Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel

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Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel Page 17

by Bellus, HJ

  I finally talk her into allowing me to unload boxes while sitting down. I start in Mav’s room. When I push open the door, I’m amazed at what lies before me. Granddad had it painted a burnt orange with all sorts of western pictures hanging on the wall. He has one of Maverik and me on the back of Chili above the dresser and a large Silver Star brand above his bed.

  I begin unloading his clothes, refolding them and tucking them away in his dresser. Knowing my son, he’ll never use the damn drawers; he prefers to live off the ground, digging through piles of clothes. I come across a crumpled piece of paper that falls out of one of his old pairs of jeans. When I open up the paper, I see his writing all over it. It’s dated a month back.

  Dear Mom,

  I know the moving thing is hard on you. The babies are sucking up all your energy and decision making skills. Let me make it easy on you. Let’s move to live with Maverik. I’d love to live on a ranch.

  You are the best mom in the world, but sometimes a boy just needs a guy in his life. You know to pee on trailer wheels without getting yelled at and when I need to talk.

  If we move with Maverik and you marry him, can you promise me one thing? I want my name to change when yours does. I want to be a Slatter with you. I probably won’t give this to you because I don’t like it when you cry. And it seems that’s all you do anymore.

  I will love my life here or there. But I vote there.

  Your best son in the world,

  The Mav

  “What’s that?”

  Maverik’s voice startles me, causing me to jump a bit and squeal.

  “Sorry, babe, thought you heard me tromping up the stairs.”

  “Read this.” I pass him the letter and lay my head on his shoulder as he reads it.

  “Wow.” Maverik tips his hat back. “So, you’re basically asking me to marry you.”

  “Shut up, asshat.” I slap his chest.

  “I’ll take care of this and talk to him.”

  “I know you will.” I crawl into his lap, facing him, and tap on his nose. “Thank you for waiting for me.”

  “It wasn’t easy, Ella. Do you know how many times I almost cracked?”

  “I do. But I had to do it my way, and now all I have to worry about is being the princess in my own fairy tale.”

  “You mean queen.”

  “God.” I let out a breath and lightly kiss Maverik on the lips. “I never thought this day would come.”

  “Me either.” He leans forward and kisses me back.

  “I never want to fight again or rehash the past, Maverik.” I copy his kiss he just gave me.

  “Fuck the past. All I see is our future.” He kisses me again and I can’t help but smile back on his lips.

  “You’re really going to give me the world, aren’t you?”

  “Damn right, baby.”

  “Mom.” Mav rounds the corner. “I was thinking, can we have pizza for our first night here?”

  I turn to see his face and before I can respond, Maverik does. “Sure can, bud. What kind do you want?”

  “Oh, I have a feeling that you two are going to be a handful.”

  Mav plops on his bed. Maverik’s back is resting against it and I can’t miss the huge grin still covering my son’s face. I try to move from Maverik’s lap but he pulls me back down. Soon Challis and Merek join Mav on the bed as they all discuss the pizza order.

  “Call it in, Challis.” Maverik hands her his phone.

  “Have you two looked at your room yet?” she asks.

  “No, why?” I raise an eyebrow in her direction. “Did you have a hand in all of this?”

  “Maybe.” She shrugs.

  “Let’s go look.” Maverik holds his hand out for me to stand up. “Mav, go over and grab Granddad for dinner.”

  “Got it.” Mav takes off out of his room, leaving Merek and Challis on his bed.

  Finally getting up to my feet, I wave a finger at the two. “Don’t be christening my son’s bed by bumping uglies.”

  “You’re still no fun, Ella,” Merek replies.

  As we walk down the hall, I hear Challis yell. “We left the nursery alone. Thought you might want to do your own thing.”

  “Thanks, because when these two girls come, it will be raining pink and glitter on every surface.”

  I hear Maverik groan and really hope I get one little girl out of the deal. He pushes open the door to the master bedroom and I’m taken aback. Pictures line the entire border of the room. Matching western frames with turquoise and bling decorating the corner of each frame. Our elementary school pictures are in the frames and I get a good laugh at Maverik’s kindergarten one. His face was so chubby and he’d already lost both of his front teeth from getting kicked by a calf. The boy was toothless until the third grade.

  “You better not be laughing at me.” He slaps me in the ass.

  “You’re so damn cute though. I just want to pinch those cheeks.”

  “Oh, I have some cheeks you can pinch.”

  The further we walk into the room the older we are in each picture. Both of us rock the awkward middle school stage. Rodeo pictures and pictures of us out on the ranch are randomly scattered about. Then it’s high school pictures, more rodeo ones, and dance pictures. Lord, I had big hair and obnoxious dresses in each one. Several frames hold pictures of us on Maverik’s tailgate before a rodeo. Me in my damn skirt and him prepping to ride.

  My favorite one has to be of him and his first champion buckle. He stops and studies the picture for a long time. I wrap my hands around his waist and kiss his back.

  “It’s my favorite of you.”

  “I miss riding.”

  “I know you do, baby.”

  I let him take as long as he needs before moving on. When we come to my senior picture, I cringe and immediately feel sick.

  “Take it down now.”

  “Why?” Maverik turns to me.

  “That’s the girl who…”

  “Stop.” He clutches my face and forces me to look up at him. “That’s the girl who owns my heart and I love with all my soul. I look at that picture and see nothing but you. Don’t let anyone ruin you, baby.”

  “It’s hard, Maverik.”

  “I know, but I’m here now. We’re together.”

  I move on, knowing I won’t win the fight and take in the rest of the room. A large cow hide is centered on the floor. The headboard is huge with a Silver Star Ranch brand burnt into it.

  “It’s gorgeous.” I flop down on the bed, rolling around on the red paisley comforter.

  “Get up,” Maverik growls.

  I smile up at him. “Why?”

  “Because if I crawl in that bed with you, we won’t be leaving the rest of the night.”

  “Did you see these?” I sit up in the bed with my legs dangling over the side. “My boobies are huge.”

  “Fuck, Ella, put your shirt down.” Maverik scrubs his face and I don’t miss the bulge growing in his pants.

  “Look how perky pregnancy has made my nipples.”

  “Have you lost your mind?” Maverik rips down my shirt, nearly decapitating my poor nipple. I laugh at his response and know damn well he’s fighting hard to contain himself from pouncing on me.

  It feels amazing to be carefree, in love, and finally at home. Maverik drags me to a standing position, whirls me around to face the door, and slaps my ass.


  “Geez, so damn bossy already.”

  “I ought to bend you over my knee and blister your ass, you little tease.”

  “You know I’d enjoy that too much.” I turn around and send him a little wink.

  When we make it downstairs, the whole family is gathered around the wrap-around bar that borders the kitchen. Pizza boxes cover the counters.

  “Guess you never agreed on what kind to order?” I begin lifting the lids to each box and decide on a meat lovers before sitting down.

  “Need a drink, Ella?” Maverik ask as he piles his plate high with pizza.
br />   “Yeah, I’ll take a vodka and orange juice.”

  Maverik nearly drops his plate. “What?”

  My comment definitely gained the attention of the whole family and I can’t help but laugh to nearly pissing myself.

  “My hell, this is going to be a fun five months.”

  “You little shit.”

  “Thanks for dinner. We’re off for the night.” Marvel makes his way to me and hugs me.

  “Damn, did you even chew your pizza or just inhale it?” Merek asks him.

  “Weston has a hot date tonight and I guess she’s bringing along a friend for me.”

  I watch Maverik eye Marvel and just like when we were young, Maverik knows Marvel is lying.

  “Where you meeting these ladies?” he asks, staring down his brother.

  “Over at Sliders on Fifth Avenue,” Marvel answers without pausing or stumbling.

  “Thanks.” His friend Weston waves, getting up from his seat. I barely recognize him. Weston and Marvel were attached at the hip when they were younger. He’s sure filled out to be a handsome young man. I really thought he was going to be forever an awkward beanpole.

  Merek and Maverik follow the two men out the door.

  “What’s that all about?” I point to the front door, knowing something is wrong.

  “Nothing.” Challis waves me off.

  I make a mental note to grill Maverik about it later tonight. Granddad and Mav start up a game of UNO once they’re finished with their pizza. Nearly an hour passes before Merek and Maverik show back up. Challis insisted on cleaning up the mess and putting the pizza away.

  “Everything okay?” I wrap my arms low around Maverik’s waist.

  “Yeah, fine.”

  “Are you lying to me?”

  “No, babe, as far as I know, everything is fine. Marvel’s been struggling a bit and we’re just watching him really close.”

  “Okay. I love you.” I reach up and kiss his lips. I’ll never get tired of kissing him.

  We enjoy the rest of the evening as a whole family unit. The UNO game turned into a wrestling match once Merek and Maverik joined. The competitive asses couldn’t handle it. I thank Granddad over and over for the house, being my rock the last month, and accepting us back here.

  “Merek, we can move the rest of the shit in the morning.”

  “I’ll be there to help.”

  “You didn’t get everything?” Granddad asks.

  “Naw, but plenty for tonight,” Maverik responds. “Junior and I are going for a ride first thing in the morning, then I’ll come grab you.”

  “Sounds like a deal.” Merek nods as he throws Challis over his shoulder. “Think we’re going to go practice making babies.”

  “You horny bastards walk me home.” Granddad stands up and steadies himself.

  “We can walk you home,” I offer.

  “No need, sweetie.”

  The house is quiet when everyone leaves. I nudge Maverik with my elbow and point to the couch where Mav has already passed out.

  “Been a big day for the kid. I’ll carry him up to bed,” Maverik whispers.

  I snag a bottle of water from the fridge before starting the trek upstairs. I can already tell these stairs will quickly become my nemesis the bigger my belly gets. As soon as I enter our room, I race into the shower to wash away a bit of sleepiness and grime from traveling and unloading our stuff.

  The shower is enormous compared to the cracker box one I’m used to. The showerhead is powerful, massaging every inch of my body. It takes everything inside of me to reach down and turn off the water after soaping up and washing my hair. The spray of water is overwhelmingly inviting, but I force myself to turn off the water.

  “Not so fast.”

  I startle a bit hearing Maverik’s voice when I shut off the water. He pulls open the glass door and steps in with me.

  “Hey, handsome.”

  “Forgot to tell you no showering without me. It’s a house rule.”

  “Mmmmm.” I bite my bottom lip. “Sounds like an excellent rule.”

  I know once our skin touches that we will be lost in each other for a long time.

  “Mav all right?”

  “Out like a light.”

  “Well, then I say it’s time to catch up on some old business.”

  “Know a guy we can talk to about a horse?” Maverik tilts his head, letting the spray of water run down his face.

  “In fact, I do.”

  He pulls me under the water with him. His lips land on mine, and I sink my teeth into his lower lip before I begin exploring his mouth by darting my tongue all around. His taste is overwhelming to the point of me having to grip onto his shoulders to keep me upright.

  When his hand wanders down my side and straight to the apex of my thighs, he runs his fingers side to side before dipping into my core. My nipples immediately grow hard as I moan out my pleasure. His finger flicks my sensitive bud, causing me to come undone. This time my knees do give way and I do my best to wrap my arms around his neck. Maverik clutches my ass with his free hand to steady my quivering body.

  “Easy, baby girl.” He pulls me in tighter.

  I whimper when he removes his fingers from me. But in the next action Maverik is down on his knees in front of me and gently guides my back up to the wall before throwing one of my legs over his shoulder. I choke on my own excitement, knowing what’s about to happen.

  The first flick of tongue causes me to scream and he doesn’t slow down his action as he repeatedly flicks his tongue over my sensitive spot. He clutches my ass cheeks with his hands pushing my core further down onto his hot mouth. Soon he’s working me over from flicking, licking, and swirling his tongue inside of me. I last a bit longer for round two before I crumple down onto him.

  “Hey, Pinks, you okay?”

  My shoulders slump forward as every nerve ending in my body quakes from the delicious aftershocks jolting in my body. I muster up enough energy to nod yes and pull myself into him to kiss my juices from his lips. Maverik turns off the water and pulls me from the shower, wrapping me up in a towel. He wipes off all the running water from me and then quickly dries off before he lifts me into his arms and cradles me like a newborn, when he typically would have hoisted me up by my ass.

  “You won’t hurt the babies, Maverik.”

  “It scares me a bit.”

  “I can tell.”

  He gently lays me on the bed and then crawls on top of me, putting all of his weight on his elbows.

  “Let me take care of it for you.”

  I push on his chest, nudging him to roll over on his back and then I climb on him sitting upright. It only takes a moment before I sink down on him. I do it slowly, relishing every single moment. My body is already on high alert from the two incredible orgasms. My want builds up quickly as I move up and down on him.

  I plant my two palms on his chest to steady myself as I pick up the pace. Maverik bites on his lower lip as he reaches back and squeezes my ass cheeks. The shooting pain feels delightful, adding to my pleasure. I feel his hips buck up to claim me, matching my rhythm.

  I push off his chest and sit back while moving up and down. My fingers find the spot where we come together and I let them glide up and down the base of his shaft as we continue to work ourselves to each of our own releases.

  “Ella, I’m going.”

  “Go, Maverik. Let go with me.”

  He arches his back as he thrusts into me one last time, growling loudly. “Fuck, I love you.”

  The combination of the pleasure on Maverik’s face and his deep growls send me over the edge right after him. I continue to use my fingers to milk out both of our releases. Collapsing down on him, I whisper into his ear, “Here’s to forever.”



  I wake before Ella and sneak out without waking her. Mav is already up and in his riding clothes, eating a cold piece of pizza.

  “Sleep okay?” I ask him.

  “Sure did. Are we
still going riding this morning?”

  I sit on a bench to put on my boots. “Sure are. I need to check some calves and I’ll give you a tour of the place. You’ll need to learn the different names of the pastures.”

  “Yes.” He fist pumps the air.

  “Grab me a slice of pepperoni, will ya?”

  “You got it, captain, just don’t tell my mom I had pizza for breakfast. She’d whip my arse.”

  “Hell, it’s a breakfast of champions around here.”

  He nods and follows me out the door. Ella’s trained him well. I watch as he does all of his own work catching and saddling his horse. I inspect his saddle just to make sure he has everything cinched down correctly.

  “What’s the name of your horse, Maverik?”

  “This is Chili. Had him a long time.”

  “Is that the horse my mom learned to ride on?” His eyes widen with excitement.

  “Sure is.”


  His pup trails behind as Jake trails behind Chili and me. I’m not sure whether Jake is annoyed by the other dog or enjoys the company. I watch Junior’s riding techniques and he’s an old pro. He has his rope laying over his horn ready for action.

  I don’t think I’ve ever been more nervous for someone’s approval than his. I can’t seem to find the words to start the conversation that needs to be had between us, so we ride on, stopping every once in a while to explain the name of the pastures.

  When we come up over a small bluff, we find the herd of cattle that we’re looking for.

  “Okay, we need to find calf number fifty six.”

  “All right.” He nods.

  “You rope him and I’ll give him his medicine.”

  “What’s wrong with him?”

  “I think he’s developing pneumonia and just want to stay on top of it.”

  He kicks his horse into a slow walk weaving in and out of the herd reading the different tag numbers. I stay back letting him do it all on his own.

  “Maverik.” He points to a smaller framed calf near the fence.

  I give him a nod and sit back and watch the young cowboy work. He begins swinging his rope above his head as he nears in on the calf. The calf gets spooked and takes off in a dead run. Arsine and Mav are on his heels. Mav winds up his rope and tosses the perfect loop, catching the calf on the first try.


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