Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel

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Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel Page 15

by Bellus, HJ

  “I’ll be right back. Let me tuck him in.” Ella excuses herself.

  Sitting still, waiting in her silent kitchen is torture, so I stand and begin cleaning up dinner. Artwork and candid snapshots fill Ella’s house. Everything is centered on Mav and all of his achievements. If I didn’t know better, I wouldn’t think Ella lived here. Obviously, she was behind the camera in every single picture.

  Several rodeo pictures of Mav saddling up his horse with their rickety two horse trailer in the background. Buckles, trophies, and ribbons adorn every shelf. I run my fingers along his pee-wee champion buckle.

  “He loves rodeo.”

  I turn to see Ella leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed.

  “I see that. You’ve done an amazing job with him, Ella.”

  “Do you hate me?” she whispers.

  I rise to my feet and close the distance between us. “I love you, Ella, and nothing could ever change that. I wish you would’ve come to me, but that’s the past.”

  I grab for her wrist, but she pulls back from me.

  “Your husband could be living in the house with you and I’d still be here fighting for you. You’re mine.”

  “This is our home, Maverik.”

  “I understand that.” I go for her wrist again and this time she doesn’t recoil. The sensation of her skin on mine is mind blowing. “Mav would love the ranch. We all want you home.”

  “Things are different, Maverik, I have a kid. A nine-year-old son. How in the hell am I going to explain that? I don’t want him on the other end of judgmental stares.”

  “For Christ’s sake.” My voice comes out louder than expected. “He’s a Slatter. You named him after me. Do you really think I give a flying fuck what others think? And I dare someone to treat him differently.”

  “You can’t strong arm your way into everything, Maverik.”

  I pull her in close to me until I’m able to wrap her up in a tight hug. Our bodies fit together differently with her baby bump pressing into me.

  “Leeman’s dead. Was shot outside the church. He’s gone and can’t hurt another soul.”

  “I know. I read about it online.”

  “Come home, Ella, I’ll give you the world.”

  “Was it you?”

  I know what’s she’s asking and don’t know how I want to answer her. I pause for a long moment.

  “It was you, Maverik.” She looks up to me, astonished.

  I wait to see if she’s pissed or not. Her features are stoic, not giving me a clue to her reaction. Ella’s face nears mine as she perches up on her tiptoes. Our lips meet and that’s when she finally speaks. “Thank you, Maverik.”

  The thought of me killing Mav’s dad nearly drowns and threatens to take me down.

  “Stop. I know what you’re doing. Stop, Maverik.”

  “It was an accident…”

  Her finger presses into my lip as my hands tighten around the top of her ass, pulling her in even tighter, trying to feel the life we created together.

  “He knows nothing of him or what happened to me. I never and I mean never, wanted him living with that guilt.”

  “What does he know?”

  “He knows that his mom made a mistake in high school and moved away to make everything better.”

  “You told him you made a mistake?”

  She cups my face in her hands. “He’ll never know, Maverik. When he asked questions about his dad, I had to tell him something.”

  At certain points in life, there are just no words left to speak. Not one word in the English vocabulary could fix anything here or even soothe healing wounds. My lips land on hers in a feverish way, and once her taste hits my lips, I’m lost in her again. I fight desperately to grasp onto her and each sensation.

  My whole body awakens with her sweet scent filling my nostrils.

  “Tell me to stop now, Ella.”

  She shakes her head no as she deepens our passionate kiss.

  “Ella, I won’t be able to stop in about ten seconds.”

  “Don’t stop, Maverik, take me.”

  She takes one little hop into the air and I catch her easily in my arms and begin backing her down the hallway. It occurs to me once the hallway darkens, that I have no idea where I’m going. I find a wall and press her back against and take a moment to feel her skin on mine and devour her mouth. I take the lead with lips and teeth exploring every single part of her. My hands roam up and down her sides as I pay extra attention not to apply too much pressure to her belly. The thought of my baby growing inside her only deepens my desire to take her.

  “Ella, where’s your room?”

  “Second door.” Her response is so breathy it takes me a moment to comprehend it.

  “Tell me when to stop.” I take off down the hall, covering her mouth again. Her teeth sink down into my lower lip, sending a piercing pain throughout my body. I can’t get her laid down in front of me fast enough. Her hand flails out and captures a doorjamb. I back up a bit and enter the dimly lit room.

  It’s very simple with only a full size bed and dresser with clothes and high heels littering the floor. Delicately, I lay her down on the mattress and study her movements as I do. I’ve never experienced anything as powerful as loving on a woman carrying my baby.

  I move slow and methodically as I strip her bare. Her sweet baby bump is obvious in the barely lit room. I take my time to kneel before her fully clothed and place both of my palms on her stomach. It’s hard and taut with no movement; automatically I bend over and grace my lips over the bump.

  Tears roll down my cheeks and I let them fall freely on her skin. Patches of goose bumps pop up all over her flesh as I continue to let my happiness and love flow from me. I realize it doesn’t matter if she was ever going to tell me she was carrying my baby or not, because I’m here in the moment. All of the past is erased with the sweet promise of the future dangling precariously between us.

  My name permanently inked on her skin and my baby in her womb. I’m not sure the jackpot could get much sweeter.

  “I love you, Ella.” My lips brush the skin on her abdomen with each word. “I’ll never stop loving you.”

  Her hands weave through my hair as she tugs gently on it, pulling me up to her. I do everything in my power to put all my weight on my elbows and knees. Her hands frantically scramble to tear off all my clothes. When her whimpers over power her movements, I take pity on her, raising to my feet and stripping off my pants the rest of the way.

  Our naked bodies collide as I cover her once again. I weave my hands through her hair, bringing her face to mine so I can kiss her at will. I flex my hips, entering her slowly, monitoring my speed by whimpers and moans. When her hips buck up into mine, I know she’s ready for me. I thrust into her until I’m seated so deep I can’t go any further.

  The feeling of being inside her again is overwhelming, causing me to freeze and tilt my head back. I let out a deep moan and flex harder inside of her. Just the slightest movement nearly causes me to go off.

  “I love you too, Maverik.” Ella wraps her tiny hands around my biceps as I slowly begin to work in and out of her. I drop my forehead to hers, barely hanging on.

  “I didn’t know what to do. I’m not saying I made the best decision, but I took care of what I needed to.”

  I know she paused waiting for a response from me, but I can’t. Just the slightest movement right now will cause me to lose it all. I focus on moving in and out of her slowly and not thinking about the incredible sensation of blowing inside her.

  “I can’t just go back with you, and it’s not fair of you to throw that in my face.” Her fingernails dig into my skin, making the pain of her words real. “I have a family and I’ve built all of this. I love you, Maverik, but I just can’t get up and leave for you.”

  I focus in on the part of her message where she said ‘I love you’ and I do know this fact. She’s being the responsible adult and thinking with common sense. I just want her as mine—all mine. />
  I pick up my speed, thrusting into her wetness hard and fast. I know it won’t take me long before it’s all over so I zero in on her noises and signs. Her hips begin to buck up into mine as her moans grow louder and her nails dig deeper. I don’t slow down and hold off until I know she’s spiraling out of control. Being deep inside of Ella and owning her is always bittersweet and nothing I’ll ever turn away.

  Ella begins to squirm underneath me and slap my back and then I feel her tighten around me. I watch her turn her head and try her best to bury her face into her pillow to muffle her screams. I spill into her as I feel her let up on my throbbing cock.

  I roll over, making sure to place no weight on Ella. I tug her into my side and vow never to quit fighting for her. My eyes grow heavy. Ella’s heavy breathing doesn’t help my trance. I run my hand down to her belly and keep it there. I breathe in her scent one last time before I drift off into a slumber.

  It feels like only mere seconds since I fell asleep, but the flashing alarm clock on Ella’s nightstand tells a different story. I find her forehead with my lips and leave several lingering kisses. I remember her tired eyes and exhausted features from the night before and I don’t dare want to wake her.

  I slip into my clothes and get out to my truck. Being busted in Mav’s mother’s room is also the last thing on my agenda. I send a quick text to Merek keeping everything simple, asking him to relay it to Granddad. He replies with a smartass comment about it being too early and him being too hungover with a large boner.

  I run my hand along the dash of my truck, wondering how this will all play out. I’m not sure it will be in my favor, but I do know I’ll never give up. The sound of a door slamming catches my attention and I see Mav standing on the front porch with rumpled sleep hair but dressed in jeans, boots, and a western shirt. I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. It’s like he’s a natural Slatter.

  “Hey, Maverik, ready to go feed?”

  The sun has barely peeked over the horizon and this young man is out of bed and eager to work. He’d love the Silver Star, and that ranch would love him right back.

  “Sure am.” I hop down from the truck, throwing the driver’s door shut.

  “You didn’t bring a change of clothes?”

  “Uh.” I look down at the same shirt I was wearing yesterday. “I hadn’t planned on staying the night up here.”

  “Oh, so you’re leaving today.” Mav’s shoulders slump forward.

  “Buddy, I have to. I only live two hours away.” We talk as he does his morning chores and I explain to him about the ranch and my job there. I’m shocked as he feeds a fat steer and some chickens, which I never saw last night.

  I must have had tunnel vision last night, because I missed Ella’s gorgeous blooming garden and flowerbeds. Mav catches me staring at them.

  “Mom says that’s her form of cheap therapy, whatever that means.”

  “That’s a lot of work.” I can’t take my eyes from the perfect rows of vegetables with not one weed in sight.

  “Yep, she works out there every evening when I’m riding and roping.”

  Ella’s words last night about not being to leave become more and more evident to me. I know she loves me, but how am I to expect her to up and leave this place of hers? I’d be an asshole to expect it.

  “Mav, come eat your breakfast before the bus gets here.”

  “’Kay, Mom.”

  I follow him back to the house in a slow trot and laugh to myself, knowing he’s probably missed breakfast and the bus a time or two. Ella has a hot breakfast on the table for Mav and rustles through his backpack double checking to see that his homework’s finished.

  “Sit down, Maverik, and eat with me.”

  I hold my hand up slowly, beginning to feel like an intruder in their well-oiled life.

  “I’m good, buddy, go ahead.”

  I feel two small hands wrap around my waist. “Go eat. I know you have to be starving.”

  Ella slaps me in the ass as she pushes me toward the table.

  “Hey, Mom, can Maverik come with us to my rodeo this weekend?” Mav asks around a mouth full of food.

  Ella shrugs. “That’s up to him.”

  Setting down my tall cold glass of milk, I smile back at him. “I’d be honored to, Mav, but I’ll warn you, I’m only good at pulling riggings on bucking horses.”

  “It’s all right. I’ll teach you a few things about roping.”

  Ella laughs hard at her son’s confident answer and I can’t help but smile at the young man.

  He rises to his feet with his plate and glass in his hands, stops, and kisses Ella.

  “Thank you, Mom. Kick ass and take names today.”

  Ella blushes a bit. “You too, son. Don’t forget how to spell ‘complete’ on your spelling test, and if Dickweed gives you any trouble, you know what to do.”

  “Got it, Mom.” Mav pulls his backpack down from the hook, slides it on his back, and reaches for the knob on the front door. He bolts back to the table and wraps me up in a hug. He catches me halfway standing and sitting, so I just plop back down into my chair.

  “Thank you for coming by and I hope you come back real soon.”

  The bus out front begins to honk and Mav takes off, leaving me teary eyed and happy. I want that boy and I want Ella. Fuck the past and what anyone will think. People will always hate, judge, and criticize; it’s the warriors who can overcome that who truly live life.

  I wait until the door slams and the roar of the bus is gone. Ella knows what’s coming as she sits huddled up in the chair across from me. It’s almost like by her bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them that she’s shielding herself from me.

  “We need to talk.” I fight to stay calm and not blow with emotions.

  “Maverik Slatter, what do you expect from me?”

  Her words and tone of voice snap the last straw of patience within me.

  “I want this with you, dammit.” I stand up and slam both fists down onto the table. “I wanted you to come to me after you were hurt. I want you, Ell, and Mav.”

  Silent sadness rolls down her cheeks but I can’t contain the words I have to say or the anger attached to each one of them.

  “He could’ve been ours. Not one fucking person in town would’ve known the difference, but you chose to run and leave me. Yeah, it might sound selfish, but this selfish bastard wanted to be there for you.”

  Before I know what is happening, my plate goes flying into the air slamming into the wall on the other side of the kitchen. Shards of glass spray in every which direction.

  “And you’re pregnant with my fucking kid, yet you ran again and never tried to contact me. So what in the fuck do you think I want? I want you to come home and let me love and take care of you, Mav, and our baby. But I guess that’s too much to ask from your stubborn ass.”

  Ella remains frozen and speechless in her chair.

  “And all these years, you’ve lived two fucking hours from me, Ella. Talk about another dagger to my heart.”

  I know I need to settle down and back off, but I’m sick of it and know if I don’t fight for her, she’ll never come home or even let me in her life.

  “So, do I need to get a lawyer to fight for my kid, Ella?”

  “Jesus, no, Maverik.”

  “Well, that’s what you’re making me think. Fuck, if I wouldn’t have showed up here yesterday, I’d never even know about it. Wait, take ten steps backwards if I hadn’t hired a PI to track you down.”

  “Stop. Just stop.” Ella’s voice shakes as she stands to her feet. “I could’ve never come back and had Mav with you. My mom and the monster knew all about it, Maverik. Do you think I wanted to see their faces on a daily basis around town?”

  “They’re both dead, so what’s your excuse now?”

  “I’m not saying I have an excuse. It’s not as fucking easy as you make it out to be. I wasn’t given this place like you were with the Silver Star. No fucking silver spo
on in my mouth. You’re asking me to leave this all behind.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “You’re a dick, Maverik Slatter.”

  “Guess you’ll be hearing from my lawyer, Ella. You’re not keeping this baby a secret from the world.”

  I had every intention of cleaning up the broken glass, apologizing to her, and even making love to her one more time before I headed back home, but she’s pushed me too far. I said things I shouldn’t have, but it’s what I felt. I stand to my feet and pivot for the door.

  “Maverik, stop, please.”

  I don’t listen to her as I’m beyond pissed and can only see red.

  “Maverik, don’t leave me.”

  With my hand on the handle to my truck door, I laugh out loud and turn to her. “I’m doing what you do best, Ella. Leaving.”

  My own words make me cringe as I hop in the truck and peel out of her driveway. My fist goes flying into the dash as violent hatred boils up in me. It’s more than being hurt, it’s a feeling I never thought fucking possible. My phone goes off in my pocket and when I pull it out, I see Ella’s name. She programmed her number into my phone last night. The woman confuses the fuck out of me. She wears my ring, sleeps with me, welcomes me in her own home when she could’ve kicked my ass to the curb, and gives me her phone number, yet she’s not willing to budge a fucking inch.

  I slam my finger onto the red circle to decline her call. Ella knows where I stand and it’s up to her to come through now. There’s nothing else for me to do. I’ve pleaded my case, taken care of the monster, and found her. I’m done.



  I just lost him forever. I drop to my knees and begin to cry. Tears cascade from me that hold my true pain of being separated from Maverik for so many years. He thinks this is all just so fucking easy. Pack up and move, leave behind Mav’s childhood home and everything I worked my fingers to the bone for.

  I want to be with Maverik Slatter and will be. He didn’t even give me the time of fucking day to explain my plan. Nope, Maverik came in guns a blazing and ready to throw my ass in the truck and leave.


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