Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel

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Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel Page 13

by Bellus, HJ

  By all means, if the shoe doesn’t fit, fake it until that bitch fits. Visions of a hopeless Ella walking away from me as I’m desperately down on my knees in sheer agony haunts me every single night. Each night that passes, her words become clearer in my mind…blood, mother, no, rape. All swirl around. Tonight is the end of his twisted ways.

  “Be careful, Mav.” Merek fidgets in the passenger seat.

  We just rolled in town from a rodeo. Only Granddad knows of our plan to torment the pastor. I’ve wanted to wring his neck with my bare hands for months now and it’s only been Merek who’s been able to talk me off the ledge. Tonight, he’ll be leaving town and never coming back.

  Merek was persistent about having Pastor Leeman turn himself in and let the justice system untangle the mess, but I refused because that meant Ella would be drug right back into his sick web. That’s something I’ll make sure never happens.

  So, tonight I plan to rough him up a bit and then tell him it’s time to disappear forever. I don’t care where he goes as long as he leaves. His welcome in this town is long gone. Wicked thoughts of him running into Ella in another town is the only part of this plan that haunts me. Granddad still has a private investigator searching for my girl.

  The last light in the church flips off as he walks out with a young blonde girl. A car ahead of us waits, and I can only assume it’s the mother of the young child. It’s another Ella and her overly eager mother out to please the community with blinders on. I jump from the cab of the truck as he brazenly rests his arms across her bare shoulders.

  Her tank top leaves little to the imagination but is no excuse.

  “Pastor Leeman, I need some guidance.” The pounding of my boots is the only sound in the night. I swear my thundering heart is deafening to my own ears. When his eyes meet mine, he knows it’s time. The few punches I got in at the church were just a taste of what he has coming his way.

  He excuses the young girl and we both wait until the tail lights of the car are out of sight and well off into the distance. The sound of a door slamming grabs both of our attention. I look back to see Merek resting against the passenger side of the truck. I don’t waste time with pleasantries or exchanging words. I let my fists do the talking.

  I take one swing, connecting with his jaw and it’s like sweet medication. With each drop of blood that splatters across my face, I see Ella the way I remember her. I know an eye for an eye is not right, but it sure as fuck feels righteous. I don’t quit swinging until he collapses on the sidewalk. I’ll give it to the stubborn motherfucker as he takes blow after blow.

  “You will be leaving town tonight. Do you hear me, you worthless fuck?”

  “You can’t make me do shit, boy.” He wipes the blood from his lip with the back of his hand.

  His brazen response forces a large grin on my face. “Want to put money on that? I have a ride waiting for you.”

  “You’re a fool.” I watch him reach deep into the pocket of his dress slacks.

  Little does he know a cell phone will do him no good right now, he’s played all of his cards, and is about to be forced to fold.

  Everything else happens in slow motion as a silver pistol floats in the air above him. When my vision focuses in, Pastor Leeman lays back on the sidewalk pointing a pistol at me. I react without thinking, lunging for the gun, catching his elbow just in time to remove the aim of the gun from my face.

  I try to make contact punching him, hoping to distract or hurt him long enough to get the gun from his hands.

  “You’re making this too difficult. All I’m asking is you leave town and stay the fuck away.” I try to convince the idiot to drop the gun. “I have a ride lined up.”

  He smiles up at me and then spits in my face as we both still struggle for the gun. I wrap my hand around his forearm, trying to fight to get to his gun, but Leeman doesn’t give up. He fights back and claws at me. Using all my strength, I slam his hand down to the sidewalk.

  The deafening blast of the gun immediately leaves a high pitched shrill ringing off in my head. A bright light flashes before my eyes, sending me into a spiraling trance before my vision focuses back in.

  I feel an arm around me trying to pull me up to my feet. The scene before me can’t be happening right now. Blood pools on the pavement with the lifeless body of the pastor in the middle of all of it. The gun lays perfectly pointed at his temple with his hand wrapped around the stock of the pistol.

  “Mav, truck now.”

  In a sick and twisted way, I don’t want to take my eyes off of him. He’s dead. The man who ruined Ella’s life is dead. I know it’s wrong and evil, but I feel the burden on my heart ease up a bit.

  “Justice,” I whisper.


  I hear Merek’s voice and know it’s time to go. A sick part of me yearns to watch all the blood flow from the fucker’s body, but I force myself to turn and walk away from him. I hop in the passenger seat and watch the streetlights whiz past my vision and then glance up to the stars like I’ve done every night since she disappeared and vow to find her.

  The lights in the cab of the truck flip on.

  “Check your clothes and hands for blood, Maverik.” Merek leans over, looking me up and down while stopped at a light.

  “I don’t think I have any on me.” I stare down at my palms. “I didn’t mean to kill him. He pulled out a gun…”

  “Maverik, shut the fuck up. I didn’t see a damn thing and have no idea what you’re talking about. We are just on our way home from a rodeo.”

  I nod to Merek and realize he’s visibly shaken up but still trying to calm me.

  “The fucker deserved it, Maverik. We are never bringing up what just happened. He pulled the gun and you were defending yourself.”

  “I’m not a bad guy, Merek.” I repeat the same phrase over and over until I lurch forward in the front seat of the truck.

  “Listen.” Merek sends a grueling punch into my arm. “The fucker would go after Ella again in a heartbeat. He’s the same guy who ripped her away from you. Now stop, Maverik, or I’ll beat the shit out of you.”

  I focus in on his words, the vision of Ella pained and suffering at the hand of the bastard rolls over and over in my mind, easing my guilt a bit. Merek begins driving again and I know we’re heading to the bar to meet up with Challis and Marvel who know nothing of the plan.

  Merek drives without saying another word. My nerves and anxious feelings slowly begin to melt away when I focus on Ella and her safety now. Her wild blonde hair and carefree spirit can thrive again without worry and threat.

  It’s been a family effort trying to track down Ella, but we’ve come up short at every corner. Granddad hired the best private investigator, sparing no expense. She’s a Slatter at heart and will return home.

  “It’s done. No speaking of this ever, Maverik, I know you’re hurt and a loose cannon, but no talking of this, ever.” Merek kills the engine in the parking lot of the bar.

  I nod to Merek and know he’s right. Being behind bars the rest of my life for murder won’t get me any closer to Ella.

  This is just like any other night for the Slatters, I try to keep reminding myself.

  “Merek.” Challis’s voice rings out as we enter the bar. She races over to Merek, leaping up into his arms and attacking his lips.

  “Heard you spurred an eighty-eight point ride, bro.” Marvel joins us, patting Merek on the back.

  “Yeah, he did ride a rank one. Sitting first in the round,” I add. Thank God for rodeo, the one thing that keeps our family tied together and sane. It was the perfect cover up for tonight. The timing couldn’t have been better.

  “Maverik, want a drink?” Marvel asks, shoving into my shoulder.

  “Whiskey, and a lot of it, please.”

  I settle into our normal table tucked away in a corner and feel Jake sit next to my feet. A smile creeps across my face, causing me to laugh out loud hysterically. Life, what a mind fuck of a ride is all that races through my mind.r />
  “You okay?” Challis asks, sitting down in her chair across from me.

  “Haven’t been better,” I reply with a cool grin on my face.

  “What in the hell is so funny over here, Slatters?” Challis’s aunt Tori asks as she sets down the tray of shots and longneck bottles of beer.

  The puzzled looks on my family’s faces cause me to laugh even harder.

  “Fucker is tired.” Marvel tries to cover up my craziness.

  “No.” I wipe the tears rolling from eyes. “It’s not that at all.”

  “Shut up and drink.” Merek hisses between gritted teeth.

  “I can’t stop laughing.” I slam the table hard, sloshing the shots over the rim of the glasses. “You should’ve seen Merek tonight.”

  I roll into another fit of laughter when Merek goes pale.

  “What did he do now?” Tori asks.

  “Split his lucky riding pants when he jumped on the back of the horse and the fucker still rode like a champ.”

  “Oh, my God, did that really happen?” Challis asks.

  “You dickhead, you would go and tell the whole world.” Merek throws a handful of peanuts in my direction.

  Laughter spills from my body like a crazed idiot. “And he was commando. Did your nuts take a licking riding bareback?”

  It’s like I’ve lost my fucking mind as I can’t quit laughing about Merek’s ride tonight. I know I shouldn’t be laughing or even enjoying myself right now, but it is what it is.

  Soon the whole table erupts in laughter, even Merek. Challis has tears streaming down her face as she holds her gut. It’s the oddest fucking time to be laughing like this, but it’s the best medicine.

  When the laughter dies down and Merek quits cussing me out, I raise my shot glass and wait for the others to follow. Tori scurried back behind the bar, leaving the four of us. Once everyone’s glass is raised up in the air, I lead the toast.

  “To always protecting our own.”

  We clink glasses and down the shot. I reach for a second one, slam it, and then nurse beer after beer. My pain begins to ease up a little and my heart feels a bit lighter. Ella’s bright eyes dance in my memory, and I can damn near feel her blonde hair brushing my cheek.

  I’ve tried to be with other women since she left town, hoping it would dull the pain or even act as a Band-Aid. And the three times I was ready and willing to partake in another woman, bile rose up in the back of my throat, causing me to bolt. Learning my lesson, I know all women are off limits now, so it’s alcohol that will be my best mate.

  Challis has been the designated babysitter for my drunk ass, cutting me off before I get too belligerent or find myself in trouble.

  “The colts leave tomorrow,” Merek says.

  I don’t miss the glare Marvel sends Merek. He’s still hell bent on making Saint pay for the hell he’s put us through. I have to say, with Merek installing more cameras and security, Saint’s stunts have ceased. After looking into more of what Marvel claimed about us sitting on a gold mine, I realized he was exactly right. That motherfucker Saint is going to make a small fortune on the colts when he’s only allowing us to get out of our father’s debt. The only satisfaction from it all is running into Saint with his wife toting around a newborn baby. Man, that must be a bitch.

  “Let ‘em go, son, it’s not worth it.” I pat Marvel’s knee. “We have more than wealth and don’t need that damn blood money of Saint’s. Look where it got Dad.”

  “I’m sick of the bad guys always winning. I’m ready for a new fucking system.” Marvel’s voice holds promise and it scares the hell out of me. We’ve been watching him like a hawk making sure he doesn’t go near Saint or his ranch, but it’s well known us Slatters have stubborn hearts and are bull headed to boot.

  “It’s going to be an early morning, let’s head home,” Challis says.

  “Yeah, my nuts are beyond fucking chapped from going commando.”

  We all shake our heads at the crazy fool, and to think he’s a world champion. I might just make it through this shit storm. One thing I do know, there’s nothing like a Slatter’s love and loyalty.



  The morning was as hard on Marvel as we all anticipated. He was dead set on keeping one colt back, holding it as a type of ransom until Saint paid up. It took both Merek and myself to hold him down. Needless to say, we are his least favorite people right now. We called out his childhood friend to come get him. Weston and Marvel are tight as hell and right now he needs someone other than us.

  Weston knew about Marvel’s scheme and was on our side of the battle. They loaded up two horses and set out for a jackpot roping for the weekend. It’s far away from Saint and all the trouble Marvel is just begging to get wound up in.

  “You two heading out?” I ask Challis and Merek, who are hanging out on Granddad’s porch as I walk up. Jake takes off for Challis, snagging the piece of jerky from her hand.

  “You’re making my working dog a fat, old lazy thing.”

  “Just like his owner,” Challis chimes back, getting a good laugh out of Granddad and Merek.

  “Yeah, two day rodeo right outside of Houston. Want to join?”

  “Naw, I think I need a quiet weekend.”

  “Challis is going to go look at a new barrel horse.” Merek’s words grab my attention. Challis hasn’t wanted to ride or even go to rodeos with Merek since Teebaby’s accident. She brushes him daily and exercises him, building him back up even though she knows he’ll never run again. A piece of Merek’s feisty little cowgirl died the day Teebaby went down.

  “Merek, I said maybe, asshole. Quit pushing me.”

  “Challis, remember our talk. You will come home with a horse,” Granddad adds in a gentle voice. Merek flashes her an “I won” grin, knowing that nobody disobeys Granddad’s orders on this ranch.

  “Fine, you controlling jerks.”

  “Good girl, now give this old man a hug before you two head off.”

  Granddad stands, wrapping Challis up, giving her all the courage she needs to go look at new horses. Deep down, Merek’s buying her a new horse to help heal her broken soul.

  “Careful, little brother.” I give Merek a one armed hugged. “Spur the hair off the bastard.”

  “Will do. Sure you don’t want to come?”

  “Naw, I’m good.”

  “Yeah, looks like it’s senior citizen weekend here on the ranch,” Challis throws out.

  I grab her by the ribs, tickling the shit out of her before she squirms away, and then I take a seat by Granddad, reaching down into his ice bucket and pulling out a longneck. Merek and Challis race each other down the sidewalk, always the competitive pair.

  “Think she’ll get a horse?” I take a long pull from the ice-cold beer.

  “I do, and I think she’ll be back on top of the world in no time.”

  “I sure hope so.”

  Granddad reaches down and pulls out a beer, shocking the hell out of me. He usually has his cans of diet soda iced and the beer for us boys. I take it from his hand and use the edge of the rocker to pop the top off.

  “How you doing, son?” He mirrors my action, taking a long drink from his beer.

  “Should you be drinking?” I’m still in shock.

  “After this week, I need more than Maria and these weak ass beers to settle my nerves.”

  “I’m sorry for dragging you into everything.”

  “Don’t you ever dare say that again. I’d be pissed if you hadn’t. Maverik, I’ll always be here even after I’m gone.” He pauses, taking another drink. “I’ve worked my whole life to leave you boys set up.”

  “Thank you.” I battle off the urge to cry. It’s the one thing I don’t want to do. Breaking down in front of him has happened more often than I’d like to recall over the last few months. Watching him cry for Ella nearly destroyed me, but his actions after learning the truth shocked the shit out of me. If I end up being half the man he is, I’ll die a happy and honored soul.
  “I have some other news for you, Maverik.” He takes another long pull from his beer. “I had the private investigator keep me updated this past week and not you. I didn’t want your head to be all messed up.”

  “Okay.” I reach for another beer and drink the whole bottle in gulps with a gut feeling this news isn’t what I’m going to want to hear.

  “We found Ella.”

  Those three words stop my heart still as my feet ready themselves to get to her.

  “Maverik, just like her reasons for leaving are valid, so is what she’s been up to. You need to keep your calm.”

  “I will for Christ’s sake. Just tell me where she is, so I can bring her home.”

  “She may not want to come back. Maverik, that’s a fact you’re going to have to come to grips with.”

  “Is she married?”

  “I’m going to let her tell you her side of the story, but the reason she was so difficult to track down is because she’s not in any big city living the high life.”

  “What? You’re wrong.”

  “She’s been living two hours north of us since the day she left. She’s working for the local paper.”

  “She’s what?” I’ve never been so dumbfounded in my life. “Are you telling me that the last ten years she’s only been two hours away from me?”

  “Maverik, calm down.”

  “I am.” My own voice startles me.

  “Look at your knuckles.”

  Tipping my head down, I see my knuckles have turned white from gripping the arm rests on the rocker.

  “You need to digest this information and then go to her with a clear head. You’re close, son, so don’t let your temper ruin it all.”

  I sit in silence and rock back and forth on the porch, trying to process the information. Of course, my first reaction is to be undeniably outraged in the worst way, but then the reality of Ella’s situation sinks in. So many nights I’ve wondered why she didn’t come to me for help.

  There’s no way in hell I would’ve ever looked at her differently. As the sun settled behind the rolling hills, I know exactly what I’m going to do. I’m bringing Ella home tomorrow.


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