Behind Every Cloud

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Behind Every Cloud Page 22

by Lawless, Pauline

  “Can I have a word, Ronan?” she asked.

  His heart sank. He’d pretty much put Louise out of his mind but he had a feeling that she was about to barge in again.

  “Of course.” He turned to Dermot who had been standing in for him. “Could you hold the fort for a few minutes longer, Dermot?”

  “No problem.”

  Ronan showed Melissa into the small staff-room behind the counter and pulled up a chair for her. “Tea? Coffee?”

  “No, thanks. I just heard that you were working here. I’m so sorry, Ronan – about Louise and everything.” She was obviously feeling very uncomfortable.

  “Have you come with a message from her?” His heart plummeted at the thought.

  “No, no. I just wanted to see you and say how sorry I am.”

  “Oh!” Ronan was at a loss for words.

  “How are you doing?” she asked, her voice full of concern and sympathy.

  “I’m fine, really I’m fine. Getting by, day by day.”

  “I was sorry to hear you lostyour job too. What an awful time it’s been for you!”

  He was touched by her concern. “That’s life. No one said it would be easy.” He grimaced. “What about Louise? How is she doing? I haven’t heard from her since she left.”

  “I haven’t heard much from her either. She seems to spend all her time shopping and she doesn’t bother with me anymore.” Melissa’s voice was bitter.

  “Yeah, well, that’s Louise for you.”

  She got up to go, giving him her hand. “Anyway, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry and I know you didn’t deserve that treatment.”

  “Thanks, Melissa, I appreciate that,” he said as he showed her out.

  That was nice, he thought. It was obvious that Melissa was miffed that Louise had dropped her. It didn’t surprise Ronan in the least.

  Marcus couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Are you crazy, Zita?” This guy’s married and a politician. You can’t be serious?”

  “I know, I know,” she said grumpily, annoyed with him for raining on her parade. “Nobody need know about it. We’ll be very discreet.”

  “Are you mad? Get real. This is Dublin you’re talking about, where everybody knows everybody else. And he’s a public figure to boot.”

  Zita said nothing. She didn’t care what Marcus said. Carl didn’t appear to be worried about being seen in public with her, so why should she be? She was secretly delighted that he wanted to do this. It meant that their relationship was moving to another level.

  She and Marcus went out for an Indian meal together but things between them were strained. He couldn’t believe how foolishly she was behaving. Could she not see that Carl Dunne was only using her? This was so unlike Zita that he was seriously worried. He wanted to help her but she was being stubborn. Damn that man anyway. Marcus wanted to throttle him.

  Ellie had great fun making out a new list of wedding guests. She’d decided to ask the group from the wine course – Rachel, Ronan, Sam and Zita. She wasn’t too wild about the latter but she couldn’t very well invite the others and leave her out.Pretty much how David felt about his colleagues, she supposed.

  She arrived into work on Friday morning and knew instantly that something awful had happened. Chloe was crying and Susan, the boss, looked devastated, her eyes red and swollen from crying too.

  “What’s wrong?” Ellie asked, terrified that someone had died or something.

  “I have to close the business for good this evening,” Susan said. “I’m sorry.”

  “But why?” Ellie cried.

  “Well, you know business is down and now that the lease is up, the landlord has put up the rent to an unacceptable level. I just can’t continue.”

  “But what will you do?” Ellie knew that Susan’s husband was unemployed and that she had five kids to support.

  “I’ll continue from my own home but unfortunately I can’t take you or Chloe with me.”

  Ellie went over to Chloe and put her arm around her. “Don’t worry, you’ll get something else. You’re a great beautician and qualified. You’ll find something.”

  “No, I won’t,” Chloe replied, wiping her eyes which made her mascara smudge all over her face. “Beauty salons are closing left, right and centre. There are not enough jobs out there for us all.” She sniffed and blew her nose.

  “Well, maybe this is your chance to open up on your own,” Ellie said. “You always said there was a need for a salon in Baldoyle and you have the space in your dad’s house.” She desperately wanted to lift her friend’s spirits. “We have a lot of customers here and Susan will not be able to handle them all on her own. Isn’t that right, Susan?”

  “You’re right,” Susan replied, brightening up. She felt really bad for the girls, making them unemployed at such a time. If Chloe could start from home, that would make her feel a lot better. “I won’t need all my equipment so I’m sure we could come to a good arrangement.”

  As for Ellie, Susan knew that it was an awful time to be pulling the rug from under her, what with her wedding just around the corner, but she had no choice. There was nothing she could do. At least Ellie’s fiancé was pretty well off.

  Chloehad brightened up considerably. She rang her dad straight away to ask him if what they suggested was possible. To her relief he thought it was a great idea and agreed to finance the equipment.

  The rest of the day was a flurry of activity. They made out little cards with Susan and Chloe’s new locations on them and handed them out to the clients who were all very sympathetic. The champagne that Susan had sent Ellie to buy from Superquinn helped to placate them and they assured the two girls that they would continue to give them their business and spread the word. As Ellie observed at the close of business while the three of them sat sipping the remnants of the champagne, “They don’t actually have much choice. There’s no other beauty salon in the area. I think you’ll do great, girls.”

  “Let’s drink to that!” They raised their glasses to each other.

  Ellie had tried to put on a brave face all day but on her way home in the DART that evening, she wondered what the hell she was going to do. She wasn’t a qualified beautician so there was no possibility of her going out on her own. She wasn’t really qualified for anything and there were no jobs available anyway. It was utterly hopeless.Luckily her dad and David were paying for the wedding reception and the money Uncle Matt had left her would take care of everything else. Otherwise she would have had to downsize the wedding, big-time.

  Carl rang Rachel at fivethirty. “Honey, we have an emergency here. I have to go down to Wexford tonight to represent the Minister for the Environment at a dinner as he can’t get away. I’m sorry, sweetheart. It will probably be very late so I’ll stay the night there. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Well, I don’t suppose it matters whether I do or not,” she said resignedly.

  “Love you, sweetie,” he said as he hung up.

  Carl arrived at Zita’s apartment at six thirty brandishing, not champagne this time, but a huge bouquet of red roses.

  “Oh, they’re lovely,” sheexclaimed, burying her nose in their wonderful scent.

  He watched her as she put them in a vase of water, noticing that she was wearing a fitted dress that hugged her body like a second skin.She was also wearing very high black heels and black fishnet stockings – or at least, he hoped they were stockings. He felt his erection starting but tried to calm down. If they went into bed now they’d never get to the restaurant.He’d booked them into a very upmarket, expensive restaurant in Dalkey. He’d been there before and he knew that the clients who frequented it were not the type to go running to the paparazzi. It was very discreet and exclusive. If they did bump into anyone he knew, he could always use the excuse that they were discussing a TV programme she was producing.

  As it turned out, they met no one they knew, which was a relief. Theyhad a wonderful meal and he was his usual charming, seductive self so that by the end of it Zita had
to admit to herself she was falling in love with him.

  Rachel meanwhile, depressed after Carl rang to say he’d be away for the night, opened a bottle of wine. She put the steaks back in the fridge. No point in cooking just for herself. She’d fed the children already so she’d just have some cheese with her wine later.

  Settling down with her wine she watched the news on TV but her thoughts were miles away. She was quite drunk by the time Carl rang at eleven to say goodnight. Even so, she could tell he was angry with her. To hell with him! She wouldn’t be drinking so much if he was home with her. She draggedherself up to bed,wondering if this was how her life was going to be in the future.

  Meanwhile, back in Zita’s apartment, Carl made fantastic love to her and it was wonderful to feel his body next to hers all through the night.

  The next morning she cooked him a proper Irish breakfast which he ate with gusto. She smiled at his appetite. It was as healthy as his appetite for sex and life. He was wonderful. She felt a deep sense of disappointment when he said he had to leave. She knew he had to get home to Rachel and the thought of him there filled her with envy. How fantastic it would be to be living with him and have him in her bed every night!

  Marcus had gone away for the weekend and she missed him as he was the only one she could talk to about Carl. It was going to be a lonely weekend.

  When Carl eventually got home, Rachel was in very bad form.

  “I’m getting sick of it,” she cried. “You’re out every evening and now you’re even missing at weekends. It’s not fair, Carl. Not on me and not on the kids.” She looked at him accusingly and he had the grace to look guilty.

  “I’m sorry sweetheart. Look, why don’t we go out tonight, just the two of us. I’ll call and book The Brass Monkey.” He took the phone and dialled. “Then tomorrow we’ll take the kids somewhere for the day – maybe the zoo.”

  She looked at him to see if he was joking. Carl hated the zoo with a vengeance. Even though they had an annual family membership for it, he could never bring himself to join them there.

  “What about your golf game?”

  “I’ll cancel it.”

  She was disbelieving. This was a first. Somewhat appeased, she wondered if he wasfeeling guilty about something. “Well, Jacob and Becky will be delighted. I’ll go and tell them.”

  As he booked the restaurant, she went to the playroom to break the good news to the kids and to tell Paloma that she could have the following day off. The nanny was delighted as, since the children were now on school holidays, she had them much more than usual.

  “Daddy! Daddy!” The kids came flying into the kitchen. “You’re coming to the zoo with us!” they yelled, jumping up on him.

  Rachel came in behind them, smiling at their exuberance. Smothering them with kisses, Carl felt another pang of guilt. They were growing up so fast. He really would have to make more time for them in the future.

  Winking at Rachel, he swung Jacob on his back and took Becky by the hand. “Come on, kids, let’s go out to play.”

  Whooping and yelling, the three of them made their way to the state-of-the-art playground. Rachel poured a glass of white wine and stood by the kitchen window, sipping it and smiling at her family. This was how she wanted it. This was how life was meant to be. Family was the mostimportant thing in the world. She wished Carl felt the same way.

  As Carl was pushing Becky on the swing he thought about his situation. He was feeling guilty. He really would have to be more careful. Rachel wasn’t stupid. He dreaded to think what would happen if she ever found out about Zita. Phew! Not only would she kick him out but his political career would be in ruins. The Irish electorate wanted their politicians to be squeaky clean. Greater men than he had fallen foul of their high expectations.

  He also suspected that Zita was falling for him and this was making him uneasy. Still, she was wildly exciting and a powerhouse in bed and he was getting excited just thinking about her. He’d have to be very careful now. He wasn’t willing to put his life on the line for her but he couldn’t give her up quite yet. She was coming to the house to film them the following Thursday and he’d need to play it very cool and keep his wits about him. He had much too much to lose.


  Ellie was a little down in the dumps at the wine course on Monday.

  “Are you okay, Ellie?” young Hayleyasked. She really admired Ellie and wished she could be like her.

  “The beauty salon where I work closed on Friday, just like that!” She clicked her fingers. “So now I’m unemployed, just like half the country.”

  “Maybe Sam will give you a job. He rang me on Saturday and asked if I’d be interested in working in his new Marino shop.” Hayley was grinning broadly. “I said yes, of course.” She looked overjoyed.

  “Is he looking for other staff?” Ellie wanted to know.

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask him? He has two new shops opening, one in Marino and one in Howth.”

  “When are you starting?”

  “In six weeks. I’m very excited about it.”

  Ellie mulled over what she’d said as the others filed in. She had no experience of working in a wine shop but then neither had Ronan and by all accounts he was doing very well.

  They couldn’t believe that there was only one more week of the wine course left. Where had the time gone? Sam sprang quite a surprise on them then.

  “Actually, there will be a little exam next week. It’s a simple, multiple-choice test and, for those of you who wish to continue on to the Higher Certificate Course in September, it’s essential to have passed this Lower Cert Exam.”

  “An exam!” Ellie wailed. “I’m useless at exams.”

  “You’ll pass it with your eyes closed, Ellie,” Sam assured her.

  “Lordy me, it’s over eighteen years since I sat an exam,” Rachel lamented, not feeling too happy about it. “I don’t think I’d pass.”

  “Nonsense, you’re all more than capable of passing it,” Sam said matteroffactly. Afterwards we’ll have a really good tasting and then I suggest we have a right knees-up to celebrate.”

  This was greeted with whoops and clapping. They really had all gelled together very well.

  “What do you say we organise some food from the local deli. If we collect ten euro from each of us for the food then I’ll be happy to supply the wine for free.”

  They all thought this was a great idea.It somehow made the exam seem not that scary if there was to be a party after it.

  They went to the Castle for a drink but Ellie didn’t get a chance to speak to Sam alone. She called him the next day.

  “Hi, Sam, it’s Ellie. Do you have a minute?”

  “Of course, Ellie. What can I do for you?”

  “Well, Hayley was telling me that you’re opening two new wine shops and I was wondering if there was any chance that you might need a salesgirl?”

  Sam was taken aback. “What about your job in the beauty salon?”

  “It closed down on Friday,” she told him glumly.

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Gosh, businesses are closing left, right and centre.Yeah, I’m sure I can find something for you but it won’t be for six weeks.”

  “That’s okay. It’s better than nothing – especially with the wedding coming up.”

  “Of course. That must be stressful enough without this landing on top of you. Leave it with me, Ellie. I’ll get back to you.”

  “Thanks, Sam,” she said gratefully, relief flowing through her.

  Sam rang back an hour later. “Ellie, can you work a computer?”

  “Sure. I did computers at school and I took an advanced night course last year. I’m quite good on it actually,” she said proudly.

  “Fantastic! And you speak fluent French, I remember you telling me? You and your mother often speak French together, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, all the time.”

  “Brilliant!” Sam sounded really excited now. “Well, I’ve been thinking. My PA is setting up
my new online business at the moment and she’s completely overstretched. She could do with some help while she gets the online business up and running, but I need someone with fluent French and computer skills. How about it? Would you be interested, until the new shop opens up?”

  Ellie held her breath. She could hardly believe it. Her mother looked up from the book she was reading to see the big smile on her daughter’s face. Ellie gave her the thumbs-up.

  “Would I be interested? You bet I would!” She covered the mouthpiece with her hand and whispered to Marie-Noelle, “Sam’s looking for a temporary PA!”

  “Great. You could start right away, I take it?”

  “Tomorrow, if you like.”

  Sam laughed at her enthusiasm. “Can you meet me here Thursday morning? Is nine thirty okay?”

  “Sure, see you then!”

  Elliehung up, grabbed her mother and waltzed her around the kitchen.

  “Tell me, tell me!” Marie-Noelle demanded, dying to know what had transpired.

  Ellie explained and her mother hugged her tightly. This was fantastic! Maybe this was Ellie’s niche after all. “Thank you, God, thank you, Sam!” she prayed. Right now they seemed like one and the same person!

  Ellie couldn’t believe her luck. She went to meet Sam on Thursday morning feeling apprehensive in case it didn’t work out. She needn’t have worried. Sam wanted her to start right away and to top it all he was offering her much more than she’d been earning in the salon. She would be working from the office in his house which was just around the corner from where she lived. It was all working out great.

  He introduced her to Sylvia, his PA, who was overjoyed to have her on board.

  “You’ve no idea how delighted I am to have you here,” she exclaimed, pumping Ellie’s hand enthusiastically. “I was afraid my husband would divorce me if I kept up working these hours. He’s starting to suggest that I should pack it in as he never sees me, but I love my job and Sam is a great boss.” She smiled happily at Ellie. “Sam says you’re a computer expert and fluent in French. Probably much better than I am.” She made a face.


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