Reece's Faith

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Reece's Faith Page 42

by T J Vertigo

  * * *

  Reece pursed her lips. As luck would have it, she managed to get an appointment for an estimate today. After showing the men her ideas, they inspected every inch of The Lounge, punching calculators and drawing plans. Reece shifted her stance nervously. It was very close to opening time and the girls were curiously eyeing the men in construction gear. When the head guy finished scribbling in his notebook, she braced herself. "So, guys, what's the damage?"

  He turned the calculator over to face the club owner and she seemed to study the figure for a moment. "This is the lowest?" Seeing the nod, she continued. "What's the estimate on time?"

  "Honestly? Miss Corbett, we'll have to close down the club for a week, tops."

  Reece frowned at the contractor. She wasn't thrilled with closing the club now that it was packed each and every night, but if she was going to accommodate the crowds and make the dancers more comfortable, then she'd have to do it. "Frankie trusted you, buddy. You better not be dicking me around."

  "Oh, no!" his eyes went wide. "I know who you are," he nearly bowed.

  Jesus Christ... Reece thought, annoyed. "Okay, I'm giving you the money for shipping and materials. You'll get paid for labor when it's done. Comprende?"

  "Certainly. Trust me, a week is a long estimate. It could be done sooner."

  * * *

  After a long walk through her books, Reece came to a conclusion. One that she was certain the girls would appreciate -- Faith too, now that the actress was on hiatus. The club owner called a meeting after closing.

  "Okay, listen up, everyone!

  "Oh, my god! That is the cutest puppy I ever saw!"

  "Awww... look at his sweater! What does it say?" Reece rolled her eyes impatiently and put Smudge down on the bar. He immediately peed. Cori saved Reece any further embarrassment by cleaning up and replacing his diaper. She propped him on her knee as she sat down.

  The club owner sat, tapping her fingers on her thigh, her lips pursed in annoyance. After the initial novelty wore off and the snickers subsided, Reece got back to her announcement. "I have bad news and I have good news. Which do you want first?"

  "Bad," several voices blurted in unison.

  "Okay, I'm closing the club for a week." Reece folded her arms and sat back against the bar. She anticipated the reaction she was getting to the news. "If you're all done murmuring and yammering, how about hearing why?" she asked with a smirk.

  "Would that be the good news, Boss?"

  "Yep. I'm renovating the place. Another bar, more stage space, more lights and less 70's red velvet and shag. I'm also adding a couple of showcase spots," Reece pointed to the two corners, "for featured dancers or special performances. You will have more freedom and less grabbing." Lots of raised eyebrows, smiles and gasps of approval carried through the small crowd. "As you know, we already need a new bartender, but we'll be needing two more. If you know anybody trustworthy, bring 'em by next week. Also, I want to have you girls alternate between waitressing and tending bar. The dancers will be asked to consider some girl/girl shows. Any problems?"

  "Girl/girl huh?" Cori wiggled her eyebrows.

  "Will Faith be coming back?" one girl asked expectantly.

  "Uh... no. You'll just have to chose amongst yourselves," Reece smirked at the dancer's pout. "We made a pretty penny these last few and I'm going to give you all a week's pay as a bribe to come back. I figured in an average including tips, so you should all be pleased," Reece waved the envelopes like a fan.

  "Are you serious, Reece?" Cori stood up. "I mean, we made that much money?"

  "Yes, we did. No one is tied down here. You can get another job if you want, I can't stop you. The money doesn't guarantee you'll come back, but I hope it's enough of an incentive. I am very happy with the way you all work and would like to keep you on as long as you'd like."

  "You like me... you really like me..." Cori emoted badly. She pouted and stuck out her tongue at the groans and objects tossed at her.

  "Okay, are there any questions?"

  "Yeah, what would you do for a Klondike bar?"

  "Shut up, Freak."

  * * *

  "Hey, Reece, wait up!"

  "Whassup, Cor?" the tall woman waited for her friend to catch up.

  "Violet's picking me up, we're going to check out a place, wanna lift?"

  Reece shrugged and then followed Cori to the car. "I am not scrunching into the back," she announced.

  "Wouldn't dream of it, Reece," the dancer smirked and crawled into the back. After the tall woman gathered her legs and crouched down, Cori added with a snicker, "Of course, you remember the seat is broken."

  "Fuck you, Freak."

  "Hi, Reece. Hey, Smudgaroonio!" the piercer reached into Reece's coat and scratched the puppy's head. "Sooo, wanna see the place with us?" Violet asked hopefully.

  "Sure, just hurry up. I can't feel my ankles."

  * * *

  After seeing the apartment, Reece pulled Violet aside. "You can afford this place?" she asked skeptically.

  "Just about, isn't it great? It's just five minutes away from you and Faith."

  "You remember what we talked about, don't you?" Reece whispered.

  "Reece, after the money you laid out tonight, I hardly expect you to be giving me charity."

  "Violet, you're not charity, for fuck's sake!" Reece hissed through clenched teeth.

  "Okay, okay... if Cori wants this apartment, maybe I will take you up on it, but only the moving expenses."

  The tall woman smiled, "Great. Glad to help."

  "That is, unless you'd like to donate your muscles instead?" Violet winked.

  "Not on your life," Reece shook her head adamantly.


  "Smudge agrees. I only sweat when necessary."

  Just then, Cori came running up to the two women, the Real Estate agent in tow. "Did you see the bathroom? Oh, my god... what about the closets! I haven't had closets like that in my life! And the kitchen... there's an ISLAND! I always wanted an island! I want it! I want it, I want it, I want it!"

  Violet glanced at Reece who nodded almost imperceptibly. "Okay, we'll take it!" the piercer smiled proudly and Cori jumped up in her arms. Reece couldn't help but smile along with the two women.

  * * *

  The four friends were gathered around the living room. It was a puppy play date and they were very happy to be reacquainted. Cori and Violet were filling Faith in on the details of the day as Reece annoyed the puppies. Thelma wanted to climb on her leg and each time she got close, the club owner replaced her to her original position. She did this numerous times, each time snickering at the pup's determination.

  "Reece, stop that," Faith waggled a finger in her direction.

  Reece pouted and handed the pup to Faith on her way out of the room. "I'm going to take a shower," she announced. "Anyone wanna come?" the club owner grinned evilly.

  Faith raised an eyebrow at the invitation. The opportunity to shower with her lover was one she'd never pass up, but she had company. Reluctantly, she shook her head no and frowned.

  "Oh well, I guess I'll have to wash my own breasts for a change."

  "You are so wrong, Reece," Faith pouted.

  Reece snickered as she reached the top of the stairs and added, "And other parts, too."

  "She's in a great mood, Faith," Cori observed.

  "Luck, I guess. She runs hot and cold lately," Faith shrugged.

  "And that's unusual, how?" Violet chuckled, earning a playful slap from the actress.

  "Yeah, but I know what you mean," Cori said with thoughtful look.

  "Well?" Faith prompted.

  "You know she gave us all a week's pay, including tips?" the dancer asked.

  "And she offered to pay the moving expenses?" Violet added.

  Faith's eyebrows shot way up into her hair. "What?"

  "I thought you knew," Cori whispered.

  "No, I didn't. Wow," she glanced towards the stairs. "She's finally spending that mo
ney," Faith smiled.

  "What money?" wondered Violet.

  "Frankie's money," Faith said, still focused on a spot by the stairs.

  "Oh," Cori said quietly. "This means she's finally letting him go, doesn't it?"

  "Maybe. I don't know what goes on in that head of hers."

  Violet thought it would be a good idea to change the mood. "Hey, speaking of the inside of that one's head," she gestured to the ceiling. "What happened that night? You know, did The Animal come out and play?"

  "Ohh, did she ever," Faith blushed.

  "Do tell, Faith!" Cori scooted over closer to her friend.

  "Yeah, I'm curious as to how you manipulate her into changing personalities," the piercer urged.

  "Babe, The Animal lives inside Reece. It's a permanent part of her being. She pushes it down, away from public view until it can't stay hidden any longer," Cori tried to clear things up. "There's no two personalities, it's the public and hidden side. We all have two personas."

  "Oh, so it's not a schizo thing?" Violet asked.

  "Nah, The Animal is a part of Reece as the dancer is a part of me."

  The piercer nodded, she understood now. Faith also nodded in agreement.

  "Well, go on, Faith!" Cori poked her in the stomach.

  "Sarge practically carried her home, she was really drunk and in some mood!" Faith started. "She was arrogant and horny," Faith paused to smile at the recollection. Violet nudged her and snickered at her blush. "Well, instead of pampering her, I challenged her. I told her she couldn't possibly be capable of doing anything worthwhile to me in that state."

  "Good Lord, Faith! You are brave!" Cori said wide-eyed.

  Faith smirked. "Yeah, I sashayed up the stairs, but my heart was pounding in my throat. She came upstairs like Jack Nicholson in The Shining and I thought I would faint when she looked at me," the actress shuddered. "Anyway, she pretty much agreed with me that she wasn't able to do a good job and made me do it myself."

  Cori guffawed. "Oh... Faith... talk about backfiring!" she continued to laugh. Violet snickered, too.

  "Hey! It's not that funny!" Faith pouted.

  "Okay, okay... did she finally, you know... get there?" Violet wondered.

  "First she made me do it, then she started to do it to me, but then she was so drunk that she humped my leg and passed out."

  Two wide eyed disbelieving stares were the only response to Faith's admission.

  "I do trust that you will never, ever repeat that." Two heads nodded like dashboard figurines.

  "How'd she act the next day? Was she pissed?"

  "No, actually she made up for it." Faith threw herself back on the couch arms and legs spread. "She tied me up and really went to town," she said, blushing deeply.

  "Ahh, now that's more like it. Here's where details will be greatly appreciated," Cori elbowed her lover. "Take notes, Vi," she joked.

  * * *

  Reece heard the intermittent bursts of laughter from the living room and grinned. She couldn't find a reason to brood today. It was all good to her and she actually liked the change. She slipped on her underwear, jogging pants that snapped all the way up the legs, a T-shirt and, as an afterthought, sprayed herself with Faith's favorite scent. She had no idea why, but she was in a playful mood and was not going to question it. On her way down the stairs, it became silent and she wondered what they were up to. "Talking about me, were you?" she grinned.

  "You bet," Faith smirked as she wrapped her arms around her lover's back.

  "All good, I hope," Reece joked as she kissed Faith's head.

  "Hey, Boss, can we use your fuzzy cuffs?"

  The tall woman chuckled. "I guess I know what you were talking about, huh?" she led Faith to the couch and gestured for her to sit on her lap. "Sure, just don't get them all gross," she added.

  "Cool!" Violet cheered.

  "Hey, Cor, are you having a housewarming party?" Faith asked from her lover's embrace.

  "I didn't think of it, but now that you mention it... sure."

  "If you need any help painting or anything, let me know. I'm off all week," Reece offered.

  "Uhm, don't volunteer so fast, Reece. You will be tending to my needs, first and foremost," Faith said and kissed her quickly on the lips.

  "Sorry. You heard the lady, Cori, I have to take care of my baby first," Reece smiled and kissed Faith back a bit longer.

  "Oh no, here we go," Violet joked.

  "You're more than welcome to stay and watch, Cori. I know how you like that sort of thing," the tall woman teased.

  "You watch it, Reece. If it didn't embarrass Faith, I'd take you up on that offer," Cori warned.

  The actress mumbled something into Reece's neck.

  "I think she said, 'Pull up a chair,' Cor," Reece laughed.

  Cori glared at Faith's back. "Ha ha."

  Faith's hands snaked up inside Reece's shirt and found her breasts. The tall woman groaned.

  "Uh, you better either pull up that chair or leave the room, guys, she's not stopping..." Reece gasped as her nipples were toyed with. "I don't know how much more I can take without retaliating..."

  Violet and Cori shared a thoughtful look before winking at each other. "Okay, then we stay."

  "Babe, they're staying..." Reece warned her busy lover who once again mumbled something, this time into her cleavage.

  "She said..." the club owner dropped her head back and groaned as Faith became bolder, lifting her shirt and exposing her breasts to their friends before covering a nipple with her mouth. "...go away."

  The couple huffed in mock disappointment and disappeared into the guest room. Once inside, their giggles could be heard by the pair on the couch.

  "Faith... god, baby... you weren't going to stop, were you?"

  "Umph..." she shook her head between Reece's breasts and continued to ravish them.

  * * *

  Faith squeezed her arms around her lover's stomach and rubbed her chin into the leather-covered back. It had been a while since they had taken a ride and she was infinitely thrilled to be wrapped around Reece's body as she was now.

  A picnic... she smiled to herself. Reece is taking me on a picnic. Faith kissed Reece's back and wished her helmet wasn't stopping her from rubbing her face in the thick ponytail whipping around in front of her. With nothing else to do but think, she went over the last wonderful week with the club owner.

  Reece had been in a fantastic mood for the whole week she was off. She often visited the contracting crew at The Lounge, sometimes with Faith and Smudge in tow, sometimes on her own. From what the actress could tell, the club was going to look great and Reece was very pleased with her choices. In fact, nothing seemed to bother the tall woman at all lately. She was terribly playful and very compliant of even the silliest of her lover's whims. Faith knew it had something to do with the weight of Frankie's death no longer being a burden on Reece's soul. The tall woman let go of her savior turned mentor and it was like a black cloud was lifted from her world. Reece felt comfortable with Faith and her new friends and confident enough that she no longer needed to hold on to that part of her life any longer. It showed and Faith couldn't be happier.

  The actress recounted her day so far as she sat on the back of the Harley. This morning started off with sleeping in, something Faith was growing accustomed to lately, and ended with Reece making love to her in the most wonderful of ways. Faith relived that with a blissful expression on her face.

  After long moments of kissing and touching, Reece had lifted Faith onto her lap and the actress wrapped her legs around Reece's back. She caressed Faith almost reverently as she maintained eye contact. When the actress tried to touch her lover, Reece placed her hands back down. "Only you, Faith," the dark woman whispered, while her fingers traced the outline of Faith's breasts gently.

  Faith shivered at the ticklish feeling and attempted again to lift her hands.

  "No, let me make love to you," Reece said a little more forcefully, but in no way demanding. "Please..
." she added as her fingers brushed over hardened flesh.

  "Are you okay, Reece?" Faith asked breathlessly. This was unlike anything she had shared with her lover and, while she was hard pressed to argue, she needed to know everything was okay.

  "I'm perfect, you're perfect." The club owner leaned in and kissed Faith's chin, then her nose and then her lips. Reece pulled back slowly and continued to convey her love with her eyes and her hands.

  Faith sighed contentedly as the long fingers softly loved her breasts. This was new and wonderful, something she never experienced, nor thought possible of her strong lover. It was gentle and unselfish, and the way those eyes were watching her, it was almost religious. The fingers slipped lower and Faith jerked as they tickled down her ribs.

  "Sorry," Reece half chuckled as she let her fingers slide up and down Faith's thighs. "Does this feel good?" she asked as her lover expelled a shaky sigh.

  "It feels wonderful, sweetheart."

  "Good. Just relax and enjoy," Reece smiled the smile that made Faith feel special.

  The actress squeezed her legs tighter as those long fingers began an exquisite dance through her center. She closed her eyes briefly as they touched and teased her most sensitive spot and forced them open to find a look of pure happiness in Reece's eyes.

  "Its all about you today," Reece said as she worked her fingers in a familiar pattern. She smiled as her lover groaned with pleasure.

  Faith read the adoration in those baby blues and had an overwhelming feeling of pleasure gather in her belly. She opened her mouth to speak and was silenced by a gentle kiss.

  "I love you, Faith," Reece whispered across her lover's open lips.

  "God... I love you... too," Faith whispered brokenly as she started her journey to release.

  "That's it, baby... look at me," Reece urged quietly, watching Faith's eyes intently. They narrowed, then widened, then fluttered, giving Reece all of her.

  "Ohh... Reece... oh..."


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