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S.P.A.R. Page 5

by Debi Wilder

"Mr. Warwick?” Oh boy, now what am I going to say? I need my lover, you cant keep him detained? I dont think so. Ive got to be careful or I could end up in a place Id rather not think about right now. That would be of no help to Stu.

  Warwick turned, his face absent of all expression and his eyes cold and black. “What is it, Clark?"

  "Nothing, sir.” Re quietly answered, her fear of Warwicks power silencing her question.

  "Thats what I thought."

  Icy fear ran through her as she watched Warwicks menacing figure leave the lab with Andrew Five. Ive got to find Bailey and Andi, she cried out through her mind.

  * * * *

  Re placed her hand on the recognition key outside Stus quarters. The hard plexiglass felt cool against the dampness of her skin. Her arrival was announced as the door slid open to dark, silent rooms.

  She stepped across the threshold and the room instantly glowed with light. Everything seemed to be in its place at first glance, but the aura didnt feel right to her. The warmth and sense of welcome absent, it was replaced by a dark coldness she couldnt describe. All the humanity of the apartment had evaporated, replaced with the feel of machinery ... man-made machinery.

  "Stu!” His name reverberated through her mind. Something didnt ring true in her heart. The newly found instinct poured panic into her mind. Stus quarters were in far too perfect condition, not exactly the way shed last seen them on Sunday night. If there was one thing shed come to learn about her friend over the years, he was anything but a clean freak. His place was now as neat as a pin.

  Tentatively, Re walked through the rooms until she stood in front of the bedroom door. The memories of their lovemaking marathon flashed through her mind, sending surges of electric current to her sexual regions. She placed a hand on the door and closed her eyes. Memories of their torrid lovemaking flooded her mind and body, making her crave to find Stu naked in bed waiting for her to open the door.

  She reached down and turned the doorknob as if it were a door to a forbidden land ... slow and with apprehension. Would she find the same cold feelings there as she did throughout Stus quarters? Or would she find the warmth and fire of their sexual encounters lingering?

  "Hes gone, Re."

  Jumping, Re turned in a flurry to find Bailey standing in the doorway.

  "You scared the life out of me, Bailey!” Hand covering her pounding heart, she released the breath shed sucked in moments ago.

  "I knew this is where youd be. I couldnt find you at the lab, and...” Bailey took a few steps forward, hands shoved in his pockets. He looked to be contemplating his next words, his head hanging in thought. If he knew anything, he took his time in telling her.

  Re stood before him and took his hand in hers. “And came here to tell me what? Where Stu is?” The words meant to be soft and encouraging, came out harsh and accusing. Bailey looked into her eyes, a blank expression covering his face.

  "Stus disappeared. No word. No trace. At least thats what the word is.” Bailey plopped down on the sofa. He was worried, and scared, by Res calculations. “I have my doubts though. He wouldnt take off without leaving some cryptic word behind. I think they found out about him and sent him..."

  "Outer Siberia.” Res knees gave out on her and she landed in the armchair opposite Bailey. Tears spilled over her cheeks without a fight. She heard her heart explode into a thousand pieces. “Weve got to find out, Bailey. Surely with your connections there must be something we can do."

  "Like what? Go to the Colony and launch an all out rebellion in hopes not too many lives come to an end? Theyve lived in peace hidden away out there. Im not about to do anything to destroy that. Weve been interwoven into S.P.A.R. to make sure that never happens."

  Re sprang to her feet and circled the room. “If necessary, yes! Youre his best friend and one of a handful who knows where the Colonys located. Maybe we could go there and talk to them. Theyd understand the need to find one of their own and protect Stu as hes protected them."

  "Its too dangerous. They may not listen to me."

  "But, theyll listen to me. If Im who you, Stu and Andi claim I am.” She lifted her shirt, revealing the diamond shaped birthmark.

  Chapter 8

  "You cant keep me here, Warwick.” Stu struggled against the chains that shackled him to the brick wall. Simon Warwick had been shadowing him since hed arrived at SPAR earlier in the morning. The last thing Stu remembered was getting the next droid ready for collection. When he opened his eyes, the cold feel of steel and a dampness enveloped his exposed body.

  "Thats where youre wrong, Whitager,” Warwick snarled from the middle of the candlelit room. “I can keep you as long as I like. Or until your little girlfriend gives me what I want."

  Stu ceased his struggling as the icy chill of terror crept through his body. “My little girlfriend?” He cant be referring to Re. Her identitys been kept secret all these years; he couldnt have known.

  "Dont play your vague game with me, Whitager,” Warwick laughed. “Reola Clarks as human as you and I are."

  "Thats where youre wrong, Warwick. Shes no more human than you are. Although, come to think of it, maybe she is and more. Youve got the compassion of a killer bee on its flight for blood.” Stu pulled again against the chains. The metal cuffs cut into his wrists and his arms were becoming numb.

  Warwick stepped closer until Stu could see the fires of hell burning in his eyes. “I can smell the scent of sex all over her,” Warwick sniffed Stus body, “and you. Youve taken her, broken her in, havent you? Tasted her sweet juices spilling from her body. Dont think for one minute that youve claimed her as your own."

  Warwicks words were meant as a statement he didnt question in the least. Stu wasnt sure how he knew, but hed have to find out if theyd been betrayed.

  "Youre wrong, Warwick. Res as shes always been. Pureblooded humans dont exist, remember? World Law and S.P.A.R.s done everything they can to make sure all that lives are manufactured beings."

  Warwick slammed his hand against the brick wall just inches from Stus left ear. “What do you take me for?"

  Warwick walked back to the table in the middle of the dim room. “You know damn well theres a Colony of blue-bloods somewhere out in the mountains. You and your friends are going to help me find them."

  Stus heart pounded against his chest. How in the hell did Warwick find out about the Colony? He searched his mind for a clue from his parents he may have overlooked and found none.

  There had to be something hed missed over the years. Some small hint of betrayal by one of his parents own people.

  "I told you, Warwick. I know nothing about a Colony or blue-blooded humans. What makes you think otherwise is beyond me."

  "Well see if you change your mind when I bring the Colony Princess to see her lover.” Warwick stepped toward the door then turned, sneering once again. “Your tune will change once you see the fear in her eyes turn to lust in her body."

  * * * *

  Re paced the floor of Stus living quarters. There had to be something they could do; the suggestion of going to the Colony was the best she could come up with. Unlike Bailey, shed face her own kind and ask for their help ... even if it meant getting down on her knees and begging.

  "Would you sit down? Youre making me more nervous than before I walked through the door.” Sprawled across the couch, Bailey let out a sigh and rubbed his temples, looking like a defeated man.

  Re threw her arms in the air. “I cant. Ive got to keep moving, thinking about our options.” She came to a halt in front of the bedroom door. “I cant do this alone, Bailey. The Colony knows you, trusts you. They know nothing of me, I dont know why Id think otherwise."

  Bailey stood and walked over to her. A sheepish grin played at the corners of his mouth. Giving her shoulders a hug and kissing her lightly on the cheek, he kept her in his embrace for a moment.

  It felt strange to be in his arms, even if meant only to be a friendly gesture. The first and only arms she felt around her had been Stus. The feeling in
voked by Bailey didnt even begin to compare to the flutter in her stomach when Stu held her. No current of electricity. No flow of lustful wetness in her panties. No desire to spread her legs and welcome him into her folds.

  "Thats where youre wrong, Re. These people, your people, have known about you for over thirty years. Theyve anticipated the day when you would finally discover your true self."

  "How can that be? No one knew about me except the three of you."

  "The Colony knew of a baby girl born to Miles and Jules Clark who, along with the young son of Rand and Deb Whitager, would bring their society back from the darkness. We tried to explain all this to you before, Re."

  "Who would believe such a thing? Predicting the future was a bad practice by the ancients. It only instilled false hope into the hearts of those who found none elsewhere."

  "Open your mind, Re. Unless you do and come to realize prophecies are meant to be, youll never have peace in your life. That life will disappear into the darkness, leaving our kind on the brink of total extinction."

  Chapter 9

  There was no possible way Re would fall for the mumbo jumbo of Baileys words. She wasnt the foreseen savior of a Colony consisting of purebred humans. The concept was as ridiculous to her as seeing an eagle fly in the sky. It just didnt happen ... wouldnt happen.

  Yet, her heart told her to believe in the impossible. Seventy-two hours ago, she never would have entertained the idea of being human, let alone the act of sex between a man and a woman. Now she stood here wanting to feel Stus body touch her in places she hadnt even known existed.

  The weekend spent with Stu became the experience she wanted in her life ... craved now. She felt safe wrapped in his arms under the tangled bed sheets. There was something else, too. Every time he touched her, coaxed her body to succumb to his manipulations, she gave herself over to him completely.

  Up until this past weekend, through the years theyd been more like brother and sister. Always around picking at each other about one thing or another. All that changed once he touched her body and soul in a way that sent her nipples into tight little peaks, and her clit pulsing against his fingers stroking to ease the painful pleasure.

  It was the only time she surrendered herself completely to another being. That feeling, one of an emotion she couldnt identify. It was different from the powerful need to be fulfilled. More than the maddening desire for release that hardened her clit. It felt like coming home after a long absence; the feel of belonging somewhere and to someone.

  As wonderful as the emotion was, it didnt compare to the horror instilled in her now. Stu hadnt just up and disappeared on his own. His type of personality, strong and determined, wouldnt allow it. No, hed been taken away and not of his own free will either. It was a feeling she felt one hundred percent sure of.

  Her newfound instincts encouraged her to go to the Colony and ask for their help. The problem ... she had no idea where or how to look for them. If she could get word to them, would they offer their alliance or leave her to fend for herself?

  Even if they knew of the baby girl Bailey spoke of, why should they believe her to be that child? For all the Colony knew, she could be a spy sent to learn about their secret society. She couldnt blame them if they strung her up and questioned her relentlessly for days on end.

  She opened the door to what had been the chamber of her lost virginity. “Stu must have records around here. He kept every other type of contraband hidden.” She said to no one but herself. The faint smell of hours of sex trickled into her senses, the only evidence of what she and Stu had experienced for three days.

  When hed entered her wet and willing channel, Re believed hed never be able to extract himself from her depths. With her legs wrapped around his hips, she clung to him as he settled in between her legs. He slowly pumped and milked her of all her juices before hed lain spent, his cock throbbing inside her until it slipped out dripping with their cum.

  The bed neat as a pin now with its bedclothes showing not even a ripple in them. The discarded clothing no longer lay on random sections of the floor. Like the outer rooms, its contents almost too perfect. No trace of their lovemaking could be seen, unless you were looking for the evidence.

  "There has to be something to prove who I amother than the tape. The tape, of course!"

  * * * *

  From across the street, Simon Warwick watched and waited for Reola Clark to leave Stu Whitagers quarters when the lights went out in the windows. “If it hadnt been for Bailey, Id have her by now.” Warwick murmured, then licked his lips moments later as Re hurried out the front door and down the street toward her apartment. “Thats it, Princess, lead me to the goods."

  Warwick clung to the shadows as he followed his target. With any luck, hed have her in his grasp within the hour. The delicious torture he planned to put her through hardened his cock as he imagined Stu helplessly watching. Hed seen tapes of men and women performing sexual acts in various positions, acting out various roles designed to excite the dangerous side of the couple.

  His own parents had left him anything they could on the society he sought to infiltrate. If they hadnt walked undetected into the lab the day Whitagers father found the sexual contraband, Simon would have ended up like so many others; another product of World Laws experiments with manufacturing humans. Instead, his parents had snuck back into the lab in the wee hours of the morning and borrowed some of the contraband for their own use.

  He was the product of their experimentation in sexual behavior among humans. Now it was time for him to claim his own woman, have his way with her and produce an heir to rule the Colony. Reola was the only human woman who would be able to give him that heir.

  The acts hed tried out on the uterdroids provided his only form of experimentation, until he could confirm Re was, in fact, the baby girl of the Clarks. He longed for the feel of a real woman squirming under his touch as he manipulated her to his will. He needed to hear her panting from both excitement and fear he imagined shed feel when he restrained her arms and ankles. Even now, his cock throbbed as he pictured Reola wet and hot, begging him to enter her cunt and take her for his own.

  Hed make her beg for his cock to ease the quickening desire for release until she whimpered and withered, a useless flower, drained, depleted, and in desperate need of quenching.

  Hed give it to her too, but not until he saw her juices begin to spill out as he stroked his cock with his own hand. Then and only then would he pump her until he exploded his cum deep inside her cunt.

  Domination excited him more than the tender, loving sex a few of the tapes showed. He preferred being the master with Reola as his slave to do whatever he commanded of her.

  * * * *

  Re hurried through the dark streets toward her apartment. Once she watched the video again, shed know what to pay closer attention too. Her parents had to have left some cryptic message for both her and Stu about the Colony. Why would they insist on Stu waiting until her thirtieth birthday before showing her the taped message?

  Had Stu been thirty years of age when hed first seen his special message? No, he knew who his parents were. How old was he when hed first discovered his own sexuality then?

  He certainly knew his way around her body not to have been knowledgeable about sex. Maybe hed just watched the tapes over and over again in preparation for her designated birthday.

  It still didnt give her the answers she sought. Stus prowess on sex didnt have anything to do with finding the Colonys location.

  "Keep focused, Reola,” she scolded herself in a husky whisper. “Theres got to be a connection to the Colony we missed. Think, Reola, think!"

  Rounding the corner to her street, she paused for a moment at the only light on her block. The night darker than shed ever seen it, the hair on the back of her neck pricked and goose bumps traveling up her spine sent a chill of warning to her core.

  Re looked all around her, then stepped from the security of the street lamp into the darkness. “Three buildings an
d Ill be home.” She breathed deep trying to chase away the dread creeping into her mind.

  She reached the drive to her building and let out the breath shed been holding. “Whew, made it.” Strolling up the walk to her buildings entrance, a hand grabbed her swinging her body around.

  A cloth covered her mouth, muffling the scream trying to escape from within. Re stared into the cold black eyes of Simon Warwick before darkness overtook her.

  Chapter 10

  If it hadnt been for the floor steadying him, Stu would be hanging slumped from the shackles that bound him to the wall. He wasnt sure how long hed been held captive by Warwick, or why. His eyes long grown accustomed to the dark, he could only make out the faint lines of the room. His naked body no longer felt the dampness of the room that crept into his bones when hed first come to.

  Warwick mentioned something about a Princess. He must be referring to Re when he said he could smell her all over me. That he could smell human sex. In order for Warwick to know what sex smells like, he must be human and experienced the act in some fashion himself.

  Ive got to find a way to reason with him before he hurts Reola. If that happens, the Colony may be doomed. Their hopes and dreams lost because of a rogue like Warwick.

  "Damn it, Warwick! Youve no idea what youre doing.” Stu yelled in frustration into the cold darkness.

  "Dont I?” Warwicks sinister form stepped from the darkness like a phantom in the night.

  "How long have you been hiding among the shadows, Warwick?” Stu pulled against the chains again, only to have the cuffs cut deeper into his skin. “Youre like a rat, always finding ways to get into places where you dont belong.” The sound of table legs being scraped across the cement floor drew closer. In the dimly lit room, Stu could make out the lines of both the table and the lone chair Warwick now positioned at one end.

  Warwick laughed as the room lit up from candles illuminating the cloth covered table. “Oh, I dont know, Whitager. I belong just as much as you do."


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