arm free and went to pass him. He pulled her back and kissed her hard on the mouth. He cupped her breast, and she slammed her knee up and then punched him in the nose. He fell back and hit the wall.

  Her boss was there.

  “What’s going on?” he demanded, but she was so angry and upset. She pointed at Stewart.

  “You ever, ever try to kiss me again or touch me like that again, and I will sue you for sexual harassment.”

  “He did what?” her boss, Mo, demanded to know. Others came closer to the room. Including Terry, the secretary.

  “This isn’t the end of this,” Stewart stated in anger.

  “It sure as shit is. Grab your stuff, Stewart. You’re fired,” Mo said, and Stewart glared at Essie and went to step toward her but Mo, all of about five feet seven of the man, stood in front of her.

  “Now, or I call the police and let them take you out in handcuffs. You’ll be hearing from them either way.”

  Stewart stormed out of the room, knocking Terry into the wall, and she heard others gasp and then Mo turned her around and faced her, looking at her arm.

  “Are you okay? We should call the police and report this.”

  She thought about some of the rules the men had gone over with her, including in case she got scared, or there was a situation that she needed to call them first, then the police, because they had friends who could keep things on the down low.

  “Let me call Cobra Stames.”

  “Cobra Stames? Why?”

  “I can’t get into it, but he’ll know who we can have come here to file the information on the down low.” He narrowed his eyes at her as she whispered that to him.

  He had motioned for everyone to go back to their stations and they did.

  “You’re in some kind of danger?” he asked. She swallowed hard.

  “Mo, it has to be done this way.”

  “I had a feeling something happened to you and that you may have been in hiding. The way you shy away from everyone and even took the back office everyone hates and calls the dungeon.”

  “Please, Mo.”

  “Okay, I’ll do this your way, but I expect some information.”

  * * * *

  Cobra arrived at Essie’s office along with Slayer, Ford, Max, and Turbo. Darius and Steel Law were already there and talking to her in her office. She stood up when she saw them and Cobra noticed her red arm and that she held an ice pack on her knuckles. He pulled her into his arms.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, Cobra, really,” she said softly and then others looked her over and asked her questions. She told them about what happened and about Stewart kissing her and touching her and how she punched him in the nose, hurting her hand.

  Ford lifted her hand up, removed the ice pack, and narrowed his eyes.

e is the asshole now?” he asked.

  Her boss Mo was there, and they explained a little about the danger Essie was in and how this situation needed to remain on the down low.

  “My God, Essie. I’m so sorry. I can’t believe that on top of some crazed stalker looking for you that Stewart went after you today, too. He’s done. However you want to handle this situation is fine with me,” Mo told them.

  “Good. We may need to hold off on the charges, officially, but Steel and Darius can take the report and file it,” Cobra stated.

  “We’ll take a ride by his place and see if Stewart headed home,” Darius said to them.

  “We appreciate the help with this. The last thing we need is to publicize what has happened and bring attention to Essie’s location,” Ford stated.

  “Agreed,” Steel said.

  “We’ll head out now,” Darius told them and they all shook hands.

  “We’ll go, too,” Cobra said and looked at Slayer.

  “Essie can come back to the dojo as we finish things up there for the day,” Ford said.

  “I was meeting Precious for lunch. Won’t I be able to do that still? It’s right down the block from the dojo. I could come back to work. I think it will be fine,” she said to them.

  Cobra stared at her.

  “Please, Cobra, it will take my mind off this stupid situation, and I’ll be with Precious and right down the block. I doubt Stewart will come looking for more trouble.”

  “It’s two blocks away from the dojo,” Slayer stated firmly.

  Cobra looked at his brothers and Slayer.

  “Turbo and Max will walk you there and when you’re almost done, you text them to come meet you to walk you back,” Cobra stated firmly.

  “Cobra,” she started to argue, and he raised one of his eyebrows up at her, and she closed her mouth and nodded.

  “Okay, let’s do this,” Steel said to them.

  * * * *

  Precious looked at Essie’s arm as they sat at the table outside of the café.

  “I can’t believe that Stewart did that to you. What an asshole. I bet Cobra and Slayer are going to tear into him with Steel and Darius.”

  “I hope they don’t. They were very angry,” she said and looked at her knuckles. They were red and swollen.

  “Well, I guess they should be proud that you defended yourself and even broke Stewart’s nose. Served him right. I guess you’ll continue the kickboxing classes, huh?” she teased, and Essie smirked.

  “I just reacted. I got so angry. A week ago, I might not have reacted so defensively.”

  “Ahh, so it has to do with having five lovers, huh?” she asked and took a sip of her ice tea. Essie blushed. She felt her cheeks warmed and then nibbled her bottom lip.

  “It’s so crazy, and part of why I was looking forward to you and me getting together today.”

  “Need to talk things through? I know what you mean. I had my own reservations and concerns about my men, and they aren’t all Special Forces soldiers like yours are.”

  Essie stared at Precious. “You’re a lot stronger than I am, Precious. You were already trained to defend yourself and take care of yourself. You’re amazing. I don’t have those same capabilities, and even now, after spending the week with Cobra, Ford, Max, Turbo, and Slayer, I feel weaker.”

  Precious scrunched her eyes together.

  “I don’t understand. How could you feel weaker? You just defended yourself against Stewart. Weeks ago, you may have backed down and allowed him to be pushy.”

  “I suppose you’re right. I mean, when he touched me, grabbed my arm, I initially thought about the guys’ reaction when they would find out. Then when he forcibly kissed me and cupped my breasts, I lost it. I got angry and reacted.”

  “That probably has a lot to do with your men.”

  “You think so, or do you think it’s like what Corey says about the moves, the boxing reactions becoming instinctual?”

  “I’m sure that had a lot to do with it, but also the fact that you know you have five men backing you up. They’re ready to protect you, fight for you, and I assume, inform you of various rules they expect you to abide by.”

  Essie leaned closer, her eyes widening. “You, too?” she asked.

  Precious nodded. “To be honest with you, as independent as I thought I was and wanted to be, my men’s rules cause something incredible inside of me, and it’s like all I want to do is please them. Crazy, huh?”

  “Exactly how I feel. It’s like I keep asking myself if I’m becoming clingy, dependent on them for everything both big and small, and is that normal and safe, hell, healthy?”

  “Honey, the orgasms are well worth it,” Precious said and Essie chuckled, then covered her face with her hands.

  She loved having a friend like Precious.

  “Hey, I have an idea. How about surprising them with something special of your own, especially after their concerns over today’s situation?” Precious suggested.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “There’s a cute little boutique three blocks from here on Esther Ave. How about we hit it up before you call your men to come get you. Then when they pick you up from there, you can tease them about what may or may not be in the bag.”

  Essie felt her belly do a series of flip-flops.

  “Lingerie, huh? Never shopped for any before.”

  “Well, you will be now. You have five men to please, and they all have their own fantasies they’ll want you to fulfill.”

  “Let me text Ford and see if they’re okay with this.”

  “Just tell them you’ll text them the location of the store shortly.”

  “They won’t go for that. I’ll tell them it’s a surprise and that I will be three blocks away and with you.”

  “Good, now let’s hope the food comes soon so we’ll have enough time to shop,” Precious said, and Essie smiled as the waitress headed toward them with their salads and drinks. She couldn’t wait to shop in the lingerie store and wondered what each of her men’s fantasies with her might be.

  * * * *

  Cobra, Slayer, Steel, and Law looked around outside of Stewart’s small house. No one was answering the door, and his car wasn’t in the driveway.

  “I guess he didn’t head home,” Steel said to them.

  “Well, all we can do is come back in a little while and see if we can catch him. In the meantime, we’ll both swing back later tonight to check things out and speak with him,” Darius told them.

  Slayer felt uneasy about all of this. It just added to the need to have Essie close to them at all times. He thought about her being out with Precious right now and decided that joining them at the café would be a wise decision.

  Cobra’s cell phone rang.

  “It’s Vincent,” he said, and they all waited and listened.

  “Hey, Vincent. What’s going on?” he asked and looked at each of them.

  “What?” he asked, and Slayer stared at him. “I’m going to put you on speaker. Slayer, Darius, and Steel are here with me.” He put the call on speaker.

  “So, what I got so far is that someone with access to the police files has been looking up info on Essie’s case. I didn’t want to dig further as I caught wind from an inside source that outside detectives took over the investigation and some government guy is involved now. Seems that this Blade guy is wanted for questioning on a murder of a fellow soldier. The guy’s body was found in the woods in upstate New York. The local park rangers assumed he died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was a loner. By the time the body was found and transported to the medical examiner’s office, it was weeks old. The ME believed that he was murdered and of course it was too late to go back to the crime scene and collect anything,” Vincent told them.

  “So, how do you know he was murdered and what does this have to do with Blade?” Steel asked.

  “This federal investigator, along with two other detectives from the NYPD Special Investigation unit, believe that the guy was
killed and Blade is their main suspect. The two men served together, but then something happened in some mission in Iraq. Blade raged about this guy being at fault for getting a few guys killed. Nothing came of it. But from what my sources say, Blade killed him, and they’re trying to keep it on the down low.”

  “Why is that? They know about what he did to Essie and how he’s stalking her?” Cobra asked.

  “I would assume so, but they are also looking into finding out who has been bringing up Essie’s file and trying to find her.”

  “Shit. Could be Blade has his own person or people helping him,” Steel stated.

  “Let’s assume that’s the case. There’s nothing in there that states where she is. The best thing Essie did was leave without telling a soul where she was headed,” Slayer said.

  “But she has family, Slayer. This guy will stop at nothing to get to her,” Vincent said.

  “He’s right, but we already have people watching over her parents and her aunt and uncle. We’ll keep watching over Essie. In fact, I think we should get to her now,” Slayer added.

  “Hey, do you want me to dig deeper to see if I can find out who is looking at her files? Even if the government guy or detectives find out, I can just make something up like the crime mirrors another one I am looking into.”

  “Yeah, Vincent. Do it and be careful,” Cobra said to him.

  “Hey, what are all you guys doing together anyway?” Vincent asked.

  Cobra explained about Stewart and what happened at Essie’s job. He gave him his name and told him how Essie defended herself.

  “Son of a bitch. The poor thing must be beside herself. Take care of your woman, and I’ll do whatever is necessary on my end. I’ll be in touch.”

  * * * *

  “I love these things. I won’t be able to choose,” Essie said, and Precious chuckled.

  She held up a very naughty, sexy red number on a hanger in one hand and then a soft blue sheer teddy in the other hand. “For the naughty and the sweet sides of you, Essie,” she teased and chuckled.


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