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S.P.A.R. Page 3

by Debi Wilder

  "What do you plan to do with it once you have it? Try out some of the techniques on your own?” There were instructions in the beginning for women on discovering themselves. Would she try one of them out of curiosity? He hoped so, although hed like to be watching when she did. The hardness of his cock pulsed at the thought of her following some of the self-discovery instructions.

  His cock pushed further against his zipper at the image playing in his mind of Re sliding her fingers into her channel. Her long legs spread wide, her hand slowly massaging her mound bringing moisture out of her channel, inviting him to...

  "Stu, I want that back!"

  He pulled the book out of her reach just in time. The vivid picture hed drawn up in his mind almost cost him his teasing tool. Hed have to keep his fantasy sessions to when thered be no distractions.

  "Not just yet. Theres more on the disc for you to see. I recommend we watch it now, Re.” He snapped the book closed and reached for the DVD remote. “Come sit beside me and well get this over with."

  Lust raced through him as Re sat down next to him. He didnt think the desire for a woman would be so strong. He didnt believe the pain of needing release could grow as powerful as the need he felt right now to have that release inside of Re.

  Pressing the play button, the disc began where it left off ... Re being held by her mother.

  Chapter 4

  Reola went through her normal routine in the collection lab. Well, for the most part her movements were, even if her thoughts were anything but routine. Visions of the woman giving birth to a baby followed by what was referred to as a “mother-daughter chat” occupied her mind.

  The woman kept referring to herself as Res mother throughout the entire recording. The woman even went so far as to explain what sex was and how to make babies the way nature intended. The more the thoughts lingered in her head of men and women joining their bodies, the more she questioned what was right and what was wrong.

  Andrew Five stood before her, cold and unfeeling, waiting for the sperm collection to begin.

  "This just doesnt seem right any more, Andrew. Did you know that at one time sperm came from a man rather than a machine?” She placed the collection tube at the end of the latex penis while her gaze swept the room. Satisfied no one hid in the corners, Re moved closer to Andrew.

  "Ive seen it with my own eyes.” She pressed the button and after a few minutes, Andrew began to squirt semen into the tube. “I still think its a trap, no matter how much Stu tries to convince me otherwise. I think he secretly works for World Law."

  Reaching into her lab coat pocket for a marking pen, her fingertips touched the key shed found the week before. A current of electricity dashed through her and she rubbed the metal.

  The couple in the video, her parents, told her the key would unlock a trunk Stu had hidden away. Her mother said shed find evidence of the truth there. Theyd begged her to trust Stu.

  As much as she wanted to trust him, how could she be sure of the trunks contents? Or what Stus real intentions were? Were there more books stowed away in it? Or more videos trying to convince her she wasnt what she thought she was ... a being manufactured by authentic sperm and egg, developed in the womb of an uterdroid, yet with all the thought processes of a real human. That is all except sexual desire ... or so shed been raised to believe.

  Was that what she felt the night of her birthday? Each time Stu read something from that book she became ... stimulated.

  Even after shed gone back to her own quarters, the feelings lingered strong enough for her to open the red cover. Shed done as the book suggested in getting to know herself. Purely out of curiosity, shed taken all her clothes off and stood in front of the full-length bathroom mirror.

  Heat rose when shed slid her hand down over the diamond-shaped birthmark on her stomach, then past the line of hair housing her private region. She watched her reflection as her fingers disappeared into the fur to find her folds moist and warm. The feeling so exquisite she continued to move them, her eyes never leaving her image in the mirror.

  "Feels good, doesnt it Re?"

  Re gasped. “You scared me, Stu."

  He winked and smiled wickedly. “Apparently I interrupted something?” He nodded toward her hand and chuckled.

  Her hand, pressed against the mound between her legs moved in a slow circle. “I, um ... for pitys sake, you always sneak up on me.” She put her hands in her coat pocket. Lord, I was rubbing myself. How did that happen?

  Stu walked up behind her, whispering, “You dont have to stop for my benefit. I was enjoying the scene. Nothing like watching a woman give herself a bit of pleasure."

  She couldnt look at him; hed seen what shed been doing. Even if she hadnt realized shed been stroking herself, she enjoyed the sensation beginning to soar through her body. Her embarrassment flooded her face. She needed to put some distance between them. Shed been acting irrational and out of character, again. Shed been acting ... human?

  "Im not sure what youre talking about. I was getting a marker out of my pocket.” Grabbing the full collection tube, Re wrote on the label then placed the tube in the tray.

  Stu laughed loud enough to be heard down the hall. She didnt know what he found so funny in the first place. She found no humor in the situation at all.

  "Are you finished with Andrew Five or did you need him to help you out?” Stu headed toward the door with the spermdroid on his heels.

  "Help me out?” Whats he talking about now?

  "Dont worry, Re. Youre secrets safe with me,” Stu chuckled.

  * * * *

  "Stu, wait!"

  Stu stopped short of pushing through the lab doors. “Andrew Five, wait here,” he told the spermdroid, then turned to face Re. Her eyes full of questions he hoped to have the answers to. Answers that may be housed in the trunk locked away in his apartment.

  "I need to know the truth,” she mouthed from across the room. She kept the barrier of the counter between them.

  He took several large steps across the tiled floor to reach her. “The truth, Re? The truth as you want to hear it or the truth as it really is?"

  Shes been thinking about the tape, her parents, and what she found in the book. I knew it the second I saw her touching herself. Its the welcomed beginning Ive longed for all these years.

  "The truth as it is, Stu. Im scared of whatll happen to me ... and you.” She wrung her hands, a motion hed never seen her do before. Shed never been one to worry about anything, always confident of what went on around her.

  He reached over the counter to calm her hands. “Its okay, Reola.” He swallowed hard. The time of confusion and uncertainty came earlier than hed thought it would. He hated seeing her like this ... a scared little girl. “There are others like us who hide among them."

  The words rushed out of him, relief flooding his soul. A part, small but significant, of his promise completed, he gathered Re in his arms.

  Re stepped out of his embrace. “Others? There are others in S.P.A.R. like us? How do you expect me to believe that?"

  "Because its true, Re.” A womans voice answered her.

  Re turned from Stu to find Bailey and Andi standing just inside the lab doors.

  Chapter 5

  Re paced the floor of Stus apartment, her mind all a jumble. Tonight Bailey and Andi would help her understand who she really was and where she belonged in this world.

  "Theyll be here in a few minutes,” Stu called out from the kitchen. “Are you sure youre ready for this?"

  Do I have a choice? Ive got to know whats going on, like it or not. These sexual feelings, are they real or a fantasy brought on by the strong suggestions by Stu?

  The little red “gift” from her mother gave her a sense of hope ... and strength shed never known before. It was as if she could feel her mothers soothing voice encouraging her to visit the unknown. She held the book close to her, not knowing how she should answer Stu.

  Part of her craved to know more, while her loyalty to S.P.A.R. pounced rel
entlessly in her mind. Her heart told her to follow it and discover the unknown for herself. The warring of the two did nothing to help her come to terms with either one.

  "Re, honey, are you okay?"

  "Yeah, a little confused is all. Im trying to make sense of it all and cant.” Her eyes filling with tears, she turned her head from Stu before they spilled down her cheeks. “I want to believe this is all true, but its too incredible for my mind to accept right now.” The last thing she wanted was to act like a little crybaby, and if she didnt get a grip on her raging emotions right now shed turn into that crybaby. Not the strong, unyielding woman shed been trained to be.

  "Bailey Washington. Andrea Barker."

  At the announcement of Stus visitors, Re turned to the door as it slid open. Bailey and Andi strolled arm in arm over the threshold as if they didnt have a care in the world. Their casual manner unnerved Re. It was as if they were going for a stroll in the park, not into a room to tell her she wasnt who she thought she was.

  Andi reached out for Res hand, giving it a light squeeze. “Hi, Re."

  The gesture did little to stop Res heart from pounding hard against her rib cage. “Hi, Andi.” She took a deep breath to calm her churning stomach. These two friends of Stus were about to tell her things she didnt believe possible. The thought tossed her stomach to her throat.

  "Bailey. Andi. Please, sit down.” Stu handed each of them a glass of white wine, then sat in a chair next to Re.

  Re took a sip, letting the sweet taste calm her. Maybe the more she drank, the easier this would be. Probably not. She put the glass down within easy reach on the table next to her.

  "I remember when Bailey kissed me for the first time on my thirtieth birthday,” Andi giggled. “It was just a quick peck, our lips barely touched. Now, we cant get enough of exploring each others mouths."

  "On your thirtieth birthday?” Re asked as Bailey leaned over and gave Andi what Re presumed to be a kiss. Their eyes closed and lips parted slightly, Re caught the flick of their tongues meeting each other through the opening. The display of tenderness in the simple action made her heart twang in envy.

  "Id been practicing for a year on one of the discarded uterdroids so Id know what to do.” Bailey laughed. “But one look in those baby blues of Andis and I was lost. Her lips are so much more supple and warm than the unyielding latex mouth of Jane Three."

  "Yesterday was my thirtieth birthday,” Re whispered, looking at Stu. She searched his face for answers to questions she had yet to ask. This has got to be a coincidence. Just a big coincidence.

  "Yes, which is why I asked them to join us.” Stu stood to stand next to Bailey, taking a gulp of his wine.

  "What does my birthday have to do with all this?” Re asked, sweeping her hands across her lap. She just couldnt make any connection between her thirtieth birthday and them being here. Shed thought it was supposed to be a private birthday celebration with her best friend, not a party. Now it looked like it was a party of discussing things she knew would land them all in Outer Siberia, if caught.

  "The written Laws of the Colony specifically say that pure human boys and girls would wait until they were thirty before discovering their bodies. The boys in particular are to learn the ways of pleasing themselves, as well as the girl promised to them at birth,” Bailey started to explain.

  Re sucked in a breath at the thought of not picking her life mate. “Promised to them? How would they know which girl or boy had been promised?"

  Stu knelt in front of Re, taking her hands in his. The warmth of his skin against hers shot electricity to her core. She dared to look into his eyes, hoping the reaction his touch caused couldnt be seen by him.

  "Youve got a mark on your stomach in the shape of a diamond."

  "But, how” Re looked from Stu to Bailey and Andi. How could he know about the mark when hes never seen me without clothes on?

  "Because Ive got the same mark, Re. Its the mark of the future leaders of the Colony,” Stu said.

  "No, this isnt true.” Re felt the tears from her eyes slip down over her cheeks. She couldnt stop them from spilling over. “You talk of a society that doesnt exist. That couldnt exist.” Re pulled her hand from Stus; a cold emptiness immediately replaced the warmth. She couldnt believe what they were saying. “If there was a Colony out there hiding, someone would have known about them."

  Stu once again took his place next to Bailey, the sadness in his eyes pierced Res heart. For the first time, she had called him a liar.

  "Maybe if we start from the beginning you might understand better.” Stu moved to the DVD player, placing his hand upon the piece of equipment. “Youve already seen your parents and theyve told you"

  Over the next few hours, the three of them went on to explain to her about the key her father, Miles Clark, had found, and how he had searched until he located the door it fit into. She heard about the contraband and the evidence that World Government had drilled into peoples minds had been destroyed. All this had happened around the time the discovery of synthetic sperm and eggs were developed and perfected.

  Res parents werent the only ones to find the contraband that night. They told her that the next day her father discovered the trunk had been broken into before he could take it away. Somewhere amongst them hid a rogue who, according to the prophecy, wore darkness close to their heart.

  "Re, I know this is difficult for you and seems like some incredible story weve made up.” Andi glanced over to Bailey, holding his gaze for a moment before they readied to leave. “Believe me, when I say we know what youre going through. All three of us have been where you are now.” Her voice a mere whisper dripping with something Re had yet to identify.

  At a loss for words, Re only looked at them as they walked out the door of Stus quarters. How could they really know? Up until her birthday, shed thought she was a cloned human. Now her entire world spun off its axis. They couldnt possibly know how she felt.

  * * * *

  By the way Re emptied her glass of wine and fidgeted with the ever-present red book, Stu knew they were signs of her being nervous and scared. When she sprayed out a slip of wine when Bailey explained the act of intercourse to her and how a man reacts when he climaxes, it was all Stu could do to keep from laughing. Andis description of how a penis feels inside her vagina would have sent Re out the door if he hadnt taken her hand in his at that precise moment.

  Even after the two-hour open discussion on sex education, doubts still filled her mind. Questions reflected in her eyes. He felt no closer to her accepting the truth than he had before Bailey and Andi arrived.

  "Does anything youve learned tonight make sense? Its a lot to swallow at once.” He had to know if he could take her to the next level. Would she be willing to venture down the path to sexuality with him or not? Would she accept her role in bringing a lost society back to reality without fear of being eliminated again?

  Bailey talked of how all of our parents secretly banded together to create a new world. That we all belong to that new society, that there are more of us hiding, and that its our duty to continue what our parents started. Re hugged the book to her breasts. “How can you expect me to change the past thirty years overnight? Wouldnt World Law have found this hidden clan of people you speak so freely about by now?"

  One day thatll be my hand or head she holds and caresses as she does that damn book. I wish it hadnt been the first thing for her to explore. Stu filled their glasses from a third bottle of wine. “I thought maybe if someone else told you, youd be more accepting of the truth. The clans very resourceful, Re. They have to be in order to survive right now."

  "I cant accept the things I cant see, or feel for myself. There are no text books on the recreation of what Andi referred to as the human race.” Re took a long sip, emptying a quarter of the glass. “Human or not, people didnt recreate each other the way its been explained to me. And theres no place for a group of people to be hiding out."

  "You have the recording and that book you use as a sh
ield, what more evidence to you need?” Open that door a little furtheryoure just about ready to step through it, Re. Trust me to guide you. Let me help you discover sexual love between a man and a woman. Then and only then will you begin to understand, and accept who you are. “Do you really need to see, feel for yourself? Is that a chance youre willing to take?"

  Stu walked over to the door, then wrapped his fingers around the knob. “There are visual aids in a trunk Ive locked away ... if youre willing to keep an open mind."

  * * * *

  Stu waited for her answer, his hand on the knob, ready to turn it and open the door to a trunk full of contraband. Re petted the red cover of the book she held. Her tongue flicked the corner of her mouth at the memory of what shed secretly read, feeling the stirring of need at her core.

  She had to admit, she rather enjoyed touching herself, feeling her fingers slip into her wet folds and stroke the inside of her channel. Maybe what Bailey and Andi said wouldnt be so bad. Maybe Stu did know of the things he relentlessly talked to her about.

  Then there was the issue of a hidden Colony of people. Wouldnt World Law have found and destroyed them by now? Andi suggested the Colony, still in its infancy, needed the help of those who lived outside its boundaries. Her motherthe woman said to have given her birth. Red watched the video over and over again, each time seeing more of herself reflected in the womans eyes. How could she deny what so plainly sat in front of her? She couldnt.

  Re sighed and relaxed her shoulders, the wine an aid she hoped didnt run out. “Okay, Im willing to take a look at what youve got. But, if theres anything, and I mean anything, I want no part of do you promise to dispose of it?"

  "Of course, as long as you agree to give something a try before making a decision. Its like having that first bite of something new. You wont know if you truly like it or not if you dont taste it first."

  Great, now hes using psychology on me and its making sense. “Fair enough."

  The look spreading across his face took her by surprise. A cross between a smirk and smile accompanied by the twinkle in his eye set her on fire. The small mound between her legs begged to be touched. She couldnt do that here with Stu in the room, what would he think?


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